Echidona, the witch of lust, walked beside the bookshelves of the forbidden library, walking in the corridor between the bookshelves, her fingers resting on the thick backs of the books, and as she walked forward, the tender belly of her fingers stroked all the books.

For Echidona, the incarnation of the thirst for the unknown and the thirst for knowledge, books are her favorite things, just as her power is reflected in the Book of Wisdom.

The current Echidona is just a phantom and not a physical body. Even after four hundred years of research, the witch of **** has not really completed the magical miracle of 'soul materialization'. Einz in the moon world Beren's family spent so long in pursuit of 'the third magic' without really succeeding, so you can see how difficult it is to really master and understand 'magic'.

However, Echidona did not gain anything. In the past four hundred years of research, she has already done her own research on this magic. If it is the research results, she can even surpass that of the Einzbern family... a thousand-year-old family. .

An ordinary magician cannot compare to a witch incarnated by "greed".

Roy knew that at least before she left this world, it was impossible for Echidona to complete the 'third magic', but Roy was not in a hurry, time always stood by.

The words of the **** witch finally made Beatrice's stagnant activity start. She raised her lost eyes and looked at Roy, who was looking in parallel with her. The little girl elf grinned and cried. Come out: "... Betty, Betty should be happy, this is the result of Betty's four hundred years of waiting, Betty finally completed the agreement with her mother, but... But Betty is a big elf , Betty's life now has no meaning, mother, please tell Betty what Betty should do."

Even though she knew that she had been played by Echidona for 400 years, and had been waiting alone for 400 years because of a witch's curiosity, Beatrice hated Echidona, the... creator, this... I don't care, even at this time, I'm still looking for advice from Echidona.

Seeing this, Roy couldn't help slandering his heart. Your IQ is as naive as your appearance. It's like being sold and counting money for others. It's too good to be deceived.

At this time, Echidona seemed to have lost interest in Beatrice. On Parker and Beatrice, Echidona completed the artificial creation of the great elf, and in Beatrice, she learned about the great elf's contract The solemnity, and after the unknown is answered, Beatrice, the tool person, has no meaning to Echidona.

This is the **** witch, she only lives for the unknown, when you make her curious, she will try her best to help you through the difficulties and answer all your problems, but when the **** witch loses her curiosity about you When you are in your heart, no matter how close your relationship was before, this witch will not hesitate to abandon you as if she were on a shoestring.

It is also fortunate that Roy has sufficient confidence in the unknowns in himself, and believes that even if Echidona spends her whole life, she will not be able to obtain all his unknowns. Roy is also convinced that this has a close relationship with him, and even spends time with him every day. On the bed, a woman who has almost no physical gap between the two will abandon him at any time.

Echidona is really a role model among scumbags.

'But it's also suitable for a scumbag to match a scumbag.

' Roy laughed to himself.

"Beatrice, your agreement with me is over. I said in the agreement that when the person you're waiting for arrives, you just need to listen to that person. Now what you're waiting for is... Mr. Roy , so your ownership belongs to Lord Roy, you can do whatever he wants you to do, and of course you can choose freely."

Echidona turned around and looked at Beatrice, this beautiful witch in black mourning clothes showed a heart-warming smile to the big elf. Her expression was full of joy and teasing, as if she had known Beatrix for a long time. Triss's choice.

Sure enough, Beatrice looked at Roy with hope and anxiety, no longer the impolite behavior before, but begged: "... Lord Roy, please, please give Betty The meaning of a life! No matter what you do, as long as there is... a promise."

... Beatrice said with tears in her eyes.

Facing the petition of the young girl elf, Roy thought for a while and said, "...Continue to guard the forbidden library, Beatrice! But if you don't guard here, you won't lose your freedom, I will. Move the forbidden library to my mansion, you will manage the forbidden library as a job, just organize it before going to bed every day, and in the rest of the time, you can go anywhere and do whatever you want thing."

The big elf must have a contract and a meaning in life to survive. Roy asked her to continue to manage the forbidden library, which made Beatrice not wandering, but regarded the forbidden library as her home, while the rest In time, Roy allowed her to have freedom again, instead of staying in the library of forbidden books like Echidona's mandatory contract to her.

This is the best solution Roy can think of for Beatrice, the way to save her.


With a cry, Beatrice threw herself into Roy's arms, tears gushing down.

