Speaking of which, the Patriarch of Dongzheng also kept his promise and fulfilled the requirements of the two of them, but the result was really not very good.

'It's all to blame for this idiot!' Eltluqi felt that she was even more tired, she tried to relax her expression and said in a soft tone: "...Erquette, don't you feel uncomfortable being locked here? It will make you lose your freedom, and make you never see the vast world outside again."

Hei Ji of the Dead Apostle decides to understand her reason and move her with affection.

Unexpectedly, Elquette didn't appreciate it at all, shook his head and said: "...No, it's very good here, there are people delivering meals every day, and the types of meals are different every day, this is the first time I have eaten such a thing. Delicious food, that... The drink called 'Coke is also very good. The church people said that Roy had someone sent it from a far away place called America, and they said it was very expensive."

"...And Roy tells me stories every day, although some stories are boring, but some are really interesting, I tied myself like this in Millennium City, but no one gave me food The ones who drink and tell stories... By the way, Roy said that as long as you are obedient, he will tell me where Roja is, so can you be more obedient!"

Speaking of the back, Erquite looked at Eltluqi dissatisfied, as if seeing her disobedient sister made her very embarrassed.

'The concubine really plays the piano to the donkey.

'Alter Luqi covered her forehead with a headache. She finally remembered that although her younger sister was almost 800 years old, her actual age was estimated to be less than ten years old, because most of the time she was 10 years old. She was sleeping in the Millennium City and would only wake up when she killed Roja. Gaia was able to give her the knowledge of life, but that... in the end, it was just knowledge, not personal experience. She didn't know what 'freedom' was, and she didn't know what 'freedom' was. I don't understand the value of 'freedom'.

.............. If she can stay in the Millennium City for eight hundred years, then it seems to be no problem to change the place, and she is right, there is food and drink here, there is a man It's very nice to speak, and it's much better than the Millennium City.

Elquite had never eaten human food at all, and when he suddenly ate something delicious, it was like a child who tasted junk food for the first time. Naturally, he liked it very much.

It's just those...what did the real ancestor teach her, as a weapon, she doesn't need those...superfluous knowledge... Well, keeping promises also seems to be an excellent quality as a 'qualified weapon', which will make her easier to control.

'Keeping promises' is indeed a virtue that makes people praised, even concubines agree with this, but you use 'keeping promises' in the wrong place.

'Sir Rezovol, Lord Brad and Kathy Palug, where are you, come and save the concubine!' All unbelieving gods, Ertuluqi were forced to start praying. I am afraid that if I stay with Erquite for a long time, her IQ will also be pulled to the average level by her.

"Ladies, it's time to take your medicine... oh no, it's time to eat!"

At the door of the prayer room, Roy knocked on the door, and then... pushed the door and walked in with a large dinner plate in his hand.

Chapter 31 When I see you, I think of my wife

The door to the prayer room was open, and the sunlight shining in from the outside made both Ertuluqi and Erquite squinted, but neither of the sisters were those... the worst death. Even though I don't like the sun, I don't think I can't stand in the sun either.

The prayer room was very dark, but the snow-white and delicate skin of the two princesses couldn't hide their almost transparent skin even in the dark. In the small dark room, but for vampires, darkness is their favorite environment.

Roy walked into the prayer room and saw Eltluqi sitting pitifully in the corner, looking extremely aggrieved, staring at Roy with eyes full of humiliation and resentment, while Erquite beside her. Then he looked excited, and when he saw Roy, his tail almost wagged behind him.

"What's for dinner today, Roy!"

Elquite just... stood up, because her wrist was still connected to Eltluqi with a steel cable, and following her lead, she was sitting pitifully on the ground holding "Four, five, ,seven"

The knee of His Highness Heiji's arm was directly raised, and the whole person lost his balance, lying on the ground as if he had no bones.

"What are you stirring about, Elquite!"

Hei Ji, the dead disciple, cursed loudly. As the twenty-seven ancestors and ninth ancestor of the dead disciples, Ji Jun of the dead disciples, now she is so humiliated in front of Roy, the church people, she is so ashamed that she can't wait to be an ostrich and find her. Bury yourself in a seam.

But this kind of shame is not the first time, and soon Eltluqi just... calmed down, but also depressed in her heart, she has been spoiled by this stupid sister.

