Fake witches are such women who are overly cautious, otherwise the fake witches of all dynasties would not be able to survive until now after being excluded from the position of the 'witch of great sin'.

Just when Pandora was still hesitating and tangled, Roy opened the door without hesitation.

"That is!"

Pandora's eyes widened and she looked inside the door. Her expression was stunned at first, followed by... ecstasy.

"This is......"

After Roy opened the door and saw what was inside, he stayed for a while and then... suddenly realized that it was a space like water waves, which could be said to be empty, but Roy determined with his own knowledge that this It is a space with 553 teleportation channels, and you will be teleported to another place if you step into it.

And Roy is more certain that this is indeed the place where the earth is connected to this world! After confirming his conjecture and getting the answer he wants in this door, Roy is... the door again close.

She was talking about Satila, who was full of nervousness. When she saw Roy, she just opened the door and then closed it. Nothing else happened. She finally felt relieved, and then Satila was... a little puzzled, She also saw what was behind the door, but she didn't understand what it meant.

Roy's confusion when he saw Satila was... He smiled, Satila is not an intellectual girl, nor does she pursue the truth. Naturally, she is inferior in knowledge. If Echidona is here, I am afraid With a glance behind the door, she can even guess everything.

"Iwass, through this 'gate', I have confirmed that this world has indeed been distorted, and I have also confirmed the reason why the power of the pretend witch Pandora is so powerful!"

Roy said suddenly at this time.

Satila and Filtona were both startled, not knowing who Roy was talking to, they both looked around, but saw no one.

Felutona showed a ghostly look, while Satila was attracted by Roy's back, where she saw a faint light and shadow! Please download Felu Xiao to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 99 I want to reshape the earth, water, fire and wind

So far, under Aiwass' initiative to hide her figure, the only person who can see her accurately and clearly is Skaha in the Land of Shadows.

The Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows is an existence who has reached the pinnacle of people. She has the ability and qualification to look directly at Aiwass and even compete with him. Others are only King Solomon because of his own particularity, because After being favored by Yahweh, he was barely able to realize the existence of Aiwass.

Satila was able to observe the phantom of Aiwass, which already represented the power she possessed and the mystery of the envy witch that was enough to devour the world.

Satila noticed that Roy was talking to the strange light and shadow behind her, but since Roy didn't explain it to her, the gentle half-elf girl didn't ask any more questions.

But hearing Roy's cordial tone when he mentioned 'Iwass', and the name sounded like a woman, made Satila also have a hint of jealousy deep in her heart.

Floating behind Roy, the Holy Guardian Angel dressed in simple white linen glanced at Satila thoughtfully, she floated in the air a few centimeters above the ground with bare feet, and said to Roy: ". ......This world has been completely distorted, and because the distortion has been over thousands of years, and we are not natives here, we cannot perceive the distortion of the world."

Aiwass followed Roy's words and briefly explained the current situation.

Because Aiwass and Roy have just crossed over and have lived in this world for more than a year, of course they can't find anything wrong with this world, they will only think that this is just a feature of this world, because there are not thousands of Comparing the otherworld environment from a few years ago, it is impossible to draw the conclusion that this world is distorted.

"That's right, Aiwass! I thought this world was a bit strange before. The four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind were not in my correct position. At first, I thought this world was like this, and I haven't been to more. The world lacks enough references, and seeing the existence of the 'real sin embodiment' like the 'Witch of Sin' in this world, I don't care."

"...Thanks to Pandora for telling me the existence of the 'door', I opened the 'door' and saw the earth plane of this world, and it was the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind that discovered this other world. Sure enough, there is a problem, it is eroded by the earth plane of this world!"

Roy read many books of Aleister when he was very young. Aleister is called the most evil 'beast', and the concept of 'beast' came from the crucifixion.

The Crowley family, Roy's grandfather, were already devout Christian believers. Even if Aleister portrayed the 'Evil Tree' to replace the Kabbalah's Tree of Life, he himself seemed to hate the Christian religion. , but it cannot be denied that the influence of the Crusaders on Aleister, and many of his writings are typical Crusader thinking.

And Roy's power comes from the "Bible" system, and the source of his power is also cross religion, so his way of looking at the world is also the cross religion theory, just like Buddhism looks at the truth of suffering, the truth of accumulation, the truth of cessation and the truth of Taoism The world, Taoism looks at the world with concepts such as Wuji, Taiji, Yin-Yang, Liangyi, etc. Cross religion also has its own world system.

This system is exactly the four elements that have been passed down since ancient times, that is, Kabbalah, the tree of life symbolized.

In Roy's worldview, the world is... divided into the concept of 'earth, water and fire'. In a broad sense, fire and feng shui represent the world of divinity, the world of creation, the world of formation and the world of matter. Each of the four worlds has the upper Earth, water, fire and wind are the four basic elements that make up the world.

This seemingly simple and simple world view actually includes all the world composition.

