One year after the journey of three people, three dragons and one dragon, the then king of the Lionheart Kingdom also joined in. He had a close relationship with Freugel and Reid. He joined this time to get to know Roy and Bo. Elkenica.

Roy also knew that this... The king had his own political purpose in joining this small group, but the Lionheart kept his attitude very low, and coupled with his high emotional intelligence, it would not be annoying.

, After more than two years of getting along, Roy and Polkenica also became familiar with him.

This journey started three years ago and ended not long ago, Sword Saint Reid.


Astrea's life has finally come to an end under the erosion of 'Sacred Dragon's protection'. Before his death, Reid transferred his 'Blessing of Severing and Protection' to his beloved sword, Polken. Nika gave the sword 'Dragon's Blessing', and this... nameless sword was called the 'Dragon Sword' from now on.

Because of this, the "Blessing of the Sword Saint" changed, from "the ability to master all sword skills" in Reid before to "the ability to draw... the dragon sword".

I have to say that Reid is very smart, and his descendants may not have his sword skills.

Talent, it is very likely that the family will disappear in the long history, but now he has left the "Dragon Sword", even his descendants swordsmanship.

No, as long as you still have the "Blessing of the Sword Saint", you can draw the dragon sword at least once in your life.

When the dragon sword is drawn out..., the sword holder will automatically obtain the ability of 'Blessing of Severing Blessing', as well as the power of the divine dragon Polkenica, so no matter...

In the face of difficulties in the future, the Astrea family will never decline as long as the "Dragon Sword" is still there.

After completing the transfer of the protection, the strongest sword of the time, Saint Red, fell, and the tomb was in the territory of the Astraea family in the Kingdom of Lugnica.

The Dragon King fulfilled his promise and gave the Astrea family aristocratic status in the name of the king, and the "Juggernaut" family was formed.

The Kingdom of Lugnica has been established and is now rotten. Various aristocratic forces are intertwined. The pro-Dragon King has won the favor of the Shenlong Polkenica and won the Shenlong. Killed most of the nobles.

This kind of self-digging behavior would have caused unrest in the country, but under the blessing and protection of the dragon, the Kingdom of Lugnica has survived the crisis, and the kingdom's archenemy, the Phalakia Empire, did not dare to invade, and since then the Lionheart Kingdom The name was changed to the Pro-Dragon Kingdom, and the original Lionheart even handed over the right to choose the king to Polkenica.

This... The king's move is very good, because he knows that Polkenica has no interest in worldly rights, and will eventually return to the Great Falls. The king's rights have not been lost, and he has also received the help of the dragon. A book of great profits, Lugnica was originally a rotten kingdom and was forcibly continued by the king for hundreds of years.

After that, Polkenica really went back to the Great Falls, and the reason why Roy, Fryugel and the current Dragon King are here is because Fleugel's life is about to come to an end.

"Mr. Freugel is in a bad mood now, so I won't get in trouble. In fact, he is still a little disgusted with me, the king. Why don't you go to accompany him, Mr. Roy, and accompany him to the end of his life? ."

The Dragon King shook his head, his tone was sincere and hearty, no one would have thought that it was this cheerful and generous man who almost killed the nobles of the entire country from bottom to top.

"By the way, I have an unkind request for Mr. Roy!"

The tone of the Dragon King suddenly became excited... "Your Majesty, please speak."

Roy knew what the... king was going to say, and he was already prepared.

"Now Lugnica is in vain, I know Mr. Roy, you are different from Mr. Flougel, you still have a long lifespan. During the two years I spent with you, I was impressed by your vast knowledge. I am also interested in the policy of governing the country that you say from time to time."

"...I am preparing to establish an organization in the Kingdom of Lugnica called 'The Society of the Sages', which is also in honor of Mr. Fryugel, this organization has great power, I hope you can become Speaker of the Society of Sages, I also know that you are not interested in these rights, but the only reward I can give you is... the right to govern the Kingdom of Lugnica!"

