Nayuki Subaru, who has read many light novels and played many games, feels that there is a lot of confusion in this. No matter how you look at it, it looks like there is a conspiracy, and it can even be said to be blatant, but why Lugnica's... ......The upper-class nobles were stupid and didn't realize the unreasonableness of this. Subaru Nayuki didn't notice that when he mentioned the name of the 'Sage Council' speaker, the Al behind him A killing intent flashed in Sha's eyes.

"Of course, it's because I don't use "seeing the face of God" to distort other people's concepts. Otherwise, as long as I'm a normal person, how can I not find the problem."

In the mansion of the 'Kroy family' in the royal capital of Lugnica, Roy is sitting in front of his bedroom desk, Rem is beside him cutting fruit, peeling the fruit, and then his tender fingers will hold the fruit Handing it to Roy's mouth does not require Roy to do any other extra actions. As long as he opens his mouth, he can taste the freshly cut fruit and the fragrance between the girl's fingers.

"He has some doubts about you, what needs to be done..."

In the shadow of the bedroom, Elsa's sensual body hid in it and asked respectfully.

"No need to do anything, he suspects me exactly what I want him to suspect, whatever. . . .

What Subaru Nayuki does next, just help him Elsa, even if he wants to kill me on a whim, you can help him go to the staff."

Roy leaned back on the chair and said softly while enjoying Zhong Feng.

"Yes, Lord Roy!"

Elsa, who was hiding in the shadows, lowered her head and said, after hesitating for a while, she said again: "...that person is a little strange, it seems... Just like a person, it shouldn't be brought about by the 'Pride Witch Factor'."

Elsa thought of Nayuki Subaru's inexplicable changes. As a killer, she was extremely sensitive, and immediately discovered the strangeness in it.

"Hahaha! As expected of Elsa, she discovered the problem."

Roy stroked his hands and laughed.

Subaru Nayuki will use the ability to return to death many times in a certain matter. For others, it may only be one day in the past, but for Subaru Nayuki, it is likely that dozens of days have passed. When one uses Death Return to extract information and data, it is a growth for Nayuki Subaru.

This is the most powerful part of death return, because there is no fear of failure at all, as long as you experiment again and again, there will always be success, and this time and again failure brings... growth.

In Elsa's eyes, it is very likely that... in one night, she found that Subaru Nayuki didn't care...

It's like a different person in spirit and spirit... "Don't worry about him, this is exactly what I want to see, let's see how much surprise our arrogant bishop can bring us. ."

Roy clapped his hands, that...the seductive half-vampire hiding in the shadows, just...wiggling his exaggerated figure full of blood and temptation, walked out of the shadows and came to Roy's side and sat in his arms .

Just when the purple eyes of the vampire beauty were full of unconscious water mist, Ram knocked on the door and walked in, handing a scroll to Roy: "...Sir Roy , this is the latest progress report!"

Roy freed one hand and opened the scroll, which contained a military map of Lugnica, and a certain point on this map was marked 'Completed'.

He picked up the quill on the table, marked all the points on the map, and then connected all the...... points together, he would find these...... ...The dots actually formed a wonderful figure, like a huge magic circle with the country as the unit.

"Very good, in order not to waste the people and money, the construction will only be carried out when the finances have spare capacity. It took four hundred years to finally finish the ceremony site."

Roy's fingers crossed those... The lines drawn with the quill pen were like constructing a mysterious pattern in the void, which was exactly what Roy was going to correct the earth, water, fire and wind, and return the four elements to the The grand ceremony.

"There's really nothing to do at this time. Just wait for the completion of the 'Mercury Foundation', then you can break the pretense and return to the truth!"

Roy tapped his fingers on the table without thinking too much, because many things he had been 5 for 400 years.

0 perfect, there is no need for him to spend more brains.

Immediately, he patted Elsa's back, who was still hanging on him, this... vampire immediately.

Realizing what Roy meant, he lowered his head and knelt down with winks.

...the house of the Grand Duke of Karsten, the current owner of the house, Curius.