And now this 'starting from zero' world is... the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind have been distorted, and it has lost its original appearance. The main reason is that the different spheres of this world are connected, and the two are different The world of rules creates this consequence in a collision.

"No wonder Pandora's power is so strong!"

Based on the existence of the "door", Roy finally determined Pandora's ability.

The power of the pretend witch is... to change the world, it can also be said to distort the world, she can change the development of the world in the way of words and spirits.

The ability of pretending to be a witch itself cannot achieve such a power that is almost ordered to the world. The world view distorted by the pretending witch will be purified by the world itself, but it is precisely the appearance of this 'door' that makes the world and the The earth is connected, and the other world is completely distorted by the earth plane of this world, losing the ability to purify itself.

In this way, Pandora's power seems to be lifted, and she can manipulate the world at will. It is not that Pandora's power is strong, but that she is more adaptable to this twisted world. Compared to amphibians, she lives in the sea, but it is not so special compared to other fish in the sea.

But when the world environment changes and the ocean fades to reveal the earth, Pandora, an amphibian, can adapt to the terrestrial environment earlier than other fish.

"That's why Pandora cares so much about the 'door'. It can be said that the source of Pandora's power is... this door, through which she manipulates the world, so that even I can't resist it."

Roy said clearly and calmly.

With his body that surpasses the godslayer, according to the concept of the moon world... For the magic power explosion, normal magic will not work on Roy, even if the power of God is in his 'Son' body 'It will be weakened in front of him, but Roy's 'body of the Holy Son' has not evolved to the point of being able to resist the rules of the world.

And Pandora's power is precisely in this like a duck to water. Every time she uses her power, she is almost activating magic against the realm, and indirectly makes Roy tricked by the power of the world.

"The earth, water, fire, and wind in the material world are even more distorted and deformed. This phenomenon is caused by the existence of demons and the multiple superposition of 'phases'. Aleister's plan is to eliminate the phases according to the theory of the Cross, and restore the earth, water, fire, and wind. Arrange and restore the original appearance."

Aiwass said at this time the problem of the 'Magic Forbidden' world, the essence of which is also the distortion of the four kings and the great elements, but the distortion there is caused by the existence of the phase and the devil, and it is difficult to repair it. As high as you can imagine.

"Ha, when you say that, Iwass, it makes me think that what Aleister is doing is saving the world."

Roy sneered.

"His original intention was not like this, but what that man did can be said to save the world, so I want to observe him, he is an interesting person."

The Holy Guardian Angel floated behind Roy and said with a smile.

"Then what I am going to do now can be determined. I didn't expect that one day I will choose the same path as Aleister. I must reshape the earth, water, fire and wind of this world!"

The power of pretending to be a witch makes Roy helpless. If he wants to defeat the witch who seems to be strong but is actually very weak, the easiest way is to... reshape the earth, water, fire and wind, and put the four elements back in place! However, this pair of For most people, it's probably a fantasy.

Chapter 100 Four elements need to be corrected

If the earth, water, fire and wind were reshaped from scratch, it would be tantamount to the supernatural powers of creation, not to mention Roy, even the '8' demons couldn't do it, I'm afraid only the '9' complete demons could do it. to have such power.

What Roy wants to do to correct the four elements is just to operate on the basis of the existence of this world, but even so, in the eyes of ordinary people, this is an incomprehensible ability.

Roy had read and comprehended The Book of Law and the Book of 77. In addition to the power of usurping the Archangel Michael, Roy already had his own understanding of the Bible system, and Ai Hua Si also mastered many angelic spells, and under the integration of these conditions, Roy is confident to complete this miracle that reshapes the entire world.

'If I want to be able to cast angelic spells without hindrance, the first thing I have to do now is to completely eliminate my own original sin, and the strategy of the witches of sin must be accelerated.

''And if you want to complete such a big art that can affect the world, I'm afraid it can't be done in a few years or even decades. If there is no Pandora, it will be fine, but this witch who can distort the world only needs to perform a world distortion, I am going to correct the spell, this will be a long war with Pandora, and it is estimated that I will have to argue with her for hundreds of years before I can achieve my goal.

' Thinking of this, Roy took a deep breath. He knew that he finally had to face the fact that the 610 pair had been prepared for a long time, that is, Roy would completely abandon his human identity and become a person who could live for hundreds of years. Years of immortal monsters.

In the many worlds that Roy lived in in the past, he actually only lived for about 60 years: time, and this time he finally wants to experience hundreds of years in this world from scratch The long river that hurried past flows.

This will be Roy's first hurdle, although he doesn't think it's something that will stum him.

Satila has been standing beside Roy, looking at him as if she has walked into another world, communicating with someone she can't see, but Satila's long ears quivered to listen, but she didn't. I couldn't hear Roy's voice, only the incitement of his lips.

Felutona on the side was even more confused, not knowing what Roy was talking to himself there, and even a little terrified to suspect that there was something wrong with this good-looking big brother! "Master Roy."

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