Immediately, Her Royal Highness, in a childish childish voice, tried hard to learn a woman's coquettish voice: "...Dear, you are finally here."

Hearing her name, Roy's face darkened, and he pretended to be angry and reprimanded: "...No matter how big or small, what do you call me!"

The queen who was hanging on the branch said aggrieved: "...the queen mother always calls you the godfather when no one is there. Why can the queen call you that, but I can't."

When the voice fell, the maids under the tree were all trembling with fear, and they lowered their heads one by one, pretending that they were deaf and couldn't hear anything. The training of the master turned into a stone sculpture.

Roy is even more angry. This little girl always looks cold and ignorant when facing strangers, but as long as she faces acquaintances, her nature will be exposed, and she is quirky. It gave the czar's family a headache. The 'little devil' that Yanfeng said before was... She was referring to her, because she was always naughty and mischievous like a little devil, and was punished every few days.

"Come down, Anna!"

"The godfather, you have to catch me."

Under the silence of the maids, Anastasia just... jumped down from the tree, like a butterfly catching fire, spreading its wings and fluttering towards Roy.

Roy opened his hand to catch the little girl's delicate body without much weight, and took off the strength without showing any trace, without hurting her.

"Look at your hair is dirty, your clothes are torn open, and then you will be scolded by your father and mother again."

Roy plucked out a fallen leaf from Her Royal Highness's hair, and looked at the hole scraped by the branches of the lace on her silver-white ornate palace dress, just... tapped her forehead hard.

"If the father and the queen scold me, then...then I will run away with the godfather and go to a place where no one knows us, only me and the godfather live together."

Anastasia hugged Roy's hand and shook it vigorously, her childish voice was tender, but she looked like a little adult.

"What a mess of books you read again, Anna!"


Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet."

Anastasia squinted her beautiful big eyes and smiled, revealing her teeth that were missing a few teeth.

The young princess did not have any troubles, and was always chatting all day long, like a cheerful lark.

I really hope she can never have troubles, but Roy knows that is impossible, because she is the last princess raised by this already troubled empire.

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Chapter 10 Changes in the Clock Tower

"Your Majesty, my friend, I'm really sorry to have you come to the Summer Palace by car for so long."

Roy took Anastasia's hand and walked into the luxurious palace surrounded by dozens of fountains. In a living room full of luxury and golden brilliance, he saw the tsar and his queen.

The... nearly forty-year-old tsar stood up from the sofa and warmly welcomed Roy.

As the godfather of the princess, he has known this... Czar for a few years, and the two are also familiar with each other.

Beside the tsar, Her Majesty the graceful and luxurious queen also stood up. She had an elegant expression and had the demeanor of a mother in the world, which reminded people of the well-known 'Queen of French Cakes' Marie, but Roy knew that this woman secretly In fact, she is hysterical, because she has hemophilia inherited from the European royal family.

There are too many royal marriages in many European countries, so the scope of genetic screening will be greatly reduced, and some troublesome genetic diseases have been circulating for hundreds of years.

"Anna, your godfather caught you being naughty again."

Queen Alexandra first pulled her little daughter and scolded her in front of Roy. Although Anastasia was always playful, she did not dare to refute in front of her mother. , just pouted unhappily.

"Alexey, hurry up and greet His Majesty."

Beside Nicholas II, there is a boy younger than Princess Anastasia, this is the only son of the Tsar, Nicholas II has four daughters and one son, Prince Alexei's son The youngest, according to the law of succession, he is also the first in line to the Tsar.

The little boy dressed in neat aristocratic clothes stood up and said in a childish voice, "... Greetings to you, Your Majesty."

"Just like you say hello, Your Royal Highness."

Roy nodded with a smile, and the well-behaved little boy also sat down. He sat upright beside his father, but looked at his coquettish sister with a little envy in his eyes.

Among the five 55 children of Nicholas II, the fourth princess is the youngest daughter, and has a godfather like Roy, so she is favored more, even if she is naughty, she will always be forgiven. But the youngest prince, as the heir to the future tsar, has been consciously trained in strict etiquette.

"Alexei is much more obedient than her sister, and Anna will be spoiled by you, Your Majesty."

Nicholas II was joking, and you could tell from his expression that whatever...

Whether facing his son or daughter, he is very doting.

"His Royal Highness Anna is still very well-behaved, Your Majesty."

Roy said a few words according to Nicholas II's meaning, but he also slandered in his heart. Now Anastasia is indeed a bear child, and under normal circumstances, it is very annoying.

Yes, as for why everyone likes her so much, who told her to be beautiful, beautiful and smart girls are always loved by everyone.

"It's..., Father! The godfather said that I'm very good, so don't always say that I'm naughty and disobedient in the future."

Anastasia, who was following her mother, interjected, with a little smugness in her childish voice.

"I don't know the rules, Anna! The godfather is talking to your royal father, how can you just interrupt!"

Queen Alexandra saw that there were no outsiders here, so she just... slapped Her Royal Highness on the buttocks hard, and was taught by her mother that Her Royal Highness did not dare to speak, so she could only look at Roy ask for help.

Roy pretended not to see it, and just asked Nicholas II, "...What's the matter with His Majesty bringing me to the summer palace?"

Hearing Roy asking about the business, Nicholas II looked a lot more serious, and said to his wife: "...Dear, take Alexei and Anna for a walk outside, I I have something to do with Your Majesty.

to discuss."

At this time, not even Her Royal Highness, after answering, she left the room temporarily with her mother, but before walking out the door, Anastasia winked back at Roy, her beautiful Big eyes, as if telling his godfather to go to her after talking to the royal father.

After only Roy and Nicholas were left in the room, the atmosphere suddenly became condensed.

Roy first picked up the cup on the table, took a sip of European-style black tea that he was not used to, and then... opened his mouth and said, "...Your Majesty has been living in the summer palace for the past few years and has not gone."

"To be honest, Alexei, like his mother, was also tested for hemophilia. In order not to cause problems with his body, I can only try to live in one place and not move around."

Speaking of his own child, the... tsar's tone was much softer.

"Your Majesty, do you know about Father Gapon?"

"If your Majesty is talking about Father Gapon, who led tens of thousands of workers to peacefully demonstrate in the Winter Palace, of course I know that he is a devout Orthodox Christian, but your Majesty, you have to believe what this... devout Christian did. It was of his own volition and had nothing to do with the church."

Roy whispered that in this age of democracy and freedom, this kind of thing happens from time to time.

Nicholas II was distressed and said: "...Of course I know this has nothing to do with the church. Recently, these....rebels are really increasing. In the war in the island country in the east, my stupid general actually lost the battle, and the news was sent back to the country, which made those... ordinary people even more arrogant, and now I have been devastated by them! "

"Then, Your Majesty, are you thinking of making any changes? The domestic economic situation is not very good. If this continues, more and more people will join in."

Roy asked.

"Of course, Your Majesty, of course I know! Since they ask, I will grant them, I can promise inviolability of the person, freedom of belief, speech, assembly and association, even...even if They're still aggressive, and I can learn from my cousin's country and enforce some kind of 'constitutional monarchy.'"

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