The castle is huge. But it's not as eerie as imagined. Every few steps here, bright candles are lit. If you look outside the castle, you will find that the castle can be described as brightly lit, just like a modern city that never sleeps.

Although witches are called witches_, they are still human beings. If they are human, they will not like darkness, but will subconsciously pursue the light.

Before Roy's arrival, there were only six witches living in the entire castle. L did not have any servants and staff. The castle itself was a creation of Echidona's magic, and it didn't need to be cleaned at all. will - keep it clean

Even the food and utensils such as candles of this castle bug were created by Echidona's magic. I have to say that this witch is not strong in combat, but in other aspects, she is almighty outrageous.

And now even if Roy and Satila come, there is only one resident in this giant's castle, which seems a little lonely.

But fortunately, every witch is the ultimate embodiment of emotion. Also, so they will not be overwhelmed by loneliness, but live even more happily in this uninhabited loneliness

"Now this is a story of a man and seven women living together"

Roy stood between the balconies of the castle, watching the grass blowing on the grassland under the dark night. He smiled and whispered.

Sui Lang. His light fell on the atrium garden of the castle. There was a figure standing among the flowers and plants, standing quietly.

Roy thought about it. He rolled over and jumped from the balcony of the castle, like Romeo going to see Juliet in private. The light footsteps landed in the garden, not attracting the attention of the girl who turned her back to him.

Pink waist-length hair and a light green shawl. Maybe the castle at night is a little cold, and she also wears a beautiful scarf. That female A is Camilla, the **** witch

Roy walked over, and when he approached Camilla with a few meters left, he deliberately stepped hard to make a sound

c Camilla, who was watching the flowers and plants in the garden, was frightened and jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on. A then turned around vigilantly. After seeing Roy who was walking towards her, the The witch squatted directly on the ground, holding her head in her hands and trembling, "Please, please don't hit me. Don't force me to come up either."

Roy stopped and looked at this unconfident and timid witch like a hamster. There is also a little smile.

"Why should I carry you?_"

Roy asked with a smile.

"Because of me: I used power over you during the day."

Camilla closed her eyes and squatted with her head on her head, and said in a crying voice.

"That's Echidona's problem. Even if I'm angry, I'll only be angry with her, and I'm not stingy enough to vent my temper during the day until the night."

Roy said hilariously

"You.: Are you really not going to hit me? I really didn't mean it. I apologize like you. In the past, people always came to the witch's tea party, and Donna would let me use my power to test each other. She always I want to see the other person making a fool of myself, I've always been used to it, but I didn't expect _.-"

Before the **** witch finished speaking, Roy just said, _... I didn't expect power to be useless to me"

"Well.. I didn't expect the power to lose its effect. The power that only loses its effect when facing other witches is actually ineffective for you."

Saying (afcb) here, Camilla's tone suddenly had inexplicable expectations, __ "And I can appear in front of you with my true face."

That's right, except for the witch, no one has seen the real Camilla in the past, because in front of the faceless goddess. When everyone looks at Camilla, what they actually see is the most beautiful thing in their heart. the one who loves

So, no one has really seen Camilla, and no one has ever really loved her.

Roy heard the words and carefully looked at the **** witch in front of him. At this moment, Roy suddenly realized that he was probably the first man who really saw Camilla's true appearance!

Stared at him by Roy's scorching moonlight. Katrina shrank his shoulders. She lowered her head and whispered: _... Am I ugly? I have neither the beauty of Donna nor the beauty of Segmed, nor the good figure of Minerova, nor the beauty of Daphne. The special director r even Typhon is a child with personality

son. Ah, today I met the jealous witch Satila. She is a beautiful girl comparable to Donna.

"I am such a mediocre and ordinary person. If I were not a witch and possessed the power of a witch, I am afraid that I am just a passerby, the kind of girl who will not be remembered on the street."

The **** witch Camilla said in a self-sacrificing manner, she almost lost her self-confidence.

"Passers-by can also become heroines. You don't have to despise yourself like this. You should have the confidence to say in the mirror that I am beautiful every day. Besides, you are very cute in my eyes."

Roy and Camilla are not famous either. He wouldn't attack her, but instead comforted the girl who looked like she was only a native of the country.

"It's just cute..."

Camilla murmured.

=- The average girl should be described as beautiful. But if the other person is not beautiful, the best word is cute.

In Camilla's opinion, this word is actually denying her appearance.

Unexpectedly, Roy shook his head and said, ": You have to remember that cuteness is the highest level of praise for others. Because when you think a person is cute, no matter what the other person does, you will think he is cute, even if the other person does No matter how stupid and poisonous things are, you can also use cute to describe it, this is the best word to make a person completely perfect."

"Is that right?"

Roy's words made Camilla move a little

At this time, Roy suddenly changed the subject and said, "Witches are the extreme embodiment of their own emotions. It's like Ejidona's way of living is greed. Segmed is lazy. Since you are a witch of lust, can I..."

as a man. The most curious thing among the sins of the earth must be lust. At the beginning of Roy’s time, Fryugel was looking for witches mainly to find **** witches. Although Fryugel didn’t answer, he knew by looking at the other party’s expression that he was like this. Thought.

And as a normal man, Roy actually had the same idea.

"You:.. Are you really trying to force me? Please don't do this, I'm afraid I won't be able to refuse."

Camilla was sobbing. _

Chapter forty-six witches are a man's treasure

-(Out] Went on a date..)

The **** witch Camilla's almost crying expression made Roy's interest suddenly increase.

He touched his chin with his hand, and looked up and down this witch who seemed to have no protruding points on her body, but wonderfully gathered all the aesthetics of the public, and said interestingly, "-It turns out that you really have _fishing desire". , Kachora!"

Roy thinks that this is the only way to look at the witches of the **** witch, the jealous witch, the sloth witch, and the gluttonous witch. Each of them expresses the emotions they represent to the extreme, even if Satila and the envy witch factor don't really match up, she will still be disturbed by jealous emotions~

And as Camilla, who perfectly fits the witch factor of 'lust', it is impossible for her to have no manifestation of **** at all.

What is lust, according to Dante's

"I am a witch of lust, of course I have those thoughts and impulses."

Camilla blushed and said. She is obviously a lustful witch, but she seems to be very shy, and she always likes to be careful about him.

"But why haven't I heard the rumors of the **** witch? You are not the first **** witch, and even the past **** witches have not had any filthy rumors."

Roy asked curiously.

He is very interested in witches. For the ultimate incarnation of these emotions. . He has a thirst for the unknown. From this point of view. What Echidona was actually saying was right, they both pursued the same thing. They are both unknown and knowledge-seeking, and they can be said to be a natural pair.

Men are all lower body animals. If the **** witch is also as extreme as gluttony, lust, etc. Its rumors should be very romantic, and it is estimated that all men will rush to **** witches

think about it. When you see a **** witch, you see the person you love the most, and people always get what they want. What kind of man would not be excited to be able to have an overnight affair with the person he loves the most?

But in this world's witch biography, the **** witch is only a trivial part. There is no such rumor at all, which makes Roy feel strange

"Lust symbolizes excessive love"_The premise of all this is to love the other party."

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