Reid was also stunned, puzzled by what happened, only Polkenica's dragon eyes showed a thoughtful look, the dragon lowered its head and muttered, "... It looks like we've all been deceived."

Polkenica's voice is considered very low, but what a dragon's vocal cords say, no matter how low the voice is, is like a bell to human ears, and after hearing Polkenica's words, Fryugai Although Er and Reid don't know what happened, their faces are extremely ugly, and it doesn't matter if they are deceived, but if the price is their own lifespan, that is to lose the wife and lose the army.

Roy didn't have time to pay attention to the idea of ​​two people and one dragon. He glanced at the witches, and the witches' expressions were different.

Satila's face was full of guilt, she stood there motionless, tears were brewing in her cyanotic eyes, she felt that it was all her fault for her to become like this, if it wasn't for her witch factor running rampant, let everyone try to stop her. Her vitality was severely damaged, and she would not be taken advantage of by Pandora.

Camilla was like a frightened little rabbit, hiding behind many witches, watching everything around her cautiously, pitifully and helplessly. When Roy's eyes fell on her, this... witch was secretly Glancing at him, biting his lip, his face was aggrieved, thinking of the pain of being burned by the fire, his delicate body also trembled.

Segmed still had a lazy expression, lying on the ground lazily, as if he didn't care about his soul state at all, and even muttered that something was dead, and he wouldn't be so tired after death.

Daphne, on the other hand, was weak, crying about her misfortune and her anger towards Pandora. She was starved to death in her own world.

Minerova roared loudly, even though she was in the form of a soul, she was full of anger, full of anger, she was simply... an overly energetic girl.

Typhon was crying there. A child under ten years old was swept away by the flood and lost his life in the flood. She must be very scared.

But these....Although the witches have different emotions, the good news is that no one is stunned by the blow of death. Now thinking about it, it seems that only Echidona is most afraid of death, and the others The witches are all about dying.

Roy glanced at Ejidona, the **** witch was inexplicable, always felt that Roy was laughing at herself, she didn't know why, so she could only laugh there.

"Dona, it's not too late, don't ask them if they agree, their souls will dissipate in this way, and let's start to open up the world of mental images!"

Roy suddenly ordered.

Echidona's expression lifted when she heard the words, she closed the "Book of Wisdom" in her hand, her whole person became high-spirited, and her cheeks flushed excitedly: "...Okay, let's start!"

Pursuing the unknown that has never been seen before is... the meaning of Echidona's life, and opening up the world of mental images is... witnessing the miracle of the unknown! Recommended

Chapter 136 "Genesis"

The chaos of heaven and earth is like a chicken, and Pangu is born in it, and it is eighty thousand years old.

This is the breakthrough recorded in the oriental alchemy system.

And Roy's power system comes from the "Bible", so when he opens up the world of mind and image, it is like God in Genesis.

As time was running out, Roy directly let the soul of Echidona, the **** witch, enter his sea of ​​consciousness. Now Roy's sea of ​​consciousness is also chaotic, because his mental image world has not yet been established.

Even the magicians who have mastered the 'inherent enchantment' in the moon world actually do not have a real world in their spiritual consciousness. Erosion of reality with the mental image world also requires the use of magic to resist the suppression and erosion of reality.

The mental image world Roy wants to create is different. This is a real world opened up in his own body. Everything is reality, and everything is not false. Turning the human body into the universe will open up the world. It is a unique mystery, a miracle that real human beings can never accomplish.

A lot of knowledge from several worlds rotates in Roy's mind. He absorbs this knowledge, takes the essence and removes the dross, and extracts only the knowledge he needs and turns it into a 'golden technique' .

Roy's mind completely sank into his own sea of ​​consciousness. There is no concept of time, no generalization of space, everything is unknown, waiting for Roy to shape a new world.

On the first day, facing the chaotic darkness, Roy took a deep breath and pointed forward with his hand: "...There must be light!"

A ray of dawn shines in this darkness, and there is light in the world.

Light is 'day', darkness is 'night', and day and night alternate from then on.

On the second day, Roy said: "...the person above is for the sky, and the person below is for the earth!"

The clear air rises into the sky, the turbid air descends into the earth, and there will be evening and morning.

On the third day, the land and sea were chaotic, and Roy said again: "...the water should gather, and the dry land will be revealed!"

Under the spirit of words, all the waters in this world come together to form the ocean, and the dry land that has faded is the earth, there are seaweeds in the ocean, and there are fruits and vegetables on the earth.

