Camilla said anxiously. As if he was afraid that Roy would misunderstand her as a woman who was as lovable as possible. Bright pink eyes filled with tears.

"You didn't love anyone? You didn't love anyone?"

This - Kerroy understood. Because Camilla has never loved or the **** witches of the past have never loved, so they naturally won't have 'excessive love'.

Camila shook her head blankly, "I don't know what love is, and I don't know what it means to be loved."

loo, her voice is very slender, like she was born, but also like her character. As if she was afraid that she would make others unhappy if she spoke too loudly, and others just glared at her. This unconfident and timid witch would hide in fright.

"Because no one has really seen me, it is impossible to fall in love with me. No one has loved me, and I can't understand what love is."

Camilla lowered her head. The wind in the castle at night was a little cold, and her lovely face was a little red with ice. The fingertips of the **** touched each other gently, and the legs twisted restlessly, which is the proof of nervousness and cowardice.

At this time, Roy understood the rumors of why the **** witches did not have lust. .Because they are all, faceless goddesses. "Every man sees in them not the **** witch herself" but the woman that men desire most in their hearts.

The **** witches clearly know that every man who looks at them does not actually exist in their eyes. Every **** witch is actually a substitute for others. In addition, they don't know how to love, so naturally they won't have affection for men who regard themselves as substitutes. Of course nothing happens with men.

And those who can completely ignore the power of the **** witch are generally only other witches, and the witches are not, so they are not interested in the **** witch.

It's no wonder that Camilla likes to live with other witches. Because other witches can ignore her power. Every witch saw Camilla's straight body, which made Camilla feel alive, so she liked it here. I like to be with other witches -> get together.

The other witches must have the same reason and reason. Only then will they like to live with the same witches. They are just a group of girls who have been abandoned by society and keep warm in a group.

Although these girls are a bit neurotic and extreme.

But Roy felt, as a man. A normal man, and a man who can see Camille straighten her face. .Maybe the truth of being able to see the **** witch is not necessarily true.

ask for flowers

Thinking like this, Roy took two steps forward and suddenly covered her face with his hands under Camilla's horror. He said in a gentle tone, ".: The night here is a little cold. Camilla, don't freeze. How about., Is it warm now?"

Camilla's body froze. She only felt her cold face being covered with two big hands, and the faint warmth flowed into her body along that hand. It made her whole body soften, a kind of never-before-seen kind of warmth. The dynamism she had had spread from the bottom of her heart to her whole body. It seemed like weeds were growing. It made her

Breathe faster.

Suddenly, Camilla burst into tears. She cried very sadly, she cried very fearfully, took two steps back and squatted down again. Burying his face in his knees, he said intermittently in a crying voice, "..: Please, please don't be so nice to me :-: Please, please don't be so nice to me, I'm afraid I will really 'love' _ on you."

"What happens when you fall in love with me?"

Roy squatted in front of Camilla, and when she saw her flinch and wanted to step back, Roy didn't continue to stimulate her, just said warmly.

"Me: Second, I will be crazy to want to do that kind of thing with you, and want to have unethical feelings with you:: Ah, ah, you have seen Donna's appearance. What she seeks is just her thirst for knowledge, And if I fall into that state too, what I pursue will be those desires.”

"I-I'm so scared, so scared."

Camilla was sobbing and sobbing, which made people want to pity her.

Roy suddenly felt that the witches are really men's treasures, real treasure girls _ For example, Camilla in front of her, she is a witch of lust, she must be very strong in that area, and she is also a faceless goddess, which can satisfy A man's fantasy of all women in the world. It can be said to be the master of SPLAY.

For example, the lazy witch Segmed, presumably even when doing such a thing, this witch is lazy and unwilling to move. Does it allow you to do whatever you want.

For example, Minerva the Angry Witch.. When she did those things, her face was full of anger, but she accepted you resignedly, and it was estimated that it would satisfy many male A's strange corridors.

For example, Daphne, the gluttonous witch. It is estimated that this witch will eat everything from you-

If you think about it this way, you will think that these witches are really cute.

Chapter 47 I want to be with you...

Roy pulled up the **** witch Camilla on the ground and grabbed her hand.

