They may not like the liveliness, but what they don't like is the loneliness without people, and this huge window is the embodiment of the inner desire of the witches.

Roy analyzed the thoughts of witches, these witches are the ultimate product of emotionality. Whether it is in science or magic, they are all objects that people want to study. For Roy, who is pursuing the unknown and knowledge, he will not let go of such a magical witch. .

So first of all, let’s start with Camilla, the most easily seen **** witch, to explore the truth of witches and the sins they symbolize

Greed, jealousy, gluttony, sloth. Anger. Arrogance. These seven original sins are the objects that Roy wants to understand and explore, because in the "Bible" system, people are born with original sins. To become a higher being, the first thing to do is to eliminate the natives.

Just like Roy's power. To a certain extent, it is an 'angel's technique'. Roy only obtained the physique of _'innocence' because of killing Michael, who did not obey. But Roy only knows about this innocence. However, I don't know why, and now the Witch of Sin has appeared. Just enough to allow Roy to thoroughly analyze the nature of the deadliest sin

As long as he can analyze the seven deadly sins and let himself eliminate the original sin, Roy at that time may no longer be called a human being.

Because man is sinful, sinless men are pure and holy angels.

At that time, Roy can perform angelic spells to his heart's content'.

What is an angelic technique? Literally, it is the technique used by angels. It is a technique that eliminates original sin. In terms of performance, any angelic technique is enough to annihilate the world.

For example, Roy's "Destruction of Sodom" power, even if Roy activates all nine now, even if he has the support of infinite magic power. The maximum destruction range of this power is the size of a mountain peak, which is the upper limit of power.

And if it is a real angelic art, the power of the angels recorded in the Bible is enough to cover the ceremony field - a planet. This brings about the grand ceremony of civilization annihilation level.

‘This world originally thought that only the return of death and the protection of Polkenica would be useful, but it seems that I underestimated this world. ,

Roy thought like this and then he looked at Camilla, the **** witch. Camilla was stunned with a blunt sentence: _"..I want to go to bed with you!."

Camilla wondered if she heard it wrong, it was the first time she had seen a man who could say such a thing!_

Chapter 48 The Woman Everyone Wants

The shy moon hid behind the clouds. The talk was light and the light came in from the edge of the window and sprinkled on the two bodies inside.

For a long time, with the low voice of the array, the two talents temporarily stopped their movements.

Roy held the **** witch Camilla in his arms.

After Roy asked, Camilla didn't refuse. She didn't know how to refuse either. She had a faint affection and admiration for Roy herself, and with the emergence of her 'lust' emotion, this affection and admiration expanded infinitely. After being stimulated by Roy's too bold words, he was inexplicably deceived into the bowl.

I have to say that as a **** witch, although Camilla has no experience, she instinctively masters many skills and can accept any scale of behavior. It is a body partner that a man dreams of, so that Roy does not need to exert any force at all, as long as he closes. Eye enjoyment is enough.

After resting for a while, the girl in her arms regained her strength, and Roy said softly, L".=Tell=Tell me about your past, Camilla, I want to know about your past.

Roy doesn't know about Camilla's past, all he knows is the instinct and truth of being a 'sexy witch'.,Although this kind of behavior of getting on the bus first and then making up the ticket will make the girl feel ashamed, but Camilla obviously Don't care about that.

__She squinted like a sleepy cat, and changed her position to make herself more comfortable in Roy's arms. She said timidly, ", what do you want to hear?"

Camilla is still so timid and shy, it's easy to arouse men's desire to protect her

"Are you born a witch?"

Roy asked curiously, he was very interested in the birth of witches.

"Well, I've been a witch since I was born, but I didn't know this when I was a child."

Camila's head was buried in Roy's heart, and she whispered hotly.

Tickled by the fragrance of the witch's mouth and leaves_Roy suppressed the throbbing in his heart and continued: ".I want to hear the story of your childhood."

The voice fell. Camilla in her arms fell silent.

"Isn't the original intention? If you don't want to say it, then forget it."

Roy is not a man who doesn't understand sentiment. He also won't force = a woman who has just had **** with him.

