Echidona showed an expression of sudden realization, and said: "...So you like little girls with such a body shape, then Typhon will definitely be able to meet your needs, and Daphne's words can also make do."

"Where are you thinking, Donna."

Roy raised his eyebrows and quickly changed the subject: "...but this is the first time I've seen Donna like this. You actually apologize to a little girl."

"Although I'm called a witch, I'm not a man-eating devil. I'll still be reasonable when I can."

The witch is jealous.

"If you can't speak the truth, then don't speak"

"That's of course. Sometimes it's useless to reason with people, and you can only rely on fists to solve the problem."

Aiji Donna hummed, she frowned like a distant mountain, with a hint of coldness and a hint of coquettishness in the corners of her eyes, turning back and forth, with an indescribable style.

Roy likes this witch more and more. She is so similar to himself. She is usually gentle, but she can kill immediately and decisively when needed.

Satila said softly: "...I really want to thank Donna, if it weren't for you, these.... mixed races wouldn't have a place to live. , I understand the hardships of their lives when they are outside."

She looked at Echidona with an increasingly tender expression.

"You should not thank me, but Roswaal."

Facing Satila, Echidona's expression involuntarily became... cold.

"But I know that if it wasn't for your decision, Donna, Lord Roswald would not have established such a sanctuary. For the... half-bloods, this place can really be called a sanctuary. "

"I built this place with a purpose."

Echidona continued to object.

"But whatever...

What is your purpose, Donna, you can't deny that you built such a place, I have seen it, the villagers here really respect and look forward to Donna."

Satila's cyanotic eyes looked forward warmly, where there are many mixed races working in full swing, working hard to establish their own 'sanctuary', and some mixed races will secretly look here. Echidona, whatever...

Men and women, those people looked at Echidona with only respect.

"You ah you..."

Echidona sighed, facing such a tender jealous witch, even she couldn't say anything bad.

In order to prevent the two witches from being embarrassed to have nothing to say, Roy interjected: "...Dona, there must be some reason why you are so passionate about that child named Leuz."

"Well, that child is a bit special. Her physical talents and functions are very suitable for my experiment."

Echidona's eyes flashed, and she said excitedly.

"I know what your experiment is about, Donna... But do you think it's still you who replaces your own soul with someone else's body? Is this immortality really successful?"

Roy took a deep look at Echidona.

The **** witch's heart jumped, she forced herself to remain calm, pursed her lips and said, "...Sir Roy, what do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is that your research direction is not correct. I think you should study how to materialize your soul so as to obtain the ability to be immortal, rather than thinking about how to transfer your soul. Even if you create your own clone, just like your current clone, this clone is still not you, and the real you is not like this!"

"But I think this experiment is going in the right direction."

Echidona retorted subconsciously.

"I don't want you to feel it, I want me to feel it."

Roy's deep words made Echidona fall into contemplation.


Chapter 76: Young People Are Always Overcome

"Dona, you don't have the ability to create a body that is exactly the same as your own body. If you want to transfer your soul, you first need to create an absolutely identical body, and secondly, even if you transfer your soul, no one can Guarantee that the soul will not be lost in the process of transfer."

"...The soul is a more complex organization than the human brain, personality, emotions, the essence of a person is contained in the soul, if there is a problem in the process of the transfer of the soul, it will be irreparable. mistake."

"And if you want your soul to not have problems in the transfer, you must also study the mysteries of the soul, Donna. In this case, why not study the soul from the beginning, skip the process of studying the body, otherwise you will be It's overkill."

Roy said slowly, telling his thoughts.

Of course, Roy also has his own selfishness, the materialization of his soul, and the third magic from the moon world is also an ability that Roy wants to get, but he doesn't have to have it himself, he cares about it. It is not the infinite magic power brought by the third magic, because the 'human rationale revision formula' has given him this ability, and what he cares about is the materialization of the soul itself.

However, there are countless magicians in the moon world that are difficult to obtain, but Roy feels that the **** witch Echidona has this possibility, and the **** witch holding the "Book of Wisdom" is equivalent to Possess all the knowledge in this world.

She does not have to study the third magic of the moon world, nor does she need to study the complete third magic, as long as the fact that Echidona can complete the 'soul materialization' is enough, and as long as she completes this Ability, she also achieved the immortality she needed, which was exactly in line with her needs.

Roy wants Aiwass to help her research, presumably in Aiwass's personality, so-called magic is not an unattainable ability for her, but Aiwass's essence is 'spirit' , She doesn't have a 'soul', so Aiwass can't study 'soul materialization', otherwise Aleister wouldn't bother to create her body.

Roy's words made Echidona fall into thinking, the **** witch frowned, and after pondering for a moment, she said: "...I will consider your suggestion, but for my immortality I have been preparing for the experiment of immortality for a long time, and I don't want to give up the experiment before it starts."

In the end, the witch of **** euphemistically said that she wanted to experiment first with the method of making body and soul transfer.

Roy didn't say anything after hearing the words, he didn't persecute Echidona, because as he said before, even if Echidona completed the experiment of soul transfer, in the end she still had to study the problem of soul, he still To go on the road that Roy envisioned.

'Soul materialization' is an important part of Roy's 'golden technique', but this ability does not need Roy to study it himself. In order to save time and not waste it, it is the best way to give it to others to study.

Because soul materialization itself can't increase Roy's fighting power.

"I see what you mean, Donna... just follow your own decision first."

Roy smiled gently.

Seeing that Roy was not too persistent on this issue, Echidona was relieved, otherwise she really didn't know what she should do.

"Well, next I'm going to my experimental site to make some preparations..."

Echidona hesitated for a moment, her fists clenched slightly, and finally she told Roy the truth: "...I've been away from the castle for too long, and as soon as 'Depressed Demon' Hector found my position , I may stay here for a while longer, and that guy will definitely attack me."

Although the **** witch didn't say anything, Roy had already guessed her thoughts and comforted her: "...I know your worries, don't worry, I will block that person for you, if there is a chance , I will kill him completely here."

Seeing Roy's determined expression and the icy murderous aura she exuded, the **** witch smiled sweetly. She first glanced at Satila who was standing beside Roy, and then... stepped up to the corner of Roy's mouth. Kissed him.

Ajidona's snow-white jade hands held Roy's cheeks, and she just glanced at him, and there seemed to be autumn sparks in her dark eyes, and then she gently picked up the corners of her eyes and turned around. Just... leave.

Roy touched the corner of his mouth, while Satila stared at Echidona's back with a distorted expression.

"This woman seems to be proclaiming sovereignty, Lady Satila!"

Parker, who was sitting on Satila's shoulders, put his arms around his chest and made a solemn declaration.

Roy glanced at Parker in amazement. Echidona was the creator of it. Why does this big elf seem to not know Echidona? Satila came back to her senses at this time. She saw Roy with the expression on her face. ...explained: "...a great elf like Parker must sign a contract with others to be able to move. Donna did not sign a contract with Parker, but asked me to sign a contract with him. One of those things make Parker forget everything about Donna."

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