The gluttony witch Daphne's stomach growled, and people will consume energy as long as they move, making their stomach feel hungry. The gluttony witch's hunger comes faster than ordinary people, and hunger will not bring trouble to Daphne in a short time. , and even bring her stronger strength, but Daphne cannot maintain this state for too long. After fighting for too long, she will faint due to excessive 'starvation'.

"You are still thinking of letting Satila cook for you, now we have to think about how to survive first!"

When Echidona heard Daphne's words, she said angrily.

"She is coming."

Roy suddenly made a sound at this time, reminding the other witches.

The witches immediately.

Her mind was tense, and as soon as Roy's voice fell, Satila was... driving the shadows that infected the whole world, and attacked the six deadly witches!

Chapter 119: The Witch Who Devoured Half the World

The shadow of the envy witch begins to spread rapidly to all parts of the world centered on the witch's castle, it crosses the plain where the witch's castle is located, crosses the rolling peaks and rippling lakes, crosses the uninhabited hills and competes with nature. Jungle, until these... The city where shadows cross over human life.

The sky, the earth and the ocean were covered by this shadow almost instantly, and the power from the envy witch was still there: it expanded rapidly, covering half of the world at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Humans, animals, plants, minerals, plateaus, plains, forests, mountains and hills, all organic and inorganic substances, all terrains and things that exist in the earth and sky are covered by this shadow, as long as the envy witch is willing, she can He devoured all of this into his own nourishment in his thoughts.

But the envy witch didn't do this, because her purpose was not just to swallow half the world, her purpose was to destroy all living creatures and dead creatures in the whole world, and then establish a life where only she and Roy lived, A city of despair where no other life exists.

As long as all living beings die, as long as she and Lord Roy are the only ones left in this world, then the jealous witch doesn't need to be jealous anymore, and the jealous witch can get everything from Lord Roy completely, because it can make the jealous witch The existence of jealousy will be swallowed up by her and disappear.

This creature, who had been swallowed up half of the world, reluctantly did not die under the 'good heart' of the jealous witch, but just panicked and chose the way, dark, and screamed and terrified at the sudden change of this world.

Although the witch's castle is not located in the absolute center of the world, it is also close to the center. The two countries closest to the plain where the castle is located are...Lionheart Kingdom Lugnica and the Flakia Empire, and therefore these two countries. Large countries have the widest range of eroded lands.

The newly established city-state of Kararaghi and the Holy Kingdom of Gustik in the north are relatively small due to their remote location and sparse population, but the shadow of the envy witch is still there: it is expanding, and if no one stops it, Both countries will eventually be swallowed up by the shadows.

When the envy witch's power completely covers the four major countries and invades the sky, the earth and the sea, it is the day of the demise of this world.

Lionheart Kingdom Lugnica Border, Border Borodsvall.

Mezas is studying hard in his bedroom. There are several books on his desk, all of which are forbidden magic books in this world. Each magic book records **** or evil magic. , and these...... There are only magic books that are circulated in the outside world, no one would have thought that they would have been stored in their own forbidden book library by the **** witch.

Roswaal borrowed these books from Beatrice, the administrator of the forbidden library through his relationship with Echidona, but the books lent were time-limited, so Roswaal removed himself from... .... all the time for sleeping and eating is spent on reading.

This young man, who was less than 20 years old and 20 years old, was pale at this time, and the whole person looked extremely depressed, and his eyes had strong dark circles. His body was weakened to the extreme, but Roswaal did not dare to relax and was still concentrating My own spirit, diligently read the contents of the forbidden book.

"This spell can be used to transfer the soul by using one's own descendants as the key to the continuation of the bloodline. Although the author of the book is not sure about the possibility of the soul transfer, this is my only plan, Roswaal. Looking at this book that recorded the completion of the spell at the expense of himself, in his eyes... greed and thirst flashed.

His body was greatly damaged in the battle with the demon Hector, and the 'door', which was the source of the magician, was also irreversibly damaged. Roswaal's body was collapsing over time, so he did not It took too much time to study a safe technique. After seeing this reincarnation method, he instinctively felt that this was the best solution.

"For the sake of the teacher, I have to try... first marriage, and then have a child."

Roswaal murmured, it is not difficult to find a woman who is willing to marry him in his identity as a borderer, and Roswaal has the ability to see whether the woman has magical qualifications, as long as he finds a woman with similar qualifications and He gave birth to a child, so presumably his child's magical aptitude will not be bad. As long as he can complete this reincarnation technique, his 'magic's blessing' will also be transferred, and the loss of his own strength is not big. .

