Silent as a cicada.

The long hair is as white as snow, the transparent snow skin makes the sunlight eclipse the color, the eyes as black as stars, pursing a delicate red lips, let Luz just take a look... He dare not look again, as if straight Looking at the rising sun made her eyes ache.

This is Lord Echidona, all the villagers know her, because Lord Roswaal once said that this village, this area that makes half-bloods a sanctuary, was built by Lord Echidona, and she is the master of all. benefactor.

"Ah, uh... that..., Mother Mother... Dad... Father Father... Betty didn't do anything... Betty was just. …”

Beatrice turned around stiffly and looked at Roy who raised her brows and smiled at her and Echidona who was expressionless behind her, trembling like a child caught by her parents making a mistake.

"I shouldn't have taught you an excuse to shirk responsibility. If you are convinced that the fault is not on you, then you should be able to state the facts without hesitation. If you are convinced that the fault is on you, you must take the initiative to admit and take responsibility, understand? "

Echidona's voice did not rise and fall, with an almost sternness.

Roy looked at Ejidona like this with interest. This is Ejidona's body, a trait that will never be shown, but this mature clone will have this kind of rebuke from the elders.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Betty was just standing here according to her mother's instructions, and . She's very rude, that's why Betty asks her what's the matter."

"Is that right"

Echidona was still staring at Beatrice with a stern expression, like a mother educating her children.


Beatrice nodded.

"She didn't lie, Donna! Although bear children need education, we as parents should choose to believe in good children who tell the truth."

Roy came over at this time, and he gently rubbed Beatrice's soft hair, affirming her words.

At that moment Beatrice suddenly wanted to cry, this was annoying.

Yes, people who make me have to call my father are actually not that annoying! "But Beatrice's attitude and tone are really wrong, so I still have to fight."

Roy's next sentence made Beatrice throw all her emotions out.

Echidona didn't answer, perhaps it was Roy's words 'being a parent' that moved her deeply, and her fair and pretty face was slightly flushed.

At this time, Satila had already walked over, squatted in front of the little loli, and said warmly: "...Little girl, are you okay, come, sister let you hug the kitten!"

Satila shoved Parker in one go, and the cat-shaped elf understood it immediately.

'Meow' called out.

Luz held the gray cat, lowered his head and muttered: "...she...she is right, it's my fault and shouldn't be staring at her, it's me being rude, it's me fault."

"Lord Mother, Lord Father, look, Betty did nothing wrong!"

Beatrice hurriedly said when she heard Luz's words.

"Shut up, Beatrice!"

Echidona felt a headache. The comparison of the attitudes of Beatrice and Luz was like... a comparison between a good boy and a bear boy! I'm usually too used to Beatrice. write.

Chapter 75 Materialization of the Soul

Roy looked at Leyuz, who bowed his head because of fear and nervousness, and at Beatrice, who was aggrieved because of being misunderstood. A loli and a young girl formed a beautiful landscape. The world is estimated to be sentenced to death, but in this world, there are not many nobles who like such little girls, and they will not even make people despise.

Roy took a deep breath to let himself forget this terrible idea. The witches haven't done it yet, so don't mess around.

He grabbed Beatrice's soft hair, and the little girl who was angry at being misunderstood slapped his hand away.

Roy wouldn't be angry with such a child either, he just looked at Luz and said warmly: "...that means, what my Beatrice said is true, it's not her fault this time. "

"Who is Beatrice of your family, and Betty only knew you!"

The petite Beatrice grumbled, but judging from her expression, she didn't show much resistance.

"Well, yes, what Miss Beatrice said was right. I was too rude. I shouldn't have been staring at her, or I wouldn't have made her angry."

Lucy said timidly.

"Don't be afraid, although it's rude to keep staring at Beatrice, it's her fault for Beatrice to approach others with a domineering attitude, because of Donna, Beatrice has a very special position in this village , but it's not that you look down on other people's capital, you know, Beatrice."

Roy's last sentence 533 was to Beatrice, how could he not see that Beatrice, a arrogant and arrogant young girl, actually disdains everyone, and she probably only has Echidona in her heart. It is worthy of respect. For Roy herself, it is estimated that Beatrice's feelings are both fearful and fearful.

"Well..., M... Betty knows, I know!"

Beatrice wanted to refute, but she puffed up and finally agreed with Roy's words.

"I'm so sorry, Luz! Beatrice is... probably like a daughter to me. As you can see, I'm ashamed that I didn't discipline her well!"

Echidona spoke at this time.

"What is like, I'm obviously... the daughter of your mother!"

Beatrice said anxiously when she heard the words of the **** witch.

Lucy was also taken aback, she hurriedly lowered her head and said hastily: "...No, no, this has nothing to do with Lord Echidona, it's all my fault!"

"Okay, okay, don't admit your mistakes here, Beatrice, go and play with Lucy for a while, the two of you are about the same age, you will definitely be able to play well and deepen your relationship."

Roy pushed Beatrice and pushed her to Luz's side.

"Who wants to play with this kid, but since you have said so, Father, then I'll play with her for a while."

Beatrice looked arrogant and arrogant, but her eyes were full of joy.

The arrogant brat is the most troublesome.

"Let's go quickly, we don't stay here, or we will be lectured by him again!"

Beatrice grabbed Luz and pulled him away in the other's panic, while Luz didn't look back when he was pulled by Beatrice and shouted to Roy and the others: "... Bye sir!"


Roy smiled and waved to Lucy.

After the two little girls disappeared, Aina looked at Roy with a strange look.

"What's the matter, Donna"

Roy felt a little bit of the **** witch's eyes.

"Mr. Roy likes children very much"

"No, I hate little boys the most, but I'd prefer a good boy like Lucy."

Roy first denied, then affirmed.

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