A girl's low voice came from the shop behind her, and under the messy quilt, a human figure turned over, Priscilla with... orange hair opened her misty eyes.

She looked at the world outside the window, it was a pale darkness, the dazzling morning sun had not yet risen on the eastern horizon, and there was no bird chirping in her ears.

Priscilla's protection told her that it was not yet daytime, she had not received the protection of the sun, and had not received any corrections in her actions. For Priscilla, this kind of time was what she hated the most, because at night, The world will not revolve around her.

"So it's not even morning. What are you doing up so early... um..., why don't your maid come over to help your concubine get dressed."

The confused Priscilla grumbled.

"Ram and Rem are my maids, they won't wait for you... Go to bed, Priscilla, it's still a while before dawn."

Roy, who was standing by the table, looked back and said to Priscilla gently.

Priscilla seemed to be... Waiting for this sentence, she closed her blurred red eyes like drunkenness again, and pulled the quilt up, covering her snow-white fragrant shoulders, the unadorned orange slightly curled Her hair was scattered on the bed, and soon... Priscilla's well-proportioned breathing was heard.

She fell asleep again.

Seeing this, Roy shook his head, pulled out the chair by the table and sat up, picked up a heavy book, opened it, and wrote something on it with a quill.

This is a habit of Roy, he likes to record all the interesting things of his time in a book, and the book itself will have mystery and magic.

"This is already the seventeenth death return today. Subaru Nayuki has used more death returns than he imagined, and even used it as a regular ability. Why can he adapt so quickly?"

Roy put his fingers on his chin and started to think.

Today is seven days after Roy met Subaru Nayuki, and it was also when he asked Elsa and Merry to find a way to get in touch with Subaru Nayuki. On this day, Subaru Nayuki died 17 times in a row. Returning, but always: Roy, who observed Subaru Nayuki, knew that he was not killed, but was actively using this ability.

"The only trouble with being an observer is... that when Death Return is used, my time is reversed."

Roy sighed lightly. When other people were affected by death return, they did not have the memory of the last death return. Therefore, for others, even if they encountered death return, they had no extra memory. Roy was different. When Subaru Nayuki launched his death return, he also had to relive the past day or a few days of his life, which would easily lead to a sense of time confusion.

Of course, the reason for this feeling is that the switch of death return is in Subaru's hand, not Roy's.

"As the price of completing the 'Foundation of Mercury', of course."

Roy didn't feel much about this, especially the timing of Nayuki's return with seventeen deaths this time was very good.

Thinking like this, Roy turned his head and glanced at Priscilla lying on the bunk with a smile on the corner of his mouth. This was the seventeenth day and night he and Priscilla had spent, familiar, I'm afraid Priscilla herself It never occurred to her that Roy was far more familiar with her body than she imagined.

Well, this is also a way of using death regression. If you encounter a good thing and want to repeat it again, you only need to launch death regression. On the premise of ensuring that the result remains unchanged, you can make some changes in the process, such as these ten In the seven days and nights, Roy used different tricks, even different postures, and this level of change would not affect the result, but instead allowed Roy to enjoy all-round enjoyment.

This is equivalent to seventeen times more time than others.

"The most important thing is why Nayuki Subaru suddenly became so active... Well, it's probably because of the 'Pride Witch Factor'."

Roy pondered for a while, and finally came to the conclusion that the quill began to write quickly.

Nayuki Subaru, who has no arrogant witch factor, even if he has the ability to return to the sky against the sky, he will not think that he has 'supernormal power', because Nayuki Subaru is just an ordinary person.

However, after possessing the power of the 'Pride Witch', even if he will not become invincible directly, he has also undergone a qualitative change from the ordinary self in the past. What he brought to Nayuki Subaru is... a kind of mentality. Change, let him take the return of death as one of his abilities, and let his behavior not be passive but active.

This is the same mentality as a person who suddenly becomes rich. At the beginning, he will be careful first, and then he will spend money completely like flowing water.

Compared with the obscure ability of returning to death, the ability that requires one's own death to activate, such as sending out a fireball, learning to read minds is a more convenient ability that will make oneself stronger and bring more confidence.