"That's it!"

Roswaal also broke when he was cut, and immediately made a decision.

Just when Roswaal stood up and was about to carry out the plan, suddenly a boundless darkness spread from afar, covering his house in an instant, the whole world turned into pitch black, only two candles on the table. The lamp is emitting a faint light source.

"This is... teacher!"

Seeing this incredible dark shadow that was about to cover the world, Roswaal's face changed greatly, and the first time he thought of Echidona's safety, he was ready to help rescue him.

It's just that Roswaal just took two steps in the dark, and his footsteps stopped... slowly, a painful smile appeared on his face, "...No, I don't have much more now.. Magical strength, even if you helped in the past, it was only a disservice to the teacher, and now I... the current I am not qualified to protect the teacher at all!"

He squatted on the ground holding his head and let out a wailing cry.

......The shadow of the envy witch will soon... cross the border and cover the capital of Lugnica, the residents of the whole city shouted in horror, they looked around, the city's The ground turned pitch black, the sky was shrouded in shadows, and everything around was viscous shadows, and in this absolute darkness, everyone seemed to become lonely and was being swallowed up, everyone was running away in terror. Call.

The palace of the Lionheart Kingdom was also swallowed up, and the panicked shouts of the maids and ministers could be heard in the palace: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!!"

"Where is Your Majesty now? The entire capital has now become like this. All magic has failed, and the front line cannot deliver news. I don't know what happened to Zhao outside the city."

"What is this, is it some kind of new magic invented by the Flakia Empire? Is the Flakia Empire going to conduct a full-scale invasion of the cold?"

"Knights, Knights, go find the Knights!! Now only the Knights can protect the city!"

"No, now it's time to protect His Majesty, where is His Majesty?"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty is not in the capital at all. He said he wanted to go outside and have a look, and then... then he ran away by himself!"


The entire palace was in a panic, and among them were the helpless complaints of the ministers to this... His Majesty the king with his own personality.

...... Just when half the world was shrouded in the shadow of the envy witch, on the edge of the great waterfall, Sword Saint Red.


Astraea, the sage Fryugel and his disciple Shaula, and a middle-aged man with a beard, finally met the 'Dragon' Porkenica at the great waterfall at the edge of the world! recommend,

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Dragon Polkenica

"Master, what is that!!"

With a single ponytail, wearing very modern clothes and showing her small belly button, Shaula is still jumping off like that: She saw that the horizon in the distance turned into pure darkness, she just... exclaimed.

Sword Saint Reid's eyes are solemn. He holds the sword in his hand and looks out into the distance beyond the horizon. In his sight, he can find that... the darkness is slowly advancing, although the speed is not fast. , But I'm afraid it won't take a few days before those... darkness will spread to the edge of this world, where the legendary waterfall.

Reid looked at Fryugel beside him, and said solemnly: "...You have noticed the terrifying magic power in that darkness."

Fryugel stared at the shadow of darkness with some trepidation, his teeth trembled and said: "...It's terrible, terrible magic, how can there be such a deep and terrible magic in this world, and ...and the magic seems familiar to me."

"It's Satila!"

Reid said with certainty.

"Sa... how could Satila, how could it be Satila!!"

Fryugel showed an unbelievable look. Although he hadn't seen the silver-haired half-elf girl for almost a year, the beautiful face and gentle smile of the other party still made Fryugel feel as if he had been there yesterday. On the day, as long as I think of her, my heart swaying, I can't control myself, and my soul haunts my dreams.

He knew that he fell in love with that beautiful half-elf girl, whether it was... Ephryugal was not sure, but the voice and smile of the other party, he knew that he would never forget it in his whole life.

"Although I don't want to believe it, this magic power belongs to... Miss Satila. I have never made a mistake in judging... magic power."

Reid clenched the hilt of the sword in his hand. As a swordsman, especially the strongest swordsman in the world, Reid was very confident in his perception.

"Sorry to disturb you two, who is Satila you're talking about?"

Beside Red and Fryugel, the man in his forties with a bushy beard asked aloud.

"Satyra is a girl that I met with Fryugel, Your Majesty! We and Your Majesty should have said that I once entered the Witch's Castle with Fleugel, and we didn't know until then that Sarah Miss Tila is actually a witch of jealousy, this young lady has a gentle temperament, she was... an ordinary half-elf at that time, but she didn't expect such terrifying power hidden in Satila's body."

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