0169 All schools gather together for JapanU-17!!


Bei Xiao returned to the hotel room from the tennis club to wash up and rest when he suddenly received a call.

"You're really...well-informed!"

The caller was none other than Echizen Ryoga.

Unlike Akutsu Jin, who took the initiative to tell Reinhard about the end of the national conference.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for Echizen Ryoga to stay in the U.S. U-17 training camp, and there is no possibility of obtaining the situation in Japan...


This guy got the news from Echizen Nanjiro!

After picking up the phone, Bei Xiao said calmly: "Do you have a problem with me?"

On the other end of the phone, Echizen Ryoga was currently in the crowded auditorium C of Tennis Club.

Surrounded by men in suits and ties, beautifully dressed ladies and young girls.


The excited and ferocious expressions on these people's faces and the foul language they yelled clearly gave people a feeling that they were incompatible with their dress.

Hearing Bei Xiao's voice, Echizen Ryoga also stood up and walked towards the secluded passage to the side.

"Hey! Bei Xiao! I heard that the competition in Japan is over? Congratulations! You won the championship!"

"As a good friend, this phone call is timely, right?"

Bei Xiao listened to the noisy sound on the other side and wondered where the other person was now.

Underground ball game!

“Whether it’s timely or not depends on how quickly you get the news!”

"But what I'm curious about is that you actually went to that kind of place again... If I remember correctly! You and I were both blacklisted by Matas!

"Did that guy take you off the blacklist out of kindness?"

Echizen Ryoga curled his lips: "Isn't this too boring! I just got an identity and came in! I wanted to buy a yacht, but it's a pity! I was short of money! I had to come here to have fun! "Six Eighty""

"You're lucky! I just got it together today! They don't need the money anyway, and I don't intend to cause trouble!"

As he spoke, his tone changed.

"By the way... I heard that the little one received an invitation letter to the Japan U-17 training camp?"

"In other words, I can go and take him away directly later, right?"

Bei Xiao's eyes twitched, and he knew that the other person, this "little brother-protecting maniac", must not be here to communicate with him, but for Echizen Ryoma's affairs.

"Yeah, but it will take some time! After all, he is barely even at the national level now, and Akutsu's relationship with him is not very good!"

"Unless you stay in the U.S. U-17 training camp every day, I can guarantee that your brother will be shadowed by Akutsu in less than a month!"

Echizen Ryoga laughed after hearing this: "Oh my! I'm already looking forward to it when you say that! Forget it, the little one has eaten a lot at your place! Then let's wait for a while!"

"I've been keeping an eye on those guys from the Japan Expeditionary Force these days! When I find the opportunity... Tsk! I want to see what the little kid will look like after he sees that I am a member of the Japan U-17 representative team. It’s a reaction!”

Bei Xiao raised his eyebrows: "Have you thought of a way to join JapanU-17? Although the current captain of JapanU-17, Byōdōin Hōō, is a results-oriented guy!"

"As long as your ability is enough to be valued by JapanU-17, it is not difficult to join the team!"

"But... Japan U-17 is not decided by him alone! There is also a three Mifūne Nyudō three on it!"

But Echizen Ryoga didn't care at all: "No, no, no! Who said I want to join Japan U-17? As long as I can get in, that's all. If I have the expedition wolf head of the German U17 team like you, I don't need it. Went to find the Rainbow Expeditionary Force!"

His words made Bei Xiao narrow his eyes slightly.

It’s true that I think too much!

"Okay! Then...see you at the Japan U-17 training camp!"

"Eh?! You're going to JapanU-17 too?!"

"Well, although I will leave Japan for Germany soon! However, this does not mean that my matter in Dianhong has been resolved. Byōdōin Hōō... is also my goal!! Waiting for you to follow them back... .I will go find him too!”

After hanging up the phone.

Echizen Ryoga put the phone back in his pocket, his eyes flickering slightly.

"What a... guy who makes people find him more and more interesting!"

"Reinhardt lost... Now he's eyeing a world-class player..."

"Compared to before, the speed of your strength improvement is starting to be a bit scary!"

He murmured to himself, and suddenly he raised his eyebrows.

I saw 7 or 8 men with guns surrounding him.

"Echizen Ryoga...you are so courageous! You actually dare to appear here!"

"If you lose your hand, you can still play here for three years... Take your pick!"

The leader, a stocky middle-aged man with a fierce look, pointed the gun at Echizen Ryoga and said coldly.

Echizen Ryoga didn't show any signs of panic at this time, and even raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Matas, long time no see! You gave me two such difficult choices at the beginning, which really makes me feel very sad!"

