0175 defeated Q.P! Do you know Bei Xiao?!

Bei Xiao, who turned on the glory of Aichi, looked at Q.P on the other side of the court who was already waving racquet serve!


Although the opponent's serve has been greatly improved in ball speed, power and spin, it was blessed by Bei Xiao's three-stage Hai Zhu spell.

The essence of this goal was still clearly seen by Bei Xiao.


Under the watchful eyes of Q.P and Polk, Bei Xiao easily completed the counterattack.

Although I didn’t use the Holy Dragon Talisman, don’t forget it!

Q.P opened Lonely Glory and received wonderful blessings in skills.

But Bei Xiao also opened the Aichi Glory!!

There is an indomitable aura when hitting the ball, as if there is no way to fight back!!



In the court.

The sound of the clash between the two was like a symphony, constantly ringing in the ears of Polk and others.

In the rest area, Tezuka Kunimitsu's eyes followed the running figures of North Car and QP in the court.

"So...so awesome!"

"Is this a battle between reserved lights?"

"The strength of Bei Xiao and senior Q.P... is simply too strong!"

Although Tezuka Kunimitsu already has a general understanding of world-class standards, he still couldn't help but admire him when he saw this game.

He even felt that Q.P had world-class strength at this moment.

Perhaps sensing what he was thinking, Letru, who was standing by him, still spoke softly, even though his eyes were still worried about Q.P: "Tezuka, don't underestimate the world-class level in your heart!"

Tezuka Kunimitsu was stunned after hearing this.

"Coach Letru, I don't have one!"

Letru shook his head and spoke again: "No! You do! Do you think that Q.P, who has opened up Lonely Glory, can now be evenly matched with Bei Xiao, so he has reached a world-class level?"

Tezuka Kunimitsu nodded subconsciously: "Isn't it?! Bei Xiao is a world-class player, and senior Q.P is now..."

Before he could finish speaking, Bismarck on the side interrupted him: "Tezuka, your understanding of world-class strength is still too superficial!"

"Bei Xiao is of world-class quality! But you must not really think that world-class quality is just that!"

"Although I don't want to admit it! But! Even if Q.P has turned on 25 Lonely Glory, he is still a long way from being world-class!"

"This game from beginning to end, even now! Bei Xiao has not shown his full strength!"

"Just using all the abilities of a tennis player to suppress Q.P!"

"From the beginning of serve ball speed, sweet spot skills, personal strength! Then to movement speed, spin, insight, situation control and offensive and defensive transitions!"

"All of this makes Q.P breathless!"

As he spoke, there was a strong sense of complexity in the Middle Ages.

After all, Q.P's talent was recognized as the top in German tennis after being discovered by Retru!

However, in front of Bei Xiao, who is two years younger than the other party, he was still "played" with applause.

He couldn't help but begin to imagine himself and Bei Xiao standing on opposite sides of the court.

There was also a layer of goosebumps faintly appearing on the body.

2 minutes!


"Bei Xiao scores! Score 0-15!"

4 minutes!


"Bei Xiao scores! Score 0-30!"

When the third ball of the sixth inning ended.

The score of 0-40 and the game time of exactly 6 minutes made Q.P's face start to look ugly unconsciously.

Three consecutive goals were scored after two minutes of confrontation. He naturally saw that this was Bei Xiao's method.


The ball in the hands of Q.P Yuzhi, who was standing at the serve baseline position, was Bei Xiao's match point ball.

The opponent only needs to score this goal and he will lose.

Although he was unwilling to lose the game, Q.P had also done a good job of psychological preparation before this game.

But the most important thing is that he has no feeling at all of opening up the glory of Aichi!

This is completely different from what he thought!

You know, in the match in Italy, he turned on his lonely glory during the match, and then reversed the score in one fell swoop and defeated the retired Italian professional player.

With complicated thoughts in his mind, the palm of his hand holding the tennis ball couldn't help but tighten a little.

His reaction was seen by Polk and Retru.


The same goes for Bei Xiao!

"Q.P! It's impossible for you to activate the radiance of Aichi like this! Let alone integrate it into your perfect quality!"

"Now you are driving away this reserved light from your side!"

Hearing the whisper from Bei Xiao's mouth, Q.P raised his head and looked at Bei Xiao blankly: "What do you mean?!"

Bei Xiao sighed, and he completely gave up the hope that Q.P could now open the second light of reserve.

"The last ball! Finish the game!"

Q.P didn’t say anything else at this time.

Raise your hand to throw the tennis ball up.


