Liu La's 'death' doesn't know where it was misplaced, and her death is distorted.

Pandora is absolutely immortal unless it uses extraordinary power, or clears the world to its original appearance.

Standing on the deserted plain, Roy closed his eyes, and after a long time he slowly opened, showing determination and determination in his expression.

"Crisis is the coexistence of danger and opportunity. The current situation is not a small crisis for me, and it also allows me to make up my mind completely. Let me take advantage of this opportunity and scene to break through and stand up! "

"...Although there is still a long way to go with the 'art' of my dreams, the basic plate of this art has also been completed, and the power and knowledge usurped from Polkenica are enough. , now I need to find Echidona to cooperate with me!"

Roy raised his head and looked at the big sun that was rising to the top. He has decided to complete the foundation of this ceremony, which is called "Golden Supreme"!

Chapter 133 Roy's Mental World

The future of the world has infinite possibilities, and as long as the probability of each future occurrence is not absolutely zero, it must happen.

Extract one of the infinite future possibilities and the one you need, and then change the world line to develop towards the state you expect. Although this does not conform to the historical development trend with the greatest probability, it can be used. It can be described as a strange story, but when this false "strange story" is forcibly spliced ​​into the real history, and the illusory process becomes real, it is absolutely not an exaggeration to describe such a mighty force as a miracle.

Pandora, the pretense witch... has accomplished such a miracle that human beings can never accomplish.

Although this... witch has borrowed the distortion caused by the collision between the world and the world, her own power is in line with the meaning of this chaotic distortion, and she has borrowed a lot of external forces to complete such a miracle, but the completion is... complete Yes, this is absolutely irrefutable.

The right time and place, plus a certain amount of luck, allowed Pandora to create a unique miracle, even the biggest miracle in this 'starting from zero' world.

All this created by the pretend witch is the most mysterious scene Roy has ever seen so far. Even the 'covenant magic' of the last king cannot be compared with the pretend witch. But it's more grandiose than that.

Pandora uses her own power and twisted world to force all witches into different possibilities.

Satila, who was completely runaway by the witch factor, was sealed because of her jealousy of the witch's personality, so she was forced to separate her soul from the body by the false witch, the angry witch Minerova who held the power of healing, met in her possibility. One 23 grand wars, the Angry Witch couldn't see the wounded and remained indifferent. She rescued everyone with her fists and prevented the war from happening, but in the end she fell into a trap and became a mad witch. Camilla, among her possibilities, she has attracted the love of people all over the world with her "faceless goddess". She fell into a frenzy and set off a war that swept the world. In the end, this witch who had no intention of starting a war was thrown into the fire by those who loved her deeply, and burned to the ground. The gluttonous witch Daphne was thrown into the desolation. In the desert, there is not a living creature, not a drop of water, the sky is a piercing sun, the air is burnt to the point of distortion, and the gluttonous witch is under the scorching sun, without a drop of water and food in pain, The arrogant witch Typhon died of starvation. In her possibility, this witch encountered a shaky flood, and the young and childish witch died in the flood with the cries of the lazy witch Seger. Med, she once again experienced the great cause of driving the dragon seed to the edge of the waterfall, but this time the possibility is that she encountered the combined resistance of the dragon Polkenica and the dragon seed, and finally the dragon and the current world fought. With the cooperation of all the dragon species, this... witch was beheaded and fell on the edge of the waterfall. When Roy saw the witch Echidona, this... confident and calm, in order to explore An unknown witch who gave everything, only her soul was left at this time, and her body was completely destroyed in the disaster.

"Pandora sent me to another possibility, and let me experience the scene of being chased and killed by the demon Hector, but this time, without your help, Lord Roy, I In the end, he was killed by the devil."

"...However, when only the soul was left, my perception was greatly enhanced, and instead, I sensed the wrong development of the world with the "Book of Wisdom", and forcibly opened a passage with the witch factor. The way to the right history."

Echidona smiled bitterly, although she still maintained the beauty of her body, but her soul also flickered and appeared, and the soul may be extinguished at any time without a carrier, and now Echidona is in a dangerous state. Between life and death.

Roy was silent for a while and said: "...Pandora created a 'strange story' that is death for every witch, and then what she has to do is to put these... ..'Strange news' is forcibly added to the correct history, in order to replace the real with the fake history, this is the real meaning of the fake witch!"

"...The pretense witch in the past just used her pretense to deceive someone, a certain place, but this time she made a big move to deceive the entire history. To be honest, if not for the On both sides of the hostile side, I really have to applaud and marvel at her generosity."

Although the pretend witch had a lot of luck and achieved such a miracle with external force, even the result was unacceptable, but Roy still had to show a certain respect, which was a strong mentality.

"I know, I know... but I really didn't expect that she would actually dare to do this step. I'm afraid that Pandora is almost the same as the dead now, even if she recovers in the end. , but her witch factor can never be recovered, this woman is really a man!"

