The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0166 Phantom Hyotei Is The Main Choice? ! How Dare You? !

0166 Phantom Hyotei's main selection?! How dare you?!

In the auditorium.

"It's 3-0! This doubles No. 1... ugh! I can only say that Rikkai has actually lost the possibility of winning the game!"

"Indeed! Although Niou Masaharu showed this method called phantom, it really shocked me! But there is still a big gap in front of Hyotei's genius and giant!!

"The key is... Now Rikkai's Jackal Kuwahara has barely reached a level close to the national level! But after being injured by Kabaji Munehiro, he can't help! Niou Masaharu wants a Hit two? How is that possible!!"

"That's right!! From the beginning of this match, Oshitari Yuushi and Kabaji Munehiro had no intention of holding back!! Jackal Kuwahara only injured his arm now, so he is lucky.

"Why should I fight? Rikkai just abstains! Two people have been injured today, and Seiichi Yukimura has bowed to Bei Xiao! What are these two insisting on?

"You can't say that, Rikkai Dai has lost 2 games in a row! The emperor and the strategist were injured at the hands of Hyotei, and the son of God bowed his head just 10 minutes ago! If the third game was forfeited and surrendered... Rikkai Dai... Even the past few years cannot completely erase this humiliation!"

" Niou Masaharu and Jackal Kuwahara are probably not fighting for the final championship, but simply want to finish the game!"

The embarrassed postures of Niou Masaharu and Jackal Kuwabara were watched by students from various schools in the audience.

Most people don't even feel like they need to keep going.

Although Tezuka Kunimitsu and others understand that Niou Masaharu and others do not want to give up the game, in their view, continuing to persevere will undoubtedly only increase the possibility of injury.

And Rikkai is in the dugout.

Seiichi Yukimura and others also clenched their fists.

When Jackal Kuwahara was injured, Seiichi Yukimura and Genichiro Sanada had the idea of ​​​​asking Niou Masaharu to give up the game directly.


The answer given by both of them was NO!!

Even if Jackal Kuwahara can only be a "server" in the court, he has no intention of giving up.

Not to mention Niou Masaharu.

At the Kanto Conference.

The disastrous defeat Rikkai suffered forced him and Yanagi Renji to train with all their strength for a month.


He will never accept the humiliation of leaving the court again.

In the competition court.

The fourth game begins.

Niou Masaharu stands at serve baseline.

Facing Oshitari Yuushi and Kabaji Munehiro, who both opened the door to the ultimate limit of hard work, the pressure he felt made his hand holding racquet tremble slightly.


With a slight breath, he exited the phantom Genichiro Sanada state in the eyes of Oshitari Yuushi and the two of them.

See this scene.

Oshitari Yuushi raised his eyebrows slightly: "What? Are you going to give up? You persisted until the fourth game... I thought you would at least finish this game no matter what! 17

For him and Kabaji Munehiro.

The purpose of this game is not just to win!!

He still remembers Yanagi Renji's shot that injured Ryo Anato.

Although Yanagi Renji has paid the price, it does not mean that the Water Emperor's anger has subsided!!

Niou Masaharu stared at Oshitari Yuushi with deep eyes.

"Give up.........stop joking!!"

"Although I didn't expect that the phantom Sanada wouldn't be able to threaten you...but! What if it's him?"

While talking.

Niou Masaharu's appearance began to change in the eyes of everyone present.

A familiar figure appeared in front of Oshitari Yuushi.

Seeing the object of the other party's phantom, Oshitari Yuushi sneered and adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"It's... interesting!"

"How dare you make a provocation..."

At this time, Niou Masaharu has phantomed into the appearance of Otori Cyotaroh.

Whether it's the posture ready to serve or the clarity and determination in his eyes, they all seem to be carved from the same mold.


"One ball...enters the soul!!"

The moment he swung the bat, everyone in the audience heard the familiar sound of hitting the ball.

Heavy artillery serve!!

Kabaji Munehiro stood at the baseline position in the backcourt to receive the ball, but his face did not change at all.

Almost at the same time as the sound of this heavy serve shot sounded, he had already taken the first step.

The moment the tennis ball bounced, his racquet was already in front of the ball.


Niou Masaharu's expression froze.

But he didn't hesitate at all, and while rushing towards the ball desperately, his figure changed again.

This time it’s Ryo Anato!!

"Don't even try to get past my defense!!"

A very high-quality half volley was played from the center of the midfield tennis ball.

Oshitari Yuushi's expression turned even colder upon seeing this.

"Enough is enough! You have already made me feel very rude!"