Even after knowing the final result, he had no intention of giving up the game.

He still adheres to this "baseline" as a tennis player.

When Bei Xiao faced this serve, his eyes were stern.


When he hit the ball, the bright silver Mad Bull charm on his arm flashed.

With the last ball, he had no intention of wasting any more time.

A ball of terrifying power appeared suddenly that made Q.P freeze his figure again.

The ball hit him hard and hit the open space at his limit, and he bounced out of the court.

The appearance of this ball also made Polk close his eyes and shake his head slightly.


The three people from Retru who witnessed this goal were also nervous.

This power surpasses every ball Bei Xiao has hit before!

When the tennis ball hit the wall behind the court, even though it was a wall made of excellent material, there were signs of dents.

"Bei Xiao scores! The game is over! The score is 6-0!"

"Bei Xiao wins!"

When Polk announced the end of the game, he also stepped down from the referee's chair.

Bei Xiao with a calm expression and Q.P with a complicated expression, the glory of love and the glory of loneliness disappeared from both of them.

Bei Xiao held the racquet and walked slowly in front of Q.P. [Under the other party's eyes full of confusion and confusion, he said softly: "Q.P! It's not enough for you to open up the glory of Aichi now!"

"Although it is cruel, the essence of Aichi Kouki is love!"

"It's different from the lonely glory opened up by you facing your own tennis talent!"

"Have you really confirmed that you love tennis?"

Q.P didn’t know what to say for a moment.

Bei Xiao pointed to Tezuka Kunimitsu in the rest area.

"Tezuka was able to turn on the Aichi Glory, not just because his own talent has the ability to match this power, but because from the moment he caught the ball, it was because of his love!"

"So, in other words! Now you want to start the Aichi Glory! You must first understand what tennis means to you!"

"Tezuka, if you don't mind! Can you tell Q.P what your answer to this question is?"

For a while.

The eyes of everyone present were focused on Tezuka Kunimitsu.

The latter was slightly stunned, but everyone could see the extremely firm meaning in his eyes.


"Tennis is everything to me!"

"Perhaps this answer is too exaggerated in the eyes of others! However, I have become accustomed to holding a racquet and standing in court every day!"

"I won't get bored, and I won't give up just because of victory or defeat!"

"Because I know very well! If there is no tennis in my life, it may lack most of the meaning!"

His answer made Bismarck, Letru and Polk raise the corners of their mouths slightly.

The three of them knew that this answer was the truest thought in Tezuka Kunimitsu's heart!

Q.P, on the other hand, looked at Tezuka Kunimitsu blankly, opening his mouth slightly but not knowing what to say for a moment.


Bei Xiao left the indoor training court and silently felt the power of the spell in her body.

The power of the Tiger Talisman has undoubtedly been enhanced!

Originally, he had just been promoted to the third stage, but after finishing this game, his progress improved by about 10%.

Bei Xiao also knows that next time he wants to "harvest"|Q.P!

I'm afraid we have to wait for the other party to truly integrate the three lights of reserve and transform from "perfect quality".

As for the other three-stage spells, they have also been improved to a certain extent.

Such as monkeys, snakes, pigs, etc.!

After all, Q.P himself is a comprehensive tennis player.

But the only improvement that can rival the Tiger Talisman is the Holy Dragon Talisman.

Close to about 8%.

Just when Bei Xiao was planning to go to other training courts to start his own training today.

"Bei Xiao! Wait a minute!"

Letru's voice came from behind.

Bei Xiao paused and turned around: "Coach Letru?"

Letru walked up to Bei Xiao, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Bei Xiao, today’s game against Q.P! As his teacher, I want to thank you on his behalf!”

"Thank you, Coach Letru! After this game, Q.P did not start the Aichi Glory!" Bei Xiao was a little surprised.

Letru waved his hand: "I know this! But, I also knew it from the beginning! Among the three reserved lights, the loneliness and perseverance are not difficult for him!"

"Q.P's talent and confidence, he has been training day after day! What these two powers lack is opportunity! It is not difficult to turn them on and integrate them into himself

"The biggest obstacle is Aichi Kouki!"

"You also know his past! It is not easy for him to clarify his love for tennis! Maybe the match between you and him today, coupled with what Tezuka said, It can help him find the way forward!"

Bei Xiao heard this and nodded slightly: "So that's it, Coach Letru! As Q.P's teacher, you are more considerate to him than I thought!"

"I believe Q.P he will do what you want, and I am also looking forward to seeing what kind of transformation he will have after the three reserved lights are integrated into his tennis as soon as possible!"

