Seeing Roy shut up and just pondering, Satila carefully tugged at his sleeve and called him timidly.

Roy came back to his senses, he glanced at Satila, and said apologetically, "...Sorry, I thought of something just now, and I left you out in the cold."

The envy witch shook her head gently, and said understandingly: "...What Mr. Roy thinks must be very important, I don't care."

"You little girl, it's just... so understanding."

Roy said with some distress, meeting such a good girl would be a disaster for him, and even more and more people, because it would be a disaster for Satila and other girls. It's unfair to children.

But of course Roy, who took advantage of it, would not refuse this affection, but he did not talk about his romantic history as much as possible.

"Lord Roy, what is this door? Satila also has this strange door standing in the forest.

Felutona said nervously: "...Brother Roy, do you know what's going on with this door? Does our elves really need to move out of the Erior Forest?"

"Don't be nervous."

Roy motioned for the two of them to be quiet, and then let Satila and Filtona step back a little.

In fact, Felutona's problem with the elves is very easy to solve, because the problems of their elves have nothing to do with this door, they are all things made by the fake witch Pandora, as long as Pandora is not concerned about this temporarily. Daomen, then solve the trouble of the elves.

After the two girls retreated, Roy suddenly punched out, with the power of a dragon in that punch, and slammed into this door.

At this moment, Pandora, who was hiding in the woods and spying on Roy, suddenly raised her mind, and her heart almost jumped out of her throat, for fear that Roy would break the door with one punch. There was no response from the door, and Pandora was relieved.

Roy only felt that he punched the door with a punch that was enough to shatter the mountain. It was like... a ball of cotton, like a mud cow entering the sea without any response, and the door didn't even vibrate.

"Sure enough, the easiest way to smash this door directly will not work, it is almost equivalent to the other side of the world."

Roy was not disappointed either, for.. this result was expected.

As long as Pandora opens this door, the distortion of the world will become more and more serious, and her power will become stronger and stronger. At that time, it can only be called in vain.

Even Roy suspects that when the world is twisted to a limit, there will be complete contact between the different world and the earth, and that will be the beginning of the world's collapse.

"In order to prevent Pandora's power from skyrocketing, so that she can only maintain this strength, I am afraid that I need to use a spell to seal this door, and I can't let her open it."

Roy recalled the magic book he had read and the knowledge that Aiwass had taught him, and soon... constructed a spell in his mind that could seal the door.

This is not an unreasonable technique like 'gold' and 'mercury' that Roy wants to create. With Roy's wisdom and knowledge, it can be constructed almost instantly, and this seal borrows the power of other people. Even some magicians who have deep research on enchantment throwing can do it after a long period of research, this is just a skill to use force.

"However, if you want to complete this technique, you need a key. I am the best key, but I don't get along well with the world, so the most suitable candidate is... "

Roy's eyes turned to Satila.

There is no person who is more suitable to be the key to this door than the jealous witch. Pandora's power is very strong, but that kind of power is only in an auxiliary ability, not in combat power, just like Pandora's ability No matter how strong she is, she will never be able to defeat the jealous witch.

And if you want to be the key to this door, you must be someone who Pandora can't defeat, and the Witch of Sin, as the existence closest to the 'root' in this world, is the most suitable to be the key.

In addition to... the envy witch, the sloth witch has this ability, but the woman Segmed is not suitable for this job, because she is too lazy.

"Master Roy"

Satila looked at Roy puzzled, seeing the light in his eyes, Satila was a little uneasy.

"Satira, do me a favor, don't worry, it won't cause you any harm."

Roy asks for the help of the jealous witch.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if I get hurt, as long as I can help Mr. Roy, I'll be willing."

The jealous witch replied with a smile on her face.

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Chapter 101 Reappearance of the pretend witch

In the forest of Erior, a witch of disguise peeked ahead.

Near the door, Roy was busy, using a simple branch to carve strange characters on the surrounding ground.

