"Woooo... Betty will be obedient!"

"Will not be naughty in the future"

"Betty won't be naughty!"


"You, take it easy!"


"Dad take it easy!"

"It's almost..."


Roy was bullying Beatrice for a while. He only heard the cry of the little girl in his ears. After a while, he realized that someone was looking at him.

Pausing his education for a while, Roy looked beside him, and saw Satila standing beside him at some point, looking at him with an embarrassed expression, the envy witch's face flushed red, and she would use her hands from time to time Covering his butt, his eyes were watery, and the look in Roy's eyes was clearly saying that you still have such a hobby.

When it was discovered that he had bullied the young girl, Roy was not in a hurry either. The more you panic, the less imposing you will be. She tidied up her neckline, and then... looked at Satila with a gentle expression and said, "...When did you come back, Satila?"

It was only at this time that Roy discovered that he had always been bullying at the door of his room. When he went to the forbidden library before, he directly opened the 'door of opportunity' to enter.

"I've been standing here for a while, Mr. Roy."

Satila said with a guilty conscience, she was afraid that she would embarrass Roy after seeing Roy's strange hobbies, so she quickly gave a step and said: "...Master Roy, who is this child and why did she call. .....calling you 'daddy'"

After she finished speaking, Satila quickly lowered her head and tapped lightly with the tips of her two hands in front of her, panicking in her heart.

The first thing she thought of was that Roy already had a child. Although Satila didn't care about being a stepmother, it didn't matter to her to be a stepmother, but she was still a little embarrassed when she suddenly had such a big child. .

The envy witch's head was whirling, and she began to think wildly.

Who is the mother of the child? Will I **** Lord Roy with me? The other party has a child, and it will definitely have a better chance than me. Is the mother of this child Donna? I've only known each other for a few months, it's impossible to have such a big child.

Satila's head was dizzy, and jealousy spread in it.

"elder brother!"

Beatrice was overjoyed when she saw Parker sitting on Satila's shoulder, she trotted over quickly, picked Parker up and said happily, "...Brother, are you here to save Betty?"

"Ahaha... I'm just passing by, passing by... That..., you, you are Beatrice right?"

The cat-shaped big elf scratched his head, both the creation of Echidona and the racial identity of the big elf, allowing Parker to know Beatrice's many attributes at a glance, just as Beatrice saw Parker. Then I knew it was like my own 'brother'.

"Hey, this little girl calls Lord Roy 'Dad' and Parker calls him 'Brother'. Could it be that Parker is also Lord Roy's... No, no, it turns out that you are a great elf created by Donna. "

The somewhat silly Satila finally came to her senses after thinking a few times. She squatted down and looked at the cute little girl, and said in surprise: "...Dona is so amazing that she actually created such a cute elf, but Why do you call Lord Roy 'Dad'"

In the end, Satila's instinct as a woman is the key point that made her ask the question... Beatrice doesn't like human beings, but Satila's lingering fragrance of witches is like Echidona The smell on her body is very similar, coupled with Parker's identity as her brother, Beatrice is very close to Satila and Parker. After hearing Satila's question, the arrogant young girl said without thinking: "...It was the mother who asked Betty to call it that, but Betty didn't want to!"

Perhaps with Satila as her backer, Beatrice became more courageous.

"That stinky bastard."

Roy laughed and scolded, but fortunately, although the arrogant little girl has a little bit of a childish taste, she is not too bearish, and she is also cute. For the sake of being a little girl, Roy decided to Forgive her insincere words.

"Oh, that's it..."

Satila laughed dryly, thinking in her heart that this was all Donna's conspiracy.

Beatrice was completely unaware that she sold her mother in a few words.

Roy looked at the noisy scene of Satila, Beatrice and Parker, he smiled silently, and then Roy just... frowned and looked out from the corridor window.

"Well, it seemed that someone... was looking at this place just now."

... "It's really a keen perception, and it was noticed just by looking at him."

in 3.

6In the jungle outside Roswaal's mansion, a girl with long platinum-blond hair and otherworldly beauty whispered.

The girl was wearing a simple white robe, without any decorations on her body, but her ethereal temperament and beautiful appearance seemed like a natural stunner that attracted people.

"Pandora, why are you here!"

Behind the white-blond-haired girl, there was a 'transgender man' with a melancholy expression.

The 'transgender' stared vigilantly at the back of the woman in front of him and questioned.

"I'm here to help you, 'Depressed Demon' Hector!"

The girl called Pandora said in an approachable and ethereal voice.

"help me"

Hecht sneered, but instead of saying more, he fell silent.

Chapter 73 My goal is that man!

This picture is taken from the edition: The Pretentious Witch.

The "Depressed Demon" looked at the "Pretentious Witch" vigilantly. He felt distrust in the bottom of his heart for this mysterious, powerful and weird woman who was once exiled by the seven witches of sin.

But there is no way, even if he doesn't trust her, Hecht can only choose to join forces with her at this time, just because his sense of existence as one of the great sins has become lower and lower, and if this continues, he will also be with her. Like countless witches in the ancient past, they have completely disappeared in this world.

No one wants to die, survival is the instinct of all creatures! "Don't look at me like this, as allies, we should have trust, right?"

"The Witch of Pretend" Pandora's smile was sweet and coquettish, and her long white-blond hair was shining brightly in the shadow of the trees.

"Hmph, trust this kind of words come out of your mouth, do you believe in yourself?"

With a pair of dark circles, the melancholy transgender sneered, "Pretend Witch" is not strong, that is in terms of combat effectiveness, but the power of Pretend Witch is extremely strange. , Only when this woman was excluded from the scope of 'Criminal Sin 23', she knew her danger. Hector, the melancholy demon, didn't think he could face this terrible woman by himself.

"Pandora, you have to know that you are also a witch's non-staff now. Maybe you still have a strong sense of existence now, and you are not about to be swallowed up by history like me, but as a non-staff witch, you will one day. In pain as I am, mad to survive!"

"...I'm going to target Echidona, the **** witch, and need to devour her sin to survive, I don't believe you'll help me like this, know that it doesn't do you any good, and you don't at all. You can target Echidona and plunder my fruits of victory... So, let's get straight to the point, what are you going to do, and since you've come to me, it means you need my help!"

"Depressed Demon" Hector's work can survive for so long after being eliminated from the "big sin", which shows that he is definitely not a fool, and he will never be used as a knife by others, and be counted as an abandoned child by others.

On the contrary, he seized the appeal of Pandora, the "Pretentious Witch", and he raised the condition even though he was at a disadvantage.

"Hehe...that's really funny, Hector."

Pandora showed a beautiful and bewitching smile, her fingers in white gloves spread out, touching her chin, and looking at the "Depressed Demon" with interest.

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