"Roy Crowley."

Roy 4 replied with a smile, he flicked the creation of judgment, and the sword seemed to become even brighter.

"Roy Crowley? I've never heard of this name. Sure enough, there are many strong men and swordsmen in this world that I don't know about."

Reid murmured, then shook his head, but there was more excitement in his expression.

Fryugel was also muttering at this time that this was the first time he knew Roy's name. He thought Roy was Roy before. But now it sounds like his name is a Western name.

Is the tomb a pseudonym? Or is he actually a Westerner? But maybe. This guy looks like a man and a woman. It's so strange and contradictory that it looks like an oriental person and a westerner who doesn't know how long it is.

"I can't beat you in swordsmanship, but now I'm going to use all my abilities, you have to be careful!"

Reid Moonlight--Shen's failure in swordsmanship doesn't hit him. He has lost countless times in the past, but admitting defeat like this makes him still a little undecided to use his full strength.

"you sure?"

Rover frowned. He smiled and said, "I will tell you responsibly. If you use other abilities other than swordsmanship, you will only lose faster."

"= move, if you can take my move, you will win."

Roy raised a finger and said very sarcastic words.

This is not Royto too. But among all the powerhouses in this world, Reid is probably the one that Roy is most likely to bully. _

Chapter 29 It turns out that you are a witch!

"one move"

Red suddenly wanted to laugh.

He thought he wouldn't get angry easily, but at this moment he couldn't help but surging from the depths of his heart = a surge of anger

But he had nowhere to vent his anger. Because of the man in front of him. , just now defeated him in the swordsmanship that he was best at and proud of.

The raging anger piled up in his heart, it was not the anger of hatred, but the anger that wanted to defeat him and let him take back his bold words.

The muscles on the chest began to vibrate, so that the blood of the wound stopped flowing, although Reid would not have any healing protection. But the long-term injury and exercise have also taught him to control every muscle in his body. As long as it is not the fatal injury, he can temporarily make himself unaffected by the pad.

"Come on then - try it ⊥"

Reid's eyes widened sharply, [Juggernaut's blessing... finally appeared in his body.

In the past, Reid rarely used the guardian of the Sword Saint, and most of the enemies were able to get rid of them by relying on their own swordsmanship. Because he thinks the ability of the swordsman's blessing is too rogue, the blessing is innate - he feels that this ability has nothing to do with his own efforts, so Reid doesn't like it.

But Reid is not a fool. When it comes to a crisis, when he sees an opponent he can't defeat, he will not hesitate to use his own protection.

If swordsmanship and magic are abilities that mediocre people learn the day after tomorrow, then Blessing is a true genius. The power that the Chosen have innately possessed.

Blessing is the greatest injustice in this world. Some people, even if they have learned a lot of skills since childhood, may not be able to beat those chosen sons who are born with strong protection.

And unlike the average person, Red Astrea is the kind of person who has both support and protection. And a person who works extremely hard the day after tomorrow, this is the source of his strength.

"The guardian A of the swordsman will greatly improve his swordsmanship, to a level that Reid himself can't grasp and understand. Therefore, he doesn't like to use this ability, because the sword that he can't grasp is very difficult for him. Words are no longer a sword.

"The protection of the Sword Saint emerged from Reid, and he suddenly had an understanding of Roy's previous swordsmanship. It was at this time that he discovered. Luo Wu actually achieved the level of being able to open with him with pure swordsmanship. The ability after 'Juggernaut's protection' is comparable to

This conclusion makes Reid very happy. Does this mean that as long as he keeps working hard, he will one day have this power even if he does not turn on the protection?

Holding this joy, Red Astrea slashed towards Roy again.

"Be careful L Roy. Crowley⊥ Now my power, even I can't fully control ILL"

However, what poisonous insect, his sword seems to be alive. The terrifying hydrogen potential seems to have sucked away the surrounding atmosphere, making it painful for people to breathe, and illusions in the brain. In the surging wind and clouds, the sound of the earthquake and the rumbling of the eagle seemed to be a natural disaster. The sword in his hand merged into one, and he has completely turned it into a sword of strength.

"Although the strength has become stronger. The skills have also become stronger, but the speed... is much slower!

At this time, the sun has already set in the west mountain and the light spreads all over the earth. Roy's body shook. The whole person seemed to melt into the moonlight, and suddenly appeared behind Reid at an incredible speed.

This is the power of divine speed"!

The so-called martial arts in the world are all fast and unbreakable, as long as the speed is fast enough. Make it impossible for the enemy to hit. Even if the ability used by the enemy is stronger, what is the use? The protection of Sword Saint Reid allowed him to temporarily obtain the same level of swordsmanship as Roy, but this protection has no causal ability. His sword looked like a snail to Roy: generally slow.

The black prince of the godslayer world relies on: the speed of his hands to make himself invincible. Now Roy's speed has been transformed into various elements such as fire, light, thunder, and flame. Has far surpassed the black prince of the year

_Is this a blessing related to speed?

Roy's excessive speed made Reid horrified, but he quickly sensed Roy's appearance behind him by relying on his sixth sense as a sword soil.

"No matter what kind of protection, let me cut it off."

Reid quickly turned around with his foot as the central axis, this time his sword no longer slashed at Roy. Instead, he slashed at what he thought he was.

This is where 'Red is the strongest, there are always people in this world who have great protection. With the help of his own protection, he can fight evenly with Reid as long as Reid uses this 'Blessing of Severing Blessing'. The enemy will lose his protection. So I can only compete with Redder in swordsmanship

Not to mention that Red is the strongest swordsman in this era, and he also holds the 'Blessing of the Sword Saint', who can be his opponent in this situation.

For Reid. Those who act recklessly only by virtue of the ability to protect are pure weaklings. Any blessings will fail in front of him.”

"So I said it before. Your ability doesn't work for me."


The slight sound came again, and Reid looked at his chest in amazement. A blood-red sword tip was piercing him from there.

- "How could it be ::: invalid"

His eyes flashed for a while._Just when he turned to cut off Roy's blessing'. Unexpectedly, Roy entered A speed state again, and pierced it with a sword from behind.

"The power I use is not protection _ of course you can't cut it off."

Roy maintained the posture of piercing Red _ standing behind him and said with a chuckle.

"Could it be...: Forbidden magic that has been lost?"

Reid murmured with blood pouring out of his mouth.

"No, this power you can call it power."

Roy kindly explained to Red.

"Is the power similar to the power of the witch::: Heh. I actually went to the witch to see the difference between the power of the witch and the protection::: I didn't expect the witch to see it, but it is on you I saw... Could it be that you are actually a witch? Well. You look like a rubbish."

Reid showed an expression of sudden realization. He also nodded affirmatively.

Luo (Li Wanghao) Yi's mouth twitched, and he directly pulled out the Sword of Judgment. As the blade was pulled out, Reid's body finally couldn't support it. fell to the ground.

He turned around indifferently, looked at Freugel behind him and said, _ ":::Do you know healing magic?_"

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