At the beginning, Pandora couldn't see what Roy was doing, but the more she looked, the more strange she felt. There seemed to be secrets that disturbed her in those runes.

Pandora is not Echidona after all. If it is Echidona, even if the rune system depicted by Roy does not belong to this world, she can still learn from the arrangement and combination of these runes and the faint magic fluctuations in the air. see it in action.

But Pandora just thinks these runes are mysterious, like some magic, but the specific content is completely unknown.

This is the difference between a scumbag and a scholar.

But Pandora is a witch in disguise after all. When Roy finished depicting all the runes, when the magic ritual was activated, Pandora finally realized the function of this ritual.

"how dare you......"

The pretense witch was furious, she couldn't bear it any longer, and finally walked out of this peeping place.

Felutona was watching Roy busy, and after hearing Roy say that as long as this ceremony is completed, the problem of the door can be solved, and the elves don't need to move out of the Erior Forest. Lolita was also delighted, singing and dancing to cheer Roy aside, making Roy smile.

Just when Feltona gasped for Roy and hoped that he would complete the ceremony quickly, suddenly Feltona felt tense all over, and a dangerous aura came from her mind, she looked to the side subconsciously, I saw a woman wearing a simple white cloth, standing on the side of the open space with a gloomy face.

This woman has an amazing beauty, but that beauty is now very distorted.

She appeared so abruptly that Felutona didn't notice it at all.

"Who are you"

The dangerous vigilance in her mind made Felutona not feel the intimacy she had when she saw Satila at all, and Felutona stepped back until she retreated to Roy and Satila. The feeling of the hair standing on end is gone.

Pandora just squinted at Felutona and ignored the elf Loli. In Pandora's eyes, the elf was no threat at all, she just looked at Roy with a gloomy face, word for word " know what you're doing!!"

"Isn't it obvious, Miss Pandora! I'm trying to seal this door."

The runes engraved on the earth by Roy all around flickered faintly. Among these runes were the runes from the great **** Odin. This was the secret method that Skaha had taught Roy, except... ......In addition to the runes, there are also some heraldic systems that even Roy doesn't quite understand. It should be knowledge that belongs to the material world.

From the effect alone, the runes mastered by Aiwass are stronger than the runes of Rune, but because Aiwass, an angel from the creation world, has no known knowledge, and is the real leader of the temple. Secret, so it seems more mysterious.

"Why, why do you have to be nervous, Miss Pandora... I have already guessed that your power is generally... distorting the world, but the specific distortion is not known for the time being, your power The reason why it's so strong that I can't resist it is because of this 'door'."

Roy almost dripped ink when he looked at the fair face of the pretended witch, and he was...very happy.

To be honest, Pandora is the most annoying enemy Roy has ever encountered so far. Unlike the last king he met in the Godslayer World or Qin Shihuang in the Moon World, it can be solved with strength. Opponent, but Pandora said that her fighting ability is very weak, and Roy can kill her countless times with one hand, but such a weak opponent has become difficult because of the distortion of the earth, water, fire and wind, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Enemies that cannot be killed and sealed.

It's as annoying as an ant jumping around in front of you.

"Don't worry, Miss Pandora, although I sealed the door, the distortion of the world still exists, and your power still has a powerful effect. In fact, I think you should try to activate the power to distort the world again, so that You can break my seal before it is unfolded."

Roy walked in the magic circle designed by this ceremony, and Satila stood in the center with her eyes closed. As the core of the ceremony, Roy would use her body as the key to the seal.

"Why don't you speak or act according to my words, let me think about it, maybe your power can't do this at all... If so, then prove my guess wrong? Wrong, even though your power has become somewhat unimaginable due to the distortion of the world, it is still very limited. For example, your power can only be effective on life, and these runes are not objects that you can distort and manipulate, I said. Is that right, Pandora, the pretentious witch!"

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