Humans are more interested in the changes that are visible on the outside than on the inside.

"That's it...that's it, then, please keep working hard, Subaru Natsuki! Let me see how far you can achieve."

The double pupils in Roy's eyes shrank and spun, and there seemed to be countless mysteries hidden in them. His eyes were peeking through the changes in the world's time when Death Return was launched, so as to grasp the principle and turn it into his own. 'Surgery'!... Nayuki Subaru's seventeen years of life, seventeen years of living in modern Japanese society, he desperately worked hard to meet expectations, only in exchange for the approval of others, but when he was fundamentally When I realize that others can't recognize my own value, I start to get tired of learning.

While traveling through a different world, Nayuki Subaru's eyes gleamed with hope again, thinking that the faith that had become ashes could be revived again, he obtained the miraculous ability to return to death, he obtained the arrogant, able to judge. the power of others.

......When he felt that life was full of hope, the sudden appearance of a person completely crushed his hope.


Nayuki Subaru whispered that name, that...has the ability of a plug-in, even if he has obtained the golden finger', he can't see any hope of defeating the name of the man.

"Is this the obstacle you must face, and if so, let me break it!"

Laiyue Subaru thought of the kind and beautiful girl she saw in that alley when she had just crossed into this world.

He now regrets why he couldn't take the initiative to use the ability to return to death, then he can have more contact with that beautiful girl who made his heart move. Now his save point has changed, and he has Missed opportunity.

"I already know that you came here for 'Wang Xuan'. In order to repay your kindness, I will use my current ability to help you!"

Subaru Nayuki clenched his fists and made a vow, as if he was striving for a great goal.

But only Nayuki Subaru knows how terrified he is in his heart, the ability to travel through another world, the ability to not die, the ability to judge others, these things bring him a kind of inner expansion, which is the result of the past years. The collapse of the moral values ​​held in the heart.

He knows that he is falling because of these... external forces that others cannot stop, and he must find a reasonable enough excuse for himself to make his heart feel at peace.

Helping that girl who doesn't know her name to fulfill her wish is... the best excuse that Laiyue Subaru made for herself.

Chapter 187 Ceremony Field Completed

Subaru Natsuki has a decision, no matter what...

Is it really to help that girl who doesn't know her name ascend to the throne, or to use this method as a source of self-nature to escape from depravity, Subaru Nayuki took action.

As a person from another world, although he has obtained the power of death return and arrogance, he is unfamiliar with life and does not know the upper-level characters of Lugnica and some secrets, but it is not difficult to know how to use death return. Subaru Natsuki with this ability.

"Four men vying with her for the throne, Priscilla.

Vallière, Curius.

Karsten, Anastasia.

Hesin, and the non-lute supported by Reinhardt..."

"The man Reinhardt is too strong to deal with, and we have to leave him at the end, so the other three must be dealt with first!"

Subaru Nayuki has never been as agile in thinking as he is now, and is now so full of thinking and action, this may be "three seven zeros"

It's... the change brought about by the return of death and the power of arrogance.

He has already made up his mind to use the ability to return to death to obtain information as much as possible. He doesn't know the three of Crusher, Priscilla and Anastasia.

But as long as you can make full use of the return of death, as long as you don't care about your own death, then you can know the characters, preferences, behaviors, etc. of these three people in countless reincarnations and contacts... Information, and ultimately their purpose Reach an agreement and integrate into the other party's interior, thereby destroying their king's election internally! "Elsa and Meili, I may trouble you next!"

Subaru Nayuki looked back and said excitedly to the two women behind him.

"Of course, in order to repay your life-saving grace, Meili and I will help you."

The half-vampire with a charming face and exaggerated figure smiled bewitchingly.

"I have already found out that the owner of the mansion is the place where the speaker of the 'Sage Society' of Lugnica Kingdom lives. It is said that the speaker supports... support her to become king, but this It is very strange to have a speaker. For four hundred years, every speaker has been in the same line. Each speaker has almost the same length, and even the name has not changed. This is a big problem! Why not? Suspected!"

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