The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 159 My youth is a bit difficult 21

After the police heard that Chen Yi had woken up, they came over again to give a statement and brought a psychologist to give Chen Yi a mental test.

The test results came out, of course there was no problem.

He is a bit introverted, but does not have any mental illness.

Tao Ran didn't say much, just looked at Chen Jian calmly.

As long as I am sick, then all the accusations I have made against her will not count, right? Dad, do you really still believe her?

Chen Jian opened his mouth. After two days, he was already stupid.

He felt like he was going to have a schizophrenia.

In front of her daughter, Ma Xiuzhu showed all kinds of signs that she was a downright vicious stepmother.

So much so that he shuddered a little when he thought of her now.

But he subconsciously felt that Ma Xiuzhu would not go that far. Domestic violence? Paying a murderer? He really didn't believe it. But he couldn't suppress his suspicion of Ma Xiuzhu.

He felt that he was blind and could no longer tell the truth from the false.

Tao Ran smiled lightly.

This man was inherently indecisive and soft-spoken, otherwise he would not have been manipulated by Ma Xiuzhu and his daughter. Such a person is very lucky to be able to run a company well.

In addition, the police also informed the father and daughter of the investigation results, saying that Wang Shu's motive and direction of the murder were not sufficient to conclusively identify him as a murder suspect.

Tao Ran had expected this.

The so-called murder is just nonsense driven by her excitement. There is no real evidence at all. If she can really rely on words, sending people to jail is the real tragedy of society.

So, after thinking about it with a sad face for two minutes, she frowned and said, Is it because I was too scared and nervous at the time, and they were too arrogant and pursued me so hard? When I heard them say they wanted to kill me, I believed it. ?”

This is all she can do.

Otherwise, if the police see that she was deliberately wronged, everything will be lost.

The police officer nodded and asked about domestic violence.

Chen Yi bluntly said that she had no evidence. Every time she was bullied, she had no money, no time, and no chance to call the police or go to the hospital. Because of this, her stepmother and stepsisters became more and more unscrupulous towards her...

The police gave Chen Jian a good education and scolded him for his poor supervision. Chen Jian thought it was right and said he would never let these things happen again in the future.

Before the police left, they informed them that Ma Xiuzhu and her daughter were very separate. No evidence or witnesses have been found to connect Zhou Qingqing and Wang Shu. There is no way to prove that Zhou Qingqing instigated yesterday's incident, so there should be no way to continue the investigation.

Judging from all the evidence now, the only two points that can be continued to be traced are the injury caused by Wang Shu and several people to Chen Yi and the fall from the building. The evidence is considered conclusive.

This was something Tao Ran expected.

Zhou Qingqing disguised herself so well in front of teachers and classmates, so she must have worked hard not to leave any clues. If Wang Shu really had a way to bite Zhou Qingqing to death, yesterday's accident should have been exposed as soon as possible.

In this regard, Tao Ran is not disappointed.

She spent so much time trying to involve Ma Xiuzhu and her daughter. Did she really want to convict them?

No no no!

She doesn't have the ability to just rely on her words without evidence!

So what she wanted from the beginning was just to ruin their reputation and kill them.

Legal trials require evidence, and she cannot fabricate it.

But as long as she makes a big enough fuss, no matter whether it is true or false, it will be enough for them to accept the trial from the people. Use the people's and secular standards of vision to determine right and wrong.

Before, they isolated Chen Yi and made Chen Yi suffer helplessly. This time, they were isolated!

We’ll see!

Chen Jian stayed with his daughter all night, explaining, apologizing, begging for forgiveness, and didn't even answer Ma Xiuzhu's call...

Tao Ran felt that although Chen Yi might not hate his father, it would be too easy for him to forgive him so easily. So she just let herself go, pretending to be in a rice field, lying on a rocking chair, imagining his noisy voice as the sound of frogs, but didn't say a word...

Her indifference naturally made Chen Jian feel more guilty, and he stated in a low voice that from now on, he would take good care of her and not let her be wronged. He also asked her what she thought about the future, and he would try his best to satisfy her.

what idea?

Tao Ran was thinking about it too!

She came here in a hurry yesterday, and as soon as she entered Chen Yi's body, she was being chased. She didn't even have time to take advantage of it!

The trouble with this mission was the word underage, which meant she didn't even have the right to move out of the house and live on her own. Right now, she doesn't have the ability to take care of her grandma. The best way is to wait until she turns sixteen...

Oh my gosh, there’s still more than a year to go!

Did she have to stay up for that long? So the witch gave her a piece of advice before she came over: Don't worry about the speed of time?

After a night of fermentation, by the next day, yesterday's incident had already spread to a lot of people...

Especially in the second half of the night, Tao Ran's sincere plea became a hot topic in the media, and several celebrities with children also retweeted it on Weibo, making the matter even more popular.

On the Internet, although the serious official media did not express its position, it alarmed the local media.

The school is under increasing pressure and sincerely stated that it would cooperate with the police in a thorough investigation.

The three tyrants' family, who originally planned to solve the problem by taking advantage of the fact that all parties wanted to make a big deal out of a small matter, could no longer sit still.

Among the three, Uncle Tan Chao has some power in the local area. Usually he can ask for help to suppress this matter, but this time he failed to cover it up, so that his uncle directly flirted with him. There was nothing he could do about it! …

In this way, even if the three little ruffians want to reconcile, it is no longer possible.

The three of them were completely panicked.

Especially Liu Hua. Unlike Wang Shu, who is still two months away from turning fourteen, and Tan Chao, who is on the first day of the new year this year, he is the oldest among the three. He is already over fourteen years old. According to the standards of his country's juvenile delinquents, he is ten years old. Four years old is exactly the right line, and the punishment standards are different.

Therefore, in order to seek a lenient treatment, under the guidance of the police, he directly provided counter-evidence and exposed the bad things that several people had done in the past.

In less than a day, several internal cliques in the school were uncovered.

Chen Yi has been adapted into multiple versions of the story because of her brave fight against violence. In addition, the video that has been widely circulated on the Internet calling for the courage to say no to violence has become a story in the hearts of many people. A role model for speaking up...

Chen Yi was discharged from the hospital and went home on the afternoon of the second day after the incident.

I can't stay in the hospital any longer.

There are too many people coming and going.

All kinds of media, all kinds of enthusiastic people, and many people who like melon.

Anyway, her goal was achieved. She didn't want to be an internet celebrity or show her face, so she decided to leave the hospital early.

go home!

Chen Jian asked her what she meant, saying that in the next few days, he would be unable to take care of her at work, and asked her if she wanted to stay with her aunt for a while.

Tao Ran refused.


Internal injury and autism...

The desire to survive is still there, but the previous chapter where the heroine asks for help from the radio station is still banned. I spent the whole day yesterday revising the article. I hope this one will be safe. If that still doesn't work, this chapter will have to be fast forwarded. o(╥﹏╥)o, thank you all for your support, thank you for your monthly votes, and thank you for your rewards. Moma loves you.

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