"Tiratila is fine, that's great!"

"I'm starving to death, Tila, hurry up and cook for me."

The arrogant witch had a cheerful tone, while the gluttonous witch was just like the sloth witch, her voice was weak, and there was a hungry growl in her stomach.

The other witches also showed different performances, but they were all relieved and fortunate to escape and ascend to heaven.

Freugel's face was tangled and ugly, even a little dazed.

You have such power and ability, why didn't you use it from the beginning, why let me and Reid accept the protection of that **** dragon, we both won without playing any role at all, But the side effects of this protection are real.

Freugel felt aggrieved and hummed there, but he didn't dare to really trouble Roy, but Freugel didn't know that he and Reid were not useless, they were actually returning from death. In the reincarnation, he and Red plus Polkenica have defeated and killed the Jealous Witch twelve times.

However, apart from Roy and Satila himself, no one knows the details of what happened in the death return.

Fryugel looked at Reid, wanting to know the thoughts of this... Sword Saint, but Reid's expression was quite calm, as if he had received protection from himself and didn't care about the loss of vitality.

............After Roy completely sealed the envy witch, he walked two steps slowly to Satila. At this time, the shadow covering Satila's body had disappeared, revealing her She had a long lavender dress, and her silver hair was a little messy. She was sitting on the ashes under her feet with a tired expression. Although her jade legs were muddy, they were smooth and slender.

Seeing Roy coming, Satila gritted her teeth and tried her best to support the ground to get up, her dirty cheeks flushed with shame, and she lowered her head and said, "...I'm sorry..., Luo Lord Yi, I have troubled you."

Roy shook his head and supported Satila's shaky body with his hands. He was jealous of the witch's persistent love before. After Satila died for him twelve times in a row, Roy knew that he could not refuse at all. This beautiful, gentle, and loving silver-haired half-elf had come to love him.

"Don't say sorry to me, don't bother me, you've paid so much for me, it's me who should apologize... But Satila, you have to apologize to Donna and the others, you didn't hurt to me, but you hurt them."

Roy's language was mild, he took out a handkerchief, wiped the dirt on Satila's fair and pretty face, and tucked her messy hair.

The fingers touched Satila's pointed ears inadvertently, the shyness made Satila tremble, and even her swan-like neck was crimson.

"Well...I, I know, I will apologize to Donna and the others."

Satila lowered her head and whispered.

Before because of jealousy, she wounded all the witches with the mentality of killing them, and she also said a lot of hurtful things. When Satila recalled those things, she also felt guilty.

Roy opened his mouth and wanted to continue to say something, but at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred! Wan! Recommended

Chapter 132 "Gold is Supreme"

The situation turned upside down again, time and space changed again, the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind were completely thrown into chaos, and the world was distorted to the extreme! When Roy noticed the distortion of the world, a name blurted out: ".. ....Pandora!"

All the figures around Roy disappeared without a trace, as if there were countless forks in the world, and everyone walked into a different parallel time and space and experienced different events.

Whether the real Pandora has such an ability, Roy, is not known for the time being, but in this extremely distorted world, Pandora has indeed accomplished such an incredible miracle by taking advantage of the time, place and people.

That's a miracle called 'Magic'! "Hehehe...it's me!"

A sweet and indifferent female voice came from behind Roy.

He turned around and saw the... monotonous but erratic figure.

A beautiful face shimmering in the sun, eyes with nothingness and calm like the sea, a simple "two 2 zero three"

The pure white robe, and the soft carcass that makes people indistinct under the robe, her hands are crossed on her abdomen, and her expression is peaceful, which makes people think at first glance that she is a quiet literary girl.

It is the pretend witch, Pandora! "Why do you still have the ability to continue to activate power, and twist the world to such a large size"

The chaos of the four elements is in the eyes of Roy... the **** killer who holds the power of 'Michael', it is simply a world that can't get any worse, it's like entering the world view of Cthulhu , full of chaos and desperate madness.

If the witch of jealousy can devour the world with her shadow, then Pandora is... by twisting the world and making it go to its demise.