She patted her jet-black dress, but the prayer room was clean and there was no dust on her clothes. When she raised her head, it happened to meet Roy's half-smiley eyes, and Eltluqi was immediately... I panicked, my face became hot, and my eyes wandered.

"Because it's time to eat, of course you have to stand up and sit at the table. You don't even know this, right?"

Elquite looked at Eltluqi with contempt, which made Heiji of the Dead Apostle even more uncomfortable, that he would be despised by this idiot.

"Today is a traditional Russian breakfast, buckwheat and oatmeal, and apple-flavored Eulergye, caviar from the Black Sea and small meal bags can also be eaten as a side dish, and of course, Erqui Madam Te, you like to drink Coke."

Roy placed the food on the table while talking. Because the two were connected by chains, Eltluci reluctantly had to sit beside Elquette. .

"Olajiyi, I like to eat this, and the boulder cake you brought last time is also delicious!"

Erquite did not recognize birth at all, and sat at the table like a kindergarten child, with a spoon and a knife and fork in his hands, waiting for the teacher to serve the meal.

At the beginning, Elquite grabbed everything with his hands, and Roy...it doesn't matter, but in the end, Eltluqi couldn't stand it anymore, for the sake of 'Brenstadt' She was the one who taught her sister to use forks and chopsticks and other utensils from the East and the West.

With the true ancestor's ability to control one's own body, this is of course a matter of learning.

"Then next time I'll bring you more bollards, Ms. Elquite, sweet or salty"

Roy sat opposite the two princesses and said in a gentle tone.

"I like salty food."

"Then you are like me. I also like salty food. It seems that we are a pie."

Roy smiled.


Being recognized by others made Erquite happy, she gulps her food and said with her cheeks puffed up.

The Princess of the True Ancestor was created as a 'killing machine'. She had no self-emotion. In her life, she could only accept the order of the True Ancestor and then go to execution. It was Roja's deception that made Elquette Completely lost the absolute rationality of the machine, possessing sensibility, to a certain extent, Zheng Roja gave the princess real freedom.

But even so, for so many years, every time she went to the place where Roja was resurrected to kill him, and then returned to the 'Millennium City' to sleep, her emotions were like a blank piece of paper, although occasionally, but the words were very few, This was the first time she had said so much when she woke up.

She didn't understand why human beings communicated before, but now Erquite thinks she understands, because communication, especially with people who have common interests, really makes people feel very happy.

Emotions like 'happy' and 'joy' were the first time Erquite felt.

"How many times has the concubine said it, don't talk while eating, just swallow it!"

Eltluqi, who was beside her, couldn't stand it any longer, and glared at Erquite.

"Wuwu, I know you don't always scold me, it will make me look as stupid as you."

The True Ancestor's princess grumbled.

"You...you really want to **** off your concubine!"

Eltluqi's anger rose from her heart again.

At this time, Elquite listened to her sister's words, and suddenly changed from overeating to chewing slowly, and the movements in her hands became elegant. She was wearing a pure white dress, showing her beauty. Her snow-white shoulders, with the vain change of temperament, even Roy felt a momentary temptation for this princess with a perfect body.

'But cheating the mentally handicapped into bed is against the law.

' Roy sneered inwardly, and then... looked at Aerteluqi with interest, and now Aerteluqi seems to have a sister Fan, of course, what she said was more like Aier Quet's old mother... If the Death Apostles knew that these two princesses could sit and dine together in such a calm manner, they would definitely scare off their glasses, which is simply an impossible sight.

Of course, the two princesses were not calm at first, but after a while, the two princesses became honest.

"Looking at what the concubine does, the concubine is not like this idiot next to me. I will be deceived by your words, and I will not be affected by you... Xiaoen Xiaohui."

Seeing Roy's gaze, Eltluqi looked over, she was just... with her arms around her chest, her palm-sized face was raised, and her delicate and beautiful face showed arrogance and disdain.

"You scold me again!"

Erquite was unhappy, but she still swallowed the oatmeal in her mouth obediently, and it was she who was dissatisfied with resisting the verbal violence of Ertuluqi.

"Concubine not only wants to scold you, but also wants to beat you!!"

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