"But that is difficult, Lord Roy! Now Satila has completely lost the ability to control her own power, and she has completely turned into a 'witch of jealousy'."

Echidona said solemnly, the envy witch hidden in the dark fog did not take the initiative to attack Roy, surrounded by shadows ahead, she just floated in the shadows with a resentful look and a sick smile, straight up and down. There was naked jealousy in the eyes of the six deadly witches.

"Satila loves me so much, so I have to give my own answer. Although I am not someone who depends on my sensibility to decide the future, but at this time, I have to say something passionately and emotionally, That's what I believe in her, I believe in Satila!"

Roy said loudly, and as his voice fell, the jealous witch who was looking for an opportunity suddenly showed a painful look, as if there was another personality in her vying for the control of her body and strength.

Seeing this scene, Echidona opened her mouth slightly, and finally Wei Ran sighed: "...As expected of Mr. Roy, I thought you were an absolutely rational person like me, but Now it seems that you have a greater possibility than I don't have."

"...But because of this, I won't give up. You are still the unknown I'm pursuing, and this is also the obsession of the **** witch!"

Echidona's beautiful face had a firm expression, and she never said, "...even if the opponent is Satila, it is the love that I have to sigh to myself, as a **** witch, I still can't Stop it! "These.... I'll talk about it later, Segmed said, the area here is too narrow and not suitable for fighting, let me break the shadows here first, Segmede Dmitry, it's alright for you to protect them."

Roy asked the sloth witch who was being held by countless hands one meter above the ground.

Segmed propped up her body vigorously, a... purplish red head rose up, a few strands of hair covered her tired eyes, and panted: "...I have long been. .....Ready."

"Let me help too."

At this time, the gluttonous witch who was being bound by the coffin said, "...I really don't want to exercise, it will lose a lot of energy and make me hungry."

Daphne, the gluttonous witch, complained, but her movements were not slow. The blindfold that had been covering her eyes suddenly fell, revealing the eyes that were like the 'Evil King's True Eyes', exuding diamond lustre.

This is one of the powers of the gluttonous witch, the eye of gluttony! The gluttonous witch is bound by the coffin is her voluntary result, no matter...

Is it a coffin or those... The iron cables are all so that you don't have to do extra exercise to consume your physical strength, and the blindfolds on the eyes are to block the medium for the release of your own power, that is, the eyes.

Daphne's eyes are extremely terrifying magic eyes. One magic eye has the ability to make the enemy staring at it hungry, so that it can even eat itself. The other magic eye can swallow existence. As long as it is swallowed up, it is almost So completely disappeared from this world, no matter what...

It's name, memory, appearance, life, etc... all will be forgotten by this world, it's a rather terrifying ability... And the most terrifying thing is that the witch's power emitted by this pair of magic eyes is not only a Life is effective, and even mysterious things can be affected! When Daphne's jewel-like beauty and dazzling gaze looked at the shadows around the Jealous Witch, those... shadows were also affected by the power of the gluttonous witch. Controlled, these ...... shadows seem to become hungry and begin to devour each other, followed by these ...... shadows that devoured each other again. Eliminate existence and completely disappear from the world.

Although the shadow of the envy witch is almost endless, but in a short period of time, it is impossible to break through the defense line of the gluttonous witch.

Among the big sin witches...except the jealous witch who has now become a hostile witch, the **** witch and the **** witch do not have any combat power, the ability of the angry witch is healing, although the arrogant witch Typhon has good fighting power, but After all, she was too young, so she was fine with ordinary people, but she was incapable of facing Satila, who was also a witch.

That is to say, among the witches, the only ones who are truly capable of fighting are the two witches of laziness and gluttony.

Seeing that Daphne, the gluttonous witch, supported the shadow of the jealous witch that was enough to devour the world, and the sloth witch Segmed was also ready, Roy made a decisive decision, his right shoulder shook slightly, a huge, golden right hand of God Just... from his right shoulder.

The giant hand with five fingers spread out, exuding panic and majesty, it seems to cover the universe, suppressing the power of the heavens! After a long study of the "Bible", and after understanding 'original sin', and got 'greed' and '' Lust' post 3.

6. Roy's "Holy Right" finally no longer has the ability of "Right Light".

Although the "Light of the Right" can only be used once in seven days, it is... well, it is a great move. In addition to... releasing the "Light of the Right", the current "Sacred Right" also... With the power to greatly strengthen Roy's power, as long as Roy gathers the seven deadly sins, the spell released by the 'Holy Right' has already reached the 'angel spell' that can destroy civilization and the world. .

"Your sinful voice is heard by the Lord, and the brimstone and heaven's fire will burn everything!!"

When Roy read out the sacred words, the airtight space formed by the shadow of jealousy suddenly cracked a gap in the sky, and a golden cross: the star was rising, burning the sacred golden The flame, that under the witness of God, the fire of civilization extinction initiated by the two archangels Michael and Gabriel fell from the sky.

—"The Rocket Rain of Sodom"! Recommended,

Chapter 118: The Shadow that Devours the World

Sodom and Gomorrah were annoyed by God for indulging in masculinity and not taboo on same-sex behavior. In Michael and Gabriel, the two "Bible."