With a backhand swing, he hit a straight ball towards the opponent's face.

Oshitari Yuushi no longer wants to see Niou Masaharu continue his "performance".


"I think you are the one who is rude!!"


When "Atobe Ryo" changes again, the phantom becomes "Atobe Keigo"

Inside the Hyotei dugout.

Ryo Anato, Otori Cyotaroh, and the now phantomed Atobe Keigo all stood up.

Their expressions changed from calm to extremely ugly.

This feeling of being ghosted is not pleasant at all!!

Moreover, the opponent also used phantom methods to deal with Oshitari Yuushi and others in the game.

This was simply unbearable for the three of them.

But "Atobe Keigo" in the court obviously doesn't care about this kind of thing.

When he spoke coldly, he had already jumped up on one foot, holding the racquet with both hands, twisting his waist and waving it vigorously.

Center of gravity vertical jump play style!!


A powerful volley hit the court where Oshitari Yuushi and Yuushi were sitting.

Kabaji Munehiro was obviously angrier than Oshitari Yuushi when facing this goal.

Just because Niou Masaharu touched his baseline.

He forced Kabaji Munehiro to face "Atobe Keigo" and became his enemy!!

This is absolutely unacceptable to him!!

"Megaton bombing——

This ball!

Kabaji Munehiro's speed increased to an unprecedented level.

Now he just wants to turn the phantom in front of him into the person he grew up with...

Out of court!!


The inertia of running with your feet and the accumulation of energy to make triggering movements while running.

Kabaji Munehiro's "Megaton Bomb" was the most powerful bomb he had ever played in any game this year!!

The appearance of this goal also changed the expressions of everyone in the players' bench of Oshitari Yuushi and Hyotei.

Because Kabaji Munehiro didn’t even think about scoring with this goal!!

Just to attack Niou Masaharu!!

If this ball hits...

You can't run away if you hurt someone maliciously!!

There is no way to explain it!!

"Atobe Keigo" watched Kabaji Munehiro's goal appear, and a thought obviously flashed in his mind.

Give up resistance!!

As long as he was maliciously injured, then according to the rules of the game, Rikkai won the doubles number one game!!

But this idea was dismissed almost as soon as it appeared!

Rikkai probably needs this victory, and he himself also needs a victory to affirm his efforts over the past month!!


If he just wins the game like this, it's not what he wants to see.


The moment the tennis ball was about to hit him, he stepped to the right and managed to avoid it.


The sound of a tennis ball hitting the ground came from outside the back end of the court.

Everyone in the audience could see Kabaji Munehiro's goal, which made a fist-sized hole in the ground outside the boundary.


"OUT! Big score from Rikkai! Score 15-0!"

The referee also swallowed a mouthful of saliva before announcing the score.

He almost thought there was going to be another injured person in this game!!

Oshitari Yuushi didn't care at all about Kabaji Munehiro's out-ball. He turned to look at Kabaji Munehiro and said with a wry smile: "Kabaji, I know you are angry! But after all, you still have to abide by the rules!"

"Compared to this guy phantoming into Atobe, Atobe and the minister obviously don't want to see the game being declared lost because of a foul!"

"This is the last one...but you have to hold on!"

Kabaji Munehiro listened, tilted his head and was silent for a few seconds before nodding: "Okay!"

Oshitari Yuushi raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said softly: "Just leave the rest to me!"

As he spoke, he looked at Niou Masaharu again.

His originally relatively soft gaze became extremely cold and solemn.

Such a look not only made Niou Masaharu's expression freeze.

It also made Seiichi Yukimura and others in the Rikkai player's bench feel nervous when they also saw this look.

Don't look at it. In the previous game, Niou Masaharu phantomed Ryo Toto, Otori Cyotaroh and Atobe Keigo one after another and won a share.

But anyone with a clear eye can see it.

This point was more due to Kabaji Munehiro's severe mood swings.

And this also means......

Niou Masaharu will face the even more angry Oshitari Yuushi duo!

Inside the Hyotei dugout.

Atobe Keigo and the other three spoke in a deep voice at this time.

"You can actually phantom my heavy artillery serve...Compared to the imitation skills played in Selfless State, this phantom of Niou Masaharu is even more annoying!"

"Hmph!! Hua Chi missed that guy with that ball... He was really lucky!"

"My vertical jumping style is much more gorgeous than this guy's!! Damn it!!"

The words of the three people made Akutsu Jin's lips slightly raise: "Who makes you so easy to understand?"

As soon as these words came out.

