Red Astrea didn't care and told his itinerary and what to expect

Sui Lang. The Juggernaut & Yes, looked at Roy brightly. He held the hilt of the sword unconsciously, and said enthusiastically, "...But I'm not interested in witches anymore. I feel more for you now. interest!."

"Sorry, I'm not interested in men's pursuits, if you want. You can find a man named Fryugel over there. He should be interested in you."

Roy turned sideways out of the way. Let the Freugel behind him appear in Reid's eyes.

Reid froze for a while, then shook his head again and again and said, "-. That Fryugel is not strong, but he is not the person I am looking for. I am not interested in men. I am married and have a wife."

Reid explained his sexuality very seriously, and then he took a deep breath and held the hilt again to calm himself down... My sword told me that you are--an extremely powerful swordsman that I have only ever seen in my life. The strongest in swordsmanship. I want to challenge you now, I hope you will give me this chance. "

"The sword in Sword Saint J_'s hand made a faint sound of sword sound. Roy was sure that this sword was an ordinary iron., But under the protection of Sword Saint P, this sword gradually became more and more powerful. miraculous.

Reid's "Juggernaut Protection" is the first protection in this world, so his name of the first generation of Juggernaut is worthy of the name

Roy was a little surprised. It seems that some kind of so-called perception between the sword and soil is true. Roy has already mastered martial arts under Skaha's five years of hellish training... and his strongest sword is the sword. Fabe's fist and sword are exactly where his power is needed.

_ 'Is this the so-called sword idiot?'

Roy thought to himself.

It is not too strange for him to think of Reid's challenge. Judging from what Reid has done, even if he does not have those blessings, he is still a real strongman with his own sword skills. Enough to be called 'Fan'. . Unlike those "pseudo-strong" who rely on protection and power to show their strength, Reid's power is all his own training.

Such people must be keen on challenges and progress in challenges.

It's just that although Roy has a good impression of Red, it reminds him of the years of training he spent with Skaha in the Land of Shadows. But Roy wasn't interested in Red's power.

"I haven't had dinner yet."

Roy had a dull expression.

Reid didn't care, you can eat first and I'll wait for you here. Need wine or something? I've got some good wine here. "

"The most important thing after eating is to take a good rest. If you do strenuous exercise casually, you will get appendicitis."

Roy first refuted Reid-sentence and then shook his head and laughed, ... Forget it. Since you have to come to the challenge. Then do some exercise before meals. This = will have more appetite when eating later. "

Roy knows Elider's temperament. If he doesn't agree, he will probably keep pestering him. Unless he was shot to kill him, but it is estimated that his murderous intention to him is exactly what Reid wants. Regardless of whether he fought Reid with a heart or a heart of learning, for Reid, the goal of challenging him was accomplished. _

Since he knew he couldn't escape, Roy wasn't going to hide either. He had fought countless times in his life, and he wouldn't be afraid of challenges from others.

"First of all, I declare that your blessing has no effect on me. So I advise you not to use it. If you want to defeat me, you can honestly rely on your swordsmanship. Although it is absolutely impossible for you beat me.

Luo Mai grabbed forward with his left hand, and the blood-red 'Sword of Judgment' appeared in his hand.

Reid's heart sank. He didn't expect that he had been seen through by Roy. At the same time, after seeing the sword in Roy's hand, he also looked strange. This sword seemed to be a collection of matter and magic. Let He couldn't sort out what it was, but what was certain was that this sword was definitely not a mortal thing!

Roy's Sword of Judgment is a divine tool transformed by power"_

Chapter 28 Only one trick

Reid was excited. Although he had never seen Roy, he knew instinctively that this was a strong man he needed to go all out to face.

For him, who is honored as "Juggernaut L. It's been a long time since he met someone who could make his hands tremble slightly."

He quickly took a deep breath to make his mountain situation return to normal, knowing that when facing an opponent of this level, if his heart fluctuates slightly. It may bring about life or failure.

Reid has practiced swords since he was a child. Life is a sword. Of course I know what the heart of a true swordsman looks like.

Roy stood where he was, holding a sword in his left hand. There is still a hint of provocation on his face with a smile on his face. If it is an ordinary young man who can't stand his provocation, he will attack him.

But Reid wasn't fooled. He just watched Roy find a weakness in his momentum so that the fight could get into its own rhythm from the start

After observing for a while, cold sweat gradually emerged from his forehead. The opponent's imposing manner is too strong, so strong that he can't find a sword that can be used at all - especially Reid based on his many years of experience in fighting the enemy. He clearly knows that this young man who seems to be less than twenty years old in front of him.'s definitely not the type that only has strength but no combat experience.

