Roy's tone gradually deepened, and his mysterious eyes stared at Pandora, if it were an abyss.

The pretense witch took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and said, "... Has anyone ever said that you're a bit too smart."

"Thank you for the compliment, but this is the embodiment of wisdom. What I pursue is extraordinary wisdom and true wisdom, and what this requires is endless knowledge, ha, tell you this... ....what, won't understand, Pandora!"

Roy laughed and said provocatively: "...Of course you can use your weak body and strength to try to stop me, but if you don't stop me, the ceremony will be completed."

............ As soon as Roy's voice fell, he saw the rune in the open space under his feet flickering, followed by Pandora's dark eyes and Felutona's exclamation Next, a chain of chains suddenly appeared at the mysterious door. These chains are not real iron chains, but seals transformed by concepts. Ring, wrap the door a few times.

Immediately, one end of the chain... went towards Satila who was standing at the center of the ceremony as the core, as if penetrating into the void, one end of the chain entered Satila's body, these... ....the chains transformed by magic immediately.

Shrink, and the chain that entered Satila's body turned into a key.

No one can open the seal of this door without this key, and the key is... the body of the envy witch, it will be extremely difficult to take it away.

Satila slowly opened her cyanotic eyes, her expression remained unchanged, and she did not feel any discomfort. Roy did not use her as a material for the ceremony, but just let Satila become the carrier of the key. So, that doesn't hurt Satila in the slightest.

When the jealous witch opened her eyes, she first smiled softly at Roy, and then... looked at Pandora, her eyes became indifferent.

Then, just before Pandora could react, the shadow at the feet of the pretending witch suddenly came to life, and a jet black like graphite poured out from the shadow. These... viscous shadows He grabbed Pandora's body, and the next second the pretending witch's body was torn apart.

And those... shadows also seem to have turned into a living monster, eating Pandora's stump limbs and arms into their own belly!

Chapter 102 The Change of the Jealous Witch

"Sorry, Lord Roy! I don't seem to have killed her..."

Satila stared at the pool of mud swallowed by shadows, hesitated for a moment and said.

As a witch of jealousy, Satila has an instinctive perception of the existence of the fake witch. Although the fake witch Pandora turned into blood in front of her, the deepest part of Satila's heart is... .a voice was telling her that... the witch didn't die, and she couldn't die so easily.

"Don't be disappointed, Satila! I know she's not dead, even I can't kill her, so don't apologize to me... Compared with Pandora, you've changed more, Satila. surprised me."

Roy looked at her up and down as if he had reacquainted Satila.

The waist-length silver hair and the delicate face like jade, although wearing a thick black coat "two five zero"

, but couldn't hide her snow-white skin and fascinating body, she was still as gentle as when she had seen her in the slums, but there was an indescribable change.

"Ro...Lord Roy...Where have I changed?"

Satila was flustered by Roy's sight, she lowered her head and said nervously, stirring her fingers, for fear that Roy would not like her if she changed.

"In the past, you wouldn't be so decisive to shoot at people, and you would still kill people directly."

Satila could kill the demon beasts without hesitation, but Roy didn't expect that Satila would be able to kill a woman without hesitation. If it wasn't for the witch power possessed by Pandora, she would really will be killed directly by Satila.

"That woman is hostile to you, Mr. Roy, and I won't allow anyone to hurt you..."

The envy witch said in a firm voice, and after hesitating for a while, she asked carefully again: " you dislike my change, Mr. Roy? If you don't like it, I will change it."

She raised her delicate and delicate face, and her cyan eyes revealed a plea.

Roy shook his head, stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around Satila's head, pressing her face against his arms slightly, " protect me like this, how could I not Happy, your change is good, Satila! When facing the enemy, you can't have the kindness of women, and you have to be ruthless, or you will regret it eventually."

Roy likes kind people, but doesn't like the 'Virgin', Satila's behavior is in line with Roy's point of view.

She will express sympathy for those who are suffering in life and do what she can for them, but when faced with real enemies, she can take action without hesitation and become a real witch.

This may be... two sides of Satila.

Satila was overjoyed when she got Roy's affirmation, she hugged Roy tightly, smelling the man's scent in her nose, Satila's breathing gradually became stronger, her delicate face turned red, making her head hot.

"Brother Roy, is the matter in Sister Satila resolved?"

Seeing Roy and Satila hugged like that.

Forgetting, Felutona pouted, interrupting the warm and coquettish talk between the two.

Satila's drowsy head was awake, she slowly left Roy's arms, and tidied up her messy clothes a little embarrassed.

After all this was done, she was Tona, with a beautiful and gentle smile on her face: "...The matter here has been resolved, Filutona!"

"Then... in the future, everyone will be able to continue living in the forest, and there will be no more monsters."

Filutona's eyes lit up and asked.

"Well, there won't be so many monsters gathered here in the future."

It was Roy who answered Filutona.

The monsters were originally called by the witches to cover up the existence of the door. The elves were completely at the right time, because the point of the back was the disaster of the monsters. Now the door has been sealed by Roy. Before the method of unlocking the seal, she could not continue to stand in front of this door.

Because the news of the door could no longer be kept, she could use her ability to keep the elves from telling the news of the door, but she couldn't force Roy, even if she was strong.

Now that the news of the door has been exposed, there is no need for her to stay here.

"That's great, I'm going back to tell my grandfather and the clan the good news! Brother Roy, sister Satila, you can go back with me, everyone will definitely thank you!"

The little loli cheered, and then... looked at Roy and Satila with hope.

0 Roy and Satila looked at each other, and the jealous witch squatted down and scratched Felutona's little nose, and said with a smile: "...Okay, then I'll continue to bother you with Lord Roy. God."

Perhaps it was because Satila came to this forest with Roy, so that the elves thought they had the ability to solve the problem of the door, so Satila, as a half-elf, was not discriminated against by the elves. The elf bloodline is more, and the elf tribe in the Erior forest gives her a sense of security in returning to her hometown.

It was precisely because he felt Satila's peace of mind that Roy decided to stay in the elf tribe in this forest for a few days, otherwise he would rather go back to the witch's castle now.

A group of three people left the door and hurried back. Although this trip to the Sealed Gate of Arior Forest ended simply, Roy also gained a lot. Behind the door He found the truth of the world and knew how to deal with it.

'I just don't know if it will take decades or hundreds of years to do it.

' Roy thought so, maybe after staying in this world for hundreds of years, he can complete his final transformation.

......When the three of them left, the quiet forest became alive again. Many small animals chirped and climbed up the treetops, insects flew among the green grass, and the quiet forest changed again. Get lively.

The figure of the pretended witch Pandora reappeared in this forest, she was only 3.

1 is looking at the direction where Roy and the others are leaving, his blue eyes are full of emptiness and tranquility. Although he is standing here, he seems to be isolated from the world, out of tune with the entire forest, like an illusion.


Crowley... Jealous Witch Satila..."

"Hehehehe, it's not over yet, it's just beginning."

"Is it safe to turn the key into the body of the envy witch? No, even if the envy witch keeps the key, I will get it!"

"Let me... make history!!"

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