The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0168 Japanu-17 Invitation Letter Arrives! Every School Takes Action!

0168 JapanU-17 invitation letter arrives! Actions from each school!

10 o'clock at night.

Japan U-17 training camp.

Monitoring room.


"Head coach!"

Three Mifūne Nyudō entered the door, and the three people who had been waiting for a long time, Yukio Kurobe, all looked at each other.

"Well, the national conference is over! So, you should have confirmed the final invitation list, right?" Mifūne Nyudō said in a deep voice, and walked to the seat next to him and sat down.

Upon hearing this, Kurobe Yukio handed a list to the other party.

"Head coach, all the junior high school students who have performed up to our recruitment standards in this national competition are here!"

"Except Tezuka Kunimitsu and Bei Xiao have joined the German U-17 team! There is also a junior high school student from Hyotei Gakuen named Akutsu Jin who has joined the American U-17 team!"

"Others obviously haven't clearly identified yet!"

"I believe they will not refuse the invitation to the training camp!"

Three Mifūne Nyudō glanced at the list. He looked at the names and evaluated their strength.

The three of them, Yukio Kurobe, could clearly see the surprise in each other's eyes.

"There are actually so many national-level standards?"

"Also! What does the strength of Atobe Keigo, Oshitari Yuushi and Seiichi Yukimura mean? Why is there a question mark in the strength evaluation?"

After hearing this, Kurobe Yukio immediately raised the corner of his mouth and said: "Head coach... This means that they have strength that exceeds the national level!"

Three Mifūne Nyudō couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Beyond the national level?! Three?"

Then he subconsciously glanced at the three people's schools.

"Are these two little guys from Hyotei? It seems like Bei Xiao's work!"

"What about this Seiichi Yukimura"

When Saitō Itaru mentioned Seiichi Yukimura in San Mifūne Nyudō San, he spoke softly: "This little guy is a spiritual tennis player."

"Although I almost couldn't continue playing tennis because of Guillain-Barré syndrome..."

"But there is no doubt that he has been favored by fate. We have obtained his review report! After completing the operation, he has not had any recurrence so far!"

"Moreover! He also opened the door to the limit of seamlessness!"

After hearing about Seiichi Yukimura's situation, a look of surprise finally appeared on Mifūne Nyudō San's face.

"I didn't expect...I thought that Byodoin's generation was enough to shine, but it seems that the generation of junior high school students also has such strength!"

Seeing his smile, Yukio Kurobe and the other two people were relieved.


Ryuuji Takushoku spoke slowly with some hesitation at this time: "Since Bei Xiao has joined the German U-17 representative team, will there be any problems with the recruitment of these players from Hyotei Gakuen?"

Kurobe Yukio and the others are not fools, so they naturally understand Takashi Ryuuji's inner concerns.

Mifūne Nyudō San shook his head at this time: "Don't worry too much about this! Although this little guy Bei Xiao has a really unacceptable personality, he is a tennis player! He also has his pride and dignity!"

"It's not like I'm borrowing the help of other junior high school students to help pave the way for Germany's U-17!"

"The German U-17 side doesn't even bother to do this!"

As soon as these words came out, Kurobe Yukio and the other three couldn't help but nodded, and no longer delved into this issue.

Under the instructions of Mifūne Nyudō San, they also began to prepare to invite the junior high school students on the list.

the next day.

Inside the Seigaku Tennis Club.

Tezuka Kunimitsu and other Seigaku main players gathered in the locker room.

Except for Tezuka Kunimitsu, everyone present held a pure black card in their hands.

Invitation letter from Japan U-17 training camp.

"Going to the Japan U-17 training camp in seven days... Everyone! What do you think?" Fuji Syusuke squinted his eyes and broke the silence in the locker room.

Inui Sadaharu adjusted the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Of course I want to go! Only in a place where strong people gather can you get better growth, right..."

"Besides, I think Momojo, Kaido and Echizen! You three must go, otherwise you may not be able to keep up with your peers from other schools next year.

But obviously, even if he didn't say that, Echizen Ryoma and the other three would not give up this opportunity to go to the Japan U-17 training camp!

The same goes for Oishi Syuichirou.

No matter how strong the high school students in the Japan U-17 training camp are, they all want to take a look!

Tezuka Kunimitsu slowly spoke at this time: "Everyone! Although the national conference is over, the invitation to the Japan U-17 training camp has also arrived! But, we will meet again soon!"

"The next time we meet, maybe it will be in the competition court!"

