Nicholas II talked incessantly, but Roy could see that the emperor did not intend to really let go of his power at all. He wanted to keep his power, but he also wanted to solve various sharp contradictions in the country. Of course, everything it is doing now is simply delaying and deceiving tactics.

But the people may be deceived by him for a while, but in the end, it can only be the emperor's majesty.

However, Roy will not remind the emperor, let alone give advice to him. The decaying and dictatorial monarchy will eventually be replaced. This is the general trend of history and the development of human principles.

"Compared to these things, there are some things that need your attention."

After a fierce and high-spirited statement about the means he was going to use to face the domestic situation, Nicholas II raised a new question.

"Oh, is there something I need to help Your Majesty?"

Roy asked unhurriedly, if it is a major matter that hinders human affairs, then Roy decides to pretend to promise to come down to work and not work hard, if it is just some small matter, Roy is also willing to help the emperor solve the trouble.

"I have the ability to solve the common people in the country, but there are some hidden things that need to be solved by your church."

Nicholas II considered his tone, thinking about the news he had received, " cousin George V told me that London were called There has been a big change in the group of magicians working as the 'Magic Association Clock Tower' recently."

Roy played with the teacup in his hand and listened to Nicholas II's message. Although the magician pursues concealment, for characters like the tsar and the British king, the so-called concealment does not exist, especially the 'clock tower'. His hometown is in London, right under the eyes of the king of England. As the 'Empire on which the sun never sets', he will naturally know a little bit about the magicians in his capital, and there will even be magicians serving the royal family. Just like in the Middle Ages.

................."There is a change in the clock tower, are they pointing right here"

It's not that Roy's news is blocked, but that although he is the Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox, he is not in charge of the Holy Church, and that... the secret organization of the Crusaders has a set: its own operating system.

"Yes, Your Majesty, if they hadn't pointed directly here, I wouldn't be bothered to manage a magic organization on the Atlantic islands. Now that my country is already messed up enough, I don't want these messy people to come out and make trouble again."

It can be seen that the tsar didn't care about the so-called clock tower at all, but this is understandable. Now that the mystery is declining, magicians can only use 'concealment' to hide in the dark, don't look at the 'clock tower' as if it is famous , but for an empire that holds a huge territory, the clock tower is really no big deal.

After all, except...a very few magicians, most magicians are not very destructive, and magicians are just ordinary people, and a bullet can send them to see Satan.

"Then, Your Majesty, do you know what happened in the Clock Tower?"

Roy is even less afraid of the clock tower, so he asked quite casually.

"It seems to be one of the twelve monarchs of the law and politics department, what is the name of Bathermelo... Hey, I seem to have heard this surname somewhere, it should be a family that can be traced back to the Roman period, it is really ancient Woolen cloth."

Nicholas II tried to recall.

"Bathmerona of the Legal Affairs Department is indeed a change in the clock tower, but please rest assured, Your Majesty, I dare not say anything else, but no matter what...

Whether it's magicians or those... inhuman blood-sucking species, I will make them behave well when they come to the church's territory, and try not to let them disturb the lives of normal residents."

Roy nodded and smiled.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Your Majesty!"


Chapter Eleven There's No Way To Be Too Handsome

Roy and Nicholas II had a very good conversation in the summer palace. The two talked directly about the meal time in the evening from the afternoon. When the two left the room to go to the restaurant to eat, they met Alexandra at the door. Queen.

"Your Majesty, what about Anna?"

Roy looked around and didn't find the figure of Her Royal Highness, just... asked.

Although she is in her thirties, the queen, who has well-maintained skin, smiled helplessly: "...Anna doesn't know where she went, and has been complaining to me all afternoon about the godfather's discord. She was playing, and in a blink of an eye... she disappeared, but don't worry, she can't escape from the summer palace."

"Nonsense, what a formality! Mianxia is not in the summer palace... to play with her!"

When Nicholas II heard that Anastasia was being petty again, it was... when he blew his beard, he finally became a little angry. Although this... Czar has always been very gentle with his family, he was very kind to his willful daughter. It was impolite and angry.

