"Dona...that's right...as witches you should know...we are absolutely unable to resist the emotion of 'big sin'...it's like You want me to liven up...that's dead...not possible."

The most mature sloth witch also said with a sigh, her words made other witches speechless for a while, because they knew that sloth witch Segmed was right, witches would never be able to escape their 'big sin', otherwise they would not be punished. called the witch.

The envy witch doesn't care about this at all...Witches, you said every word, she just looked at Roy stupidly, and only Roy's answer was what she cared about.

Roy watched all the witches, the jealous witch was waiting for her answer, and was asking her to make a choice, whether to choose one of her or the other six witches.

The choice was so painful for a man, and Roy knew he had to make a choice.

He stared at the envy witch's beautiful eyes that had already changed color, and said slowly: "...Sorry, jealous witch, I can't agree to your request, no matter...

Whether it's you or other witches, I don't want to give up, I can't kill them for you!"

The original sin of human beings is not one of them, but is contaminated with all the seven sins. If Roy wants to eliminate his own original sin, he must get all the 'sins'.

After saying this, Roy was also vigilant, because his words were actually no different from those of the scumbag, which would likely bring more excitement to the jealous witch.


Chapter 116 It's all the witch's fault!

After the voice fell, Roy was... the muscles in his whole body were tense, and the suffocating magic power circulated in his body, and he could burst out the power enough to destroy the world at any time.

An example of blatantly saying such heartless and scumbag words in front of a woman who loves you, and then being killed by a crazy woman. In Roy's original world, there were too many news reports, and it was even more terrifying. The envy witch can be more destructive than those ordinary women.

But things always turn out unexpectedly.

Roy thought that the envy witch would become angry, because of his "abandonment" and "rejection", he fell into a state of madness, but the result backfired, and the envy witch's answer left Roy stunned.

"Lord Roy rejected me, Lord Roy rejected me... Mrs. Roy chose Echidona and the others, and Echidona and the others..."

The envy witch murmured madly, she slowly raised her pale face, and after staring at Roy for a long time, she suddenly revealed a coquettish smile, "...It's not Lord Roy's fault, it's all about it. It was the witches' fault, they seduced Lord Roy, and they seduced Lord Roy."

"...Jealous, jealous, I'm so jealous, I'm so jealous of them, they got the love of Lord Roy in such a despicable way, which I absolutely do not allow!! Lord Roy , I love you, Lord Roy, I love you, I love you deeply!!"

The jealous witch who is too crazy, the love that is so persistent that it can be described as fanaticism, even Roy feels horrified, he understands Echidona's words, the jealous witch looks more like a **** witch at this time!" You... don't blame me"

Roy couldn't help asking.

"Of course I don't blame Lord Roy!"

The envy witch answered without hesitation, a dark shadow shrouded her delicate body, and the quicksand-like shadow dress seemed real, like an illusion, like misty smoke.

"Even if I make the choice to abandon you, you will not do anything to me"

Those ...... shadows shrouded in the envy witch, they all aimed their spear at the other six sin witches, with tragic killing intent, and these... .... but none of the killing intent fell on Roy, and it looked like Roy had cheated..., but the jealous witch forgave him without hesitation. .

"Ah ah ah ah, what are you talking about, Mr. Roy, you are my white moonlight, your tender eyes are to light up the beacon of the road ahead, I love you, did you hear that I love you so deeply How can I hurt you even if I die, I won't hurt a single hair of you, Lord Roy!"

"...but they can't, they stole your heart behind my back, they stole my love, I envy them, I envy them, I can't forgive them, I want to kill They, I'm going to kill everyone in this world, so that I won't be jealous anymore, I can cheer your arms, and don't make you worry about me."

The envy witch's expression is full of resentment, but she is as gentle as a lake with green waves, tender like water, the contrast between the two brings a great shock to people's hearts, and the contradiction is so strange.

Although the envy witch's love is crazy and persistent, when a woman makes such a confession to you and is willing to forgive you for everything, even if you abandon her, she will not resent you or even attack you. Thoughts, even if you die, it won't hurt you.

This unrepentant love is as hard as stone.

At this time, they are all shaken, and some doubt whether their actions and actions are... correct.

No waiting: Roy made more consideration, and the envy witch has suddenly erupted! The witch castle, which has been completely eroded by shadows, surged out from corners in all directions like a roar of the sea, the floor under her feet, the ceiling above her head, The surrounding walls, at this time, can no longer see the color and appearance of the past, and people's sight is full of thick shadows.