The Dragon King has his own little abacus. During his contact with Roy and others, he gradually discovered that Roy is actually the strongest among them. In his perception, Roy and Polkenica are A level of powerhouse, if Roy can stay in the Kingdom of Lugnica, then this new country that has just changed its name will be even more secure.

Compared with the dragon at the waterfall, Roy is the...human powerhouse that makes people feel more secure, because he can sit in the capital and oppress all places.

The so-called 'Sage Society' is also a whim of the Dragon King. It seems that this organization will share many of the king's rights, almost setting up a shackle for the royal family, but the Dragon King has a good idea. Protection's erosion, his lifespan is already short, and he can naturally revoke this institution after his death. The most important thing for him now is to keep Roy in Lugnica.

In a political struggle, whoever lives longer is the winner! "Your ambition is great, Your Majesty."

Roy chuckled, 0.

Changed the name of the country to the Kingdom of Pro-Dragon, received the blessing of the dragon, established the 'Sage Society', took in the Sword Saint Family, and now let the... 'Saint' stay in Lugnica to rule the country, this... King kept silent Suddenly, he almost got the help of the 'Four Heroes' in the world.

The Dragon King smiled and didn't speak. He knew that Roy's intelligence would definitely be able to see his purpose, so the king did not want to deceive Roy, but chose to tell the truth.

"Okay, I agree with your proposal!"

Roy nodded and agreed bluntly.

It’s easy to ask God to give it away, but since you handed over the power of the kingdom to me, don’t think about taking it back.

Those who steal the hook are punished, and the princes who steal the country are nothing more than the same! The Dragon King was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Roy to agree so quickly, but he had prepared a lot of long speeches.

For a time, this... king suddenly felt a little uneasy, but he couldn't find the place that made him uneasy.

Chapter 143: Imagination Tree Opens

Fryugel was digging a hole with a shovel, and he shoveled down hard, turning the soil over with great force.

"What are you doing, digging your own grave"

After Roy discussed with the Dragon King about the formation of the 'Sages Society', he just... went to Fryugel.

After seeing Fryugel's action of digging a hole with a shovel, he asked... funny.

Fryugel's body paused: he stopped his digging, threw the shovel aside, wiped the sweat from his forehead and turned his head.

His face was abnormally pale, and his eyes were dull, like a terminally ill patient, his life had indeed come to an end.

"I want to leave something in this world."

Freugel's face suddenly darkened, as if a philosopher was studying the truth of the world.

Roy looked him up and down in surprise, walked to Fryugel, raised his brows and said, "...Leave something in this world"

"Well, it's proof of my existence..."

Freugel's expression became very serious, as if he was doing something important to save the common people, "...Look, I'm only in my twenties this year, but I'm dying, I want to Leaving the last strong stroke for my short life, so that the world will never forget me!"

Fliu 23 Gale suddenly got up, and he clenched his fists and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes.

"Didn't you already get the title of 'sage', and you are the 'sage' who defeated the jealous witch in order to save the world, this is already famous in history."

Roy shook his head. He was used to Fryugel's bluffing. During his travels in the past three years, he always remembered that one thing was another.

"That's just a false name, most of which are recorded in history books, but human beings are forgetful, and only real objects can be remembered by the world!"

Freugel said with his head held high.

Roy shook his head helplessly, "...You guy, suddenly became philosophical."

"I'm just thinking about what life is made for."

Fryugel shook his hand, and suddenly became a little less interested, "...people in this world only know 'sages', but in fact not many people know the name of Fryugel, I'm not going to carry this The useless reputation died, I decided to give the title of 'sage' to Shaula, so that people in the world would think that Shaula was a 'sage'. With this title, Shaula's future life will be much easier. ."

"You are so kind to your apprentice."

Roy sighed, although this man has various flaws, but from the perspective of ordinary human beings, he is undoubtedly a 'good man'.

"Since I crossed into this world, Shaula has always been with me. Although I have been taking care of her, she is also taking care of me. She is good at magic of the yang attribute. I've never taught her anything, and now I'm going to die, the only thing I'll worry about is her."

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