The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0176 Bei Xiao’S Fame! A Small Group Of Seven! The First Team Shuffle Game!

0176 Bei Xiao’s fame! A small group of seven! The first team shuffle competition!


Inside the JapanU-17 cafeteria.

Anato Ryo and others sat on their seats and ate their meals.

But their minds were not on the meal in front of them.

Because the eyes of a large number of high school students around them were all focused on them, and there were a lot of comments in their mouths.

"Have you heard? Among the newly recruited junior high school students are Bei Xiao's members of the junior high school tennis club! Did you see those four junior high school students? That's them!"

"Bei Xiao?! Hiss!! What about the others?! I haven't seen them! Training in the central court?"

"No, no, no! Bei Xiao didn't come!"

"Phew! That's scary!"

"Hey! Can you have some backbone? I'm afraid of this when I hear his name!"

"Are you not afraid?! He defeated the ghost boss!! And he almost crippled Tokugawa Kazuya! If Coach Kurobe and the others hadn't brought a top medical team from abroad, Tokugawa Kazuya would never have been able to continue playing tennis!"

"Yes! But that's not the point! The point is...he's not here! His debt can be recovered from those brats!"

"It makes sense! I still remember the way Bei Xiao humiliated us back then!"

"Which court are these brats from?!"

"On the 12th court! But their strength is quite good. I heard yesterday that Coach Kurobe arranged for them to compete with the newly recruited high school students for a spot in the training camp. [These brats are as ruthless as Bei Xiao! They beat everyone." Went to the medical room!"

"Damn it!! Sure enough!! People who play ball with Bei Xiao are not good people either!!"

In response to their discussion, Anato Ryo and the others frowned.

Subconsciously, he wanted to stand up and confront the high school students, but was stopped by Kite Eishirou, Fuji Syusuke and Oshitari Kenya beside him.

"Don't be impulsive! There are so many of them, and a conflict now won't solve the problem!" Fuji Syusuke said in a deep voice.

At that moment, Anato Ryo and the other four also gritted their teeth and snorted coldly.

Kite Eishirou said softly: "Sorry! If I hadn't mentioned Bei Xiao, perhaps these things wouldn't have happened!"

Otori Cyotaroh shook his head: "You can't say that, although before we entered the training camp, the minister also reminded us that it is best not to mention him! But neither Senior Atobe nor us want to hide anything!"

"The main thing is that we also just found out that... Minister, he is so... famous in the training camp!"

Hearing him say "famous", Oshitari Kenya couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Famous?! It's simply infamous! One person penetrated court No. 1-16, and many high school students were injured!"

But as he spoke, he held his chin with a hint of amusement in his eyes: "A junior high school student can trample all the high school students in the training camp under his feet with his own strength!"

"Tsk tsk tsk...if I were a high school student, I would be angry too!!"

These words left Anato Ryo and the others at a loss what to say.

Fuji Syusuke's eyes flickered: "The problem now is that the relationship between the four of you and classmate Bei Xiao has been established! Those high school students will definitely come back to cause trouble for you!"

"If you want to go to the court above, you must compete with them!"

"Single are at a disadvantage!"

Of course Anato Ryo and the others know it, but now they have no other way!

If they stay in Court No. 12, they will naturally not be afraid that high school students will cause trouble for them in the court below!

However, the training volume of Court No. 12 is not strong!

Even if they can practice more on their own.

But if you want to make targeted improvements, have more and stronger sparring players to train with, or even get more attention from training camps, you need to keep climbing up!

Once the speed of progress slows down, one day you will lose the advantage you currently have under Bei Xiao's training!

"Actually, you four might as well consider the suggestion I made before!" Kite Eishirou adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses at this time and spoke slowly.


The suggestion he made was for him to join Ryo Anato and the other four to attack a higher court in a team battle.

Anato Ryo frowned slightly. He first glanced at Kite Eishirou suspiciously, and then asked: "Why? You know the situation of the four of us! It won't do you any good to be in a group with us, right? You will also become a high school student. Enemies of the living!"

"Besides, team battles require at least 7 players! If you join us, there will only be 5 people"!

Kite Eishirou's lips raised: "You can't say that! I still remember the help that classmates Bei Xiao and Atobe gave to the Higa Middle-School Tennis Club at the national conference!"

"I'm just trying my best to give back! And! I follow the strong. You four are the strongest small group among junior high school students!"

"As for becoming the enemy of high school students...even if there is no Bei Xiao, can we junior high school students really become friends with their high school students?"

"In the training camp, strength is everything! If you want to have a say, you can only keep moving forward! Just like the classmate Bei Xiao who makes them afraid! Even if the person is not around, "they are still afraid when they hear the name!"

