"What a vicious tone, Beatrice! Have you forgotten what Echidona said, respect me when you see me, and a little boy who doesn't even listen to his mother will get spanked."

Roy smiled and teased the young girl in front of him, but she was actually a 400-year-old elf.

Beatrice clenched her teeth, showing her sharp teeth at Roy, and hummed: "...then Mr. Roy, can you tell Betty why you haven't died for four hundred years, shouldn't you appear? In front of Betty is a corpse!"

Beatrice's words are quite vicious, but if you look closely, you will find that the unconcealed joy on her lovely chubby little face, anyone who sees a person who was familiar four hundred years ago suddenly appears, They will all feel happy, especially for Beatrice, who has been lonely and guarded here for hundreds of years, being able to see familiar things makes her come alive again.

Chapter 190 This is the witch!

"Since you're not dead, why haven't you come to see Betty for four hundred years! Of course, Betty didn't want to see you, and she didn't want to see you, but we knew each other, but we didn't come to see you once. Betty is too much."

The willful young elf girl may have finally met her acquaintance. She was delighted and kept an ironic restraint. She spoke arrogantly. Perhaps she hadn't seen anyone for a long time. Beatrice's speech was a bit fast, as if she was afraid. Roy will disappear in the next moment, and everything she sees is an illusion.

"You too... brother too... have never seen Betty once."

Beatrice muttered while sitting in the high chair, and she spoke in a weeping tone.

"Parker has been looking for Emilia for three hundred years, and it has lost its memory because of the contract. For it, the meaning of life is to find the benefactor that makes it unforgettable, and of course it won't come to see you."

"Emelia, who is that"

Beatrice asked suspiciously, she hadn't heard the name Emilia, and it might take years to know about many things happening in the outside world.

Although the Forbidden Book Library is located under Roswaal's mansion, Beatrice and Roswaal, who has been reincarnated all the time, have little to do with each other, and it takes decades to see each other..., and Roswaal needs to get the Forbidden Book Library After gaining knowledge, I lost interest in 430 here.

"Me and Satila's daughter..."

Roy said simply.

"The great elf always has a meaning to live, which can be a purpose or a contract. The meaning of Parker is... to find Emilia, then what about you, Beatrice... you found Does your life have meaning?"

Roy walked to the bookshelf, looked at the mysterious books scattered on the bookshelf, and asked in a calm tone.

"The meaning of my life is to wait for the person that my mother said to come... You... Mr. Roy, you have such a good relationship with your mother, you must know who that person is, you must know him or When will she come here to find Betty?"

Beatrice was suddenly full of hope, and looked at Roy with hope. In her opinion, the only one who could know all these secrets might be Roy, the one who could help her escape from this 400-year prison.

Roy didn't answer, he just stretched out his hand suddenly and took out a book from the shelf.

Seeing the book in Roy's hand, Beatrice's expression changed greatly, and she panicked: "...don't read that book!"

But one step too late, Roy had already opened the book, seeing Beatrice's face turning pale.

There is nothing in the book, not a single word in it, and this book is the Gospel, a degraded version of the Book of Wisdom that Echidona gave to Beatrice! The Gospel is supposed to have a record of the future. ability, the witches have been manipulated because of this book, Roswaal has been acting according to the instructions of the Gospel for 400 years, Beatrice should have also acted according to the content recorded in the Gospel, but There's nothing in her Gospels!" Well, there's still something in this book to begin with, and it makes me wait, just keep waiting... Betty, Betty has been: act upon its instructions, But after ten years of waiting, all of a sudden there were no words in the Gospels, Betty... Betty didn't know what to do, it...it Betty was waiting for Who, Betty doesn't know who to wait for!"

"...Mother mother, does Mama don't want Betty anymore, it's not meaningless to live... Please tell me, please tell me, Lord Roy, who is the person waiting for? !"

Beatrice, who could speak to Roy in a normal tone and demeanor, suddenly lost control of her emotions after seeing Roy open the Gospel.

It is as if the secret hidden in the deepest part has arrived, embarrassment, panic, fear, daze, etc... Emotions are brewing in the heart as if the five-flavor bottle was overturned, it seems to be: report.

The life of the great elf named Beatrice is actually just a blank, she has no meaning to live from the beginning.

Thinking of Roy asking her about the meaning of life just now, Beatrice suddenly felt that Roy might have known all this. Thrill her with the meaning of life accomplished by her older brother Parker.

The more I thought about it, the more I collapsed, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt that my emotions were out of control.

"Who are you waiting for?"

Suddenly, a strange voice came from Roy's body. It was a voice that overlapped like a man and a woman talking together. One was Roy's voice, while the other Beatrice also felt unusually familiar.

