"Sanctuary what's that place, papa"

Emilia curiously walked over to Roy with her hands behind her back, her long white dress swayed gently as she walked, and the unique fruit aroma of the Elior Forest shone from the girl's delicate body. It was the body fragrance of a half-elf girl.

Emilia thought about it carefully, her geography is still good, but it seems that there is no such place as 'Sanctuary.... "You will know when you get there, the Sanctuary is in Mezas. In the family's domain, you and Beatrice go in the dragon carriage together, and you can get there in a few days. The people in the sanctuary must be able to arouse your empathy and let you know the difficulties of mixed-race life in this world. , I hope that after seeing those people in the sanctuary, you can know how much responsibility you bear, so you can work harder."

Roy dotingly caressed Emilia's fair face with his hands. The girl's face was not rough, but it was as smooth as a lump of suet.

Emilia tilted her head slightly, clasped the hand between her cheeks and shoulders, rubbed it like a small animal, and giggled twice.

"It's incredible that Lord Roy would let Lord Beatrice go."

At this time, the two maids were talking about their own vicious cross talk.

"Yes, sister, Mr. Roy obviously likes a girl with a body like Mr. Beatrice, but he can only let her go against his will. I think Mr. Roy must be in pain now."

"Rem and I have grown up, and we have lost the love of Lord Roy."

Ram and Rem, you talk to me. They know that although Mr. Roy is sometimes strict, he is very easy-going most of the time. For... these... joking words He doesn't get angry, which makes it easy for Ram and Rem to live with Roy all the time.

It's just that Roy listened expressionlessly to what they said, but Beatrice herself shouted "copper smelting pervert" shyly and ran away.

Beatrix 57 Triss suddenly thought about what Echidona said and what happened to the arrogant witch. As Beatrice, who was born 400 years ago, she knew what Typhon the arrogant witch really looked like! See Beatrice running Roy ignored it, he just said to Parker: "...Lea's safety will be handed over to you. If you are really in danger, then show your true body without hesitation, and Destroy anything that is dangerous to Ria!"

"Please leave it to me, Lord Roy!! Lia's safety is more important than mine!"

Parker patted his chest and assured.

Roy is very relieved about this, the true power of this fire elf, in this world, except for a few people, there is really no one who is its opponent.

"I'm already strong enough to protect myself."

Emilia murmured, but Roy's concern for her still made her feel happy, but it was just wrong here.

Chapter 193 The self-proclaimed 'Dark Knight'

About a week or so: the volume will be over.

In the dark and damp cave, Subaru Nayuki opened his eyes.

"Lazy, lazy, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah brains shhhhhhh... Y'all are too lazy, not hardworking at all!!"

A voice like a madman roared in this cave, and then Subaru Nayuki just... saw a man in a robe walking from the tunnel of the cave, he was quite handsome, with a head... light green Short hair, at least in Subaru Naizuki's point of view, based on looks alone, as an ordinary person, he can't compare to this 'neuropathy' at all.

"Mr. Petyrchius, you are here."

Subaru Natsuki greeted this young elf who seemed to have a problem with his head in a very familiar tone.

From Nayuki Subaru's point of view, in this dark and damp cave, this 'lazy bishop' was really the person he wanted to meet the most, and even gave birth to an inexplicable friendship.

Because he used too many 'death returns' in Lugnica, the smell of witches on Subaru Nayuki became stronger and stronger. This strong smell of witches finally caught the attention of witch believers, and because of Subaru Nayuki With the power of an arrogant witch, he was respectfully invited to this witch sect's stronghold as a 'arrogant bishop'.

However, Subaru did not admit that he was an arrogant bishop, and although he was eating and drinking well here, he had been thinking about running away, because these witch cultists seemed to want to do something to him, to completely brainwash him into a 'Arrogant Bishop', this is absolutely unwilling to Nayuki Subaru.

It has been five days since he was captured here, but in Subaru Nayuki's memory, he has actually lived in this cave for more than 1,500 days, because here he has used the death return more than 300 times in a row.

And during these more than 300 deaths and returns, according to what he saw and heard when he escaped, and according to what he said in Petyrchius, the... 'lazy bishop', Subaru Nayuki got a lot of information about the Witch Cult. intelligence.

'The president of the Society of Sages is the highest bishop of the Witch Sect, this news alone is enough to explode, and Petyrchius said that the bishop of **** and bishop of gluttony want to capture Emilia and use her to sacrifice Bring the Jealous Witch back to life...'... So her name is Emilia, and she is feared and hated by the world because she looks like the Jealous Witch, and she now lives in the sage's club in the house of a speaker, and was supported by the speaker to become the new king.

