The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0174 Unparalleled Power! Turn On The Brilliance Of Aichi!

0174 Unparalleled power! Unlock the glory of Aichi!


"Bei Xiao scores! Score 30-0!"


"Bei Xiao scores! Score 40-0!"

When Bei Xiao raised his hand and hit the fourth "Soaring Snake", the shot tennis ball hit Q.P's feet again and bounced out of the court.

Just like the first three goals.

Q.P's body was frozen in place, unable to even perform the basic movement of raising his arm to swing the racket.

The ball speed displayed on the court screen is still above 245KM/H.


"Bei Xiao scores! End of game! Score 1-0!"

Polk, who was sitting on the referee's chair, let out a breath, took a deep look at Bei Xiao and Q.P in the court, and announced the score of the goal in a deep voice!

Although he knew that this game would definitely be unimaginable torture for Q.P.

after all.

Even after going to Italy, Q.P completed a game that integrated the brilliance of the game into itself.


In terms of personal strength.

Bei Xiao is world class, while Q.P is still within the boundary of semi-world class.


He didn't expect Bei Xiao to win the first serve game with four ACE serves with exaggerated ball speed!

Ball speed of 245KM/H...

Most professional players may not be able to play it!

The key is..…………

At such a ball speed, Bei Xiao's ball control is incredibly stable.

To a certain extent, there is definitely room for improvement in the speed of this serve!

In the rest area next to the court.

Bismarck and Retru looked at each other in confusion. Tezuka Kunimitsu next to them had already opened his mouth since Bei Xiao hit the first ball and didn't know what to say.

"This kid...when did he practice serving so fast?!" Bismarck covered his forehead, and his tone was filled with unbelievable shock and helplessness.

"Indeed! At least when he came back last time, he didn't show such a side at all in training. Even against Park Zhengyi...he didn't use this kind of service!" Retru said in a deep voice, the same He has not yet calmed down his surprise.

Tezuka Kunimitsu, after hearing the conversation between the two, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and tentatively said: "So! If Q.P-senpai faces such a serve again, can he receive it?

Bismarck smiled bitterly: "Tezuka, although Q.P is very strong! However, it is not that easy to adapt to this kind of ball speed! If it were Polk... it should be no problem!"

"As for Q.P...he can only look at himself!"

Tezuka Kunimitsu couldn't help but look a little worried: "Doesn't that mean that it's basically impossible for Q.P-senpai to break serve?!"

"Senior Bismarck, isn't there any other way to solve this situation?"

Bismarck shook his head: "Tezuka! The essence of tennis is very simple! It is just to hit the ball to the opponent's court so that the opponent cannot fight back!"

"So, when faced with a ball speed that you can't hit back! You can only pay attention to your physical reaction training and the improvement of your visual ability in your daily training!"

"No matter what level the competition is, facing your opponent head-on is the only answer!"

Tezuka Kunimitsu's eyes were stunned.

In fact, the answer Bismarck gave him was consistent with his own answer.

Turning around to look at Q.P's appearance when facing Bei Xiao, he couldn't help but have a better understanding of Bei Xiao's strength.

In the competition court.

The second game begins.

Q.P is standing at the serve baseline position holding a racquet in his hand.


"Bei Xiao, it seems that Polk and the others didn't expect you to be able to serve..."

He slapped the tennis ball in his hand and whispered softly.

It seemed that he wanted to use his words to calm down the pressure in his heart during the first game.

Bei Xiao stood at the baseline of catching the ball and looked at Q.P with a calm expression: "I just accidentally improved in training!"

"No one else is qualified to ask me to serve like this!"

"This answer should make you feel better, right?"

Q.P grabbed the tennis ball and his expression was a little stiff.

When Bei Xiao said this, it was obviously a bit "sarcastic".

However, he also knew that when Bei Xiao stood on the court, he would not bring the emotions outside the court into the game.

They pay more attention to their own opponents, and the team will talk such "rubbish".

"not bad!"

"Then go ahead!"


A diagonal serve that made courtside Tezuka Kunimitsu's pupils tremble.

Although the ball speed displayed on the court screen is only about 220KM/H, the power of this ball does not lie in the ball speed, but in the extremely terrifying accuracy.


Seeing that the tennis ball was about to "out", Bei Xiao's figure had already appeared in front of the ball.

Raise your hand to trigger the shot.

