I'm a witch of lust, not a jealous phoenix. I only seek the unknown, only the knot, not the peace process Greedy.

Seeing that the reason was not successful, Roy just said it, and he really refused the reason, "==I don't like letting

My own privacy is exposed in front of an A that I don't trust yet.

That's right. That's why Roy really rejected Echiddoson, everything Echidona was looking for. To put it bluntly, she wants to become Roy's pendant. Let Luo Dan have no privacy at all. Because as Echidona said, Roy's every action, every move, every word is unknown to her and what she is looking for. Then Roy can't hide it from her.

Expose everything about yourself to another person unless it's true trust. Otherwise that is very dangerous behavior.

The person who has really done Roy's exposure-cut so far. Only Aiwass. And for a first-time witch who wants to have the same status as Aiwass, Roy will not be confused by the beauty of the witch.

Aiwass, who had been hidden behind the scenes and never showed up, could understand Roy's thoughts. You can feel his trust in him. The Holy Guardian Angel was in a place where no one saw him, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned. The smile of the angel who doesn't understand people's heart is full of warmth.

Roy's reason made Echidona the **** witch finally think seriously - she sat up straight and her body was not as frantic as before, and after thinking for a while, she slowly said, "--you said Trust is -- trust is mutual. Although I trust you, but you don't trust me, but it doesn't matter. Trust can grow slowly through contact. Since you have stayed in the witch's castle. We have countless hours of contact and mutual understanding.”

"--Then do you want a house now? Or you can live with me. Living together is the best way to superimpose trust, and if you have a negative distance contact, it will definitely make our sons heart-to-heart."

Shan, you should continue to live with me - let's get up⊥'

Before Roy could say anything, Satila stood up and looked at Echidona angrily. The jealous flame almost burned the **** witch Vatican. -

Feilu reminds you: three things to read_

Chapter 44 How to Feed the Gluttony Witch?

The Witch of Desire and the Witch of Envy go head-to-head. The two pairs of needle-tips met Maimang's beautiful eyes and did not give in to each other.

After a long time, Echidona took back her gaze. She lowered her head slightly and stood up gracefully, like a lady, and saluted Roy. Her slender arms hugged the Book of Wisdom. Tanya Said, ".-: It's a long time coming to Japan, Mrs. Roy and I still have a long time to contact you."

".: I will open this castle to all of you. You can come to me if you need anything. I will also mark the rooms where the witches live. If you intend to conduct a night attack, I strongly I suggest you go to Camilla. That kid is more bullying

"Nina how can you do this.

The **** witch Camilla said aggrievedly when she heard Echidona's words.

Echidona ignored Camilla, she smiled sweetly at Roy. Immediately, she walked into the castle with the heavy book in her arms. Her dashing attitude was completely different from her previous fanaticism. People can't tell which one is her for a while, but I just feel that this woman is really multi-faceted, which attracts people's minds.

But Roy knew that it was only because Echidona had left herself here. For this lustful witch, she has already achieved what she wants. As for how to do it later, she will not seek to change her name now.

- A smart woman, a woman who knows how to step by step. Let Roy also secretly praised.

The other witches also left after seeing Echidona leave. The witches didn't care about Roy, the man who stayed here. They were abandoned by society, and their way of thinking was different from ordinary people. , not that it will be too noisy and noisy because of a little thing.

Only Dawani, the gluttonous witch, looked at Roy pitifully. Seeing this guy bound in the coffin, although he has the idea of ​​'Yuanyuan soil' in his heart, but in practice it is a witch who brings people suffering. Roy also has compassion for her. He thought about it. The rest of the dessert plate on the table was flipped over. Those remaining snacks were thrown in front of Daphne. The gluttonous witch grabbed it in her mouth and ate it clean.

"Well, thanks for the hospitality, every time I want a snack, I ask Mingna for a long time. She reluctantly makes it for me,."

The gluttonous witch who was bound in the coffin spoke politely and did not see the cruelty she had been to Fryugel before.

To be honest, none of these witches are cruel at all, it's just that they are all polarized by the emotions they represent, and good intentions will also turn into malice, thus giving people a kind of fear of witches: Horrible illusion.

It's just that these witches can't be said to be pure in nature, they can only be said to be extreme in temperament. They should completely break away from society.

"Just eat these things Y needs more food"

Roy asked suspiciously that he really didn't understand how the gluttonous witch survived, so he followed her way of eating. Even if she devoured the whole world and lost her flight, it wouldn't satisfy her hunger.