"Come on! Go all out to get a place as a junior high school student!"

His words made Fuji Syusuke and others raise the corners of their mouths, and they all nodded.

It was just like everyone in Seigaku had received the invitation letter.

Higa, Fudomine, Shitenhouji, Yamabuki, etc.......

Almost all schools that showed outstanding performance in this year's national conference received invitations from JapanU-17.

At first, they didn’t know what the Japan U-17 training camp represented.

But Oshitari Kenya, who was in Kansai, called his cousin Oshitari Yuushi.

Oshitari Yuushi would not really say nothing to his stupid cousin.

In addition to the possibility that junior high school students can participate in world events such as the U-17 World Cup this year.

He informed the other party of the general situation of the Japan U-17 training camp.

This also directly dumbfounded Oshitari Kenya on the other end of the phone.

Oshitari Kenya never thought that a place like the Japan U-17 training camp existed!

Because of this.

From the source of Oshitari Yuushi, news about the Japan U-17 training camp quickly spread among various schools.


Kantō Kanagawa.

Rikkai University.


Seiichi Yukimura sat alone by the training court with a complicated expression, holding an invitation letter from the Japan U-17 training camp in his hand.

"Is this the invitation?"

"So... Yukimura! What are you hesitating about?"

There was a familiar sound coming from beside me, but it also had the sound of wheels rolling.

Genichiro Sanada turned his wheelchair and appeared in front of Seiichi Yukimura.

Although he is still unable to leave his wheelchair and cannot continue to play tennis.

But he is still a student at Rikkai University.

Coupled with his past title of deputy minister, there is no problem in entering the Rikkai Tennis Club.

Seiichi Yukimura looked at the other person and lowered his head slightly: "You should also know the result of Renji. Although he is not paralyzed, the spinal problem still affects his motor machinery."

Genichiro Sanada heard this and snorted coldly: "Is your hesitation now just because of me and Renji? Seiichi Yukimura! You really disappoint me!"

"Renji and I's injuries have nothing to do with you!"

"Besides! Listen up! You're still the director of Rikkai's Tennis Club!"

"Rikkai's wish to win three consecutive championships in the world has been unfulfilled!"

"But! In the Japan U-17 training camp, you also represent the great spirit of Rikkai!"

"No matter what... Renji and I will continue to watch you play on the court!"

"With...our share of efforts!!"

Seiichi Yukimura stared blankly at Genichiro Sanada in front of him. He didn't expect that the other party came to him specifically to tell him this.

When he looked at the other party who stubbornly turned his wheelchair towards the outside of the tennis club after saying these words.

Whispering to himself: "With... your efforts..."

The invitation in his hand was slightly wrinkled when he pinched it, but it seemed to represent the decision he had already made in his heart.

the other side.

Inside the Hyotei Tennis Club.


"Second graders! It's time for break! Hurry up, hurry up! It's time for the last round of sparring today! Hurry up and enter the court!"

"Didn't you say that you want to win the championship of the next national conference?! Just because you are now at the conference level? We, the third-year seniors, will be your sparring partners from today on! Don't be lazy!"

"Hurry up! Stand up!"

Although they won the national championship this year, the training pace of the Hyotei Tennis Club did not stop.

The generally stronger third-year students in the Second Army also volunteered to take on the role of "assistant teachers."

They know that the hope of the Hyotei Tennis Club to win the championship next year lies with the current first and second grade members.

So they are taking advantage of the fact that they haven't graduated yet, so that they can finally give some help to these junior students!!

On the tennis club's high table.

Bei Xiao and Sakaki Taro stood side by side.

"Bei Xiao-san, although it's a little late to say this now, I still want to thank you for joining Hyotei Gakuen this year!"

"Not only did he lead Hyotei to win the national championship, but he also completely changed the current situation of the Hyotei Tennis Club..."

"Looking at their efforts, I, the coach, can't help but be touched..."

Sakaki Taro turned to Bei Xiao and sighed.

Bei Xiao shook his head: "I didn't do anything, I just let them see the road closer to the goal more clearly!"

"If there is fog ahead, even if you know where the end point is, you still can't take the first step!"

"The only correct solution is to clear away the fog and have the courage to take the first step!"

As he said that, he glanced in the direction of the training court.

"Ask them to come to the conference room to find me! It's time to give them the final instructions!"

Sakaki Taro's eyes were complicated.

He wanted to say something but swallowed it back.

Nodding silently, he walked down the steps towards the main training court.

Hyotei Tennis Club meeting room.

