The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 158 My youth is a bit difficult 20

At this time, several school leaders also stepped in at the right time.

They really don't want any homicide or suicide to happen. Whenever the word kill is used, it will greatly affect the school! This kind of thing cannot happen in school.

So Ma Xiuzhu completely denied it. They were happy to hold prejudices, and then pointed out that Wang Shu and others had indeed been bullying their classmates in various ways. But bullying is possible, but when it comes to killing, it is definitely not...

In fact, after some investigation, the police station did not find conclusive evidence that Wang Shu and others committed murder. There were no witnesses of the murder. Even the physical education teacher and classmates only saw Wang Shu and Chen Yi confronting each other on the roof of the building. There were tens of meters between them, which didn't make sense.

Second, there is no surveillance or other evidence to prove that all clues can only point to one side running and the other chasing, and there may not necessarily be a kill action.

Third, the murder weapon was not found. I searched all around the school's abandoned buildings, but couldn't find even a dagger. Chen Yi also ran to the top floor by herself, not Wang Shu and the others who led her there.

In addition, Wang Shu and the others' mobile phones contained KTV records of three people's reservations. They also made appointments with people outside the school, saying they would climb over the wall and go out to have fun together after the physical education get out of class was over. The words he spoke were relaxed and exciting, but it really didn't sound like he had any intention to kill...

Ma Xiuzhu said:

Comrade police officer, I think the most important thing today is to give Chen Yi a mental evaluation first.

Ma Xiuzhu really thinks so.

Isn't that dead kid crazy? Otherwise, how could it be like a different person? And murder? Fortunately she could figure it out!

Looking at that girl's condition today, she is not mentally ill but also depressed, right? As long as he is found to be sick, the accusation against him will naturally be overturned.

Then she can be more generous and not argue with a mental patient.

At this point, Wang Shu and others also expressed strong support.

They also said together that Chen Yi did have a mental problem. They were just chasing her for fun, but she got into a chase incident. Maybe she was suffering from schizophrenia, delusional disorder, mania...

When Chen Yi was in coma, several leaders from the school visited the hospital.

They did a lot of ideological work with Chen Jian, hoping that Chen Jian could make big things smaller. The school will give Chen Yi the greatest care in the future, including all aspects.

The school will also come forward to negotiate with the parents of Wang Shu and the other three to ask them to provide certain financial compensation to Chen Yi...

Chen Jian said that after his daughter woke up, he respected his daughter's wishes.

The school was relieved to see that he was not as tough as he was in the afternoon, saying he would sue to the end. To deal with this parent, the police can tell them anything as long as it is not a criminal case. After handling it in a low-key manner, this matter will be over...

Therefore, after the school kept silent about the students, the matter did not spread quickly.

Chen Jian's acquiescence was not because of Ma Xiuzhu's mother, daughter and son, but mainly for his daughter. My daughter is very sensitive and in a bad mental state. This matter has become known to everyone, and the daughter is the one who is hurt the most.

After all, he still has to go back to school and get along with others in the society. If it makes a big fuss and is pushed to the top of public opinion, he is afraid that his daughter will not be able to bear it, and he is also afraid that the label of victim will follow her for the rest of her life.

And if those ugly photos are spread out, how will the children accept them? …

Therefore, Chen Jian also felt that this matter should be handled in a low-key manner, so he acquiesced to the school's attitude.

Because of this, when Tao Ran woke up, she realized that the thing she had put so much effort into had not been exposed at all. How could she be willing to do this?

In the end, her troubles caused the matter to escalate quickly...

So, when Chen Jian frantically searched for his daughter in the hospital, and finally received a call and hurried back to the ward, he found his daughter sitting on the bed crying, and several reporters were already standing around her...

At the same time, the police station's phone kept ringing, with greetings coming from above, from the common people, from the media, and from all sides...

The cell phones of several school leaders also kept ringing. Seeing a series of strange phone calls, they didn't dare to answer them at all...

On Weibo, because of the media's involvement, it fermented quickly.

The parents of No. 1 Middle School have heard about this for a long time. Although they dare not face the camera to expose it, it does not prevent them from expressing support online.

They couldn't believe that there were so many villains in their children's school, and they were worried and angry. They couldn't accept that such a big thing had just disappeared without causing any waves, and not a single one of it was exposed in the local news. How chilling!

So if something like this happens to your own children in the future, how will you and your children feel helpless and miserable?

Parents also secretly began to help raise their voices online.

Several parents of bullied children even formed a small group and raised a sum of money to directly buy the popularity.

With the help of public accounts, several topics about this matter have appeared, and have been forwarded and followed by big Vs.

In the middle of the night, this incident finally occupied the top trending search...

When Chen Jian rushed back to the ward, Tao Ran had already told reporters about her.

Several reporters were also lamenting and stated that they would seek verification. No matter what the outcome of the incident was, they would fulfill their responsibilities as media people and report the whole story.

Thank you, brothers and sisters. I am willing to speak out bravely. I hope that all violence can disappear from our side as soon as possible. I hope that domestic violence can be banned, and I hope that all minors can be protected.

Tao Ran did not refuse the camera and also used her original voice, I ask the society to help us. I hope we can have a learning and living environment where we can grow up healthily!

Her voice trembled and she sobbed: On behalf of all the minors who are being bullied, thank you all!

After that, she insisted on getting out of bed and bowed to the camera...

A passage that made several reporters sore their noses and made their eyes red.

Don't worry, little girl, we will code it for you.

We also want to thank you for having the courage to come forward.

Xiaoyi... The reporter left, and Chen Jian began to wipe his tears again. Why don't you wait until dad comes? You may have to face a lot after this matter gets big. Have you thought about it? Can you accept it?

After returning from the future, can Chen Yi accept that her past has been talked about and that she herself has become a representative for vulnerable minors?

Of course Tao Ran had thought about this.

No one hopes that they will become famous for something like this, but they hold back because they are afraid?

She thought of Chen Yi's wishes, the first of which was to live well and never be knocked down easily again!

Her understanding of this is that Chen Yi wants to become truly powerful.

In Tao Ran's view, becoming strong requires a process.

Facing it bravely is the first step, not escaping.

Only when you face and accept your current self with an open mind can you bravely move forward step by step.

In the plot, Chen Yi committed suicide precisely because her heart was not strong enough. On the contrary, it makes enemies happy and relatives painful.

So now that she is here, let her accompany Chen Yi to strengthen herself.

Tao Ran feels that being able to get up in the eyes of everyone and go higher and further after encountering setbacks and grievances is truly powerful and can be admired by more people.

In addition, if I can help some students like Chen Yi by coming forward this time, it will be meaningful.

So this time, let her speak out bravely...

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