"Q.P! This kind of serve cannot fool my eyes!"

While he was talking, the serve in Q. had already hit the court sideline.

If there is accurate slow playback of the Hawkeye video at this time, you can see that a quarter of the ball's landing point falls on the boundary line.

Three-quarters are out of bounds!

If a player with poor insight cannot accurately observe this, he may subconsciously think that this ball is a foul ball!

The appearance of this ball also represents Q.P’s own tennis style!!



This precision is not just about ball control.

This is also mixed with precise psychological control of the opponent.


As a new star in the German tennis world, he is known as a person of "perfect quality". Every shot he hits is as if it is carefully crafted and worthy of exploring his skills.

Whether it's defense or offense, it's so seamless that you can't find any blind spots or weaknesses.

From this point of view!

The definition of perfection is indeed very appropriate for him.

And at this time.

When Bei Xiao waved the racquet.

Behind him, a silver dragon shadow suddenly appeared in the solemn eyes of Polk and others.


With the blessing of the Holy Dragon Talisman, Bei Xiao's counterattack was obviously...a light strike!!


A brilliant ball of light illuminates the entire indoor court at this time.

Polk, who was sitting on the referee's chair, also subconsciously held the handle of the chair.

Just because of the emergence of light hitting, the beginning of this game moved closer to a contest of sweet spot skills.

The three Bismarcks in the rest area also widened their eyes.

All three of them knew that Bei Xiao's light hitting was definitely a big pressure on Q.P!!

At this time, Q.P in the court, when he saw the dazzling shadow of the ball in front of him, he had already grasped the racquet in his hand.

He did not choose to dodge, but rushed directly towards Bei Xiao's light strike.

Q.P is not reckless.

on the contrary!

The precision in his tennis style comes from his ability to always be absolutely rational during the game!!

In this game with Bei Xiao, if he had just avoided the light ball hit by Bei Xiao, then the result of this game would have been obvious!!


Swinging Racquet with both hands with all his strength, the impact of the two forces combined directly caused a wave of air to rise from the intersection point.

In terms of his control over sweet spot skills, he is second only to Polk among German U-17 high school students!

Even Bismarck, a talented tennis player who is one year older than him, is slightly inferior!


In this confrontation, Q.P was obviously suppressed to the extreme!

Sweet spot skills... Bei Xiao's Holy Dragon Talisman is no joke!

Not to mention, even without using the Mad Bull Talisman, his physical strength is stronger than Q.P!

This light shot......



When Q.P clenched the racquet, it was blown away by the impact of Bei Xiao's ball and fell outside the court.

The tennis ball also flew straight out of the court and hit a wall behind the court hard.


There was no damage to the wall.

Because even if Q.P failed to completely block the ball, it did offset a lot of the impact of the ball.

In addition, it is because the indoor court hardware of Germany U17 is not bad!

How can a world-class player like Polk be allowed to train here if he can't even withstand a light hit?

Seeing Q.P's racquet being knocked down and Q.P's somewhat embarrassed look at this time, Polk frowned slightly and announced the score: "Bei Xiao scores! The score is 0-15!"

Bismarck, who was sitting in the rest area, took a new racquet directly to the court.

Q.P took a deep breath, took the racquet from the other party, and stood at the serve baseline position again.

The look he looked at Bei Xiao at this time also had a somewhat complicated meaning.

"The light shots you hit casually now... make me feel like I'm facing the smash you hit back then!!"

"Bei Xiao, you're back this time! It's really far beyond my expectations and that of Polk!"

When Bei Xiao heard the praise and exclamation from his mouth, his expression did not change at all.

"It's not to prove anything to you, I just want you to know..."

"It's not that easy to get the true meaning of Aichi's brilliance from me and integrate it into your own perfect quality..."

"Try it! Force me to show the glorious power of Aichi!"

" may have to wait for Tezuka to grow up!"

"There are only 2 months until the U-17 World Cup starts..."

Q.P’s eyes narrowed.

Without any unnecessary response, he just threw up the tennis ball in his hand and swung it out.

Playing every ball in the game with all your strength is the best response he gave!!

10 minutes later.


"Bei Xiao scores! End of the game! Score 5-0! Change of serve!"

In just 10 minutes, Polk sat on the referee's chair and announced the end of the fifth inning.

His eyes were serious and solemn.

Bismarck and Tezuka Kunimitsu in the rest area had already stood up and started competing at some point.