"Akutsu!! Don't say sarcastic words!!"

"When did that guy understand me?!"

"Akutsu-senpai!! My heavy artillery serves much faster than his!!"

Obviously, all three of them were dissatisfied with Akutsu Jin's teasing at this time.

Bei Xiao slowly spoke at this time: "Akutsu, the way Niou Masaharu moved to avoid Huaji's ball just now also has your shadow!"

"But because your physical fitness is beyond what he can rely on training at this stage, you can't complete the phantom that requires a higher level!"


Akutsu Jin's expression doesn't look as bright either.

By one sink.

"Damn it! This guy's phantom... even me has become his target!!"

Sakaki Taro asked softly at this time: "So, this phantom skill and Selfless State seem to have the same effect, right? They both use other people's skills for their own use.

""It's just that the Phantom's weakness lies in its limitations! And the Selfless State's weakness lies in the massive consumption of physical strength?"

Bei Xiao shook his head: "No! Phantom is an extremely special method!"

As he spoke, he pointed at Niou Masaharu, who once again phantomed into Otori Cyotaroh in the court.

"Phantom! Its limitations are smaller than you think! This method completely relies on Niou Masaharu's own physical condition and understanding of the target.


"The reason why he is able to complete the phantom now, I guess, is that Yanagi Renji provided information that allowed him to complete a comprehensive understanding of you! Of course, such a comprehensive understanding only

It’s just what he and Yanagi Renji think they are!”

"As long as this method is thoroughly developed to the extreme..."

"If...he can phantom Tezuka Kunimitsu, it will open the door to the limit of seamlessness!"

"What does a Selfless State mean?"

This time.

Atobe Keigo and the others were also stunned.

Can even the extreme of seamlessness be phantomed?!

Akutsu Jin reacted the fastest. He asked tentatively: "So, this Niou Masaharu only needs to improve his mental power! There is no need to try to open the limit of seamlessness.


"By letting himself play the role of the person he phantomed, he can open the door to a seamless limit that outsiders need opportunity and talent to open?!"

Bei Xiao nodded noncommittally: "It can be explained like this! He only needs to know the answer, not the process of solving the problem!"

For a while.

Atobe Keigo and the others all turned their heads and stared at Niou Masaharu in the court.

There was a little dissatisfaction in his eyes.

This talent of "copying answers" directly is really hard to accept.

And in the court at this time.

The heavy artillery serve appears again.

Kabaji Munehiro listened to Oshitari Yuushi's words.

This time he didn't "act out of emotion", he just returned the ball with his backhand.



When Niou Masaharu ghosted Anato again, he hit a half-volley towards midfield.

Oshitari Yuushi has already moved.

A backhand slice blocked the half-volley in front of the net.

The spin on the ball made Niou Masaharu realize that this ball was unusual.

in a blink.

"Let me (Zhao Zhao) see through your spin!!"

"Atobe Keigo" appeared again, and his shouts also fully demonstrated Atobe Keigo's usual arrogant tone.

But what surprised Niou Masaharu was that he couldn't see through the direction of rotation of Oshitari Yuushi's return ball.


The tennis ball hit the court ground, and Niou Masaharu couldn't care too much. He could only grit his teeth and rely on his experience and luck to catch it.

It should be... it bounces to the left?!


But the muffled sound of the tennis ball hitting his chest was enough to prove that he was not lucky and his experience did not help the opponent!!


Although this ball was not as impactful as Kabaji Munehiro's "Megaton Bomb", the spin of the ball still made Niou Masaharu take a breath of air.

There was a burning stinging sensation where he was hit in the chest.

Coupled with the sweat stains on his body, it made him frown even more.

"Hyotei scores! Score 15-15!"

When the referee announced the score, Oshitari Yuushi also looked at Niou Masaharu coldly.

"Don't worry! You won't be knocked out of the court by Huaji's power in this match!"

"As long as you don't give up, I can play with you slowly!"

"Although your phantom looks decent... but the phantom becomes a Hyotei player... against Kachi and me..."

"You are braver than I thought!"

With that said, he walked back to his position in the frontcourt, shook Racquet: "What other means is best to take out all at once!"

"This is also my last polite advice to you!"

Oshitari Yuushi's words made Niou Masaharu grit his teeth.

But he didn't say anything, he just turned around and walked towards the serve baseline position.

After seeing Oshitari Yuushi score a goal, everyone in the audience felt something strange in their hearts!!


Jackal Kuwahara is destined not to be the only one injured in this game!

Niou Masaharu will certainly not be able to escape this fate! Pong!

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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