The girl's hand is very smooth. Unlike Echidona and Satila, Camilla's hand feels very sensual. Roy squeezed the little hand in the palm of his hand, and then he pulled Camilla to the castle. Pull in.

"You, what are you going to do?⊥"

The **** witch Camilla was terrified, and shouted i in a trembling voice, but unlike her words, she felt half-shoved when facing Roy's pull. Those slight resistances could easily make men misunderstood. I think it's just a girl's restraint. You can do whatever you want with her as long as you put more effort into it. ;

Roy also felt this way, but he soon found out. In fact, it's not that Camilla doesn't resist... it's that she doesn't resist at all. As Camilla said before, she doesn't know how to refuse.

In the past, everyone who saw her would be captured by her power, and they would forget her own breathing and heartbeat for her. No one asked her, and no one in the "620" dared to force her. So Camilla didn't experience rejection. There was no resistance.

Roy's daring behavior, for Camilla, was the third time she was surprised and had expectations.

This is the only one who can ignore her power. Face her straight man. Unlike other witches, Camilla could really feel the difference when Roy faced her. It's treating Camilla' as 'Camilla', not as someone else.

This made Camilla want to show her true self in front of Roy, and show the true appearance of a **** witch.. It even gave birth to an urge to have fun with him and share **** with him.

Just so shy.

The pink-haired girl with her head bowed was dragged into the castle by Roy. Just when Camilla started to make up her mind that she was taken to her room by Roy to do something like this to her_Should she refuse to accept it first, or should she just accept it? As for completely rejecting something, this kind of thinking is completely out of the question. Mira's consideration.

Although she is an unmanned young child, the emotions from the **** witch have gradually begun to affect her.

He was married and had a girl he liked. But because of this, I am happier, that is the pleasure of being immoral.

.and that only = seeing her true self as a man. All made Camilla have an excessive love.

This is the witch of lust, as long as she has a tomb of love for one person, this love will expand infinitely. Until it becomes like a lust-like existence.

Roy stopped after pulling Camilla into the castle.

The shy girl said blankly, "Why did you stop?"

Roy looked at the **** witch in front of him with a half-smile, and joked. "=: What else can you do without stopping?"

When Roy teased Camilla, she immediately blushed, and she became more courageous.

"It's too cold outside. Your face is red from the cold. Let's warm up in the castle. Otherwise, such a girl will be frozen. I will feel distressed."

The overly gentle words made Camilla shiver, but it wasn't cold. Rather, it came from the throbbing in the lustful nightmare woman's heart. Camilla grinned and said in a sobbing voice, "-I won't be able to take it if you go on like this."

This girl is really easy to touch, among all witches. The **** witch Camilla is probably the best to lie and the best to bully. Because she has always lived behind the curtain and never really lived, so as long as she is close to the real her, this woman is easily moved by the small actions of others, because no one has cared about her, so as long as she is close to her Take care and she will give everything.

Roy is very accurate. It is very easy to see through everything about Camilla, so he will do these acts tentatively to confirm his conjecture.

Simple and ignorant girl, these words are the most suitable to describe the **** witch Camilla

Roy took out the handkerchief. Silently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. L then squeezed the girl's hand tightly and pulled her into the room again.

This is Camilla's boudoir, and the display inside is very simple. Different from the prostitute life that people imagine witches live, in fact, the witches in this castle look elegant except for the tea party, the rest At that time, witches lived like ordinary girls. Even simpler and purer.

=: There is a table with girl's cosmetics, a delicate mirror is placed on it, and a wooden table is placed next to the wall. Above is a soft mattress. There is also a wardrobe beside the bed, but there are not many clothes in the wardrobe, only two or three simple pieces. This bedroom is the most interesting. It's that huge window.

The window is very large, standing in front of the window can see the endless grassland outside the castle. It faces south. Presumably in the daytime, there will be fairy rotten sunlight pouring down from this window, reflecting the bedroom in the bright insects.

The furnishing and design of this house is exactly the same as the room that Roy and Satila found casually before.

Seeing the window of the giant lady, Roy was a little surprised. Maybe this was the true thoughts of the witches. Although they are far away from society and people, they still have a desire for life in their hearts. Witches are people, and people are gregarious animals, always chasing sunshine and popularity.

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