The great aura of the supreme and holiest rises up, this dark country of shadows like the end of the end, with the appearance of the right hand of the god, it seems to be transformed into the kingdom of the supreme god, full of holiness and grandeur.

"What it is!"

Everyone who sees this hand for the first time will roar and exclaim from the heart, no matter...

When they saw this hand, they all had the urge to kneel down and bow their heads humbly in front of it.

It was as if mortals saw the true face of the true God, which was indescribable, unattainable, and shocking.

"Master Roy...Master Roy is still hiding such a mystery!"

The Witch of Desire is very excited, too great, too vast, the mystery of that hand seems to transcend the whole world, this hand alone is enough to make 'the incarnation of 920 intellectual desire', let Echidona Chase for a lifetime.

What a huge amount of knowledge is hidden in that hand, what a mysterious power is hidden in that hand, even if the being named Echidona has an immortal life, can he really explore the mystery represented by that right hand? Echidona just wanted to groan and tell everyone that she couldn't leave Roy's side, this unknown man was so curious, he was enough to make the **** witch spend her life to pursue it. The presence.

When the "Sacred Right" showed his true face, everyone lost their voices on the spot, even Shenlong was in a trance, and even Fryugel was no longer... unable to say a single roar, all Zhang Da He opened his mouth and stared blankly at the holy right side that was about to wrap up the heaven and the earth.

Compared with the others, the state of the witches of sin was even worse. Except... Echidona fell into obsession and excitement, the rest of the witches showed pain. look.

Jealousy, greed, laziness, lust, arrogance, gluttony, and anger all symbolize the seven deadly sins in the Christian system, and because of the special nature of this world, these seven deadly sins appear in the human form of a 'witch', in the face of that When it represents the divine hand of the supreme majesty, any great sin will be shaken, terrified, and horrified.

Fortunately, Roy didn't point his right hand at the witches, otherwise the brilliance of the golden right hand would be enough to make the witches feel severe pain in their bodies and souls.

But the envy witch facing the right hand is not the same. With the appearance of the divine right, which seems to be a natural enemy, the envy began to boil. Satila groaned in pain, and the envy witch from another personality had replaced her again. Intend.

The witch of jealousy sensed the danger! "Be patient, Satila! It won't hurt very much. You can be relieved with a little effort, and you won't be bound by jealousy anymore."

Roy's tone was gentle, which made the anxious Sarah unconsciously calm down, as if Roy's words had a calming effect.

Roy is not going to kill the jealous witch. Doing so will make Satila lose most of her power. The witch's power is... from the 'emotion of sin', not laziness, gluttony not gluttony, jealousy If there is no jealousy, then the witch is no longer a witch.

What he expects is for Satila to actively control the personality of the witch of jealousy, transforming into the witch of jealousy when needed, and to live with her own personality in normal times.

The temperament of witches is not suitable for daily life, and jealousy is a terrible disaster, which is why witches have to stay away from human society and can only live in the castle of lustful witches.

The reason why Roy could not use the divine right to separate Satila from the witch of jealousy was because Roy could not determine the target, and he didn't know whether Satila's personality had been destroyed by the witch of jealousy and came back to life. Although it is also one of the miracles of the Crusaders, the current Roy has not mastered such a miracle.

But when Satila's personality rose from the deepest depths of the sea of ​​consciousness and began to compete with the jealous witch for power and control of her body, Roy finally determined the goals of the two, so that he could use his "right light", Totally aimed at the jealous witch.

The only one who can save Satila is Satila herself. If she doesn't fight and fight, Roy can't give her any help.

God only saves those who save themselves. Although this sentence is not clearly written in the Bible, the content recorded in the entire Bible conforms to this truth, which is also one of the doctrines of the Cross.

As for the maximum analysis of the 'Holy Right', this matter has been completed before. In the unrestricted death return of the envy witch, the envy witch is exploring the fighting ability and method of others, and looking for a way to win , and Roy is also returning from death, using this right hand to analyze all the power of the envy witch.

'Death Return' and 'Sacred Right' are simply... the strongest combination skills, using infinite death to detect the opponent's 'strongest', thus winning in one fell swoop, but Roy thinks this move is a bit overwhelming Not enough... it would be a bit too embarrassing for me to defeat the opponent by suicide every time I fight.

'And if you encounter an existence that is too out of specification, this set of combination methods will not be of any use.

'Roy thought of those...the overly powerful "Demon God", even if he used infinite methods of death, he would never be able to find out the strongest power of the "Demon God" unless he also reached the "Demon God" domain. , this right hand may also have a strong effect on the devil.

'Besides, it's hard to say whether the death return is really effective in front of the devil, unless I use the death return as a basis to complete the mercury spell and achieve the dream... Eternal return!' Roy thought of this, and his heart was slightly There was excitement, but he quickly calmed down and looked directly at the jealous witch.