Retru clenched his fists and fixed his eyes on his student Q.P. The worry and helplessness on his face were undisguised...

Just in these 10 minutes.

Q.P brings out almost everything he has about tennis.

Whether it is various exquisite batting skills or the choice of tactics in the game.

From his personal perspective, he made no mistakes.

He even showed that he was far beyond his training state



Even so, the score of this game speaks for itself.

Q.P, who was trying his best, was still defeated in front of Bei Xiao.

One goal!

In the five games so far, Q.P has not gotten any ball from Bei Xiao!

This is almost impossible for this generation of German tennis players.

Even Polk, who is sitting on the referee's chair, dare not say that Q.P could not score a single goal in a game!

One can imagine.

Whether it is the suppression of Bei Xiao in terms of strength or the sense of oppression in terms of momentum, it has a huge impact on the current Q.P.

Watching the sixth game begin.

The sweat dripping down Q.P's forehead made him hold the racquet in his hand and close his eyes.


It's not just physical exhaustion.

Under the pressure of a spirit that is about to be crushed, he has to continue to face the exhaustion of an unimaginable tennis genius.

"The last round!"

Q.P! It’s time to show off the trump card you got after going to Italy, right?”

"Otherwise this game will really be over!"

Bei Xiao stood at the baseline position for receiving the ball and spoke slowly.

Q.P opened his eyes and was silent for a moment.

"as you wish!"

"Bei...Then let me see what your Aichi Glory looks like!"

After he finished speaking, he threw up the tennis ball in his hand.

A bright light suddenly flashed on his body.

Lonely glory!

Confidence in one’s own strengths and talents converges.

To a certain extent, I think I can reach the ultimate level of self-affirmation in tennis!

This kind of belief…………Only true geniuses and strong men can have it!!

And this is also the first light of restraint that Q.P has mastered!!

In the rest area.

Tezuka Kunimitsu stared blankly at the lonely brilliance of Q.P.

He could feel that this power had the same origin as the power of the seamless extreme gate he had opened, but it was slightly different.

"Is this...the glory of loneliness..."

As he murmured softly.

Bei Xiao, who was opposite the court, also began to faintly emit a dazzling light that was no less dazzling than Q.P's.

Tiger Talisman Blessing!!

Aichi shines!!

When Polk and Bismarck saw this, they subconsciously widened their eyes.

For the opponent's first "harvest", it is undoubtedly cost-effective to at least wait until the opponent merges into a reserved light!

But what he can be sure of is that the power Bei Xiao has now is exactly the same as the glorious door of Aichi he pushed open!!

The first point is that Bei Xiao thinks he can do it. It is not difficult to defeat Q.P who only opens a reserved light!

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].


The second point is obviously impossible to complete.

It’s really possible to coexist in one player!!

Q.P If you want to integrate into Aichi Glory, your current partner is not enough!

After he turned on the Aichi Glory, he could clearly feel that Q.P only had a passionate desire for the Aichi Glory. This was essentially a barrier!

Even before the game there was speculation.

Q.P, who was about to swing the racket, was also staring at Bei Xiao across the court.


From the beginning of this game, Bei Xiao had two plans!

In his own hands, the other party has absolutely no room for resistance.

His expression was noticed by Bei Xiao.

But when the facts happened before their eyes, they had to believe it.

In this world...


The handle of the racquet he held in his hand tightened.

This is obviously a good thing for the German U-17 team!


Determination to do everything for tennis!!

It's not that there were no opportunities before, but Q.P's talent is very clear to Bei Xiao.

Seeing the radiance of love on Bei Xiao with his own eyes, his eyes were filled with excitement and horror but also a hint of disbelief!

It’s really the light of restraint!!

Polk, Bismarck and Letru had seen Bei Xiao open Asura Shinto 3.2!!

It's because he also thinks that if he can let the other party play this game with him, he can open up the brilliance of Aichi and integrate the second light of reserve into his perfect quality.

It also lacks understanding of Aichi Kouki!

This kind of power... is absolutely unmistakable!!

Unparalleled love!!

Of course it’s to fight Q.P!

The light of reserve and the Shinto of Hell...

It’s not just a lack of strength.

Although Tezuka Kunimitsu has not seen Bei Xiao turn on Asura Shinto before.

As long as you complete this game... you can definitely unlock the second light of reserve!!

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