The figure of the pretending witch gradually disappeared with the wind, she already had a wonderful plan, it was a plan that even that man could not stop, it would be the most extreme use of power in the life of the pretending witch! See the underlined version Novel please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 103 The Gratitude of the Elf


"Mr. Roy, try our elf specialty fruit bar. These wines are not available outside. It is only brewed with the most essential part of the pulp, and the annual output is not much."

"Miss Satila, try these...fruits, they are all specialties of Arior Forest."

"Miss Satila, you still have such a miserable childhood, you can only eat one kind of fruit for a living, and it's still those... unpalatable fruits, ah... also I don't know how many of our people are suffering outside."


After Roy and the other three returned to the elves' clan, Roy just... told the elves' patriarch that the problem of the door had been resolved, and the old patriarch immediately.

Send tribesmen to investigate.

The clansmen came back and reported excitedly that the door had been bound by strange chains, the monsters gathered around had disappeared, and even after the number of monsters in the entire forest had dropped sharply, the entire village immediately cheered and held a meeting. A grand celebration, singing and dancing.

"Satila Satila, how did you meet the handsome Roy over there?"

The beautiful elf girl grabbed Satila, looked at Roy secretly, and asked with a blushing face.

The envy witch looked at these female elves carefully, for fear that they would steal her Lord Roy, but the lively atmosphere and the envy in the eyes of these girl elves also made Satila happy, she tried everything possible to do it. Go and say good things to Roy, and tell the romance of the encounter between the two of them, which makes these elf girls who are in love even more envious.

"Lord Felutona, why did you go to the door with Lord Roy and the others by yourself? What if you encounter danger? Next time... Please call us for this kind of thing."

The green-haired elf Hughes was chatting in front of Filtona, while Archie, who was beside him, didn't speak, but nodded again and again, agreeing with Hughes' words.

The little princess Felutona was full of impatience. She was just looking around in the crowd. She looked happy when she saw Roy and was about to run over, but when she saw that Roy was with her grandfather, It was Felutona who suppressed her impulse and stayed where she was for the time being.

"I know, I know, Hughes, you really talk a lot! I'll tell you next time I encounter this kind of thing."

Filutona impatiently perfunctory Hughes.

Hughes didn't hear the impatience in Felutona's words at all, but was very happy, and continued to spit the stars there, asking Felutona what happened at the door.

Felutona is not too old: it was when children liked telling stories and listening to stories the most. She happily told Hughes what she had seen and heard. Other elves came nearby and heard Felutona’s words. After the story, I was also happy to listen to it.

A group of young elves were lively and lively, but Roy seemed very quiet. The elves' patriarch was very authoritative, and no one dared to come and make a noise in front of him.

"It turns out that elves are no different from humans, and they also like to make noise."

It's completely different from the ones Roy saw...the elves in the western fantasy novels. Although the elves here also live in the forest and sleep in tree houses, they are not very proud of their characters. and tranquility.

"Our elves are called one of the demi-humans, and of course our lifestyle is similar to that of humans, but we differ from humans in some habits."

The old elf squinted his eyes, happy with the fruit wine, maybe he could solve the problem that was enough to make the elves migrate and make the elves in crisis before he died, which made him also excited.

"I still want to thank Mr. Roy for your help and let the elves get through this crisis."

The Elf Patriarch said with a smile on his wrinkled old face.

To the old elf's thanks to Roy because he deserves this thank you, if it weren't for him, I'm afraid Pandora would take these... elfs in order to protect the secret of the door. The clan nibbled away until they completely wiped out the clan.

Roy took a sip of the fruit wine in the glass. It was very sweet and sour. It had a faint and unpleasant taste of wine, and it was more like a drink.

Seeing that Roy likes these wines, the old elf... said: "...Since Mr. Roy likes it, take some with you when you go."

"Thank you."

Roy was not hypocritical, and agreed with a smile.

After a pause, he said, "...Why is it so dangerous for Felutona to follow me and Satila to find the door, you're not afraid of Felutona's accident?"

The old elf squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "...I think Mr. Roy should have guessed my thoughts."

"I guessed the idea. You asked Felutona to follow me and Satila to solve the door. This will increase the prestige of the young Felutona and allow her to take over smoothly after you die. The position of the elf patriarch, but I didn't expect that there are so many political differences within your elves."

Roy saw that Filtona was looking at him, he raised his glass and gestured to her.

"Hehe, I just said that elves are actually similar to humans. Although they are not as serious as human internal political conflicts due to their population size and their demi-human status, there are always elves who disagree with me."

"...No one dared to stand up against me while I was alive, but if I die one day, Felutona's prestige is not enough to make them obey, even if Felutona belongs to our family. genius."

Roy helped the elves solve the crisis, he was not an elves himself, and he had a good relationship with Felutona, and the old elves didn't care to tell him what he thought.

Where there are people, there are disputes, and elves are also human races. Naturally, they can't be so calm that they don't care about the world. If there is such a race, they will definitely not be able to survive in this crisis-ridden world, and they would have been exterminated long ago.

"I can understand your thoughts, but how can you guarantee that Filtona will not be in danger with me and Satila to find the door?"

With the shrewdness of this old elf, it was impossible for Felutona to sneak out without him, so it was the old elf's acquiescence to say that Felutona went to lead the way for herself and Satila.

"This is probably... the wisdom of the elders. I have lived for more than a thousand years, and there will always be some extraordinary wisdom, right? When I saw Lord Roy and Satila, I believed that you were able to protect them. Feltona, Satila is actually a witch.”

The old elf winked at Roy and smiled like a child.

553 Roy smiled casually, anyway... The internal affairs of the elf have nothing to do with him. If the cute elf can change from a princess to a queen, Roy would be happy to see it happen.

"Hehe, Lord Roy is also a young man, just go and play with them."

Roy drank the fruit wine in the cup, and paid a slight salute to this old elf with the wisdom of the elders, that is, walked into the crowd.

"Brother Roy, brother Roy, are you and sister Satila leaving tomorrow?"

Seeing Roy coming, Filutona left Hughes and the others and immediately.

Xiao ran over, she raised her cute little face, and asked sadly.

"My sister Satila and I have other things to do, so I have to leave tomorrow, but don't be sad, Filtona, Satila and I will come to see you when there is time in the future. "

Roy smiled warmly, shaving Filutona's straight nose.

Hearing his words, Filutona immediately.

With a smile on his face, "...Brother Roy, don't lie!"

"I won't lie to lovely Filtona."

"Hee hee, brother Roy, bend down."

The elf little loli said mysteriously.

Roy didn't know what she was going to do, but he bowed down obediently.

Filtona leaned over and kissed Roy's cheek forcefully, and then...she ran away shyly with a flushed face, and shouted: "...Brother Roy must come and see. Me, I went to see Hughes and the others to play first!"

Seeing the little girl run away, Roy stood up and touched his kissed face. Little Loli's kiss is really pure.

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