Roy chuckled lightly. He stood up and walked to the window behind him. He opened the window and let the cool wind blow into the bedroom. He stared at the not-dazzling sun overhead and asked again. : "... Kotomine, as an agent, you are always on the front line, and you have been in contact with the bottom of the society. What do you think of the current situation in this country?"

Kotomine thought about the relationship between Roy and Nicholas II, and wanted to say something nice, but he didn't dare to lie in front of Roy, so he said the truth: "...shaky!"


Yeah, crumbling, when chaos comes, when human society is thrown into chaos, that's when...magicians and those...inhuman dead apostles are most active, of course magicians It’s not bad, they are still human after all, and they need to rely on human society to survive, and they won’t be too pushy, unless they can eliminate technology and return the world to the great source of the Age of Gods, but obviously they can’t.”

"...And for those... non-human races, in this human generation after the age of gods, the disordered world is simply... their carnival dance, and it is This is the best time for those... non-humans to suppress human rights."

Roy's expression was cold, as if he was a god, a supreme angel sitting on the clouds, giving a panoramic view of the changes and development of the entire human world, which made people feel awe in vain.

But he is more like a 'Guardian of Humanity'.

"Your Majesty, you mean... war"

Kotomine's tone stuttered.

"Hehe, the wars between Tsarist Russia and the Far Eastern island countries have just ended, and all parts of the world are gearing up for it. If there is any misunderstanding, a world-class war of Zhao Lihao will break out."

Roy's eyes seemed to see through history, and his voice was compassionate and compassionate.

"Then what words should we do"

Kotomine asked subconsciously.

"What we should do remember, we just do what the Lord wills."

Roy's words are quite clever, but for a cult like Kotomine, this is simply the greatest philosophy and teachings of God, making him look pious.

"Well, even the church can't stop the general trend of the world, and it can't stop it. What we have to do is... to clear out the heretics that... jumped out of this chaos."

"...By the way, Nicholas II asked me to go to the summer palace. Come with me too."

Hearing Roy's words, Yanfeng's expression changed, and he smiled bitterly: "...I want to see that...little devil again."

"Haha!! As a clergyman, it's not a good thing to talk about demons all the time."

Roy looked happy and laughed out loud.


Chapter 9 The Princess of Permafrost

Outside the Peter and Paul Cathedral, a carriage is parked outside the door. Although the internal combustion engine has been invented in this era, the car is still in its infancy. The current car is more like a four-wheeled bicycle, which is not the same as the future car. And words.

Roy got into the carriage, Kotomine, who was acting as his agent, was in front of his coachman, and behind the carriage that Roy was sitting in, there were several other carriages that followed a few meters away, those... . are all acting to protect him.

"We strongly demand fair treatment and reasonable working hours!"

"We want to see His Majesty Nicholas II!!"

"Peace, not war!!"


There were noisy but neat shouts from outside the carriage, Roy opened the curtain of the carriage and looked out, and saw that under the leadership of several Orthodox priests, thousands of people were following the priest in St. Petersburg.



Peaceful demonstrations in the streets.

These people are all dressed in thin clothes, their clothes are tattered, and their exposed skin is very rough. Judging from their hands full of calluses and rough skin, they should all be workers.

These workers have to work more than ten hours in the factory every day, and can't rest for two days a month. Even so, their wages are pitiful, and they can barely make ends meet. Most of the profits they earn are taken away by greedy capitalists. go.

Roy looked at the eyes of these people, they were angry, without any numbness, and in the eyes of the pair of workers, Roy saw a red flame burning, it was a spark of fire.

After seeing Roy's carriage going out, no matter what...

Whether it was the priest who led the procession or those workers, they all temporarily stopped their demonstrations and bowed down to salute. Some people still have a cross on their chests. It can be seen that many people here are believers.

Weekends, eight-hour workdays, this is a system that many ancestors fought hard for Saying that overtime should be done means working harder.

"The exploited have to speak for the capitalists, either stupid or bad!"

Roy sneered.

...Summer Palace is located in St. Petersburg.



Thirty kilometers away, at the speed of a horse-drawn carriage, it took almost an hour to arrive.

Roy was already a frequent visitor to this royal palace, and the guards didn't even check or block it, just let him go.

The carriage was parked in the lower garden of the Summer Palace, and the agents who followed Roy were all invisible. Their protection was hidden in the dark, and only Koto Feng followed Roy.

The two walked from the lower garden to the upper garden, stepping on the neat stone bricks under their feet, and after a while... heard the anxious voice of the maid from the garden in front: "His Royal Highness, come down quickly, This tree is too high, please don't fall!"

After walking around the corner, Roy and Yanfeng realized what happened, and the corners of Qianfeng's mouth twitched directly, his face full of helplessness.

As the residence of Nicholas II, the luxury of the Summer Palace exceeds any period in the past. The entire upper garden of the Summer Palace is full of flowers. Every few steps there are statues and gushing springs. Under the tree, several court maids in maid uniforms were turning around, anxiously and frightened on the tree, and shouting loudly.

On that tree, a little girl dressed in a luxurious court dress stepped on the trunk like a monkey. As the trunk swayed back and forth, the maids under the tree saw that it was pale.

But then... the little girl didn't seem to notice the screams of the maids at all, and only cared about herself having fun.


Suddenly, a low shout came, and the little girl who was running around like a monkey on the tree froze in place. The maids only saw the coming. After seeing Roy, all the maids showed a relieved look. , they held up the corners of their skirts and hurriedly saluted: "...see Your Majesty!"

The girl standing on the tree turned her head stiffly.

She has... shawls of long silver hair, as soft as the winter snow outside Moscow, facial features like the perfect masterpiece of a Renaissance sculptor, a tall nose, deep eye sockets, as blue as the sky The pure eyes, the pointed face of melon seeds are dotted with a touch of red lips, and the skin that is too snow-white is like the snow on the top of Mount Elbrus, and it is translucent.

Those deep facial features have the rigor of the Germanic people, and they seem to be the fairy in the fantasy depicted by the golden ratio. Although the age seems to be only six or seven years old, it can already make people see her peerless elegance after adulthood.



Romanova, the princess of this permafrost, is also Roy's goddaughter.

After seeing Roy, Her Royal Highness's sapphire eyes flashed with joy, followed by the pair of big dripping eyes... Rotating, lively and agile.

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