"Haha, then let's go on the road together. But you have to be prepared, maybe 'Polkenica' is more cruel than witches. You must know that witches are still human after all, but Shenlong is not human. "

When the three of them were talking, they got into the luxury dragon car that Roy stayed here. When he left the witch's castle, Roy had already given them the dragon car.

The three walked away.

In the witch's castle, the **** witch Echidona was very excited. She kept talking. It was no longer a so-called answer when she had time, but when Roy hadn't mentioned the time, she could not wait to put herself Got it - it's all said.

"Why are you so obsessed with me? Although I understand that the reason for your obsession comes from your 'craving' L your 'greed' but the reason for your obsession with me? To be honest. Echidona, you've come close to giving. "

Roy learned a lot from Ejidona's mouth, such as about the powers that each witch of sin has. For example, what the six attributes of magic in this world represent, and the origin of elves and micro-elves.

Roy was quite surprised. In the hands of Echidona

The Witch of Desire is indeed not very strong in terms of combat ability, but if she really intends to exert her power to the limit. With the "Book of Wisdom", she can be described as one of the most terrifying beings in the world, and in addition to the "Book of Wisdom", Echidona actually has the ability to pause for a short time, which allows her to escape. opportunity.

This is a witch full of supporting abilities.

"Isn't this a very simple thing for reasons?: Because you are unknown, I don't want to open this "Book of Wisdom". But it doesn't mean that I won't open it. All people and things in this world are Be recorded in this book, no matter what others do. This book will faithfully record, and even foresee the future in advance

"::But you are different. No matter what you do, you will not be

"And I want the witch Echidona to pursue all the unknown. The monster of all knowledge, you are what I seek L.l So please, please promise me. Let me be one with you, let me be one with you. We spend the rest of our lives together. I want to know everything about you. I want everything about you, I want ::z I want to be with you and see the unknown new world_!

Echidona was trembling all over...even her snow-white jade hands were trembling. Her tone was high and excited, as if she was pulling out her heart. Let Roy be able to trust her the same way.

This witch is indeed the embodiment of curiosity. She has already guessed that she has the ability to traverse the world. She is full of curiosity and begging for everything outside this world.

Roy thought so

"Your remarks are quite intriguing for A. Echidona--is this a courtship?"

"If you think so, then this is courtship, the greedy love of a **** witch. L"

Echidona raised her head, her high tone seemed to be moaning as if she had fallen into a high court.

But Roy was unmoved, he just asked L calmly "-Your words are too convoluted. What are you trying to do."

"It's very simple, since then, everything you perceive. Everything you think

What you have done, what you will create, the existence called "you" will produce the fruit of the "unknown" name, please let me taste it. "

"..and I will face it together with you after this. No matter what obstacles you can't do anything about.,I will be troubled with you. When anyone wants you to give the answer he expects. I will come Strive to make you answer like that: when you are defeated by your own sins. When you are defeated by the spirit of foreign objects, I will remove those sins.. I am willing to bear it for you, and I am willing to face it together with you. I mean-.: I would like to!_!

Echidona, the **** witch, gave out a frenzy. persistent. Exclamation is a chanting - a declaration of love

This is the witch of lust, this is the 'greed' little _

Chapter 43 Let's live together!

The gentle wind blows through the witch's castle

Echidona, the witch of lust, let out a fiery sigh. Passionate, irresistible courtship.

The arrogant witch Typhon was still like a child - the ship laughed as if she hadn't heard Echidona's words.

fall. With a lazy demeanor, she cast a glance at Echidona and then closed her beautiful eyes not much.

The Angry Witch Minerova stood by the castle and looked outside. She was so relaxed and happy, and only here would she temporarily suppress the anger in her heart. Let yourself be a little calmer.

Sorceress of Lust: Camilla hid in a corner where no one was thinking, and stared at Echidona in admiration.

Donna is amazing. Thus issued a declaration of courtship. Not so timid and withdrawn as myself, I can only hide in a corner alone, looking at the love of others with longing and nostalgia

I don't know love, and I don't know where love is.

Everyone who loves her is only affected by her power.. instead of really loving the ordinary her, she longs for someone

To give to the mediocre her. Instead of giving love to the child who does not know when. The witch power that has already appeared in her

She is called "'The Faceless Goddess". Everyone who sees her falls in love with the person her powers show, not the being named Camilla.

I, too, want to be loved, and I want to summon the courage to make a declaration of love--but I can't, because I'm 1-1-'the witch of lust'.

Camilla stood sadly in the corner, and there was only this castle, the gathering place of all witches. Only a witch like her can survive.

Every witch is difficult to integrate into normal human society. Angry witches will be engulfed by anger in human society, and only in this castle where only witches are, can she calm herself down.

The witch of **** will make countless people fall in love with her in the human society. Lust and desire and then this love

people. Let them even forget to breathe and heartbeat in death. Only in the witch's castle. Other witches will not be affected by this power, allowing Camilla to live like a normal person.

built by Na. It can be said to be the last fortress where witches can survive. It's because their spirits didn't completely collapse. They barely kept the last harbor of their personality. That's why Echidona became the representative of the witches. She was trusted by all the witches.

Daphne, the gluttonous witch, didn't care about Echidona's courtship either. What she cares more about is whether Roy can throw some snacks over to fill her stomach.

The witches all know that being able to express this single obsession is a symbol of lust.

At this moment, the **** jealous witch Satila panicked, and she looked at Roy anxiously. Hope he doesn't agree. By the Son of Man.

"The jade that eats A does not promise her, never change

promise her. Mrs. Roy, don't promise her..=: My heart is hurting. My body is burning. There is a voice in my head, don't promise her. I can't control myself, I can't control myself wanting to destroy everything!

Roy didn't know what the other six witches were thinking. He just stared at the woman in front of him who had fallen into a daze. He stared at the terrifying greed in the dark scorpion of the **** witch.

a long time. Roy just exhaled and said "-it's a terrible obsession, this is the real "craving, I'm glad your craving is reflected in the thirst for knowledge" if this craving is reflected in the thirst for knowledge. Pure desire, that..."

Before Roy finished speaking, Echidona interrupted him. "...Then I'll become a person and go as far as I can."

Echidona did not hesitate to speak the words that made the man's heart beat faster.

"But... don't men just like women like this? I'm the embodiment of 'inquisitiveness'. And you are the 'incarnation of the unknown'. Is there anyone more suitable than us? I can be your **** one by one. As long as you can satisfy my thirst for knowledge is wrong, because my thirst for knowledge will be satisfied as long as I stay by your side - ahhh, just thinking about this future. My body is out of control!

Ai Ji Duo was panting, she was obviously not sick, but at this moment, she looked like a woman who was caught in a sick mania.

The extreme emotional product of the witch is really scary.

"Your conditions are really hard to refuse."

Rover said with a sigh.

A woman with the ultimate beauty is posted backwards, and she is willing to open the "Book of Wisdom" for you. For a witch who can know everything in this world. Anyone can succeed with her advice. When you are hit by the spirit, the witch of **** will comfort you and encourage you: when you have sin in your heart, she will share that sin for you. so you don't have to be bothered by it.

to be frank. This is really the perfect wife that people imagined and the man's coveted.

she. False grounds are. ....sorry I'm married!"

When Roy's voice fell, Echidona didn't react, but Suntira, who was holding Typhon, turned black.

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