"But I'm in a pretty good mood today, and thank you for letting me make money here!"

"So...see you again when you have the chance!"

The words fell.

Before the man he turned into Matas and the others who were also armed with guns could react.


There was a loud noise, and a hole the height of an adult appeared in the passage wall and exploded.

Echizen Ryoga jumped up and jumped out of the hole.

Matas and the others' expressions changed dramatically and they ran near the cave entrance.

Hundreds of meters above the ground, Echizen Ryoga jumped out and had no idea where he had gone.


The time has come for the invitation letter sent out by the Japan U-17 training camp to gather.

Unlike Akutsu Jin who had already left early.

Tezuka Kunimitsu obviously plans to wait for Fuji Syusuke and others to go to the Japan U-17 training camp before returning to Germany.

And Bei Xiao is not short of traveling to Germany within this week.


He and Tezuka Kunimitsu also booked flights to Germany on the same day.

Inside the airport departure hall.

Tezuka Kunimitsu looked at the indifferent Bei Xiao next to him and asked curiously: "Although Atobe Keigo and the others are very strong! But, aren't you worried about what problems they will encounter in Japan U-17?"

"Q.P once told me before that you went to the Japan U-17 training camp! You even competed with high school students there!"

"The training pressure in Japan's U-17 training camp should be no worse than that in Germany, right?"

Regarding Tezuka Kunimitsu's question, Bei Xiao glanced at the other party: "What are you worried about? The JapanU-17 training camp is simply a training institution!"

"Those who are talented and capable can stay. This world is full of jungle laws!"

"Instead of worrying about them, I think you can worry about yourself!"

"Although it has opened the door to perfection! But with this kind of strength, it still cannot meet the playing standards of German U-17 junior high school students!"

"After arriving in Germany, you will be my sparring partner! You will also occasionally be Polk's sparring partner!"

"Are you ready for a life of tennis every day?"

Bei Xiao's words made Tezuka Kunimitsu's expression startled.

He suddenly felt...

It was not a wise choice for me to suddenly bring up the topic just now...

at the same time.

When Bei Xiao and Tezuka Kunimitsu were preparing to leave Japan.

The gate of Japan U-17 training camp.

Buses have also slowly driven up the mountain road.

Stop firmly to the side.

The car door opens.

Fudomine Middle-School's foursome: Tachibana Yoshihei, Ibu Fukaji, Akira Kamio, and Ishida.

Sengoku Kiyosumi of Yamabuki Middle-School.

Kite Eishirou of Higa Middle-School et al.

Seigaku and everyone led by Fuji Syusuke.

Shitenhouji is headed by Shiraishi Kuranosuke, and everyone is here.

The last person to get off the bus was the Rikkai people headed by Seiichi Yukimura.

Of course, there are also some national conference competitions, and students from various schools whose strength is at the Kanto level are mixed in among them.

At a rough glance, there are nearly 4 or 50 people in total.

Although they were rivals in the past.

But they all know that their purpose this time is the same.

Participate in JapanU17 training camp and become stronger!!

"Hey!! Fuji-san!! Where is your boss Tezuka-san? Why isn't he here?" Shiraishi Kuranosuke led Kintarou Tooyama and the others to the Seigaku team, and he couldn't help but asked in surprise.

His words also made many people present look at Seigaku.

"Tezuka Kunimitsu is not here? What is going on? He is not coming to participate in this training?"

"Really?! No way!! There is no reason for Tezuka Kunimitsu not to show up for this kind of training, right? Is there something that delayed it?"

"That should be the case! The strength of Emperor Seigaku is there! There are many people from all over the country participating this time, which is a good opportunity for exchanges and exchanges!"

"Yes...it's our first time to recruit junior high school students! I don't know what the strength of these high school students can reach!"

Fuji Syusuke ignored the looks of the people around him and just shook his head at Shiraishi Kuranosuke: "Tezuka will not come to this training camp!"

"He...he has joined the German U-17 training camp! He should be boarding the plane soon!"


Everyone who heard this couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Germany U-17 training camp?!

Seiichi Yukimura and the others also showed surprise.

Kintarou Tooyama had already exclaimed: "Germany?! Brother Tezuka is so awesome! I heard Granny Shan say that German tennis is very strong! Many professional tennis players in the world are from Germany!"

"He actually joined the German UI-17 training camp! Is it better than the Japan U-17 training camp?! I really want to take a look!"

His words made Fuji Syusuke smile and he was about to say something...