Bei Xiao sat in the main seat, while Atobe Keigo and the other main players, together with the main substitute Hiyoshi Wakashi, sat on both sides.

Atobe Keigo said leisurely at this time: "Minister! Are you asking us to come here... is it because of the invitation letter from the Japan U-17 training camp?"

…Please give me flowers…

He took out his invitation letter from his jersey pocket and put it on the table.

Except for Akutsu Jin, everyone else couldn't help but look at each other and took out their invitations.

Bei Xiao stood up and took the one from Atobe Keigo.

He glanced at the words written on it and said calmly: "That's right, this is what I came to you for!"

"First of all! This invitation letter itself has no value! Its value lies in giving you an opportunity!"

"An opportunity to meet the world of tennis!"

World Tennis...

Except Akutsu Jin here

Now I understand better what Bei Xiao means by world tennis.

Even Atobe Keigo, who returned from a month at Swiss, had some doubts in his eyes.

After Bei Xiao paused for a moment, he spoke again: "The U-17 World Cup brings together talented tennis players from all over the world! Your talent is definitely not the top among them!

"Whether they are talents from the world's four major tennis powers or talents selected by other national teams! They are all great challenges for you!"

“And as you all know, Tezuka Kunimitsu and I joined the German U-17 team that ranked first in the U-17 world! Akutsu joined the team that ranked fifth

The U.S. U-17 team!”

"In the future...if you are qualified to become a junior high school student in the Japan U-17 representative team! Then we are also our opponents!"

"This also means that it is possible that you and I will stand in front of the whole world and play a game!"

Bei Xiao's words made Atobe Keigo and others look more solemn.

Even though they already knew the result.

But when Bei Xiao mentioned it again, the pressure in their hearts continued to increase subconsciously.

In the Japanese junior high school tennis world, except for Tezuka Kunimitsu.

No one knows Bei Xiao’s strength and exaggeration better than those present!

World class level......

Enough to crush any so-called genius!


"Minister, don't make it seem like we are rivals now!"

"We just won the national championship, why can't we just relax for two's a lot of pressure!"

Oshitari Yuushi exhaled lightly at this time, took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose and spoke helplessly.

Although others did not express his words, they agreed with it in their hearts.

Bei Xiao glanced at Oshitari Yuushi: "Who said... we are no longer opponents now?"


Everyone in the conference room had stiff expressions.

Bei Xiao said calmly: "From the day the National Conference ends, you should be ready! Time is fair to everyone!"

"Akutsu, Reinhard should have bought you a ticket to the United States, right?"

The corner of Akutsu Jin's mouth raised slightly: "That's right! The flight is tomorrow night! I can't wait for the training there!"

He even stood up and looked at Atobe Keigo, who was sitting opposite him: "Atobe!! Don't let me down, you guy!! The last showdown between us,

Even if I don’t want to admit it, it still ended in a draw!”

"If you don't even get a spot as a junior high school student for the Japan U-17 team, I will laugh at you in the world court!"

Atobe Keigo narrowed his eyes.

"Hmph! Akutsu! Stop talking such nonsense! Will I not get the quota?!"

"Wait! Even if the U.S. U-17 ranks fifth, wait until the World Championships! I will still beat you!!"

When the smell of gunpowder between the two emerged again, no one present showed any surprise.

Because they know in their hearts that these two people are destined to meet again at the U-17 World Cup and complete the game between them!!

Bei Xiao slowly walked towards the door of the conference room at this time.

"Finally! As the head of the Hyotei Tennis Club, I still hope to see you stand out in the selection for the Japan U-17 training camp!"

"Otherwise, I would also feel very embarrassed!"



He paused and turned to look at Atobe Keigo and others.

"Remember! It's a piece of advice!"

"When I went to the Japan U-17 training camp before, I did some things that made the high school students there unhappy!"

"Today they are all just rubbish, but there are still quite a few of them!"

"Those things should still be fresh in their memories!"

"So...just to be on the safe side! You'd better keep a low profile and don't mention me!"

"Otherwise something really happened...and no one will help you find out!"

Atobe Keigo and others were stunned.

What...did the other party?!

But when Bei Xiao left the conference room, Oshitari Yuushi had already put on his glasses and said playfully: "How do I feel...the minister is deliberately asking us to find those people?"

What about the trouble with high school students?"

The corner of Atobe Keigo's mouth raised: "I also want to see... what kind of trash fish the minister talks about!"

[1.5W words per day! Please order all! Pills].

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