The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0167 The Final Smash! We Are National Champions!

0167 The final smash! We are the national champions!

5 minutes later.





"Hyotei scores! Score 0-40!! match point!!"

With Niou Masaharu phantoming "Genichiro Sanada" in the court, he was hit in the cheek by a tennis ball bouncing up in the midfield position.

The impact of the ball caused him to fall backwards and fall to the ground.

The rotation from the ball also rubbed against his face, causing blood to flow from the already injured wound on his cheek.

It was as if someone was tearing his cheek, causing him so much pain that he even dropped the racquet in his hand.

His whole body ached and he couldn't even cover his wounds.

Regardless of whether it was Jackal Kuwahara, who was the opponent's teammate at this time and held on for most of the game with his arm covered.

It's Genichiro Sanada and Seiichi Yukimura in the Rikkai dugout.

When I saw this scene, I shouted worriedly again.


This is not the first time Niou Masaharu has suffered such an injury in this game.

On the big screen of the game court, the referee announced the score of the goal.

The big score of doubles game 1 is 0-5!

The small round score is 0-40!

The doubles number one, composed of Oshitari Yuushi and Kabaji Munehiro, was only one goal away from winning the tournament.

Everyone in the audience watched Jackal Kuwabara stumble from the side of the court to Niou Masaharu's side. Everyone could see that he was asking about Niou Masaharu's situation.

The referee couldn't help but stepped down from the referee's chair and came to Niou Masaharu's side.

"Player Niou Masaharu, your injury is actually very serious!"

"It doesn't make much difference whether the remaining ball is played or not!"

"My suggestion is to abstain from this competition!"

"The medical team can send you to the hospital for treatment soon!"

He also said similar words at the end of the fourth game and in the fifth game.

But Niou Masaharu did not choose to accept his kindness as a referee.

He just stood up with his own perseverance.

And now!!

Niou Masaharu stood up tremblingly with the support of Jackal Kuwahara, ignoring the scarlet blood on his face, and said weakly: "I want to continue the game!"

This sentence also made the referee helplessly shake his head, turned around and sat back in his exclusive referee chair.

Across the court, looking at Niou Masaharu standing up again, Oshitari Yuushi adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said calmly: "It's a pointless struggle..."

"Genichiro Sanada, Chotaro, Rokuto, Atobe Keigo! You even phantomed that guy Yanagi Renji..."

"I'd really like to know, is winning a..."game" from Hyotei really worth it for you to persist until now?"

"I can also 523 see that you are struggling to even hold the racquet! Let alone complete the phantom!"

Maybe you can’t even resist Hua Di’s casual counterattack..."

His words gave Niou Masaharu, who was standing alone in front of the net, a cold look.

"Whether it's worth it or not has nothing to do with you!"

"No matter what! I will not give up!"


Niou Masaharu's firm tone made Oshitari Yuushi chuckle and nod: "Seeing that you are so persistent, then okay! The last ball, as you wish!"

As he spoke, he also held the racquet and looked at Jackal Kuwahara, whose arm joints were becoming more and more red and swollen in the serve baseline position.

Indicate that the other party is ready to serve!

While the two were talking.

All the Rikkai University students in the auditorium had already stood up.

They all know it.

This game is hopeless.

Such a bad score.

Even more disappointing than when Seiichi Yukimura faced off against Bei Xiao!!

They looked at the injured Niou Masaharu and Jackal Kuwahara in the court, their eyes full of worry and anxiety.

Students from other schools shook their heads helplessly.

"Niou Masaharu, Rikkai, is really brave! He has persisted until now! If it were me, Oshitari Yuushi would probably have to forfeit the game the first time he got serious!"

"So I am Rikkai's main candidate, but you don't even have the level of a tournament!!"

"Hey hey hey!! What are you talking about!!"

"But I have to say that if Bei Xiao, the new king of Hyotei, had not appeared this year! I am afraid that with Rikkai's greater strength, he would have won the national championship!"

"That's right, Genichiro Sanada is not injured! Plus this Niou Masaharu and Kirihara Akaya who started Selfless State, that's barely five national-level players, right?"

"What's the use of talking about this now? It's the last ball! Jackal Kuwabara can only serve! Although Niou Masaharu's phantom is eye-catching, he was still taught so badly by Oshitari Yuushi! He is really brave! In the match with Hyotei Gakuen, Hyotei will become the main selection as a phantom!"

"Who says it's not the case!! There was a conflict between the two teams... I can only say that I overestimated myself!! I thought I could win the game!!"

At this time, in the court, Jackal Kuwahara raised his hand and waved.

"Full" hit a light and fluttery serve.