Letru showed a smile: "Yes! I also believe in Q.P!"


Inside the Japan U-17 training camp.

No. 12 training court.

Ryo Anato, Otori Cyotaroh, Akutakawa Jirou, Hiyoshi Wakashi!

As well as Kite Eishirou, Niou Masaharu, Fuji Syusuke and others.

At this time, they were all wearing the standard red and white jerseys, and each was completing the training tasks assigned by Takashi Ryuuji today.

The intensity of physical training in the Japan U-17 training camp is not low.

Although it is the 12th court, the training volume is not on the table at all in the entire training camp.

But it also makes Fuji Syusuke and other national-level players feel a bit difficult.

But Anato Ryo and the others didn't feel any pressure at all.

Even high school students in the same court can't compare to their training efficiency.

It's approaching noon.

Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh completed the training task first and sat in the rest area to supplement their exercise.

Then, Akutakawa Jirou and Hiyoshi Wakashi did the same.

The high school students in the court swallowed their saliva when they saw the four of them looking so leisurely.

Originally, they were thinking of targeting the junior high school students assigned to the court today, at least to let them know that high school students are their seniors!


When they learned that Ryo Anato and the other four had each beaten a high school student of the same level into the medical room yesterday, they hesitated.

Now that I see that their physical fitness is better than mine, I have given up the idea of ​​"establishing authority".

At this moment, Anato Ryo and the four others stood up and walked towards the direction of the high school students.

"Everyone! We just joined the training camp yesterday. We only know that the training court is ranked according to strength!"

It’s just that there is less sparring and multi-ball training.

"Tsumu-san! Now the goalkeeper of No. 12 ball 687!"

He just finished speaking.

Hearing this, Anato Ryo and the others were subconsciously moved.

"Once you lose a game, you will be demoted to the lower court! You cannot continue to challenge within a month! And if you win three games in a row, then you will be a player in court No. 9!"

They also know how much "moisture" there is.

"Who were you talking about earlier?!"

Hearing his words, Huliang and the others frowned slightly.

"Each court selects its own players! Three wins out of five sets! All members of the winning team are promoted! All members of the losing team are demoted!"

Although it's not that they can't play alone, their real strength lies in doubles!

"Although I don't like you junior high school students, I also know that you are stronger than we imagined!"

This time.

Kite Eishirou walked up to Ryo Anato and the others at this time: "If you don't mind, I can be your teammate in the team competition!"

After all, if you succeed, you can jump to three courts in a row!

Team battles further test the players’ overall level!

Mu Zun shook his head: "Although it is theoretically possible, if there is no one in the court you are challenging to challenge doubles, then the event will be aborted and treated as a failure!"

"Although I know that my strength as the head of Higa Tennis Club is far behind that of my classmate Bei Xiao! But for the shuffle match, my strength should be enough, right?"

The four members of Ryo Anato who just finished training also understand that the daily training volume of No. 13 Court is no less than their usual daily training volume in the Hyotei Tennis Club.

"The second option is more suitable for you! Personal Shuffle Battle! Once a week, you have the opportunity to challenge any player in the upper court in the form of singles!"


"Do you know Bei Xiao?!"

Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh were in a bit of a dilemma.

Among the crowd of high school students, a tall man walked out.

Tsumugi paused for a moment and then spoke again: "I know you may not be willing to cooperate with us high school students, so we probably won't consider team battles either!"

Anato Ryo's question made Kite Eishirou and the others stop their training and looked at the high school students with the same curiosity.

But before they could say anything, Tsumu-kun spoke again: "If you want to go to the court in front, there are two ways!"

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

Don't look at those high school students you defeated yesterday.

Although they think that their strength and talent are not as good as those of Atobe Keigo and the others, as members of the Hyotei Tennis Club, they also want to go to Court No. 1 to have a look!

"But! There is also a special rule! That is, you must challenge at least three opponents in a row! That is to say, once you initiate a challenge! Then you must challenge the players in court No. 11, 10 and 19!"

"The first type! Team shuffle battle! There is an opportunity to challenge the upper court every three days! As the name suggests, it is conducted in the form of a team battle!"

"What if it's a doubles combination? You can challenge as a singles, but you can also challenge as a doubles combination, right?" Otori Cyotaroh also asked a curious question at this time.

All the high school students and Tsumugi in Court No. 12 all opened their eyes wide.

Anato Ryo and the others looked at each other, which was almost the same as when they competed in the national competition.

"But what if we want to go to the front court?"

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