"Looks like you got it wrong, Roy! I don't need to use too much power to arouse the envy of the envy witch. The witch is such an existence, it is the extreme of emotions. If you want to make the envy witch jealous, you only need to In words, one possibility is enough to detonate her."

"...I just showed Satila one of the infinite possibilities in the future, and she just... just went crazy."

Pandora said with a smile, her tone was calm and calm, as if she was participating in an outing and outing, and the whole person was at ease and did not feel nervous at all.

Roy's expression was still calm, without any panic, he just said slowly: "...you have been hiding in the dark, giving the illusion that you have no more energy and can only go to recuperate. A stab at a critical moment"

"Knives in the back? That's a good description... That's right, even Roy, you were deceived, wrongly thinking that I was no longer a threat, so you would fight with the envy witch with such a big fanfare. "

Pandora smiled like a fox, with great joy suppressed in her tone, "...Thanks to your help, and the divine dragon Polkenica, um, after adding those two Someone named Red and Fryugel, you really defeated the envy witch Satila, which is really good, and created the best chance for me!"

"... Now Satila passes by, and temporarily loses the power of the envy witch, and the other six witches have run out of fuel, and it was I who killed them all.

If they remain in their prime, no matter how twisted the world is, I can't do it, so I still have to thank Roy."

Roy didn't make a sound, and he was not provoked by Pandora. He just took a step forward. The momentum of Yuan Tingyuezhi and the terrifying and majestic magic power like mountains and seas began to stir. pervades this space.

"Oh, don't be frightened, she has the power to distort the world, but she is still a weak woman."

Pandora took a few steps back, showing a frightened expression, still full of smiles.

"I don't know how much power you have left, but I think you haven't spent too much energy, especially Roy, you are hiding such a terrible power, which makes me also fear."

Pandora stared nervously at the right hand of God on Roy's right shoulder, with a look of fear in her eyes for the first time, she had a strong premonition that this hand was enough to shatter her 'false power' , even enough to restore this distorted world to its original state.

And without this twisted world, Pandora, as she said, is just a weak woman, not to mention Roy, there are several witches who can kill her completely.

However, Pandora also wondered why Roy didn't directly use the power of the right hand that even Satila could defeat. After thinking about it, he could only suspect that the power was too profound and mysterious for Roy to use it easily.

"what is your purpose"

Roy's mood was unusually calm, he thought he would be furious, but this result was also within Roy's thinking and calculation, so he was not hysterical.

"It's very simple, my purpose is to use the 'door' to distort the world to the extreme, so that my power can reach the highest level, so as to seek true freedom! But the 'door' was sealed by you..."

When Pandora said this, her tone suddenly overflowed with hatred.

"If you really do this, this world will also perish in an extremely distorted world. I won't allow you to destroy it..."

Roy snorted.

That's right, before completing his purpose, Roy can't let this world be destroyed. This is the world he finally found. There may be other special worlds where the Seven Deadly Sins can take human form, but Roy is not sure. It will be a gamble if you can find a new world that meets your own requirements again.

"Ha, I didn't expect you to be such a kind and just person."

The corner of Pandora's mouth twitched, and her tone was full of irony.

"Now the 'door' has been sealed by you, and the key is Satila's body, so my purpose now has changed, that is, to get Satila's body to unlock the seal! Now is the best chance, I will I will pull out Satila's soul, kill all the witches, and make this world completely chaotic, so as to complete my pursuit!"

Pandora's tone gradually became a little excited, and a sharp and persistent light flickered in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid standing in front of you, that thing on your right shoulder makes me feel like a needle stick and fear, so, look forward to the result, Roy! This time I want to twist the world into this It looks like you have been seriously injured, and the next time we meet, maybe it will be a hundred years later, maybe a hundred years, maybe two hundred years, if you can live to that time!"

Pandora's figure gradually disappeared, and in this world isolated by Pandora's power, only Roy was left.

He didn't stop Pandora, because Roy knew that it was meaningless, in this world where the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind were completely out of place, Pandora 3.

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