He stood there, watching the ball he hit without squinting.

Naturally, he cannot expect to score!

I just hope that as a result of this goal, Niou Masaharu will not suffer any more damage from Oshitari Yuushi and the two.

Kabaji Munehiro almost ran to midfield before he reached the ball landing point.


A straight forehand volley hit the ball.

The landing spot is still in front of Niou Masaharu at the net.

An injury is an injury.

If you have backbone, you will have backbone.

This does not mean that the other party no longer needs to "pay" for what he or she does.

In the court.

Strength represents everything!!

If you do not abstain, it is equivalent to accepting such rules by default!!


Niou Masaharu almost held the handle of the racket with both hands, blocking the racquet in front of him.

It wasn't that he didn't want to fight back, but that he felt a sharp tingling sensation all over his body even when he moved around.

He was covered in scars and had no other choice but to use this method.


It was no surprise to everyone present.

Although his racquet was in front of the ball, the impact of Kabaji Munehiro's ball still caused him to fall directly.

When he fell to the ground, he felt that his mind was completely blank.

His consciousness also began to become completely blurred [even the pain in his body could not really stimulate him.

My body has reached its limit!!

The tennis ball he "hit back" bounced high.

Lob from the frontcourt!!

When the tennis ball flew over the net, everyone at Rikkai realized what the ball represented!!

The game is not over yet!!

The winner of this goal has not been decided yet!!

But Rikkai doesn’t need to live like this!

For Niou Masaharu, who is now lying on the ground unable to resist, this is undoubtedly extremely bad news.



Oshitari Yuushi jumped up in front of the net, and the racquet in his hand also made a smash gesture.

"don't want!!"

"stop it!!"

The shouts of Seiichi Yukimura, the others, and Jackal Kuwabara once again filled the audience.

At this time, almost all the focus of the audience was on Oshitari Yuushi.

Everyone knows it!!

With the opponent's skills, it is completely possible to complete the "smash" hit on Niou Masaharu in compliance with the rules of tennis.

Inside the Hyotei dugout.

Bei Xiao and Atobe Keigo were also staring at Oshitari Yuushi in mid-air.

However, there was no expression of excitement on their faces, they just watched everything calmly.

It was as if Oshitari Yuushi's next goal didn't matter.

And at this time.

In mid-air, Oshitari Yuushi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and lightly tapped the tennis ball that was almost parallel to him with the racquet in his hand.

The tennis ball fell and hit the side of Niou Masaharu's fallen body.

After bouncing up and falling again, it bounced onto his head.

The return of this ball made Niou Masaharu's eyelids tremble slightly as he was almost unconscious.

He reluctantly opened his eyes.

Oshitari Yuushi, who landed on the ground in the court, turned his head and looked at the referee who was sitting on the referee's chair and was stunned.

"Should we announce the score now? Referee!"

His words reached the referee's ears.

When the latter came back to his senses, he couldn't help but glance at Oshitari Yuushi in surprise.

"Hyotei scores! Game over!"

"The score is 6-0!"

"The winner of this doubles game is... Hyotei Gakuen!"

"The game is over! The total score is 3-0!"

"The final winner of this national conference final is... Hyotei Gakuen!!"

His voice announcing the end of the game echoed through every corner of Arena 3.

The whole place was silent for 4 or 5 seconds.


Just a crisp snap of fingers sounded from the Hyotei player bench.

Atobe Keigo walked out with one hand in the air and the other in his pocket.

He raised the corner of his mouth and spoke loudly to the Hyotei cheerleaders in the auditorium (cfdg): "What? As the Hyotei cheerleaders... why do you want me to command you to cheer?!"

" the champion!!!"

The words fell.

The expressions on the faces of everyone in the Hyotei cheerleading team changed from shock to surprise.

"Champions!! We are champions!!"

"Ahhh!! National Championship!! We Hyotei Gakuen finally won the National Championship!!"


"King!! King!!"

"Senior Atobe, although you didn't play in the finals, you are still so handsome!!"

"Oshitari-senpai!! Nice fight!!"

"Akutsu-senpai!!! Smile! We are the champions!!"

Nice job Ryo Anato!!”

"Chotaro!! Kachichi!! You are the light of our second grade!!"

The extremely excited shouts of the Hyotei cheerleaders swept the entire competition arena at this moment.

Although some of them were so excited that they started teasing Atobe Keigo and Akutsu Jin.

So much so that Atobe Keigo and Akutsu Jin had stiff expressions and were a little embarrassed for a moment.

But when the two saw Ryo Anato, they happily held the racquet and ran around the place.

Even a chuckle appeared on the corner of Bei Xiao's mouth.