Behind Roy, a slightly unreal phantom appeared at some point. She was pale and delicate, wearing a jet-black long dress like a mourning dress, with ruffles and lace trims. Weaving a series of exquisite patterns, a long silver hair draped down the back, like a dream, exuding a strange charm.

That is Echidona, the witch of lust! "Mother!!! No, you are not Mama, who are you!"

After seeing this figure, Beatrice was first surprised, then... full of anger, blaming the figure behind Roy and yelling.

"She is your mother, Beatrice."

Roy stood in front of Beatrice, looked at the little elf girl who was trembling in the high chair, and smiled.

"But... although she looks similar to the mother, but... her temperament and age are a bit wrong."

Aggie Donna in Beatrice's impression is a mature woman of twenty-four or five years old. She has a stable and intellectual temperament. Although the girl in front of her is also very intellectual, she is more than Aggie in Beatrice's impression. Na is several years younger, less prudent and more lively and agile as a girl.

"What you see is just a clone of me. In order to avoid the pursuit of the 'magic man', my body has never been out of the witch's castle, and every time I act outside, I use the clone."

Echidona looked around and saw that the forbidden library she built 400 years ago was well preserved, she praised: "...well done Beatrice, you will manage the forbidden library. very good."

"Yes...is that so..."

Beatrice's lips were pale, and the corners of her mouth trembled as she whispered, it turned out that she had never actually seen the real appearance of the mother, it turned out that the mother who she thought she thought was actually just a clone.

But after hearing Echidona's compliment, Beatrice couldn't help showing a childlike smile of innocence and joy, she asked hopefully: "...Mother, can you tell Betty. ......Who is Betty waiting for? How long is Betty going to wait?"

Beatrice thought, the mother is here, she will tell herself everything, tell herself the blanks in the Gospels, everything that is not recorded.

Unexpectedly, Echidona gave Beatrice a strange and amazed look, and said in a playful tone: "...Beatrice, you really believe that sentence, I just said it casually. And so, if you want to see whether the Great Elf will break the contract in loneliness and despair, it seems that you can really insist now, in fact, you don't have to wait for anyone, and you can't wait for anyone."


Beatrice felt as if a part of her heart was broken, and her body in the high chair wobbled as if she was about to fall.

"It's just a joke...actually Betty...actually Betty doesn't have to wait for anyone...Betty is just in the library of forbidden books, waiting for four hundred years without any future and meaning. "

Beatrice's azure blue eyes gradually disappeared.

When the **** witch saw Beatrice's appearance, she didn't feel any guilt, but sighed with a wonderful and coquettish smile on the corner of her mouth: "...Do you understand that this is a witch!"

Chapter 191: Scumbag Matches Scumbag

This is the witch... The witch cannot be said to be an absolute sin, but they are never representatives of kindness. The way of each witch's way of life is extremely strange and incomprehensible to normal people.

Just like Echidona, the witch of lust, this... witch has always been the embodiment of thirst for knowledge. She is only interested in the unknown and thirst for knowledge. Tris's four hundred years of life, Echidona did not have any impressions, because for the witch of lust, Beatrice's wasted four hundred years of life has actually fulfilled her desire for the unknown.

The topic of whether the great elf will choose to self-destruct in loneliness and loneliness, or choose to violate the contract, but from now on, even though Beatrice has been mentally insane after four hundred years of waiting, she still obeys the According to the original agreement with Echidona.

That's all about the **** witch, she didn't treat Beatrice with malice, but her behavior was a disaster for Beatrice.

Roy understands the way Echidona exists, so for the past four hundred years he has allowed Echidona to act the way he thinks, but four hundred years is really too long, and Beatrice has There is no need to pay for Echidona's knowledge any more, as Beatrice's creator, Beatrice has already repaid Echidona for creating her.

Roy walked over to Beatrice, who was shaky on the high chair, and looked at the absent-mindedness and dullness in the eyes of the little girl, the elf. He sighed softly, and stroked Beatrice's golden spiral hair with some distressed hands. Ponytail, if it was Beatrice when she was in a normal state, she would definitely pat Roy's hand proudly at this time, but at this time Beatrice seemed to have lost her will, just staring blankly.

"The contract has been... one-sided from the beginning, Beatrice... You no longer need to abide by the contract, you are already free, and the credit for managing the library of forbidden books for four hundred years is enough for you Get your own freedom, not live for a contract."

Roy bent his legs slightly and looked at Beatrice who was sitting on the high chair, but the big elf in front of him just looked up at him blankly, not feeling anything about Roy's words.

"Yes, what Mr. Roy said is right, Beatrice, you have completed the contract. If you insist on fulfilling the agreement of waiting for someone to come, then you should treat the person you are waiting for as Mr. Roy now. , this is the content of the contract modified by your promiser, the Witch of Desire.

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