Echidona squatted down with her head in her arms, gripping her hair irritably.

Pandora's behavior is like a reversible internal injury that can never be recovered. This is indeed the behavior of a lunatic.

"Pandora's purpose is to get Satila's body and use her body to open the seal of the 'door'. If the seal of the 'door' is opened again, Pandora will enter the 'door' without hesitation and go to oneness Another world on both sides, so both worlds will be twisted to the limit and close to destruction, in that state, her power may be maximized, and she will only become stronger."

"...So Pandora is not a lunatic who doesn't care, she has already planned everything."

All guesses are the integration of known information. Because of the "Book of Wisdom", Echidona is limited by the power of the fake witch, so she can't get more detailed information. Roy, who has more information, can Easily determine the true purpose of the pretend witch.

"What the **** is behind the 'door'!"

Hearing the 'door' again, even if she has lost her body, she is still excited as the soul of the **** witch.

"I will tell you in detail later, let's solve the current problem first, what about the other witches?"

Roy looked around. This was still the burnt plain, which was the real history. For the time being, only Echidona noticed the loopholes in Pandora's distorted history and escaped.

"They should also be caught in different histories. If I am right, they should also be dead now, but don't worry too much for the time being, witches are not so easy to die, their souls must be preserved, wait until When those...'false histories' are forcibly integrated into the real history, they will be seen."

"...I said that they should read more books in general. If they read more books, they would be able to discover the mistakes of the world in advance and escape like me, so that they can leave a more complete soul."

Echidona rambled, but her hand clenched the "Book of Wisdom" in her hand, her knuckles turned white, and her face also showed an anxious look, which showed that her mood was not calm.

"It's better not to die completely."

Roy breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. If all the witches were really dead, I am afraid that they could only be resurrected when Roy completed "all the miracles of the Crusaders" one day.

But getting the witch's big sin is the only way for him to achieve a miracle, which will become a contradiction.

"But even if we don't die completely, we can't stay in the form of souls for a long time. It won't take long for our souls to dissipate and die!"

Echidona wasn't any lucky.

"Isn't that just right, Donna! It's like giving you and the witches the best chance. You've already found out that the witch's body is no different from ordinary people. If you are killed, you will die, if you are injured, you will bleed. The simplest sharp knife can kill you!"

"...The immortality you study is only to copy more of your own body, but those...the copied body is also as fragile as your own, the soul There are unknown dangers in the transfer of the soul, and the difficulty of this road is no different from the 'materialization of the soul'."

"Unless you choose to greatly enhance the physical body like me and Polkenica, but no matter...

Whether it is the limit of the body or the limit of the soul, the difficulty is the same, instead of studying both, it is better to abandon one of them and specialize in one, so that you will have a greater chance of success!"

Roy used reason, experience, understanding, prediction of the future, difficulty, possibility of success, etc., to persuade Echidona to change the direction of her experiment.

"I understand, I understand that the path I chose before cannot be said to be wrong, but the difficulty is indeed too high. It is indeed difficult to succeed if you have to study the strength of the physical body and study the mystery of the soul. What's the use of me now deciding to change the direction of my research, I'm left with only my soul."

There was a look of fear on Echidona's face. From her research on the mystery of immortality, she knew that this... witch was actually very afraid of death.

But this is very true, because as long as living creatures are afraid of death, even Roy is actually afraid of death.

It is precisely because of his fear of death that he will work harder to lead the road to immortality.

"Isn't it better to have only the soul, without the **** of the body, your research on the soul will be more thorough!"

Roy's calm and affirmative voice gradually calmed the **** witch's heart, because she found hope in Roy's words, maybe now is not the time to give up.

"I can set up an enchantment to keep the soul intact, and at the same time continue to conduct research. When I complete the 'soul materialization', I can turn the soul into an entity and resurrect again, and at the same time achieve the desire for immortality."

The calmed down **** witch's thinking became rational and logical, she paced in place, "...First of all, I need a leyline that can set up a barrier, and that leyline must have enough magic power for me Consumption, not only must be able to satisfy the magic power I need to keep my soul, but also have the possibility of allowing me to continue to experiment with attrition."

"...The previous sanctuary is... a good choice, there is more underground magic power, and because of the barrier that I have set up before, it is relatively safe there, allowing me and other witches Survive, but must be quick, must be done before my soul is gone."

Echidona clenched her lips tightly, anxiety flashed in her dark eyes.

"Don't go too far, Donna! You have a better choice."

“Better choice, where is”

Echidona raised her head and looked at Roy, her beautiful eyes were like a pool of clear lake water, blue waves rippling people's hearts, and the ripples in the lake water had expectations and expectations.

Roy pointed to his heart with a hand and said with a smile: " my heart, in my 'golden supreme sky', let your souls and sins be stationed in my heart !"


The 134th chapter is completed, the golden plate

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