"Even if I help you defeat the jealous witch here, but if you want to completely control her, you can only rely on yourself!"

"... Satila, get out of that jealousy, I ask you—"

"—'Who is most like God'!"

Roy sang the supreme divine word aloud, and a divine brilliance that pierced the sky bloomed from the right hand of God.

This is the "Light of the Right"!!

It was the terrified cry of the jealous witch's resentment and wailing.

Chapter 131 Seals and Mutations

The intense light like a sunspot flare shone in the sky and the earth, causing everyone to close their eyes and bow their heads, daring not to look directly at the sacred vastness.

A new star shone in the sky, Pi Lian tore apart the shadow that had devoured half the world, bringing hope, vitality, moving and crying to the world.

The rising sun is like a newborn, all the darkness and despair fade away, and the warm sunshine shines on the earth again.

A few flowers and grass struggled to break free from the shackles of the shadows, dewdrops dripped from the tip of the grass and fell into the soil, bringing vitality, butterflies danced, birds chirped, and the whole world was full of vitality.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--------"

Under the sacred brilliance of Roy's "Light of the Right", a dark shadow was pulled out from Satila's body. The shadow was full of resentment and jealousy, like thick black ink, which could barely resist Satila's facial features and appearance can be seen on her face.

This is the embodiment of the jealous witch's personality, but Roy's "Right Light" separated the jealous witch's personality from Satila's body, but this personality is also Satila, and Roy dare not really Destruction of the Jealous Witches.

Doing this is likely to make Satila lose her power, and at the same time, due to the damage of her personality, Satila's spirit and soul may also have problems.

However, if this jealous witch's personality is ignored, she will still return to Satila's body and compete with her again for control of her body and strength. Roy is also prepared for this. He took a deep breath and said again. Reciting the Word Spirit, many mysterious runes appeared in the void, and a huge magic circle appeared in the ground beneath the feet.

This is Roy's collection of Solomon's magical knowledge, the runes taught by Skaha and the magic of Celtic mythology, plus the magic and alchemy from the world of Godslayer, and even Aiwass's magic. A great sealing ceremony made of knowledge.

This ceremony has the same effect as the one that sealed the door in the Erior Forest, except this time Roy put the sealed key in his hand.

The mighty, radiant, surging magic power swayed back and forth in this space, making the air of this piece of land stagnate again.

One after another illusory and solid chains appeared from the runes in the void. Under the sound of clattering, they bound the shadow of the already powerless envy witch. The "Light of the Right" possessed the deprivation of all victory factors and directly allowed Roy to gain The ability to win, although the conditions for activation are harsh, as long as it can be activated, among all the people Roy has encountered so far, no one can compete with it.

The jealous witch's personality was bound by chains without any resistance, but Roy frowned.

Sealing requires a medium. At this time, Roy doesn't know where to seal the personality of the witch of jealousy. Roy is still ready to wait until Satila can completely grasp the 'witch of jealousy factor', before putting this personality on the seal. Release to make Satila in full state.

After the envy witch personality was split, although Satila still holds the power of death return and shadow, but because she temporarily lost her jealousy, she could not use these two powers to the fullest.

Perhaps seeing Roy's hesitation, Polkenica opened the dragon's mouth and said: "...Seal the envy witch in the waterfall, there is the end of the world, few people will go there, and the envy witch will be sealed. The seal is safe there, and with me there to look after her, it's impossible for the jealous witch to escape."

Roy looked at the distorted shadow in the seal. Jealousy has no rationality, nor does she have any love for Roy. The perseverance and distortion she showed before was actually pull.

"Okay, then I will seal the jealous witch in the big cloth!"

Roy is not worried about the envy witch breaking his ban. He is still very confident about this great sealing ceremony of his own. This is a ceremony that he has created and processed with the knowledge of many worlds and his own wisdom. It's so easy to break free.

The figure of the jealous witch who was roaring and twisting with her hands pressed down is... sunk under the earth, this kind of ability like space transfer, although there are not many records of modern magic, but in the ancient system of oriental immortality However, the research is quite deep. Roy has obtained the knowledge of alchemy from the first emperor of the moon world and the leader of the godslayer world, and it is also handy to use.

When the envy witch's cry became smaller and smaller, until it disappeared completely, everyone present was completely relieved.

"Um...exhausted...I'm...let, don't...disturb."

The Sloth Witch Segmed sat down on the scorched dirt under her feet, gasping for exhaustion.

Although the envy witch was defeated, the witch's castle and the beautiful plain were also turned into ashes by the collision of the envy witch and Roy's energy. Now this land is only burned ashes.

But presumably over time, that beautiful grassland will flourish again.

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