As he spoke, he pointed to Fuji Syusuke and Oshitari Kenya on the side: "Finally! It's not enough for me to join you by myself! But aren't there two more here?"


Fuji Syusuke and Oshitari Kenya looked stunned.


"Hey! Kite! Fuji and I didn't say we wanted to join, did we?"

Kite Eishirou crossed his arms and leaned on the back of the chair.

"You two are undoubtedly the best choice, aren't you?"

"Tezuka Kunimitsu and Bei Xiao are now teammates, which means he is destined to appear in the U-17 World Cup court!"

"Fuji Syusuke, you are the second-best genius in Seigaku! Do you hope that you will slowly climb to a position where the coaching staff will notice you?"

"Think clearly! Atobe Keigo and the others have been taken away for training alone! If we want to catch up with them, we must unite!"

"Even if Ryo Anato and the others say, there can be more than three junior high school student places! But if you don't have the strength, how can you get the extra places?!"

"Unless you want to sit in the audience at the U-17 World Cup instead of standing on the court!"

Fuji Syusuke immediately fell silent.

Kite Eishirou looked at Oshitari Kenya again, his eyes full of amusement: "You were taught so badly by your cousin at the national conference! Are you not unconvinced at all?"

"You know! Oshitari Yuushi's strength should be second only to Hyotei, except Bei Xiao, after Atobe Keigo and Masaru Hitoshi!"

"I can only imagine his reaction when he comes back from special training and secures a representative spot for junior high school students, and sees you still struggling in the low-level training court!"

Oshitari Kenya's face turned pale when Kite Eishirou said this, and he unconsciously began to make up the picture in his mind.

The four of them, Ryo Anato, looked at each other, and their eyes on Kite Eishirou became a little strange.

They also didn’t expect that the other party’s level of “fooling” people was so high!

With just a few words, Fuji Syusuke and Oshitari Kenya were obviously tempted.


Fuji Syusuke said in a deep voice: "I can join! But I have only one goal! That is to become a member of the junior high school representative! If we become competitors in the future, I will do my best to defeat you!"

Oshitari Kenya pouted: "I don't know why I was assigned to court No. 12. Ain and Chitose are obviously stronger than me! However, since I am now the highest ranked person in Shitenhouji's court, I don't want to be dumped. Open! I’ll join!”

Kite Eishirou chuckled lightly and turned to look at Ryo Anato and the others: "We're all here! Four of you! If you don't want to, it's up to you now!"

Anato Ryo and the four of them looked at each other.

As a representative, Anado nodded: "In that case! Happy cooperation!"

Seven hands are held together at this moment, and the first real group of junior high school students has been established.

In the afternoon.

Anato Ryo and the other seven people all returned to the training court No. 12 and directly approached the court gatekeeper Tsukune!

"What?! You're going to have a team shuffle match?!"

After hearing what Anado Ryochi said, Tsumugi immediately opened his mouth in astonishment.

The way he looked at Anato Ryo and the others also became a little strange.

I had clearly mentioned before about Bei Xiao's affair with the high school students in the training camp.

Who in the entire Japan U-17 training camp doesn’t know about the relationship between the four Wei Zhongliang and the North School?

The higher you climb up the court, the more dangerous it becomes!

"What? Is it because it's not time for the team shuffle yet, or because only one team can appear in each shuffle, so you high school students also want to participate?"

"If you want to fight, we can agree to have an internal team competition first! The winner will get this opportunity!"

When Anato Ryo saw Tsumugi looking at people like him like this, he immediately spoke in a deep voice.

Kejinmu Zun waved his hand: "Don't worry! It's not for these two reasons! Today is actually the time for the shuffle game! But none of us have the intention to challenge Court No. 11!

"We played against them three days ago and know the gap between us and them!"

"It's just the first time I've seen brats like you who are not afraid of suffering!"

Anato Ryo snorted coldly: "Then you don't have to worry! We can go to Court No. 11 now, right?"

Tsumugi pointed at the surveillance probe installed outside the court: "It is connected to the training camp monitoring room, and you can directly contact Coach Kurobe! You must first obtain his consent before you can start the shuffle war!"

"Otherwise it is a private competition! If the situation is serious, we will be kicked out of the training camp directly!"

Anato Ryo didn't expect Tsumu-kun to remind them of this.

To know.

If people like me rushed directly to Court No. 11, they might be punished.

Aren’t high school students like Tsumu-kun always unhappy with junior high school students like themselves?

