"It seems that you will not be willing to help me if I don't reveal something."

Pandora's breath was ethereal, and she showed a distressed look, as if she was thinking about what she should say.

"I am not interested in Echidona, the **** witch. If you are interested in her, you can devour her with your own strength, and I will give you enough help."

The words of pretending to be a witch made the melancholy devil relax a little, his face full of melancholy, the devil like a depression patient immediately.

Asked: "...your target is not Aiji, then who is your target **** witch, gluttony witch or rage witch?"

In Hecht's opinion, apart from... the **** witch, the three witches should be relatively easy to deal with. If they can swallow their sins, they can replace the identity of the 'big sin witch'.

"It's all wrong, Hector...I'm not a witch, my goal is...the man!"

The pale blue eyes of the pretending witch are as deep as the sea, surging, and there is a kind of fanaticism that is enduring to the extreme.

"that man"

Hecht thought of the man he had seen through the prying eyes from the window before, and was a little puzzled for a while, but he didn't notice any difference in that man.

'Echidona is pursuing that man, and Pandora's purpose is also that man... I don't know what it is that I don't know.

' Hecht fell into depression because he'd been: Chasing Ajidona, so he knew Ajidona quite well, knowing that the woman had flipped through the Book of Wisdom and had been waiting for someone's Come, now it seems that the person is this man.

Speaking of which, he felt that he really should thank Pandora, if it wasn't for Pandora's power to cover up the "Book of Wisdom" for him, he would not have really found the trace of Echidona.

After he couldn't figure it out, Hecht stopped thinking about it. His primary goal now is to devour the crime of 'strong desire'. Only by devouring **** can he have the capital to survive. As for the man's problem, he must only After he devoured the lust, everything could be solved.

"You want me to test that man"

The Melancholy Demon immediately guessed what Pandora was going to do.

The pretentious witch nodded lightly, smiled blankly and said indifferently: "...Yes, this is my request."

"Hmph, so far including your power, including me, all the witches of sin are still half-understood, why don't you take the initiative to test it yourself!"

Hecht lowered his eyes and asked word by word.

"I am sure that my power will work for him, but I have no absolute certainty that it will work for him, so I need you to test it out for me, how about Hecht, our goals and needs are different, you need my strength , I also need your strength for the time being, isn't this the best time for our alliance?"

Pandora looked at the Melancholy Demon, she was slim, with a pair of bare feet stepping on the 647 between the lawns, exuding a fatal temptation, like a peerless enchanting.

If it weren't for the devil who was also a witch in the beginning, I'm afraid he would have been charmed by this woman.

However, Hecht still didn't dare to let his guard down, this woman was not so much a fake witch, sometimes he thought she was more like a 'fraud witch'.

"Then do as you ask, and I'll make preparations right away."

Hecht took a deep look at Pandora, and then without looking back... walked into the depths of the forest, and disappeared into it.

Pandora watched Hecht leave, and when the other party disappeared, she retracted her gaze and let out a mocking low smile, "...The Witch of Sin is only limited by this world. Poor man, my eyes will not be limited to this world!"

"...The 'Sage' Frogel walked out of the 'Gate' in the Elior Forest. I thought that Fryegel and the gate were the best subjects to study, but now it seems that I am looking for Wrong target, Echidona is the one who found the right one."

"Yes, but you can't be too confident. That...'door' should continue to be studied."

In the whispers, the figure pretending to be a witch also disappeared in this vast forest, without the breath of a witch, the birds who hid...


Chapter 74 Betty is a good boy!

I had a cold yesterday, and I have a low fever today. Let’s try to update it as much as possible... 'Sanctuary', this is what people will call this area in the future, and at this time it does not have the name of 'Sanctuary', This area doesn't even have a name at all, it's 'The Proving Ground of Echidona, the Witch of Desire'.

The Mezas family's territory is very large, and the distance from this area to Roswaal's mansion takes two days even by dragon carriage. To shorten the distance between them, Echidona deliberately built a portal to the Sanctuary in a hidden basement of Roswaal's mansion.

When this portal is completed, the witch of **** will be the first to set foot in this place that is about to become her experimental ground.

This is a self-sufficient village. Almost all of the people living in it are mixed-race people. These... Mixed-race people are rejected and despised in the outside world. A plot of land was specially set aside for these.... After the mixed-race children lived, many mixed-race children who received news came here.

Beatrice walks in the sanctuary. As a newly born great elf, she is very curious about everything. Even if she has the basic knowledge that Echidona gave her in her memory, the knowledge and truth can be seen with the naked eye. There is a big difference.

Spiral golden double ponytails splayed down from both sides of the body, her skin was rosy in white, her pale cyan pupils were round and large, Beatrice perfectly interpreted the word 'cute', plus her body Wearing a gorgeous long dress, walking in the sanctuary, those mixed races who...

In the eyes of these half-breeds, if such a non-half-blooded child can enter this sanctuary belonging to half-breeds, it must have something to do with Lord Roswaal, and he will surely be respected by them.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Even if you look at me like this, I won't give you this thing. This is Roy... No, it's the lollipop my dad gave me!"

The appearance age looks like... a young girl, Beatrice is holding a lollipop in her hand, licking it in small mouths, and then she looks at the figure in front of her vigilantly.

It was a loli who was about the same age as her, probably older than Beatrice. The little loli had... pale red long hair, wearing thin clothes, and her long hair was a princess-style hairstyle. She neatly covers her forehead, and she has a pair of pointed ears on both sides of her long hair.

Compared with the elf's pointed ears, the little loli's ears are slightly shorter, so it can be determined that this is a half-elf like Satila.

Stared at by Beatrice's displeased eyes, Luz.

Bilma showed nervousness and fear, no matter what...

Whether it was the other party's cute appearance or that gorgeous long dress, compared with his dirty face and shabby clothes, Ryuz felt ashamed, and only felt that standing in front of this cute little girl was a kind of shame.

"Humph, coward!"

Seeing Luz's dodging eyes and frightened expression, Beatrice raised her head and snorted dully, but there was not much malice in it, more like a child's temper.

Luz opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say a word. Beatrice's attitude made her feel a pain in her heart, which was more sad than scolding.

However, living in the outside world for a long time, as a half-blooded child, he has been treated tragically, so that Liuz dare not show any performance, and can only be silent.

"Beatrice, what is your attitude, I don't remember teaching you this kind of behavior!"

Just when Luz was silent and didn't know how to deal with Beatrice, a calm and mature female voice came, and at the same time there was a young, free and easy, but dignified and restrained male voice, "... ..the bear child just... needs special education methods, Donna, if you don't believe it, you should give her a good beating tonight."

"fight together"

the female voice asked.

"Of course, mixed doubles is faster"

There was a hint of laughter in the man's voice.

It was at this moment that Lucy saw the person coming.

A man and two women came together. The man was wearing a bright red robe. The style of the robe was complex and gorgeous. Even if he was a mixed-race person who didn't understand anything, she could see the subtle details of the robe. It looked like a religion. The robe, his appearance has indescribable contradictions, handsome and beautiful, even if there is a smile and a joke, there is also a solemnity that makes Luz feel frightened.

Like a towering mountain, like an abyss and sea, it is difficult to describe.

On both sides of the man's body, there are two equally beautiful and moving women who make women feel ashamed.

Luz's attention was mainly on the gentle woman with silver hair, because Luz saw the ears exposed on both sides of her hair, she was a half-elf like herself! The mature woman stood at Beatrice's Behind him, let the little girl immediately.

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