"It's weird..."

The peasant woman murmured and subconsciously wanted to stay away from the boy.

"That's an orphan from our village. His parents died not long after he was born. Everyone sees him as pitiful. Every family gives him a little meal, hoping that he will survive. He's a fool...you stay away from him, this kid is a fool, but he likes to run into the houses of widows and young girls."

"...A lot of village girls and widows woke up to see him standing by the bedside, and they were scared to death."

The villagers who followed the peasant woman whispered a warning.

The peasant woman was startled and asked quickly: Why is the fool still in the village so dangerous?"

"It's weird to say that although this idiot likes to drill into girls' houses, he hasn't done anything bad, just... standing there and laughing all night, it's hard for everyone to arrest him, and no one in the village gives him For food, he is looking for wild food outside, so he shouldn't live long."

The villagers explained it in detail.

"Okay, forget about that fool, the Short family's army is back, and it is said that they have made military exploits. Let's go and see."

"Really, let's go over there and have a look."

The two village women were laughing and laughing... they left here.

The Flakia Empire enforces the system of the weak and the strong. In this empire, regardless of their origin or race, as long as they have the ability and strength, those with strength can get a lofty status. Although this is **** for the weak, to a certain extent As mentioned above, this is the fairest country.

And if you want to prove your ability, the best way is to go to the front line to fight against the enemy country. If you kill the enemy on the front line and make a contribution, then your social status will definitely soar.

The fool-like boy continued to eat his fingers and stood by the muddy road, not knowing whether he understood his dislike or not.

"It is full of strong desires for women, but it has no desires or desires. Sometimes it is a talent when the brain is broken."

Behind the boy, suddenly came a calm and majestic voice.

The boy turned his head and looked behind him. It was a man dressed in gorgeous clothes. He was completely different from the people in this remote small village. The gorgeous red robe was out of tune with the mottled walls in this village. It was too gorgeous. With a solemn style, it seems to have turned this backward village into a royal dance, sacred and elegant.

Just seeing him is awe-inspiring.

It was Roy.

"Big brother, you are not from the village, are you?"

The boy biting his finger continued to giggle.

"Although my IQ is a little lower, it's not that my head is completely empty. There is still some logic in thinking, that is, I can teach you... But is this suitable for 'strong desire' or 'lust'?"

Roy looked at the boy in front of him like he was looking at pork on a chopping board, stroking his chin with his hand and thinking.

"Heh, it seems that 'strong desire' chose you, but it is also full of extreme desires, but because of her brain, she can't understand desire, it is simply... a symbol of 'greed', if Donna is really Die, if you are a girl, you are already the best candidate for the 'Witch of Desire'."

Roy smiled with satisfaction.

"Big brother, what are you talking about, I don't understand Yang."

The boy patted his head with dementia on his face.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you will gradually understand in the future, um, although based on your brain development and IQ, it is estimated that you won't understand much, but as long as you are obedient."

"...Tell me, what's your name?"

Roy's questioning was that Li Nuozhao was like a big bell banging in the boy's mind, if thunder flashed, even if the brain was not fully developed, even if the IQ was low, the boy in front of him blurted out, "... ....my name is Regulus.


"Though people are stupid, they have a good name."

Roy took out a wooden box from his cuff and opened it. There were seven glittering jet-black orbs inside. These seven orbs were like a cloud of mist, absorbing all light like a black hole, chaotic and shapeless.

One of the beads was jumping, and Roy took it out and slowly handed it to the boy.


Xerneas, take it, and offer your devotion to Echidona, the 'Witch of Desire', from today onwards your destiny will be changed, from today onwards, you will be the Bishop of Desire!"


Xerneas seemed to be attracted by his soul, his arm grabbed the 'witch factor' uncontrollably.

Chapter 145 The Supreme Bishop

In the royal capital of Lugnica, the pro-dragon kingdom, the corner of the courtyard of a wealthy family is the drainage channel of the sewer. Tonight, the dark clouds are thick, blocking the brilliance of the stars and the moon.

The vegetation in the corner of the courtyard rustled, and a petite figure jumped out of the dirty sewer: a young girl, wearing a shabby cloak, covering her body and face, and her tiny head from the sewer. After crawling out, he looked around carefully and vigilantly.

Seeing that there was no one around, she was relieved and crawled out of the foul-smelling mud ditch.

She is a poor man in the capital of Lugnica, a child without parents, an orphan who cannot survive without stealing, she is... a thief.

This stinky sewer was discovered by a girl by accident. As the royal capital of the Dragon Kingdom, the underground drainage facilities here are quite developed, and it is connected to many rich and even noble families. Ordinary thieves do not use it because of the stench of the sewer, but In order to survive, a girl is willing to enter even in a stinky place.

Using this sewer, the girl can easily enter some rich people's homes, but she is very smart, every time she chooses to burglary, she chooses when the dark clouds cover the sky, and she will never go to those noble houses, because there will always be patrols in noble houses However, the home defense of ordinary rich people is not so strong.

The girl only steals a little bit every time she steals 460, which is enough to meet her needs for a few days, because she knows that if she steals too much, it will cause the rich to be alert and report it to the Royal Capital Knights, with the shrewdness of those knights and...  .. the power of the magician in the middle, can definitely find her through the sewers, so the girl knows how to stop, and will not exhaust the water and fish.

Practice makes perfect, because there were too many thefts, this time the girl found a few silver coins from the rich man's house with ease, and then quickly drilled back from the sewer.

Gold coins can't be stolen, because the amount is too large, jewelry can't be stolen, because she has no channels to sell stolen goods, that's what she thinks about...... Silver coins are more suitable.

Through the complicated and foul-smelling sewer system, the girl returned to her home, which is the slum in the capital of Lugnica.

"Ah, it really stinks. There is a river outside the city. Let me take a bath first..."

Drilling out of the sewer, the girl just... wrinkled her nose, and made a clear, pleasant and disgusting sound.

"This is not the way. If you can't save a sum of money, you will never leave the slums... It's not possible... I'll... I'll sell myself."

The girl was a little hesitant to say this, but there was still a hint of...heart! "Selling yourself is a good choice. If you are beautiful enough, why don't you sell yourself to me?"

A male teasing voice suddenly came from behind the girl.


The girl was startled, she didn't notice that there was someone behind her at all, she turned around quickly, and she found that there were two men standing less than two meters behind her.

A tall man with a face that can be described as beautiful or handsome. He wears a gorgeous robe, and his expression is noble and elegant. He seems to be a learned scholar and a great noble. His voice is full of magnetism. said.

And beside this man there is a boy, the boy is not much older than her, the boy has white hair and beautiful golden pupils, this should be a handsome man, but the girl always thinks that he is a bit... ...mentally retarded! "Supreme Bishop, she really stinks..."

The boy seemed to have no emotional intelligence, pinched his nose and fanned in the air, with a disgusting look on his face, but he was right, because now the girl is full of sewer stench.

Girls all love beauty, and the girl under the cloak's face turned red and white, both ashamed and angry.

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