'I thought I could be absolutely rational, even if I sacrificed everything, I wouldn't cause any turbulence, but now it seems that as long as I'm still a human being, it's impossible to become such a cold and emotionless machine.

' 'Speaking of which, my father...Aleister is the same person.

' Roy thought for a moment and laughed at himself.

At this moment, the warm and smooth little hand in Roy's hand held him tighter, and Roy's imagined behavior of Emilia shrinking because of disappointment and fear did not appear.

"It's so good that Dad didn't lie to me. In fact, from Hughes, from those... indifferent and ruthless witch cultists, I know that the witch cult is not as beautiful as it seems, even After I left the forest, I knew that Witch Cult was even synonymous with evil outside."

"...But everyone in the clan also told me, Dad, you have actually done a lot of kind things and saved a lot of innocent people. Everyone in the clan is... the biggest witness, Feluto. Mother Na, they believe in Daddy, and I believe in Daddy even more!"

Roy suddenly felt a soft rubbing into his arms, Emilia's slender and tender body hugged Roy tightly and leaned against his arms.

There was the scent of the light shampoo the girl had just finished bathing in her nose, and a few strands of naughty silver hair jumped, jumping to Roy's nose, making him feel a little itchy.

Roy's open hand paused for a while, then slowly fell to embrace Emilia's shoulder.

"I am no longer a child, and I am not as naive as I used to be. I believe that as long as I work hard, I will succeed. I believe that as long as I persevere, everyone can have a bright future. I already know that when I am happy, there must be someone there. Unfortunately, there is only so much happiness, and it cannot be equally distributed to everyone."

"...and Dad is...the one...the hero who bears all the pain, but leaves us with joy and happiness. Maybe someone loses everything and suffers sadness because of Dad, but all this Father should not be responsible for his sins alone, because we are also the perpetrators who are happy."

Roy felt a little coolness on the front of his clothes, which was Emilia's tears.

"If I'm going to complain about 'hero's dad', I'd be too naive, our hero may be... the executioner to everyone else, but I don't want my dad to carry all the sins alone, and I want to I have to help my father take care of it all."

Emilia pushed lightly and stood up straight from Roy's arms. Two lines of tears fell on her white and pretty face, and her cyanotic eyes were even more moist, with a few light streaks glowing in the sparkling waves. Red bloodshot.

For a kind girl like Emilia, knowing that the person closest to her, her father had committed many sins, her father sometimes had a heart-pounding rationality and was full of terrible desires. Taking everything into account, and doing things ruthlessly, will definitely hit the deepest longing in her heart.

However, she really grew up and did not arbitrarily argue about those... mistakes and darkness, she clearly knew that no matter...

It was her or the peaceful life of the elves, which was actually achieved by blood and blood that could not be seen.

There are always people who carry their weight in the dark. In Emilia's heart, Yi may not be a good person in the conventional sense, but she believes that he is a real good father.

"Felutona's mother told me that everything my father did was actually saving the world. If there was no father, more people would die. I will not shamelessly ask my father why he can't make everyone happy, But I hope daddy won't leave me, no matter what...

What kind of hatred is faced, let me and my father bear the evil together, okay?"

Emilia raised her delicate snow-white hand and her snow-white little finger, she pursed her lips, weeping, and said with a smile: "...Mother Feltona said, as long as the agreement is made It must be obeyed, and so should Daddy, and if Daddy is tired, he must think that Emilia is here, and my...daughter's arms will always be left to Daddy."

Saying that, Emilia's face turned red.

Roy looked at her raised fingers, and slowly raised his hand, hooking her with his little finger.

"Okay, then it's agreed, Liya, but there is no sin that you need to bear, because I have already done the same good as sin... The daughter is finally grown up, no matter what. ....

In what way."

Roy smiled suddenly, glanced at Emilia's neckline, and made a pun.

The half-elf girl's face flushed immediately, as if she was drunk, and her jade-white skin immediately turned red.

'The color changed with a brush.

"There are witches in this world, but there are also angels. Your smile is like an angel, with the power to heal people's hearts, so don't cry anymore."

Roy wiped the tears from the corner of Emilia's eyes with his thumb in Emilia's shyness.

"Ha, it's really a father-daughter relationship!"

When Roy left Emilia's bedroom and came to the corridor of the mansion, he saw a pretty figure at the door. She was wearing a complex and magnificent aristocratic long dress. The red and black skirt seemed to be in full bloom. Rose, with half of her face blocked by the folding fan, there was a little teasing in her eyes.


Roy seemed to be asking, but in fact he said with certainty.

"I'm starting to doubt your relationship now, is that... atmosphere really father and daughter?"

Interesting meaning flashed in Priscilla's eyes, but the arrogant woman didn't say much, just said: "...It seems that you are going to make your daughter the new king, this is Is it an appointment?"

"...how about it, do I need the help of a concubine, on the road of Emilia becoming a king, a concubine is an obstacle that she cannot overcome."

Priscilla raised her head and said arrogantly.

Without the help of others, Roy also admitted that Emilia couldn't defeat the smart woman in front of her.

"Then what do you want"

"Let the concubine become her stepmother, so that the 'daughter' of the concubine becomes the king, even if the concubine voluntarily admits defeat, it doesn't matter."

Priscilla has no interest in the so-called throne and power. This woman with excess self-awareness just wants to use this method to prove herself, to prove her excellence and pride, she just holds what others have and she must also have it. some mentality.

After understanding this, Priscilla is actually a very easy-going person.

"Why are you so obsessed with me"

Roy asked with some doubts, although he and Priscilla have known each other for three years, but the contact between the two sides is not as much as he imagined, this woman is not because she can't get it, so she becomes stunned.

"Because you are the only one who can make the world not revolve around concubine body, so concubine body feels that only you can barely be worthy of concubine body, concubine body is... like you!"

Priscilla boldly said that as long as she was in a state of excess self-consciousness, she would not be ashamed at all.

"You don't like me, you crave my body..."

Roy murmured, then suddenly grabbed Priscilla's white wrist and walked to the bedroom at the other end of the corridor.

"what are you going to do"

Priscilla was staggered by Roy's footsteps and asked inexplicably.

"Don't you want to be Emilia's stepmother? Then I want you to have the fact that you can be a stepmother!"

Roy said without... shame.

Of course I won't let you go if you don't come home and stay here at night. Anyway... no matter what, I won't suffer.

Priscilla didn't expect things to develop like this at all, and was a little stunned for a while, knowing that Roy has always given the impression that she is not a womanizer, but a very upright person, so she dared to flirt.

But now Priscilla feels like she's out of her way.

The real usage of the 186th chapter death return

"The seventeenth time..."

In the early morning, Roy took off the light and soft quilt and stood up. He covered his head and muttered, stepping on the heavy cotton carpet, casually putting on a coat, and sitting at the table.

"Um...is it morning already?"

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