The tragic aura shows that he has experienced the cruelty of the battlefield, and his cold will seems to tell the world that he has faced countless life and death tests.

But how is this possible. , Such a wealth of combat experience, such a strong swordsman, why he Reid has never heard of this world is not too big. It's not too small, and someone like Roy with such rich combat experience can't be unknown.

At this moment, Reid's heart is a little shaken

"Aren't you going to do it? If you don't do it, I'll be the only one who will do it first--Juggernaut" Red van Astrea, your heart is broken.

Rover stepped forward. Reid only felt that Hua Roy had appeared in front of him, and the Sword of Judgment in his hand was cut down without hesitation, if Reid was a little distracted. will surely die.

This is Roy's swordsmanship. Purely sharpened between life and death, the sword of benefit without any bells and whistles is to defeat the opponent from start to finish. Kill the opponent without any bells and whistles

In the Land of Shadows, Skaha trained Roy to kill Roy, if it weren't for Skaha's weightlifting. Controlling his own power to the pinnacle, with the help of the original Lumen runes owned by Skaha. That's why Roy wasn't really killed by her.

But every time Roy fights with Skaja, it is like facing the desperate situation of life and death, and every time he is seriously injured. Every two days, every hour, every minute, every = second is such a battle, and such The battle went on for a full five years L

Even if Reid never slackens his sword practice since he was a child, even if he has gone through life and death to temper his sword intent. But there is still a gap compared to the martial skills that Roy has trained at the limit of life and death.

The swords of the two were interlaced with countless phantoms and ray of light, and the two of them did not use any other power, but were just fighting for their own swordsmanship.

Their speed is too fast.. just leaving a shadow of swords and swords in place. Even though neither side has the ability to use magic power, the wind blowing by the sword alone will cut the thick trees around + break the rocks, and make the earth appear - all kinds of ravines.

Four hundred years later, there was a girl named Cursius who was able to ignore distance because of her sword and wind magic. The secret technique of sword skills that conveys sword energy. But if Curius lived in this era to see the battle between Red and Roy, he would probably be ashamed to draw his sword and commit suicide

Because these two people did not use any magic, any protection, or any power. With swordsmanship alone, he surpassed the secret skills that Kuzaishu had cultivated using all his abilities.

It can be said that every sword cut by Reid and Roy is a secret method for others.

Frugel watched the battle between the two in dazzling eyes, and envy rose in his heart.

As a traveler, he does not have the willpower and time to practice sword skills, which requires a strong will and a spirit of enduring hardship. What Fryugel knows is only magic. And the magic with the attribute of 'Yin' attribute magic has some powerful tricks, but most of them are field-controlling abilities.

Ye can only be regarded as an auxiliary field controller. And men always have a longing for something like swords, seeing the confrontation between Red and Roy. He also looked envious.

Red and Roy played thousands of sides in a short period of time. Every impact shook the air, and every slash caused rocks, trees and other substances to collapse. But gradually Reid was at a disadvantage.

Roy's swordsmanship has been guided by famous teachers in addition to his own painstaking practice between life and death.

You must know that swordsmanship and magic are all five-purpose things for the 'demon gods'. They themselves are equivalent to a near-almighty god. Although the battle between the demon gods will also wave fists and the like, but the sleeves have already fought each other. Not a skill anymore.

So for things like swordsmanship and boxing. Its limit is the pinnacle of human beings. Above that, this kind of thing has no effect on the devil, and it happens that Skaha is a strong man who has reached the pinnacle of human beings with spear and martial arts. Only in this technical ability. She is the strongest in the world. Through her meticulously nurtured and taught Rover. It's still not as good as Skaha - but it's approaching that realm.

This is the advantage of having a teacher and a background, but Reid is a swordsman who can't even break through his own world. How can he compare with Roy.


Two splatters of blood spurted out, and the splattered blood fell on the ground. Red only felt a burning pain in his chest... He blocked Roy's sword and quickly retreated. After pulling away the distance, he looked at his chest. There was already a deep hole there. Sword marks from left shoulder to right flank. If his reaction was slowed down just now, this sword is slashing deeper. His mountain will be cut open.


Reid took a deep breath. He has rarely been injured so badly. , But he has also encountered countless dangers. He has suffered more serious injuries than this many times, so he doesn't care about this kind of pain.

"Losing--I didn't expect that I would lose so thoroughly in the competition of innovation."

Reid smiled bitterly.. shouted to Roy, "--: Hello. What's your name?

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