The two of them glanced at each other subconsciously, with an imperceptible smile on their lips.

Sakaki Taro, a gentleman and middle-aged man, also clenched his fists at this time and his expression turned slightly red.

As a man who already has wealth and freedom, whether he is the music teacher of Hyotei Gakuen or the coach of Hyotei Tennis Club!

It's all his own interests

and something you want to stick to!

Especially the position of tennis coach.

Even though he knew that the changes in the Hyotei Gakuen Tennis Club all happened after Bei Xiao arrived.

The most important training is arranged by the other party, and I am only responsible for supervision.


Now that Hyotei has truly become the national champion, he can't help but feel a great sense of accomplishment.

"Coach Sakaki Taro......"


"Sometimes you have to express your happiness! Otherwise it will be very uncomfortable to hold it in!"

Sakaki Taro looked a little overwhelmed when he heard what Bei Xiao said with a slight smile on his lips.

Bei Xiao smiled and shook his head and glanced at Akutakawa Jirou and Yuruo beside him, "I give you a task! Let Coach Tanedaro feel what it feels like to win the championship!"

After hearing this, the two people's eyes lit up immediately.

"Yes! Minister!"

As they said this, they walked towards Sakaki Taro with evil smiles on their faces.

Sakaki Taro was really dumbfounded.

"You...what are you going to do?!"

"Hey! Hiyoshi! Jirou! I'm the coach! You...let me go!!"

"Coach Sakaki Taro! Today is the day to win the championship! I'm sorry, I have to win today!"

"That's it! Coach Sakaki Taro, just like the minister said! We will take you to experience the joy of being a champion!"

Sakaki Taro was held up by two people, but he could not withstand the power of Hiyoshi Wakashi and the two.

When Atobe Keigo and Akutsu Jin saw this, they had a tacit understanding at this moment.

They all stepped forward and offered their hands.

With everyone watching, Sakaki Taro was thrown directly into the air by Atobe Keigo and four others.

"Ahhhh!! Stop making trouble!!"

"Ahhh!! Atobe-san, you guys!! Damn it...let me go..."

His resistance obviously couldn't stop Atobe Keigo, and he was even thrown higher and higher.

When Otori Cyotaroh and Anato Ryo saw this, they couldn't help but look at Bei Xiao.

But when they saw Bei Xiao's eyes fixed, they immediately turned around and joined Atobe Keigo and the others.

Everyone present looked at the celebrations and shouts of the Hyotei students, with envy in their eyes.

National Champion………

It seems like every year there is a team that can get this honor!!

However, such glory may not come to any team on the scene for many years.

Fudomine, Higa Naka, Yamabuki, Seigaku, Shitenhouji…………

All of them stood up at the same time.

The third-year players took a deep breath.

Their last national competition is completely over!!

And second-year players like Momoshiro Takeshi and Itake Shinji also have twinkling eyes.

next year!!

The court of the national competition will also become the battlefield for them as core players!!

Even though Echizen Ryoma didn't like Hyotei Gakuen, he couldn't help but look forward to it when he saw Hyotei winning the national championship.


In the competition court.

Niou Masaharu was being carried on a stretcher by the medical team. He saw Oshitari Yuushi on the opposite side of the court preparing to leave and join Hyotei in celebration.

"Wait...Wait a minute!!"


"Last ball...why did you..."

Oshitari Yuushi paused and looked at Niou Masaharu who asked about his last ball "smash".

He held the racquet between his arms and looked at the other person with raised eyebrows: "You are really interesting, too! Do you have to end up with Genichiro Sanada to be satisfied?"

"But! Don't think I'm being merciful!"

"You didn't take action against Hyotei's players, so this punishment is enough now!"

After all! I’m not too interested in players who can’t fight back!”

"I hope you take care of yourself, I think we will meet somewhere else soon!"

After saying that, he ignored Niou Masaharu's confused expression and turned around and left.

As soon as he left, Seiichi Yukimura and others also came to the stretchers of Niou Masaharu and Jackal Kuwahara.

Although Kirihara Akaya and the others still had disappointment and aggrieved face after losing the final.

But in fact, the moment Seiichi Yukimura lost the game, they were already mentally prepared.

We learned from the medical team that most of Niou Masaharu’s injuries were skin trauma.

As for Jackal Sang, the principle is that the arm joints were damaged.

This result undoubtedly made them all relieved.

At least it’s not too serious!!

Seiichi Yukimura and others were obviously not in the mood to stay to attend the final award ceremony, and only left Yagyu Zibishi as the award representative.

Everyone else left with the medical team.

And they, who left as runners-up, obviously did not receive much attention.

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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