Seeing Roy's murderous face, Fryugel shook his head like a chicken. ::I can only use 'block' attribute magic, and healing magic is 'water' attribute. However, what Shaula is good at is the 'yang' attribute. It will also = some simple healing magic. "

"Then Xiaula, go and see this guy's injuries. He can be cured if he can. If he can't be cured, let him resign."

Roy said, put away the sword of judgment, and walked out to Satila.

You are the witch, your whole family is a witch⊥

Roy was very upset to be treated as a woman by others, although he had inherited Aleister's face of infinite possibilities. But no matter how he speaks, sounds or acts, he has nothing to do with women!!

Chapter Thirty

Roy's face is not good-looking, and anyone who is regarded as a girl will not be in a good mood, and Roy suspects that Reid said that on purpose at all.

He stopped walking towards Satila with a sullen face, making the silver-haired half-elf girl look a little flustered, but soon Satila calmed down. She carefully stepped forward and pulled out a piece of Wang Jing's hand from her cuff.

This is the favorite handkerchief of noble ladies that Roy bought for her when she bought clothes for Satila in Lugnica.

"Mr. Roy. Are you alright_"

Sun Mianla trotted to Roy and asked with concern.

Roy is very good at controlling his emotions _ he won't anger others at will, and smiled at Satila warmly, ".;Don't worry, I have nothing to do."

"You're out. I'll wipe it for you.

Satila was a little shy. But she still tried her best to owe her toes. Holding the handkerchief lightly in his right hand, he wiped the sweat from Roy's forehead little by little.

The two of them have a height difference. Looking at Satila Nanu Jiu's hunched body, looking at the perspiration from the tip of her nose and her serious expression_The nose and mouth smell the fragrance of Dong Yicao on the girl's body, talk about The light is not pungent, but it is reminiscent of the softness of the girl's body under the clothes.

With a move in Roy's heart, he took the handkerchief from Satie's hand. Gently wiped it on the tip of her pretty nose and smiled, "Just wipe the sweat for me, you're sweating. "

"I'm used to it."

Satila's toes raised and fell, she lowered her head four times, her fair face was slightly _ blushing, happy and shy

Roy grabbed her delicate little hand. Go to the fire where the fire is being made... I know that you are used to the hardships of life since you were a child, this is a good thing. But you have to learn to enjoy life in the future. Don't tire yourself out, remember. You are no longer in the basin L, since I brought you out of that slum, L will give you a normal life and will not abandon you. "

"I know Mrs. Roy, you won't abandon me. It makes me feel very safe to be by your side."

Satila whispered, for fear that Roy misunderstood her thoughts

Leaving the filthy slums. Seeing this vast world. , Satila knew it was all because of Roy, because she met. Only then can he walk out of his own thousand: - lawful, unable to see the future life.

Based on Satila's life experience for many years in the past, even if she leaves the slum, she will have a strong sense of crisis and tension in life, but being by Roy's side makes her completely unable to feel such emotions. I just feel Roy deserves her trust

"Well, as long as you can forget your past life. Come to L to bake something to eat. Although I brought some marinated cooked food, it doesn't taste good."

Roy pulled Fantilla and sat in front of the fire (jca) pile and skillfully handled two animals that looked like bamboo rats. This is what Roy took when he entered the forest before.

Satila doesn't do these jobs. She squatted beside Roy and watched him deal with internal organs, fur, etc., studying hard.

"Master is too handsome, don't look at it, come and help us

Shaula's mind was attracted by Satila's figure when she saw Fryugel. Just shouted in dissatisfaction.

"oh oh..."

Fryugel reluctantly glanced at Satila again, and it was the trot who ran over to help Shaula to help Reid together.


Beside the fire, Reid was wearing a stack of bandages with his bare upper body. The red bloodstains seeped through the bandages. He tore off a bamboo rat's leg and chewed it. He grabbed the jug and poured a sip into his own mouth. He smiled boldly. --- Roy, your sword is so ruthless that it almost killed me. "

"You should be thankful that I am merciful. If my sword is on the side - point - your heart will at least lose - a piece of meat.

Roy rolled his eyes away from Red. He also ate it in a hurry = the leg meat of the bamboo rat. Satila sat next to him.. picked up the wet handkerchief and wiped his greasy hands, seeing this half-elf girl not eating by herself Having been serving himself, Roy just sighed in his heart, and tore off a piece of meat again and handed it to Satila's mouth. Satila opened her cherry lips and exposed her teeth, bit the piece of meat, and fed it under her embarrassment.

Reid's eyes were ambiguous, and Fryugel looked irritable. And Shaula sat there without speaking.

"Then I really want to thank you for your mercy. My wife is just pregnant and the child has not yet been born. I can't die here L"

Speaking of his wife, Reid's rough yet manly face softened.

"Your wife is pregnant, and you're still running around?"

Everyone by the fire was thinking about their thoughts, only Roy and Red were chatting.

Although Roy was a little unhappy with Reid's words before, he didn't stingy and hate him for the rest of his life because of that.

"I'm used to being a homeless person. I can't stay in one place all the time. My wife knows this, so let me keep roaming outside, just go back before the baby is born, but after the baby is born, I should be able to Settle down."

He shook his jug and asked Roy, "Are you coming-= mouth?

"Sorry, I don't want to use things that other people have used. Of course if you're a girl or wearing women's clothes, I'd probably agree."

Roy shook his head.

In revenge for what Red said before

Reid laughed and said, " are really interesting. Next, let's drop by, why don't we go to the witch together. How about it?"

"As you wish, we didn't have any hatred before, and I feel good about you. If you are willing to follow us, follow us. Of course, if you hate me and almost kill you, you better not show those negative emotions.

Since Reid also went to the witch, Roy naturally couldn't control him and continued to follow him anyway, everyone was on the way

"I took the initiative to challenge you. I was not as good as others and was almost killed. What's there to hate, it should be said that I should be ashamed."

Reid said boldly. Compared with the later juggernauts who were bound by the head street of "riding the soil", it is obvious that the first juggernaut was a better wine chief.

"If that's the case, let's get up and go. It just so happens that we only have Fryugel as a driver. You can also make a cameo in the car when you come.

Roy nodded, making the best use of it.

"It turns out that you promised so quickly to find a backup driver."

Reid said sadly.

Satisfied...or rather, Red was full.

Roy didn't need to eat too much, Shaula and Satila, as girls, ate very little, and Fryugael had no appetite, so almost all the prey that came at the end entered Red's mouth.

The Juggernaut patted his full stomach, stood up and stretched. After looking around at everyone present, he suddenly grabbed Xiaula and pulled her up.

"What are you doing!."

Shaula was startled. It's just that her Shijiu is Reid's opponent. No matter how hard she struggles, she can't break free.

"I think it's just right for you to come and accompany me to do some after-dinner exercise."

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