Camilla was startled and said in a panic: "--It's not that I don't want to. It's just that I'm thinking about how to say: 1: You want to know about my past and want to know me, I feel very small. "

Camilla pursed her lips. No one wants to know what happened to the person 'Camilla', even the witch would not ask what the former Camilla was like, and Roy's words made her grateful, because finally Someone is willing to really get to know her, to know what happened to the witch named 'Camilla'.

Roy stroked her back. Let her excited body relax. He didn't say a word, just waited quietly for Camilla's help.

With a soft, delicate and courageous voice, Camilla unfolded her solitude and heart in front of Roy.. opened up a hidden picture for him

lo that is a deceptively simple, but worthwhile story.

The woman was born in a windy village. That is - the countryside of a small country .. poor and backward, and the woman is a typical village girl. Just a village girl.

Parents love her. Brother loves her. And she loves her family too - once she thought so.

Because it was a poor and backward country in a small country, her family found an unmarried person for her very early on. Just like all village girls. She was supposed to live in the corner of a deserted village. Just like that, I lived a life that was easy and hard.

But such an ordinary life is broken

A high-ranking man passed by the remote village. A village girl like her will not be seen by those in power, but it is inexplicable. The man of power also fell in love with her after seeing her.

In order to get her, those in power have to rob her, and perform a drama of picking up women from a good family, in a remote place in this small country that is backward in the world. This is absolutely impossible to resist

But it backfired. The girl's family loved her, and the unmarried loved her. Her brother loved her, and the whole village loved her.

Then, the small village rose up. The war spread from the village to the nearby cities, and everyone who saw the woman fell in love with her, and those who wanted to protect her joined the rebel army. Those who wanted her joined the army of those in power, and then The war swept across the country in this way, until the lavish palaces inhabited by those in power were destroyed by fire.

All A's in this war thought it was over. But no one thought that because people who fell in love with women became more and more famous, these people

They all rushed into this burning flame like moths to a flame. ,

The war is still going on. This time, it is no longer a small country's problem. Many surrounding countries have been involved in it, and even poured into the border of the Volakia Empire.

The woman's name and legends spread that people who have seen her are crazy about her. They are obsessed with her, and those who have not seen her describe her as a fairy in the sky.

But this war for her made women not proud. On the contrary, the battlefield almost crushed her completely.

"I'm just a village girl. A fairy in the sky. A beautiful woman in the country. What does this have to do with me? I'm just an ordinary village girl. How can I have such value. "

A country destroyed, a city plundered, a city burned by fire. The remains of the dead, the fierce fighting. The war of blood and fire appeared in front of the woman. She was timid, she was afraid.

Her fiancé knelt down on the top of the mountain covered with bones to propose marriage, but this unmarried face who used to be just a peasant has long been distorted_ Countless soldiers kneeled in front of her to declare their love to her. Parents and brothers kneel in front of her, hoping she can accept their love again

All the people in front of her have forgotten to think, forget to breathe, only have the ambition to get her love,

At this moment, the woman finally realized that no one had ever loved the parental love that she thought, the love of brothers and the love of men and women is actually false. She started from birth. Her parents, her siblings, her fiancé. The villagers in that deserted village. In fact, he never loved her. All they fell in love with was the beautiful fantasy in their hearts.

At that moment, the woman was finally tired. Finally decided to give up

It turned out that no one loved her. It turned out that no one had really seen her. , No one knows her. It turns out that she has been living in 'Camilla's world,

She abandoned her family, her unmarried family, and the soldiers who fought for her, and the two escaped.

Along the way, everyone who met her fell in love with her again. Everyone is doing everything they can to get her. And wiped out all her rivals, leaving only ruins and wreckage in her path.

Until the woman met another white-haired woman who called herself 'Echidona, the witch of lust', that was the first woman she met. There was no one who completely fell in love with her just because she saw her, and that ' The Witch of Desire' sent her an invitation.. whether to live in her castle.

The woman agreed without any hesitation. She was finally able to catch her breath. Be able to live as a human being, instead of living in that horrible and false world.

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