"Do you really want to go to the church? I have investigated this church before, and there are indeed agents there, but with the quantity and quality of the agents there, it is impossible to stop Lord Ji Jun. Rezovor, wouldn't you? I think Lord Ji Jun will be in danger in front of such a group of agents."

Along the way, the white knight continued to babble, while the black knight remained silent.

Just when Peter and Paul Cathedral appeared in the sight of the two and one cat, the black knight suddenly stopped, and Brad, the white knight behind him, almost collided.

"What are you doing, Rezovor, did you see Ji-kun?"

Brad stuck his head out and looked in the direction of the church, and then he just stood there with his eyes wide open like the black knight..." It was indeed Lord Ji Jun, but it was another Bit..."

The black knight's face became even more gloomy, he quickly grabbed Brad's arm and retreated into the side alley, "... restrain your breath, Brad! If you are executed by this... 'True Ancestor' 'It's not good to find out about us!"

Brad also knew the priorities, he followed the black knight to quickly dodge, and the princess of the true ancestor who was following the agent in front of him also looked back suspiciously at this time.

"Miss Elquite, what's the matter with you?"

The agent beside the True Ancestor Princess asked suspiciously.

"Ahaha, maybe I feel wrong."

Erquite, who was originally a stern face with a cold and beautiful face, immediately.

He patted his head and smirked.

"Ahead is... Peter and Paul Church, where the Patriarch is waiting for you."

"The patriarch you said really knows where Roja is"

"Of course, the Patriarch, as God's spokesman on earth, will not lie."

Several delegates drew crosses on their chests: , said reverently.

...In the alley, seeing the Princess of the True Ancestor walking towards the church, the two knights... gave up their plans to go to the church.

"Rizoval, do you think Lord Ji Jun sensed her sister's arrival, so she left without notifying us?"

Brad analyzed it carefully like a detective, and although it sounded a bit humiliating, as if Eltluce was hiding from Elquette, but in fact 'Ancient Red' is... in Hiding from their sister, the two had a hatred for haircuts, and now Ertuluqi's old injury has not healed, and she absolutely does not want to meet Erquite.

The black knight thought for a while and agreed: "...Brad, you are right, the white princess should be 1.

1 It was attracted by the breath of the snake of Akashia, and Lord Ji Jun probably noticed the arrival of the White Princess and left first, let’s leave the city too, Lord Ji Jun should leave us a secret note.”

After some discussion, the two knights decided to leave.

"Cathy Palug, what are you looking at? Let's go to Lord Ji Jun."


The strange cat who was looking at the church at the entrance of the alley had a puzzled look on its face. It carefully observed the church again, and finally left under the urging of the black and white knight.

In this way, the two knights and one cat lost their Lord Ji Jun.

... In 'Golden Heaven', Roy also sensed the arrival of Elquite.

'Why did it arrive so soon two days earlier than I expected.

' Roy suddenly had a headache, the Black Princess of the Dead Apostle and the White Princess of the True Ancestor appeared here together, they would not let this St. Petersburg.



The most historic church will die just like that.

Chapter 27 Like Heaven

The 'Millennium City' has been beaten to the verge of being shattered. The magnificent castle has turned into ruins, the fountain in the garden has become a piece of stone, the blooming flowers are only dust, and the neat and magnificent city walls also have mottled traces. .

Elter Luqi stood in the 'Millennium City', her jade hands clenched and loosened, a pair of soft and snow-white jade feet stepped among the ruins and weeds, and she didn't know where the beautiful crystal high-heeled shoes were kicked by her.

This dilapidated 'Millennium City' was destroyed by her, but the previous series of actions were not so much a battle as it was the enemy playing dodgeball with him. Ji Jun didn't even touch a corner of the other's clothes.

Eltluqi's delicate body trembled slightly, it was not fear but anger and shame from the bottom of her heart. The blood-red eyes were full of murderous intent. If the eyes could kill, it is estimated that Roy at this time would have been killed by thousands of people. Knives slashed.

Not only did she kneel down in front of the other party, but she even shouted to the other party in shame, 'Dad, this sense of shame almost made Eltluqi's brain bloodshot, and even made her feel the urge to commit suicide if she couldn't kill the other party.

Zhu Yue didn't like her as a 'defective' product. When the true ancestor king was still alive, Eltluqi's status was not high, she just lived in the mockery of the true ancestors, waiting until Zhu Yue was finally torn apart, she was freed, and since that day 22, this... ancient red has been caught in an endless battle.