Perhaps seeing Ryo Anato's thoughts, Tsumugi sneered: "Don't think I'm helping you! Bei Xiao is your minister. The shame he brought to us, how could you let you leave the training camp so easily?" "

"Rather than seeing you kicked out of the training camp, I would rather see you lose on the court!"

"You will find out soon! U-17 training camp is decided by us high school students!"

In response to the harsh words he uttered, Anato Ryo and the others raised the corners of their mouths.

This is in line with their understanding of high school students!


Ryo Anato and others came under the surveillance camera of Court 12. As the representative, Ryo Anato loudly said: "Coach Kurobe! The seven of us are going to start a team reshuffle battle between Court 12 and Court 11! Do you allow it?" "

In the main control room.

The three of them, Kurobe Yukio, looked at the Anato Ryo seven on the surveillance screen with different expressions.

A smile appeared on Saitō Itaru's lips, and Youyou said: "It's interesting... Although the people who were focused on training have been taken away! But I have to say that these seven little guys are also a bit surprising!"

On the first day, I wanted to start a shuffle, and I also knew how to unite...

Sure enough! The high school students’ dissatisfaction with Bei Xiao has brought them a lot of pressure!”

Takashi Ryuuji raised the dumbbells and spoke: "I saw their situation during training in the morning! The four little guys at Hyotei are obviously far superior to other students in terms of physical fitness.

People from the school!”

"Visually, I can definitely keep up with the training volume of No. 9 Court!"

"The problem now is that it doesn't matter if they stay together as a team! Their competition with high school students will definitely be very exciting!"

"It's not worth getting hurt..."

"Should we wait until those six little guys from the mountain come down before completely letting go of the junior high school students?"

Kurobe Yukio listened to what the two said.

He thought for a moment.

He pressed the button representing the position of court No. 12 and spoke calmly into the microphone in front of him: "The training camp agrees to the group shuffle request of court No. 12 against court No. 11.

"When the time comes, we won't be able to end it no matter what we want to do!"

"If there is another problem of hurting will become more and more difficult for these little guys!"

Saitō Itaru's eyes flashed and he spoke slowly: "So, your original intention is to pretend that you don't care about the conflicts between junior high school students and high school students, but to use the buffer period of each challenge to these junior high school students

He finished.

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

"But! What if a high school student is injured? There is a shortage of beds in the medical ward!"

"Anyway, the cost-effectiveness of training players below No. 5 court is not high! Especially those third-year players!"

He glanced at Yukio Kurobe and Saitō Itaru and curled his lips: "It's really uncomfortable to be colleagues with you two thoughtful guys!"

"Then! As long as these junior high school students are more cautious, their challenges will be much less dangerous!"

I even started to think about funding!!

"Those high school students in Court No. 11 may not be their opponents!"

Good guy!!

Yukio Kurobe held his chin and said leisurely: "We can reject them once, but what about the second and third time?"

Although Saitō Itaru didn't say anything, he obviously didn't understand why Kurobe Yukio wanted to promote the conflict between Anato Ryo and the others and the high school students.

Takashi Ryuuji and Saitō Itaru beside Yukio Kurobe looked at each other blankly.

"Delaying it is obviously not a good idea!"

"By the way! That kid on the mountain named Atobe Keigo is the eldest son of the Atobe Consortium!"

"The referee will be a professional referee from the training camp!"

"Players participating in the game can go directly to the training court on No. 11!"

"After all! If they want to participate in the shuffle match as a team of seven every time, they must have the strength to convince the high school students in the same court!"

"The level of the first army is not up to the standard, and the talent has reached its limit! If we can really clear out some people this time, maybe the extra funds can be added to our wages!

Saitō Itaru and Takashi Ryuuji both looked at each other with disdain.

"Maybe! Those six little ghosts on the mountain will return early..."

"Besides, if they had stayed in Court No. 12, would those high school students really not have thought of ways to cause trouble for them?"

"Isn't it? You just agreed like that?! Yesterday you also saw how Hyotei and these little guys play!"

"The fact that these (De Nuo Zhao) little guys can unite at this time shows that they still have some brains!"

Now, almost most of the idle high school and junior high school students are rushing towards Court No. 11.

In the surveillance screen, Ryo Anato and others left Court No. 12 and walked towards Court No. 11.

Time to grow!”

Naturally, no one else in the training camp knew about the conversation between the three of them.

Speaking of which, Takushoku Ryuuji figured it out no matter how slow his reaction was.


Yukio Kurobe said indifferently: "If you are slightly injured, just rest in the dormitory! If you are seriously injured... then let them leave the training camp!"

Takushoku Ryuuji also spoke in a somewhat anxious tone.

"As long as they play against the high school students in Court No. 11, they will know that the strength gap between each training court is wider than they imagined!"

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