"Felutona will definitely be more beautiful than me in the future."

Satila said with a smile.

After Feltona looked at Satila again, she shook her head tangled: "...Feltona doesn't seem to be able to do it, I've seen many elves, and some elder sisters are older than others. It is very beautiful, but there is almost no such thing as Sister Satila... um..., how can I put it, it is temperament, yes it is... temperament, the temperament of Sister Satila is really So attractive."

Little Loli was a little distressed, worried about how she could become so beautiful in the future.

Roy doesn't know what to say about this. If he asks, it can't be obtained by relying on external appearance. As a jealous witch, Satila, her temperament is her share in this world.

But Felutona is still young after all, she just doesn't think about this complicated issue, she said: "...when I grow up to be as beautiful as Sister Satila, I will look for it in the future. A handsome husband like Brother Roy!"

In Feltona's cognition, Roy and Satila are husband and wife, or the whole elf village thinks so.

Roy laughed and looked very happy. He was praised for his looks, especially since it wasn't flattery, just telling the truth, and being told by such a cute little loli, of course he was also happy.

It's just that it's a bit difficult to find someone as handsome as me.

Roy thought shamelessly.

In fact, it can be seen that... the two elves named Hughes and Archie have ignorant feelings towards Felutona, but judging from Felutona's performance, she is not interested in those two boys, just as Good friends.

Hearing Felutona say this, Satila was happier than anyone else, she smiled happily, and was mistaken by others that she and Roy were husband and wife, which made Satila cheer in her heart.

"Felutona can't do this, because Lord Roy is the best Lord Roy in the world, he is unique."

The envy witch approached Roy, she raised her charming face, and looked at him affectionately.

Since she went to the witch's castle, this half-elf girl who used to be inferior and cowardly has become very bold, perhaps because the other witches there gave her a great sense of urgency.

Roy didn't speak, he only used practical actions to wrap his arms around Satila's slender waist and put her around him... Felutona blinked her big eyes twice, and pouted her small mouth. Walking in front, he changed the subject and said: "...Grandpa really didn't let me come, my grandfather and I got angry and ran out, and Hughes and Archie also wanted to follow me. , but they were all thrown away by me."

Felutona said excitedly, Roy and Satila looked at each other with a smile, this little girl really doesn't know the dangers in the world, let alone how dangerous this trip is, if you follow her here It's not Roy and Satila who are in the forest, and it is estimated that they will encounter danger.

Now, seeing that this little girl just sneaked out, no wonder she urged them to leave quickly, probably because she was afraid of being caught back.

Of course Roy wouldn't say anything about it. The little girl took the initiative to lead the way for him and Satila. What he should express is gratitude. All he can do is to ensure her safety and prevent her from getting hurt in this forest.

Three people talked about walking, one was an elf who lived in the forest all the year round, one was a godslayer, and the last one was a witch of jealousy, walking in the forest at a very fast speed without any pause.

Although Felutona is a little naive, she also has a wealth of life experience in the wild in the forest. She has always been vigilant about the surrounding environment, so that she can discover the existence of monsters at the first time. Only monsters will lose their lives when chasing them.

After walking like this for a long time, Filutona suddenly stopped, pointed to a wood in front of her and said excitedly: "...that's it, that's me 2.

1 Where the elves found the 'door'."

Following her, she wondered: "...I remember that this place should be surrounded by monsters, why haven't I seen one along the way?"

"Because your sister Satila is here, those monsters have long since run away."

Roy walked over and pinched the little loli's face, and said with a smile.

"Is that right"

Filutona's cheeks bulged, she glared at Roy, patted the hand that was holding her cheek, and then... looked at Satila in confusion.

Satila didn't say anything, just nodded at Filutona with a smile.

Magical beasts are the creation of witches, and the pretending witch Pandora can manipulate them, and the jealous witch Satila can naturally do it.

After walking for a while, the 'door' finally appeared in front of Roy and Satila.

Chapter 98 The Distorted World

In the clearing of Elior Forest, a door appeared for no reason.

That is a door, standing there quietly, simple and quaint, without any sense of strangeness, it even made Roy feel like a door that was abandoned outside after someone's house broke down in the 20th century on Earth. It's something that should be thrown into the junkyard.

"Brother Roy, this is it!"

Felutona pointed to the door in front of her, and at the same time she looked around vigilantly. In the past, there have been many monsters wandering around here. Every day, there are elves peeping at the group of monsters, in case they will suddenly meet The elf tribe attacked.

But today, I don't know what happened, all the monsters are gone here, except... that strange door standing in the forest clearing, there is not even a living creature around.

Felutona felt her heart flutter, and cringed at this strange scene.

"Well, I saw it all."

Roy responded to Felutona, and then he walked forward and walked around this strange door. Sure enough, it was a strange door. The gate is not of wood, but of iron, just like the gates on earth.

However, this kind of door is a bit strange for the aesthetics of this different world.

"Felutona, since you elves have found this 'door', have you tried to destroy it?"

Roy turned his head to look at the elf little loli and asked.

Felutona thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "...When our elves first saw this 'door', they just thought it was strange and didn't want to destroy it, and when it was gradually surrounded by monsters, Some clansmen have proposed to destroy this gate, but there are too many monsters guarding the 'gate', and the clansmen can't get close to it at all."

Roy nodded when he heard the words, this door was really like the 'any door' that appeared in Doraemon, he stood in front of the door and slowly stretched out his hand and held the door handle.

"Master Roy!"

Satila was shocked when she saw Roy's movements, she nervously stepped forward and grabbed Roy's wrist, and said anxiously: "...this 'door' is so strange, I don't know what it is Thing, please don't open it easily, Mr. Roy."

The cyanotic eyes of the jealous witch were full of worry and worry about Roy's safety.

"Don't worry about me, Satila! I suspect that this door should be some kind of ability related to 'teleportation', and it won't hurt me."

When Roy heard the pretend witch Pandora said that Frogel is... After appearing from this door, he suspected that behind the door was probably the earth of this world, so it shouldn't be very dangerous .

It's just that Pandora is cautious and has no ability to access this door, so no one has ever opened it, so that this door has stood here for thousands of years.

Of course, even if Roy guesses wrong, the upper limit of this world is here. Roy doesn't think this world has the ability to kill him, plus the 'Fang' in his right hand, even if behind this door is the world of exile , He also has the ability to return to his original world through the 'Ark'.

As for... 'Ark' Roy is... like, that is the mystery and greatness that even the devil will chase after.

However, Satila didn't know the origin of Roy's confidence. With a firm expression on her lips, she firmly held Roy's hand and said in a tone that could not be rejected: "...Mr. Roy, if you have to If you want to open this door, please let Satila be with you, even if you are really in danger, Satila can help you!"

Seeing the envy witch's firm and irrefutable expression, Roy knew that he could not refuse her. Although his expression did not change, Roy felt a touch of emotion and emotion in his heart. Warm.

Satila doesn't know anything, and she doesn't have any guesses about the world behind the door, but even in the face of such a strange and dangerous situation, she would choose to advance and retreat with Roy, which is simply telling Roy, she is willing to meet death with him, willing to sacrifice herself for him.

Roy couldn't help lowering his head, kissed the jealous witch's lips lightly, and whispered, "...Okay, then let's open it together!"

Satila blushed with joy on her face, she leaned close to Roy, watched his hand grab the door handle, and then... suddenly opened the door.

In the forest, a pure white woman was also peeping here. When she saw that Roy was about to open the door, she was also nervous, not knowing whether she wanted to stop it.

She was afraid that after the door was opened, the benefits inside would be obtained by Roy, or other unforeseen things would happen.

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