Witnessed by the only two angels who appeared in the Old Testament, the city was annihilated by a torrential rain of rockets and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Although the current Roy has not completely eliminated the original sin and cannot release the real angel-level spells, his power "The Destruction of Sodom" has gradually gained that power, which is enough to make mortals despair. Mighty.....

The cross-shaped flame ripped apart the shadow of the envy witch, and above the dark clouds, a dazzling light was shining and burning, bringing hope and heat to people.

The sky and the earth had already been buried by the shadow of the jealous witch, but at this moment, the shadow above the earth also had cracks, and from the cracks rose thick smoke with the smell of sulphur, the ground fire spread, and the sky fire lingered. , With the 'Holy Right' on Roy's right shoulder swung hard, the sky fire began to fall, the ground fire began to rise, and the whole land fell into the fire shower meteor.

"Whoosh whoosh-"

Fireballs burning with golden flames fell from the cross-shaped flames in the sky.

"Rumble rumble—"

A piece of lava flames surged out from the cracks in the ground, rising up: a column of lava hundreds of meters high.

The envy witch's shadow barrier that can abandon everything is... being torn apart in an instant, the sky and the earth finally broke through the darkness and ushered in light.


With a loud noise, the witch castle created by Echidona finally began to collapse. This castle was eroded by the envy witch. Those... bricks and stones turned into shadows, Now shrouded in Roy's power again, it was torn to pieces almost instantly, turning into gas and disappearing with the wind, leaving no trace.

Before the other witches were saddened by the destruction of their own residence, the power of the "Destruction of Sodom" was also completely erupted.

The witch's castle was originally located on the endless plain. When the castle shattered, everyone... found that the plain was also the nourishment of the envy witch, and the green grassland swaying in the wind turned into a pitch-black color. The animals were all wailing, and the shadows of the earth were like quagmire, so that the bodies of these animals fell into it, unable to extricate themselves.

The witch of jealousy is preparing to let her shadow cover the whole world, and then swallow everything in this world in one go, and these animals, plants, organic matter and inorganic matter are now all insects caught by spider webs, and they are ready to go at any time. It will become the nourishment of the jealous witch.

However, under the bombardment of the power blessed by Roy's 'Holy Right', this huge plain at the junction of the four countries seems to have fallen into the end of the world. The animals turned to ashes in their wailing. It can be said that Roy's move is more powerful than the destructive power of the envy witch.

The burning flames in the sky and the earth turn people into an orange-red color. In this apocalyptic scene recorded in the Bible, the envy witch's surroundings are still frozen.

Those sky fires and earth fires couldn't hurt a single hair of hers at all.

This result is also within Roy's expectations. The power "The Destruction of Sodom" is a large-scale attack. The purpose of releasing this power this time is just to break the envy witch's mental image world, so as to give himself and Other witches create more opportunities.

Seeing this scene of annihilation, even Segmed, who had driven the dragon seed to the Great Falls by the Hand of Sight, and Echidona, who had seen Roy's great power in the sanctuary Tankou, there is incredible in his eyes.

The other witches were even more shocked and inexplicable. Minerova, who was always haunted by anger, and Typhon, who was mischievous, were silent and trembling.

Roy and the jealous witch Satila, one is spreading shadows in an attempt to devour the world, and the other is making an absolutely shocking appearance, burning a grassland to ashes in one blow, no matter what...

Which of these two people is, is already a monster enough to destroy the world, and it is almost not in the same dimension compared with other witches.


The sloth witch's blushing face struggled for a long time before she finally let out a breath. The flames burning around made the air like a soldering iron, and every breath made her throat and lungs sore.

"It's... scary... these two guys are more scary than dragons... but compared to Roy... Satila's power is It's even more incredible...Dona, among the witches of the past...does such a witch exist?"

The sloth witch said panting, at the same time she was very fortunate. Fortunately, Roy was here. If there was no Roy, with the power of their six witches, in front of the current jealous witch, it would really be the same as delivering food, except. ...... She and Daphne can still resist a little bit, and the other witches will probably be killed by the jealous witch in a single meeting.

"How can there be such a powerful witch, how can the jealous witch in the past have such power, I always knew that Satila's body hides a very terrifying power, but I didn't care, and even thought she was not suitable for 'jealousy' "Witch Factor', no matter how strong the power is, it's the same thing, even if the witch factor runs rampant, we can stop her, but who knows..."

Echidona pursed her lips and said with her teeth clenched, the jealous witch Satila, this is the most powerful witch in history, enough to devour the world, making all witches and humans despair over it. exist.

"...Pandora is really lucky, but she discovered the existence of Satila, and 90 even made her jealous."

The power of the shadows, or the return of death, this is only the manifestation of Satila's power.

Just like Roy's 'Sacred Right', this real power belongs to Satila alone. With her own innate ability, even if Satila is not a jealous witch, she can stand on top of the world.

"I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry, I'm really hungry... When Tila regains consciousness and sanity, I'll have to let her cook me meals for a month... No, a Not a month, but a year!"

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