Karsten received an important visitor.

"The representative of the Astrea family, you secretly met me, the head of the Karsten family, what is the important thing?"

With sharp eyes, the heroic girl sat on the main seat and asked the gentleman-like old man in front of her.

"It's an extremely important matter, Lord Crusius! About Roy, the Speaker of the Council of Sages.

The possible relationship between Crowley and the Witch Cult!"



Astraea put a hand in front of him and bowed solemnly.

Chapter 188 He is a legend four hundred years ago


Karsten's hand landed on the thin scroll, her fingers caressed the scroll lightly, she was hesitant to pick it up, as if this simple scroll weighed thousands of dollars. Jun, as long as you pick it up and open it, it will release an extremely terrifying demon.

Wilhelm looked at the girl in front of him...with a strong talent, a bright future, and a brave heart, he sighed, and said earnestly: "...Sir Querxiu still Please think twice, some things can't be closed again if they're open."

This 'sword ghost' who joined the Sword Saint Family was a kind reminder, but it seemed like a side to Querxiu's ears... The sudden ringing of the Hong bell shook all her hesitations and hesitations away.

If you are afraid because the enemy is too strong, if you are afraid because the enemy is invincible, and you are afraid to face it, then it is called Chorus.

Sten's young man is not qualified to talk about 'Wang Xuan' anymore.

"This is not the reason for me to escape!" The heroic girl's expression became firmer, she clenched the thin scroll tightly, picked it up, and quickly opened it.

There is not much content in it, but what is described in 17 is shocking. The awe-inspiring girl with long green hair has read the content in ten lines at a glance, and then... quickly closed it, as if those people she knew. The words, when assembled together, made her palms tremble like a hot potato.

Curiosus glanced around and saw that in this bedroom, except for Wilhelm, there was only his first knight, who possessed the 'Blessing of Water' and was sealed by Lugnica. After being a cat-eared girl with the title of 'Blue', Curius said solemnly: "...I've also been puzzled by the contents recorded here recently, why is the 'Crowley's' excuse so obvious? In the past four hundred years, no one has questioned and no one has discovered it."

"...if the Astraea records are true, Roy.

Crowley is really... one of the legendary 'Four Heroes' 400 years ago, so how did he live 400 years until now, and how did he use the same name without anyone doubting , Always: Reigning Lugnica"

Speaking of which, Korxiu's teeth trembled a little. That was a figure from four hundred years ago, a legendary figure from the founding of the Dragon Kingdom, a legend who once faced the Witch of Sin and defeated them.

No, even if he is really one of the four legendary heroes 400 years ago, even if it is the divine dragon Polkenica, I am ready to resist, and it does not matter if there is one more.

The Kingdom of Lugnica should not be built under the care of dragons and the dominion of one person.

Thinking of this, Crusher's heart was full of energy again.

"After living for four hundred years, it is possible for... the legendary figures of the past. As for the four hundred years, no one doubts, this is likely to be a kind of magic that can distort people's hearts on a large scale, Astley Ya's family has visited the people, and there has always been a legend among the people that the patriarch of the 'Crawley Clan' was... one of the legends four hundred years ago, but in the upper Lugnica, there was never a legend. There have been rumors like this.”

Wilhelm lowered his head and looked at the results of the investigation of the Kuror monks.

"That is to say, this mysterious magic only affects the Lugni layer, not the entire nation, but even so, it's amazing, and it is worthy of being the legendary four heroes."

"...But why is the problem now that... the magic we don't understand is wrong, or he has already prepared everything and no longer needs to hide the card"

As the daughter of the Karsten family and the contemporary head of the family, this ... heroic and awe-inspiring girl is extremely intelligent, and she has come up with many reasons in a short period of time.

"From the information, the second point you guessed is likely to be true. This... one of the legendary four heroes seems to be inextricably linked with the Witch Cult, and I even suspect that the creation of the Witch Cult is related to him, because The first appearance of the Witch Cult was... not long after the envy witch was subjugated."

Wilhelm pondered for a moment, then... replied.

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