'' That speaker is the highest bishop of the Witch Cult, and he is probably a figure from four hundred years ago. There must be some conspiracy for him to support Emilia like this, and it must be to resurrect the jealous witch! No, I have to save Emily. Ya, save that angel!' Nayuki Subaru, who has seen too many TV dramas, novels, and games in modern society, made up scenes about the culprit behind the scenes, but only from the information Nayuki Subaru got, he analyzed it. The things that come up in the brain look a lot like the truth.

"Ah, ah ---- you are still: sloth, teenage, our arrogance, why don't you diligently, don't diligently !!"

The Sloth Bishop let out a hoarse cry again, and he bent his body to a hundred and eighty degrees and danced there.

Although the witch bishop in front of him was very treacherous and fearful, Subaru Nayuki showed a sincere smile to him.

During the more than 300 death returns, he learned a lot of things. For example, this bishop who seemed to have a problem with his mind was sometimes rational, but when he was rational, he said that this... the lazy bishop actually knew Aimi. Liya, and have a close relationship with her.

He once said sadly to Subaru Nayuki that he wanted to save Emilia, and once told him that the Bishop of **** and gluttony was malicious to Emilia. During Subaru Nayuki's death and return, the performance of Bishop of sloth was different from that of Bishop Nayuki. Emotions are all the same, which makes Subaru Nayuki very convinced that this... lazy bishop is not hypocritical or acting, he really knows Emilia and has a deep relationship with her.

'Although you are a little strange, as long as you support Emilia, then we are... good friends! Nayuki Subaru, who thought so, chatted with the lazy priest and waited anxiously.

After he had obtained enough information, he had long wanted to escape. Subaru Nayuki knew clearly that with the arrogance and power of his three-legged cat, he could not be the opponent of so many witch cultists, and he could not escape here by himself, so he was in After returning from death more than 20 times, he finally spread the news that he was caught here, waiting for someone to rescue him.

Since he traveled through another world to the present, he has used hundreds of death returns nearly a thousand times. Every time he died, every time he fought with others, he made Nayuki Subaru grow up. Now he is not like that. I was so dazed when I just crossed over, and gradually I have an opinion.

'It's not enough for me to defeat the bishop of **** and gluttony alone, I must have helpers. As long as the news that the chairman of the Sage Council is the highest bishop of the Witch Cult is used well, we will be able to find enough helpers. It can also clear all obstacles on the way for Emilia to choose the king! 'Having gradually become a little crazy, and obsessed with pushing Emilia to the throne as the meaning of his life, Subaru Nayuki immediately had a vicious thought in his mind .

"Mr. Petyrcius, do you know that on Emilia's way to choose the king, she has several enemies that she must defeat. You hate the bishop of **** and gluttony, I will help you eradicate them, and love I can’t fight those enemies on Myria’s path to choose the king, so can I ask Mr. Petyrchius to help me deal with them?”

Regardless of....

It doesn't matter who you join forces with, even if it is to sell your soul, as long as you can fulfill your own persistent and sad wishes, as long as you can save that angelic girl from the clutches and let her ascend to the throne, the arrogant self-proclaimed 'Knight of Darkness 227' Bishop, has decided to give everything.

"Ahhhh, you're finally diligent, arrogant!! Being able to help Ria with what I need to do"

Petyrchius suddenly calmed down and listened to what the boy with the arrogant witch factor said in front of him.

"if only......"

Subaru Nayuki expressed his thoughts, and when he had just finished speaking his plan, the underground cave suddenly trembled.

"That guy Roswaal has finally come, and sure enough, he doesn't want me to die here! Mr. Petyrchius, then I'll leave it to you, I'll go back to the royal city to plan everything, please wait for me message for you!"

In Nayuki Subaru's anxious words, a man with a clown makeup came to the end of the tunnel.

"Oh, hehe, Subaru-kun, have you been waiting for me here for a long time?"

That... the clown let out a very weird laugh.


.Meza, he wanted to resurrect his teacher, and found Nayuki Subaru through the Gospel. The two became allies through some exchanges. Roswaal helped Nayuki Subaru accomplish what he wanted to do, while Nayuki became an ally. Subaru will help Emilia find the dragon Polkenica after he ascends the throne, and get the blood of the dragon to save his teacher.

Because the goals are not contradictory, the two quickly hit it off.

Chapter 194 You are a rebel!

In the mansion of Karsten, the capital of Lugnica, several important people are gathering here.

The daughter of the Karsten family, the current owner of the house, Curius.

Karsten is from the western city-state of Kararaki, and Anastasia, the owner of the Hexin Chamber of Commerce.

Hexin and the supporters of the two candidates for the king's election, Felix, known as the 'Blue Magician'.

Argyle was called 'the most knight' Julius.

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