"...Even if I have Polkenica's promise, but compared to other people's promises, my master has to leave something for his apprentice. The title of 'sage' is...for her The best protector, no one dares to provoke the 'sage' who saved the world and defeated the jealous witch, isn't it?"

Fryugel's tone became warmer, and he spoke very slowly, as if recalling the good old days.

Roy didn't interrupt his memory, he stood by Fryugel's side before saying, "Back to the point, what are you digging for?"

Fryugel came back to his senses, his hands covered with soil scratched his head, and regardless of the sloppy body, he smiled like a child: "...I want to plant one here, Then pour all my magic power into it, with the help of all my magic power, this tree will definitely become the tallest towering giant tree in this world."

"...Look at the plain here, if there is a huge tree growing here, wouldn't you be able to see it from a long distance, how romantic it is, and this tree will definitely become a wonder of the world , At that time, everyone will know, ah, it turns out that the sage once planted a tree here!"

Freugel said his thoughts proudly, and looked very stinky.

At this moment, Roy's heart suddenly moved, and the inspiration and wisdom in his mind collapsed instantly, a fierce confrontation, and then an idea emerged...

His hand retracted to the cuff, and when he stretched it out again, there was something more in the palm of his hand.

It was a 1 white round object with a 1 shining point of light like a sapphire on it.

Roy handed this thing over.

"What kind of magic tool is this?"

Fryugel took the thing that Roy handed over suspiciously, and after looking at it carefully, he habitually poured magic power into this round object, and then... found that his magic power was actually used by this something is absorbed.

"This is a tree seed, you plant it..."

Roy smiled mysteriously.

"This is a tree species, don't joke, this thing looks like an ore or a gem, right?"

Fryugel looked over and over at the thing in his hand, and no matter how he observed it, he felt that it didn't look like a tree species.

"You can think of it as a 1 magic tree species, it needs magic irrigation to grow, don't you want to plant a tree so that future generations will remember you? This tree species can definitely meet your requirements, if it grows up, That is a giant tree with a height of 1:000 meters, how about it, you have never seen such a tall tree."

Roy smiled cheerfully, and explained the future of this tree species to Fryugel in detail.

The more he listened, the more surprised he became, and he said incredulously: "...even a normal mountain is not that high for thousands of meters. You didn't lie to me that a tree can grow like this."

"This is another world of magic, and it's not the earth. Why should I lie to you?"

Roy's words made Flougel figured out at once, yes, this is not the earth, even if there is a tree with a height of several thousand meters, it is not surprising.

"Okay, then I'll plant it!"

Fryugel is eager to try, anyway... he is dying, it doesn't matter even if he is tricked, "...this thing only needs to use magic power, right?"

"Well, the magic power it needs is very huge. It just so happens that you are ready to give up all your magic power. It is so suitable for it. If you don't say planting trees, I will almost forget about this thing."

Roy nodded and said with a smile.

"What is the name of the tree planted from this seed?"

Flugel put the tree seed in the pit, then buried the soil, crouched on the ground and began to send magic power into the soil.

Magic power is vitality, and as the magic power from the source of life was injected into it by Fryugel, his skin began to be dull, as if the whole person suddenly aged ten years.

As a 'sage' with 257 names in the world, although Fryugel is the weakest among the Four Great Masters, as a magician, his magic power is definitely the top powerhouse in the world. Such a strong The magic power that people pay at the cost of their lives, its huge can be imagined.

With the release of magic power, a pure white sapling emerged from the ground, and it grew to one meter in the blink of an eye.

The most difficult level of the fantasy tree species is... from the seed to the trunk, and the infusion of all the magic and vitality of Fryugel is directly... This step is facilitated.

"It's called the Imagination Tree!"

Roy told the truth and told Fryugel the tree's real name.

"Fantasy tree... so pretty..."

Fryugel touched the branch that looked like a pale jade with his hand, and then struggled to support his already rotten body, and walked into the distance without turning his head.

"just go"

Roy didn't stop him, just looked at Fryugall's back and asked with a sigh.

"Ha, I don't want my 'rival in love' to see how miserable I look in the end, I'd better find a place where no one else is to die. If you take me as a friend, help me build a monument. Where, you can choose whatever you want...!"

The tone gradually became weaker, and the figure of Flougel disappeared on the horizon in the distance. A smear of the setting sun was like blood, and the green grassland was reflected in a blood red. Only the branches of the fantasy tree swayed gently in the breeze, telling the story. The Last Existence of Freugel.

"'Rivals' we are not from the beginning, it's just your fantasy... So goodbye, 'Wise' Fryugel..."

Roy murmured.

When night falls, the legend is gone! Recommended

Chapter 144: Forcing the Bishop

Although there is magic in this different world, magic is a mysterious skill that can only be learned by real nobles. The more mysterious it is, the more valuable it is. Therefore, magic is only passed down by word of mouth among ordinary people, and may never be seen in a lifetime. Miracles.

Rumor has it that no matter what...

How badly wounded and how terrifyingly sick it was, the magicians who mastered magic could heal it with just a touch of their hands.

It is rumored that magicians can create strong arctic ice and snow in sunny days and hot sun, and can wave a city fortress on an empty plain.

This kind of thing is unimaginable for the commoners living at the bottom, and it is a topic that is talked about after dinner.

For .. illiterate commoners, no matter what . . .

In their eyes, it was the same thing, whether it was protection or magic, and they couldn't tell the difference at all.

Also because magic cannot be used by the public and technology is not developed, in this different world, people still rely on the sky for food.

A small remote village in the Flakia Empire, the village is not big, and there are dozens of families living in each family. Animals like cows are...the common valuable property of the entire village.

"That boy over there, isn't he a fool?"

A peasant woman in shabby clothes was walking in the village, pointing at a boy standing by the dirt road.

Near this mountainous area, there are many small villages like this, and marriages will also be held between the villages. This village woman is a woman who has just married into this small village and is here for the first time.

The boy who was pointed at by her finger stood blankly by the dirt, he ate his finger with his mouth, his smile was dull and stupid, and there were bubbles in his nostrils.

The boy looked like thirteen or fourteen years old, but he was very thin, and his clothes could almost be described as rags. He didn't wear shoes or socks on his feet, so he just stepped in the mud.

Seeing the woman pointing at him, the boy just... hehe giggling, different from his stupid appearance, the boy's eyes are extremely chaotic, as if there is an extreme desire in them.

The moment she met the boy's eyes, the woman felt a tingling pain all over her body as if she had been electrocuted. She felt fear for no reason, as if she had become a prey, and the boy was... a hunter.

It's just that this feeling came and went quickly. When the woman looked at the boy again, she found that the other's eyes also became demented, and it seemed to be empty.

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