Roy patted her back lightly and said again: "...Dona originally created the 'sanctuary' to prevent the 'devil's pursuit, and now there is no need to exist there, I Will let Donna lift... 'The ban on the Sanctuary, I think Beatrice, you miss your friend Leuz too, you haven't seen each other in four hundred years."

"Wow wow wow..."

Beatrice cried even louder and hugged Roy tightly.

"You're still so good at coaxing children, Lord Roy."

Seeing this scene, Echidona seemed to think of what happened when Roy coaxed Typhon into the world of 'Golden Supremacy' and deceived the little girl and let him get 'Pride'. ...with a playful laugh.

Chapter 192: Copper Alchemist Roy

"I said, Beatrice, could you be quiet, I regret taking you home now!"

In Roy's mansion where Lugnica belonged, Roy, who was reading quietly in the bedroom, couldn't help but raised his head, took off his flat mirror, and faced the... for a while... the door came in, and for a while... . Beatrice, who went out after closing the door, complained.

The book in his hand is one of the forbidden books, but it is not an esoteric magic book. For Roy, the most esoteric thing in this world is the power of the witch, and he naturally does not see other magics. in the eyes.

The book in Roy's hand is a philosophy book. In addition to the hidden magic books in the forbidden library, there are many taboo thoughts in this world. In Roy's view, these... ...... or crazy, or funny or scary thoughts, there are also many amazing things.

Like Echidona, Roy is also a lover of books, and is open to anyone who comes, no matter how...

What is "Zero Four Three"

Book, as long as it has its own value, Roy will review it.

"Roy... Your lord... When are we going to the Sanctuary!"

Beatrice pulled a long tail on Roy's name, and finally read the sentence out, and then... the tone couldn't wait to urge.

"Don't rush, and don't run around like a cat, Beatrice!"

Roy sighed helplessly.

Anyone who has ever raised a cat knows that cats are always curious and scurrying around, except...when the cat sleeps, there is no quiet time at home, and Beatrice, who has just been freed Si is like a Persian cat with double ponytails, showing her curiosity to the fullest.

Four hundred years of life has made Beatrice read countless books. She can understand the outside world by reading, but the words and contents recorded in the book are not as shocking as the reality she has seen with her own eyes. Triss, like a newborn child, fell into the excitement of curiosity about the world.

I am interested in everything, and I have to ask a few questions about everything. When Ram and Rem go out, she will also run out. Fortunately, Beatrice is curious, and her inner arrogance keeps her from doing anything. They all moved up, and for the time being, there was no big mistake.

Roy thought about how pitiful she was after being imprisoned for 400 years, but it was understandable that she suddenly broke free from the cage and played around like a husky, so she let her go.

"Sorry sorry, Dad! I didn't watch Beatrice again, and let her make trouble for you!"

At the end of the corridor, the figure of Emilia rushed to the end of the corridor. After seeing Beatrice and fighting with him at the door of Roy's bedroom, she quickly apologized.

"Sir Emilia doesn't need to apologize, Betty's mistakes can't be borne by Emilia-sama!"

Although she is like a young girl and has a childish personality, Beatrice still has a responsibility. She doesn't want Emilia to be lectured by Roy because of her own problems.

After living in this mansion for so long, Beatrice doesn't care about the people here...

Ram, Rem, and Emilia were all familiar with each other, and she felt that she should have lived with them.

"Aha, Beatrice, if you get scolded because of yourself, I won't spare you!"

A gray kitten flew from Emilia's shoulder, pointing a finger at Triss, although it was a warning, but its appearance was not scary at all.

"Betty understands, brother! Betty won't cause trouble for Emilia-sama, but my brother hasn't seen Betty once in 400 years. Betty is so sad!"

After seeing this kitten, Beatrice looked overjoyed, and immediately rushed over and hugged Parker in her arms, because the force was so strong that Parker's head was deformed.

"Ahaha, is that the case..."

Parker forcefully broke free from Beatrice's arms, with a dry smile on his face.

Because of the liberation of the contract with Echidona, Parker lost his memory. Although he felt very close to Beatrice when he saw him, it was like meeting relatives, but in fact he was not with Beatrice in the past at all. The memory of life, for Parker, what it spent three hundred years looking for was only Emilia.

"Liya, you came just in time. Since Beatrice has been urging her, you can take her to the Sanctuary. I will teach you the incantation of the Sanctuary's ban and liberation."

Roy picked up the glasses on the table and put them on again, and then used a quill to draw some mysterious patterns on a scroll on the table.

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