The turbulent sea was shot towards the six witches, and then the shadow missed Roy's side with extreme precision. Not only did it not hurt Roy, but these shadows protected Roy.

Seeing this scene, Roy was really hesitant.

Whether to help the jealous witch kill other witches to destroy the world, or to help the six witches defeat Satila. At this moment when Roy hesitated, the other six witches of great sin... suffered.

Segmed, who had always been lazy, looked extremely serious at this time, her eyes dyed with crimson shadows stared at Satila's jealous shadow, and tens of millions of 'no... ........... seeing the hand', these....... the invisible arms are densely knotted together, forming a huge sphere that will hold all the witches protected in it.

Satila's jealous shadow collided with Segmed's lazy hand, and there seemed to be the sound of Jin Ge colliding between the two, and the condensed magic splashed around between the two collisions, these... ......The overflowing magic power is enough to tear apart the earth and blast away the mountain peaks.

But at this time, the castle and the outside sky and earth have long been infested by Satila's power, and the magic power that escaped... The shadow that eroded everything was absorbed and turned into its own power.

Satila's power of shadow is simply... an inherent barrier that erodes the world, and within the range of her shadow, everything is transformed into her earthly kingdom of God.

..........."Think of a way...get out of here..."

The Sloth Witch was panting for breath, and she felt exhausted from using her power to fight against the jealous witch, her own laziness made her unbearable.

"Satyra is much more terrifying than... those... dragons... I... can't last long in this situation."

The Sloth Witch tried her best to squeeze the words out of her mouth.

Echidona, the witch of lust, flipped through the Book of Wisdom and replied: "...it's useless to leave here, the outside world has already begun to be eroded by Satila, even if we leave here, we will Still can't escape her shadow!"

"That's also better than...here...this is the core of Satila's power, what I can cast...the range is too small..."

The sloth witch replied in a lazy and feeble voice.

"No, no, no! No matter how I look for a way to break the game, the ending that the Book of Wisdom tells me is that Satila will devour the world, and we, the witch of sin, will be killed by her... Impossible Yes, it is impossible for the Book of Wisdom to yield other results, even if it is 1/10,000, the book will record it, it seems that Pandora has once again affected my power."

Echidona gritted her teeth and said that her power was completely restrained by the fake witch, which made her angry and helpless.

"Looks like you still need my help."

Just when the witches of sin were at a loss for the current situation, Roy's voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

Chapter 117: Holy Right, Rocket Rain

The burning flame swept across the dark shadow, and in this dark world, there was a person who brought light to all things.

Roy's body rose from the ground and floated in the air. Three pairs of wings composed of flame and light rose from his back. Six beautiful angel wings like aurora opened and inserted into the void. across the sky.

His silver hair is fluttering, and there is a cross-shaped halo on the top of his head. The divine and mighty breath has extinguished the original sin of the sinful witch, and the divine breath from the 'Godlike' Michael is full of this shadow that can devour the world, not only It was the envy witch, even the other witches showed a look of fear, which was the restraint of all original sins by the strongest angel in front of God.

But this kind of uncomfortable feeling on the back soon... disappeared, and the bright light band emanating from Roy brought the **** witch and others the warmth of the heart as if they were irradiated by the sun, Echidona lightened Breathing out, jokingly said: "...I thought you would choose "Three Three Three", Lord Roy

Help the jealous witch."

With a peaceful smile on his face, Roy shook his head and said, "...No, I will neither help the jealous witch nor you."

Echidona's face was stunned, and she said in amazement: "...what does this mean?"

"The words of the jealous witch just shook my heart, and I didn't recall it for a while. I was even hesitating whether to help her or Donna, but now that I think about it, I don't need to worry at all, because I don't really need to. Help the 'Jealous Witch', but don't help the 'Witch of Desire'."

"...I want to help, it's Satila!"

Roy's voice gradually became firm and firm, he restrained his smile, squinted his eyes and said with his strange eyes: "...I can't ignore Satila's feelings for me, even if my heart is like steel. , but also to be melted into tenderness by her persistent love, I can't bear to hurt her, but now it's not Satila who is standing in front of me, but the 'witch of jealousy', so I know what I'm going to do What is it, that is to help Satila overcome the personality of the 'witch of jealousy' and let her regain her sanity!"

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