On the fourth day, Roy said again: "...there is light in the sky, in charge of day and night!"

A big sun appeared on the earth and the sea, which was gradually becoming alive. The light shone on all things, and a full moon was born behind the sun, and together with the stars, they ruled the night.

On the fifth day, Roy said: "...there are fish in the water, and there should be birds in the sky!"

So, in this newly born world, there are fish wandering in the ocean, birds chirping in the sky, and on the earth, there are beasts and insects, the beasts are running freely, and the insects are flying in the flowers.

On the sixth day, the sun was shining brightly and the purple and red were bright. Roy looked cautious at this time. In his own mental image world, he could create the sky, the earth, the ocean, and even the ancient superstition with his 'artistic' technique. The sun, the moon, the stars, and even those... beasts and insects who don't have much spiritual knowledge, but what he has to face on this day is the most difficult scene.

That is to create human beings! Even in the mental world, Roy can't achieve this kind of authority. This is when Echidona needs to appear, and it is also a shortcut that Roy is ready to take, using a simpler Way to finish the power.

He pointed with a finger, and in this newly created mental image world, there are seven more souls, which are the souls of the Witch of Sin. Since it is impossible to directly create souls and human beings from nothingness, then we can use tricks. The way to capture the human soul from the real real world and fill it into this world.

The phantoms of the seven souls appeared on the ground, and the souls were unclear in appearance. Roy looked cautious, and slowly said: " are all guilty!"

It was originally the words of judgment from the Sword of Judgment, but at this time, it happened to be in line with the original sin of the Witch of Sin: jealousy, lust, greed, laziness, arrogance, gluttony, anger, the seven original sins appeared, and the seven souls gradually changed from emptiness to reality. turned into the appearance of a witch of great sin.

Seeing that the souls of the seven witches had entered his own world of images, Roy breathed lightly, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He slowly closed his eyes.

On the seventh day, there is only rest! Seven is the most sacred number in the "Bible", containing the mystery of creation, and this day is the Sabbath!..."Completed, the world of mind opened up It worked!"

The sky is bright, there are white clouds and waves, the sun just brings a touch of warmth, the soft soil is underfoot, the green forest is in front, and there is an endless distant sea behind, birds are singing in the sky, butterflies are flying in the flowers, see you At this scene of birds chirping and flowers, Echidona, the witch of lust, was excited and delighted, her face flushed as if she had seen a miracle.

The other witches were stunned, at a loss one by one, they didn't know why they came here suddenly, because they trusted Echidona before, so let Echidona take their souls away, who can Thinking of coming to such a paradise in the blink of an eye.

"I... come back to life"

Camila touched her body, looking in a trance, with a sense of wonder.

She felt as if she really had a body again, and breathed, instead of the previous state of the soul, as if it would disappear with the wind at any time.

"You are alive in this world, but back in the real world, your state is still a soul, but don't worry, when I complete the 'soul materialization', even in the real world, we can obtain immortality body."

......The other witches can be said to be scumbags, looking ignorant, Echidona ignored them, dressed in black like mourning clothes. The beautiful witch took a step forward and circled among the flowers and plants, the fragrance of the flowers overflowed and refreshed the heart.

"The magic power here is really full, then, leave it to me!"

The **** witch waved her hand, and the magic in the world of mental images fluctuated violently. Then, under the surprise of the other witches, a huge castle appeared out of thin air, standing in the center of the forest.

"Dona Donna, how did you do it"

The arrogant witch Typhon jumped and screamed, looking at Echidona with admiration.

This castle is exactly the same as the 'Witch Castle' where they lived before! And with the appearance of the castle, the witch's body also stood on the huge balcony outside the castle, with lace parasols, white jade-like wooden tables and wooden chairs. , The quaint and vicissitudes of masonry, everything is like the reproduction of the past.

The Witch of Desire smiled proudly and said, "...Even in reality, I can directly create such a castle with magic, not to mention in this world of mental images where I have huge management authority."

After Echidona finished speaking, she just... turned around and took up the corner of her clothes, curtseyed, and said melodiously: "...Welcome, Lord Roy, this is the witch's tea party!"

Behind the Witch of Sin, Roy wearing a sacred vestment is standing in the sun, the breeze blows his silver hair, and the smile on his face is warm and kind.

"It should be me who said, welcome to my 'Golden Supreme' talent!"

Chapter 137 Starting from scratch

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