"Stand in your heart"

Echidona's expression turned serious.

This may sound like a fantasy, but as a 'incarnation of intellectual curiosity', Echidona, who knows almost all the taboo and non-taboo knowledge in the 'starting from zero' world, knows that in theory this behavior can be successful .

Magicians all have their own mental image world, but nearly 99% of magicians are unable to make their own mental image world complete and let them have their own rules.

But that extremely rare magician with excellent talent can open up a world of his own in his heart, with his own rules. In the moon world, it is also called the 'inherent enchantment'.

However, Roy's plan is more advanced than the inherent enchantment. If the inherent enchantment is magic close to magic, then the technique Roy wants to perform is... real magic, which is what Roy has already done. The basis of the completed 'golden art' - 'Golden Supreme Heaven'! Open up your own mental image world, look forward to your own rules, and replace the real world with the mental image world when needed, that is the 'inherent enchantment', and Roy's 'Supreme Heaven' is a step further, he not only wants to open up a false world of mental images, but even decides to make the world of mental images become real in his own body, which is tantamount to treating himself as the universe and performing the power of opening up the world.

"Regardless of....

In what mysterious system, the human body has multiple attributes, the lungs belong to metal, the liver belongs to wood, the kidneys belong to water, the heart belongs to fire, and the spleen belongs to earth. The internal organs of the body can also be divided into earth, water, fire and wind, and even the fifth element and the sixth overhead element, the human body is a chaotic universe, and opening up the world is theoretically absolutely successful!"

Roy talks eloquently, he has absorbed the knowledge essence of many worlds, no matter...

Whether it is the ancient fairy art of the East or the magic of the age of the gods in the West, there are enough theories to complete the opening of the world of mental images.

"The Five Elements Yin Yang is the first time I've heard of it."

Echidona's eyes twinkled with fluorescence, she was curious about this oriental system that does not exist in this other world, so the Witch of Lust became curious about it.

But she also knew that now is not the time to think about these things, Roy's opening up the world is the top priority.

She restrained her excitement, and her wise brain began to run the spark of wisdom, looking for the difficulties and solutions, "...I am now in the state of the soul, and it is easier to enter your mental world than the physical state, we With the cooperation of the two parties, there is a great possibility to open up your mental image world, and after that, the souls of me and other witches can be placed in your mental image world."

"...But there is a problem. To maintain the existence of such a mental image world, you need a lot of magic power, and it is not a one-time magic power, but a continuous supply. I know the total amount of your magic power, Mr. Roy. It is extremely huge, but such a continuous supply of magic power cannot be slack for a minute and a second, and it is impossible for you to do it.”

The **** witch frowned, and she paced in place again, her cheeks slightly red, which was her habit when she fell into thinking and seeking solutions.

"Trust me, I can easily provide such magic."

Roy patted his chest assuring.

Isn't Solomon's "Human Principle Amendment Formula" prepared for this purpose, grabbing the magic power from the human principle continuously, and the total amount of the magic power of the human principle can't be described as endless.

As long as human history exists, the magic will never end.

Because every moment of progress in human history is the sum of the magic power that a complete civilization can provide! "If Lord Roy can guarantee to provide enough magic power and provide it continuously, then the probability of success is at least 80% or more, In the mental image world, I can continue to study 'the materialization of the soul'. When my research is successful, I and other witches can switch between soul and matter, live in the mental image world as a soul, and use material The gesture of interfering with reality, this is really... a wonderful method!!"

The **** witch's tone became more and more high: excited, her face flushed like a high court, for the witch who seeks knowledge, what she longs for is such an unknown and great mystery.

But soon, the wise witch was... terrified, and whispered: "... You must have such a plan from the beginning, Lord Roy, isn't it possible to pretend to be the witch Pandora? Is your action as well as you expected, is it also in your plan, in this way, I am embarrassed to divert the direction of research, and at the same time let you get all the power of the Witch of Sin!"

Seeing Echidona's astonished, shocked but faintly awe-inspiring look, Roy smiled without saying a word.

Of course this was not in his plan, and the actions of the pretending witch Pandora exceeded Roy's expectations, but Roy was a miraculous person who could turn everything around. Now, Roy has not only reversed the danger, but also turned the danger into an opportunity, on the contrary, he has been able to complete the "Golden Supremacy"! , Roy can easily use the power of the witches, because that is his mental image, and at the same time he has countless time to communicate with the witches in the mental image world, until he completely eliminates the original sin and achieves the power of angels, It can have the output ability of the peak of human beings.

After that, when the **** witch completes the 'soul materialization', Roy himself can also obtain this 'magic' by means of the "Golden Supreme" technique. To a certain extent, the **** witch Become Roy's tool man, any research topics in the future can be handed over to this... witch.

Anyway... the **** witch seeks the unknown, Roy can also teach her all kinds of knowledge, just depends on how much she can understand and understand... Presumably Ajidona will not refuse, but will give it to her with joy He 'part-time job'.