Competing with the true ancestors, with her own sister, and with the dead disciples, because she knows that she has nothing, and only fights with all her strength to have the meaning of life.

The Dead Apostles are a very tragic product, because the Dead Apostles' perception of 'entertainment' has degenerated, and the Dead Apostles can only feel the joy of living when they compete with each other for power territory, which is why the Twenty-Seven Patriarchs of the Dead Apostles The reason why they always fight and kill each other.

And Eltluqi, who has half the blood of a dead apostle, is more tragic than the average dead apostle. The too chaotic bloodline makes her not recognized by the true ancestor, let alone by those...... .. Accepted by the ancient dead apostles, she can only tenaciously find the meaning of herself in the thousand-year battle.

She is arrogant and stronger than anyone else, but she is such a proud ancient red, but today she was insulted from body to heart, and she still used the memory that she hated and missed the most. to insult.

"Kill you...kill you..."

The teeth bit the red lips, and the magic power that turned murderous into essence swept across the sky and the earth, the scarlet blood almost flowed into a sea of ​​blood, and the 'Millennium City' turned into hell, but the other party was really like an aloof angel, no blood stains. Contaminated his body, it was like despising her in heaven... a demon who fell into hell.

She should let the other party pay with blood and soul for such an insult, but at this moment, Ertuluqi was a little tired, because she really couldn't help the other party.

"Ancient Red, you are already very tired. There are too many things to think about. The huge pressure will crush your body and mind. Why don't you convert to my lord, enjoy a moment of peace here, and let yourself vent out the thousand years. The exhaustion that has accumulated since then.”

Roy is like a priest who persuades people to be kind and sympathetic to the world. He stood above the dilapidated 'Millennium City', and a pair of huge wings behind him dyed the sky with splendid holy light, persuading this... the dead disciple. Ji Jun temporarily let go of everything to enjoy the peace in life.

Eltluqi laughed, her icy voice as cold as a spring showed extreme coldness, and she gnashed her teeth: "...Concubine won't be because of these...just mere things. I was crushed by pressure, don't compare my concubine to those... weak humans, what my concubine wants to do now is... bite your neck with your teeth and drain your blood After drinking it cleanly, I have never tasted the blood of an angel."

The dead disciple Ji Jun licked her lips and showed a **** smile. At this time, she finally understood why the church would call this... Patriarch Dongzheng an 'angel on earth'.

Even Ji Jun, who is a dead apostle, doesn't recognize him at this time, that... tall figure in heaven, his holiness, his boundless power are indeed the same as the angels recorded in the "Bible", it is definitely not the so-called 'baptism chant' miracles that can be achieved.

But does the angel, which is even more illusory than the dragon, exist? Or, did the legendary God Yahweh return to this world, or how could anyone have such an inescapable...' The Power of the Bible'.

The "Bible" is called the world's largest magic base by the Magic Association, because it is single, it is omnipotent, and this figure in front of him undoubtedly holds the miracle of the "Bible".

"Where is this place?"

Eltluqi is vigilant of the surrounding environment. When she destroyed this 'Millennium City', she was also looking for the possibility of leaving this 'enchantment', but in the end, Eltluqi found sadly that she could use herself Now that her serious injuries have not healed, she simply doesn't have enough strength to break through here, which means that her... the dead disciple Ji Jun has become a turtle in a urn.

Even if this... 'Earth Angel' doesn't take action in person, as long as he spreads the news at this time and calls many agents and Templars, it is enough to completely seal her... Ancient Red, becoming the biggest achievement since the establishment of the church.

"This is Peter and Paul Church!"

Roy answered the question of Eltluqi.

"Is Peter and Paul Church really something like an inherent barrier?"

Eltluqi's tone was getting restless. If it was a real enchantment, she would not be afraid, because the inherent enchantment will be purified more and more with the passage of time. Even in powerful magicians and dead disciples, it is impossible. It can block the power of the restraining force, but this environment that recalls the scenery of the 'Millennium City' does not look like an inherent enchantment, because there is no sign of being eliminated by the restraining force! "The inherent enchantment is close to The great magic of magic replaces reality with a false world of mental images, so it will inevitably be eliminated by the inhibitory force, just like a foreign body appears in the human body and will be attacked by the immune system... But Unlike the 'Golden Supreme Sky', this is the real world, and even the restraining force will only consider Qi to be a 'parallel world, which will exist forever as long as it is opened."

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