Aware of Roy's doubts, Daphne explained to her in a warm voice, "My body doesn't need much energy in the same way as human beings. As long as I eat enough food every day to meet my body's needs, I'm just always hungry. It feels like I'm not getting enough but my body actually needs to eat to keep up with its activity."

".No, L can't. I've been active for too long, and it's uncomfortable to feel hungry all the time. I'm going to rest. Only when I sleep, this hunger will be reduced-z."

The gluttonous witch Daphne's stomach groaned again. Her whole person has also become a little weak. She can't return to the kind of lazy witch. Daphne's laziness is entirely caused by hunger.

"If you have anything, you can come to me, I live on the bottom floor of the castle. Of course, if you come to me, you must prepare enough food for me, otherwise I will eat you

The coffin that bound Daphne gradually closed. The witch in the Iron Maiden fell into a deep sleep, and the coffin then sank into the shadow of the castle, disappearing in front of Roy and others

At this time, Roy suddenly had a strange idea, if the two humans could keep moving forever. Can I feed the Gluttony Witch with rice greens? Presumably the Gluttony Witch likes that kind of high-protein food, right? That's considered food, right?

In the blink of an eye, only Roy and Satila were left on the castle's open-air balcony

At this time, Satila lowered her head. Looking frightened.

"What's the matter, Satila?"

Roy stroked Satila's beautiful silver hair with his hand, and asked warmly.

"I:: I'm so easy to be jealous, Mrs. Roy, you won't hate me, will you?"

She raised her head timidly, her beautiful cyan eyes were full of fear and hope. The deep panic was hidden underneath, which made me feel pity.

"It's not your subjective will, Satila! You are still that gentle and lovely beautiful half-elf lady. The reason why you have such emotions is the emotion brought to you by the 'witch of jealousy'."

"Two~ I don't want to be a jealous witch, Mrs. Roy::: I can feel that there is an extremely huge power in my body, I am afraid: Second, I am afraid that it will hurt you. I do not I wish to hurt you. Is there any way you can make me stop being a jealous witch?"

Suntila bit her pink lips and grabbed Roy's sleeve with her hand and pleaded with the fox.

"Sorry, I can't do this either, it's up to you, Satila.. Find a way to control it..

It's completely under control, and you don't have to worry about it. "

There is only one witch in every era. There is only one person who can truly qualify as a witch. Others cannot become witches even if they get the witch factor, they will only become priests of witches. Suntila is a witch, which is unassailable, and she cannot deny this identity. Just as it is impossible for human beings to deny themselves and not be human beings

"Did I recruit Mrs. Roy to you?"

(No money is good) Satila said uneasily.

"How is it possible, Satila, don't belittle yourself, your kindness, your beauty, and your tenderness are all unique. Just like Typhon, the arrogant witch of Gangmu. She is still a child and has a very pure character. She likes being with you. - up. It shows the clarity of your heart. It will make the most pure children like it."

Roy held Satila's delicate and beautiful face with his hands, felt the tenderness of her skin, and her tone became more and more gentle, _": You are Satila, the most gentle witch, tell me, talk to these witches Are you happy together?"

"Yeah. I feel close to them. I don't like Echidona but I don't hate her either."

Sun Tila's cheeks flushed. She nodded cautiously, the earth-ranking witches are always attracted to each other, that is the unique warmth of the same species

"That's enough. You like them. That's enough."

Chapter 45 Camilla of the Passerby Girl

-(Going on a date with a girl today, so updates are not guaranteed.)

It's late at night, a full moon hangs high in the sky

Roy randomly found an empty room in the castle as his place of residence _ Satila insisted on living with him, saying that she wanted to take care of him. Roy would not refuse this. There was a female Of course it will make people happy if the child is willing to live with you

The room is big. You can also hold the envious witch's soft body when you sleep. As long as you restrain yourself a little and don't do anything too outrageous, you won't be attacked by the jealous witch.

Roy knew that if he took the initiative to mention it, the weak and gentle Satila would never reject him, and he could take this beautiful silver-haired half-elf down with a half push. But then it is estimated that Roy will be bound by the jealous witch Hurry up , in this world, there will be no waves, so this matter needs to be considered in the long run. And the direction and intersection of the breakthrough is Echidona, the witch of lust.

After coaxing Satila to sleep in the bedroom, Roy walked out of the bedroom. He hasn't turned around this witch's castle yet. Jin Ding will take advantage of the good night tonight to turn around here. Anyway, sleeping is nothing to him. necessary thing.

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