A bus with the word Hyotei on it appeared at the mountain pass.

Saw this car.

Everyone present also came to their senses from the news that Tezuka Kunimitsu would not participate in the Japan U-17 training camp, but joined the German U-17 training camp.

Hyotei Gakuen is here!!

Rikkai's big team.

Unlike the relatively calm expression on Seiichi Yukimura's face when he saw Hyotei.

Kirihara Akaya and the others' eyes flickered, and even though a week had passed since the national conference finals, they still clenched their fists subconsciously.

Others present also focused on the stopped car.

On the body.

As the car door opens.

Everyone from Hyotei, headed by Atobe Keigo, walked down slowly wearing their official Hyotei uniforms.


When everyone saw Atobe Keigo and others coming down, the car door was closed.

It wasn't just Shiraishi Kuranosuke and others who were stunned.

Even Fuji Syusuke and the others looked at each other.

The former was surprising because neither Bei Xiao nor Akutsu Jin appeared in Hyotei's team.

Fuji Syusuke and the others know that Bei Xiao and Tezuka Kunimitsu are both members of the German U-17 team.

But what about Akutsu Jin?!

Could it be that Akutsu Jin was also taken to Germany?!

But didn’t Tezuka Kunimitsu say before that the quota for German U-17 junior high school representatives has been filled?

Could it be that Akutsu Jin used to be a substitute?!

Before everyone present could recover, Atobe Keigo and others were already walking towards them with tennis bags on their backs and pockets in their pockets.

"Unexpectedly, the people are even more uniform than I imagined!"

"It seems like you don't know anything in your eyes?!"

"Fuji! We've arrived at the gate. Aren't you going to explain it to them? You're not waiting for our Hyotei to speak, are you?"

"I'm too lazy to waste time talking!"

Atobe Keigo's words made many people more confused. Even in Shitenhouji's team, Oshitari Kenya directly approached Oshitari Yuushi and asked in a low voice who the other party was.

I didn't tell myself.

Oshitari Yuushi chuckled and whispered in his stupid brother's ear. Oshitari Kenya's eyes grew wider and wider.

at the same time.

Fuji Syusuke shook his head helplessly when faced with Atobe Keigo's words: "I was just about to say, Atobe-san, you are already here!"

I saw him slowly speaking to everyone present: "Everyone! Tezuka joined the German U-17 training camp because of Bei Xiao's recommendation! Therefore, Bei Xiao is not here today either

Here! The two of them are heading to Germany together today!"

"And, unlike us who have not yet entered the U-17 training camp, the two of them are already members of the German U-17 team!"

With that, he also talked about the establishment of quotas for junior high school students in the U-17 World Cup.

All of a sudden.

Whether it is Shiraishi Kuranosuke and others, the Rikkai people led by Seiichi Yukimura, or students from other schools.

All of them stood there with expressions of surprise.

They thought it was just a training camp with a high threshold!

Unexpectedly... I still have the opportunity to become a player representing U-17 in the 0.8+ world tennis competition!!

This kind of experience is something they never dared to imagine before as junior high school students!!

That’s a competition with talented middle school and high school students from all over the world!!

You can almost see fighting spirit and excitement on the faces of everyone present!

While Seiichi Yukimura was talking, Syusuke and Atobe Keigo asked: "So you knew for a long time that you would receive JapanU-17

An invitation letter?”

"Moreover! Your preparations at the national conference are not just for the competition, but also for staying in the Japan U-17 training camp, right?"

At this time, many people looked at Seigaku and Hyotei with strange eyes.

no way!

Knowing the news in advance is indeed enough to make people feel suspected of "jumping the gun".

Fuji Syusuke didn't know how to answer.


But Atobe Keigo burst out laughing: "Seiichi Yukimura, can you please stop being so naive?"

"I'll tell you the truth! Everyone in Hyotei knew about U-17 before the Kanto Conference! It was indeed the minister who told us!"

"Even! When Tezuka Kunimitsu went to Germany, he not only treated his arm, but also trained with the German U-17 for a period of time! When he returned to Japan, I was the one who picked him up!

"Besides! It doesn't matter if I tell you one more thing! Are you curious why that guy Akutsu is not here? Because he has also joined the U.S. U-17 training

Ying! He also became one of the representatives of junior high school students!"

"And we have access to U-17 news because our minister has this ability! Even in this Japan U-17 training camp that we haven't entered yet,

You have to rely on strength to stay!”

"So, do you still have any questions about Tu?"

After Atobe Keigo finished speaking, he glanced at everyone present with a sneer.

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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