Follow the Queen "823,"

Prince Alexei shrank his neck, lowered his head and dared not say a word.

"Anna is still young after all, so don't be angry with Your Majesty. Well, I will go to find Anna and not have a meal with Your Majesty. Even if this place is heavily guarded, I must be careful of any dangers, especially in St. Petersburg recently.



It's not peaceful."

Roy persuaded in a gentle tone.

"Hey, my majesty, I have to take care of my little girl, but I'm really sorry."

Nicholas II's originally angry expression gradually eased, and after a pause he continued: "...Your Majesty is indeed the spokesperson of the Lord in the world, every time I am in front of you, I will feel peace of mind, Regardless of....

How much trouble and melancholy, as long as I can chat with Your Majesty for an afternoon, I will feel comfortable."

Roy's "seeing the face of God" made him very charismatic, and coupled with his innocence, even if he was not a believer, he would be awed by the holiness and holiness. In front of him, it would be like standing beside an angel, like entering heaven.

"If chatting with Your Majesty can make you feel at ease, then I will often come to the summer palace to accompany you. As for Anna, she is my goddaughter, and it is natural to take good care of her."

Roy's words were gentle and calm, and the slightly complimenting words made Nicholas II smile immediately. Roy was so good at talking, he always made people feel happy, and unconsciously felt trust, which is why in Tsarist Russia Some of the upper echelons even thought he was a sycophant.

Queen Alexandra asked at this time: "...Is Your Majesty going to stay in the Summer Palace today?"

Roy looked up, the queen in front of him was like spring water, and there was a hint of teasing in his eyes, and the coquettish atmosphere of a mature woman rushed to her face. To be able to give birth to a beautiful girl like Anastasia, Her Majesty the Queen is naturally very rare. The beauty obtained, even if she is older, but more charming.

Roy shook his head and said regretfully: "...When I find Anna and coax her to eat and sleep, I will go back. I have to work overtime at night about the things I discussed with His Majesty in the afternoon."

"Haha, this is mine, isn't it, and it will make it difficult for Your Majesty to sleep at night. The few bottles of good vintage in my wine storehouse, Your Majesty must take them back and taste them."

Nicholas II said enthusiastically, showing that the Tsar's family had great trust in Roy, the Patriarch of the East.

Only Queen Alexandra glanced at Roy with some resentment, feeling that she would be lonely and sleepless again tonight, but since Roy has a serious business, it is not easy for her to keep her as a queen.

After talking to the couple again, Roy left. After thinking about it, he went directly to the back garden of the palace.

Walking with Kotomine on the way to the back garden, Roy is also dark. In the past, his relationship with women was already excellent, but after reaching the pinnacle of human beings and clearing everything, Roy seems to have completely inherited Aleister. Everything about her is just... just like Aleister, even if she just stands there and doesn't say anything, she is surrounded by Yingyingyanyan.

The nobles of this dying dynasty are decadent and extravagant, and those noble ladies and young ladies are even more daring and active, and sometimes Roy can't hide even if he wants to.

"Hey, there's nothing you can do about being too handsome."

Roy scratched his face and sighed helplessly.

...In the back garden, and sure enough, Roy saw Her Royal Highness at the swing in the garden, Anastasia turned her back to him, and was sitting on the swing, swaying gently, her slender hands were holding the swing. The ropes of her, the faint brilliance of the setting sun sprinkled on her back, as if plated with a layer of gold, while the desolate back of the princess in the uninhabited garden seemed a little lonely.

Roy walked over lightly, and then suddenly covered Anastasia's eyes with his hands, causing the princess to meow in fright.


After being frightened, Anastasia immediately knew who was coming. She pretended to be angry and grabbed the hand at her eyes, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move it, she just... she said dissatisfiedly: " ...Godfather, aren't you talking to the emperor? Why are you here?"

"I have finished talking with your father, your father and mother are not looking for you, but I was a little worried, so I pushed their dinner to come to you, and the little girl is sulking again"

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