When the 'soul materialization' is completed, Roy can truly display the 'protection of the dragon' and bestow his abilities on the people in the mental image world. Because of the 'third magic', there will be no life lost. The sequelae are huge.

After that, Roy can continue to study in depth how to make the 'Blessing of the Dragon' bestow on more people, find more souls to fill in his own mental image world, and finally develop the superposition of all the soul powers in the mental image world. The method, that is the perfect "Golden Supreme Heaven"! With a punch, the stars are annihilated, and the universe is broken. Although Roy is still a long way from that realm, he has now completed the most difficult and basic Everything! The final form that combines the "Human Principles Amendment", "Dragon's Blessing", "Third Magic", etc..., as well as many mysteries and miracles to come in the future, is the "Supreme Gold" '! Roy's half-smiling expression made Echidona's heart confused, she thought she guessed right, and all this was exactly what this man planned and expected.

Roy did not explain, it is necessary to maintain his own mystery and stalwart, even in the face of close people, but also with dignity.

He is the king of the world, the tyrant of the world, and he must never let anyone think that he is easy to bully.

Emphasis on both grace and power, and use of virtue and power together, the bearing is just like, graceful and elegant! Gold

Chapter 135 The remaining witches

"First of all, let's find the souls of the other witches, Donna..."

Roy said softly.

"Well, that's the top priority right now."

The **** witch nodded solemnly, although Roy's 'golden technique' only needs the **** witch alone, but no matter...

Whether Roy wanted to get all the big sins or the feelings between the **** witch and other witches made them worry about the safety of the other witches.

'Satila should be fine.

' Roy was also a little apprehensive. Not long ago, Satila made such a deep confession of love to him that she was even willing to commit suicide twelve times for him, but just a few minutes later, she was in danger. And Roy was completely incapable of stopping it.

This kind of anger has been suppressed in Roy's heart. For... the pretending witch Pandora, countless ways have flashed in his mind to punish her.

'This is a protracted battle. It's me who put the four elements back into place first, or you who twist the world completely. This is the sign of our victory, but victory will always belong to me, because I am the symbol of victory!' Luo Yi whispered in her heart, and then... looked at Echidona, both of them were embarrassed.

Although I'm going to find other witches, but no matter...

Whether it is Roy or Echidona, in fact, neither has the ability to go to other world lines, especially those world lines that are completely distorted by Pandora, and the probability is extremely low. If they really have that ability, they will not be 003 by Pandora. Ra's suicide attack was a success.

"I think... Mr. Roy, let's wait here for a while, they can't rely on Mr. Roy for everything, and this is not good for those... ignorant witches It is also a lesson to teach them the importance of learning more."

Echidona covered her mouth and coughed, that is... said righteously.

"Well, Donna, you're right, you should teach them a lesson, let's just wait here."

Roy is also very thick-skinned. When he saw Echidona build a step for himself, he immediately climbed up, and after he went up, he didn't come down.

A godslayer and a witch are standing on this withered grassland, the lush grassland has turned black and gray, these... There is a lot of nourishment in the ashes, Moisturize the soil under your feet, and when the rainy season arrives next year, lush green grass will grow again in this soil.

Roy gently kicked the soil under his feet, and a piece of ashes floated up, looking into the distance, this world full of life turned into a fog of death.

Although I don't want to admit it, it was actually Roy's power that caused the most damage to this world. Although the witch of jealousy devoured half of the world with shadows, she didn't digest and absorb that half of the world, or... she was defeated.

Fortunately, Roy and Aggie didn't wait long. In their spiritual perception beyond ordinary people, they noticed another change in the world line. The last remaining power of Pandora disappeared, and all the scattered world lines returned. Together, it becomes real.

The six witches, sword saints, and sages appeared in this plain again, exactly as they were before they disappeared, but in fact they had disappeared in this world for half an hour.

Reid, Fryugel and Polkenica have nothing to do with each other. Although Pandora, the pretended witch, has completed the miracle of changing and replacing the world line, she has no need to carry out the possibility of these two people and one dragon. Change, just like Pandora can't apply this power to Roy.

Because Roy is too powerful, the probability of Pandora's power failure is extremely high. Just in case she doesn't do it, of course Pandora doesn't have much resentment towards Fryugel and others. Her main goal is still It's the big sin witch.

"What's the matter with you..."

Freugel stared at the seven witches of sin in a stunned manner. At this time, the witches of sin were only left in a state of soul, and they could barely maintain their human form by virtue of the witch factor.

The souls of Echidona and Satila are the best preserved, while the other witches have more or less a sense of fragmentation of their souls.

In Fryugel's consciousness, he had actually been standing here all the time, but it was incredible how things had turned out in the blink of an eye.

This is the overlapping of world lines, changing history without a sound.

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