The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 160 My youth is a bit difficult 22

Tao Ran does not plan to move out of the original owner's home.

Even though Father Chen made the suggestion based on many concerns.

But still no!

Don’t have a home to live in? Going to seek refuge with relatives? Why?

According to previous reports, she was the eldest daughter of her original wife, with pure blood, and a legitimate eldest lady. She should stay at Chen's house, why should she leave?

Whoever can't stay will leave, whoever can't stand it will leave, whoever can't stand it will leave, but she won't leave anyway!

It's not easy to conquer the country. What if she gives it up and her opponent takes back the gains?

And as long as she is around, many people will feel uncomfortable!

She just likes to stand in the eyes of those people and appreciate the way they look down on her but can't kill her!

She’s not afraid anyway!

The matter had gotten so big that for a while, even if she broke the whole world, the mother and daughter didn't dare to do anything to her.

In this case, she will naturally go home and become an aunt!

Of course, she didn't forget to act in front of Chen Jian and act pitiful, which made Chen Jian extremely distressed.

After you return home, your father will find you a separate nanny who will be responsible for your food, clothing and daily life. There is also safety. You should have a good rest these days. Don't rush to school. Take good care of your health first.

The father of Wang Shu and the others will not let them go.

If you don't like this school now, let's change it. If you have this wish, Dad will help you find a better private school tomorrow. If you still want to stay in the current school, Dad will also help you directly Talk to the principal. The school needs something from us. If you have any requests, just ask them. Think about this first.

From now on, when you go to school, you won't be with Zhou Qingqing. Dad will take you there personally. If Dad is on a business trip, he will ask the driver to take you there.

If you have no money in the future, just tell dad. Dad will open an account for you tomorrow and transfer money to you regularly in the future. You can manage the money by yourself. Dad will buy you a mobile phone later. If you have anything to do in the future, you can contact dad directly. You Dad hasn't talked to stepmother yet, but today he will definitely ask her and Qingqing to give you an explanation...

On the way home, Chen Jian kept talking.


Tao Ran interrupted her.

I can do anything. She has the ability to protect herself. But what about grandma? What I said yesterday was not a random fabrication. Our family is rich. After my mother died, you were a diamond bachelor at that time. Many people should want to get close to you. Do you really not feel that Ma Xiuzhu has a purpose for you? ?It’s understandable that they want to climb up, but if they go to any lengths to harm our loved ones, I absolutely cannot accept it.”

If she hadn't been a minor, didn't even have an ID card, and couldn't do anything, she wouldn't have expected her father to say anything about whether he could do it or not!

I understand. Dad will find someone to investigate the past.

Also, Tao Ran's gaze shifted from Chen Jian to the window. Whether you believe it or not, Zhou Qingqing once made fun of grandma in front of me. They know that grandma is my weakness, so I hope you can protect grandma.

Although he was not sure whether this father could do it, Tao Ran couldn't help but give him a reminder.

Chen Jian felt uncomfortable again when he saw his daughter's disappointed expression.

I'll find another caregiver for your grandma. It'll be fine.

Got home.

Chen Jian drove into the underground garage. Tao Ran didn't want to wait for him and went straight upstairs.


Look, this well-decorated apartment has two floors, a good location, good security, and a good environment.

With five bedrooms and two living rooms, the Chen family is in really good condition.

Chen Jian is rich, easy to cheat, and obedient.

And what about her, Ma Xiuzhu?

I heard that her ex-husband was not a good person and often stayed away from home. Ma Xiuzhu finally got divorced and all her money was taken away. As someone who has nothing but a slutty daughter, how can she hold on to a fool like Chen Jian?

Early this morning, Ma Xiuzhu and Zhou Qingqing were called to the police station for questioning, so Tao Ran knew that they were not at home.

After pressing my fingerprint, the door beeped twice and opened.

As soon as Tao Ran opened the door and walked in, he heard two voices.

A middle-aged female voice said: Good boy, Xiao Chao, eat something first. You haven't eaten yet today.

A childish voice: I don't want to eat. I have to wait for my mother and sister Qingqing to come back. Wuwuwu. Mom and sister don't have anything to eat, so they must be hungry. When will dad come back? Mom cooked it for him this morning. The ginseng chicken soup is still warm in the pot!

Good boy, little Chao, don't cry. If you're hungry, your parents will feel sorry for you. Look, aunt has made you your favorite ribs, chicken wings and prawns. Try it.

I can't eat it. My mother is so pitiful. She kept crying after she came back in the middle of the night yesterday, saying that her eldest sister had wronged her and her father didn't believe her. She felt so wronged. She is such a good person, how could she do bad things...

Yes, who doesn't know your mother's character? She cared so much about your eldest sister, who would have thought that she would be wronged by your eldest sister. Being a stepmother is not easy, and the most difficult, thankless and thankless one is your mother.

Aunt, I want to find my mother. Please take me to find my mother and ask my mother to come back soon... I don't want to see my mother cry anymore. When my mother cries, I want to cry too. I don't even want to eat... Wuwuwu …”


Tsk! Tao Ran sneered and walked to the entrance with his arms crossed.

The two people talking were Chen Chao, the six-year-old son of Ma Xiuzhu and Chen Jian, and Ma Xiuzhu's cousin Zou Na.

There was chaos yesterday and no one at home took care of Chen Chao, so Chen Jian asked Zou Na to take care of the child.

Tao Ran leaned against the entrance and interrupted directly: It's me! It's not my dad. Your all-in-one drama is in vain. Wipe your tears quickly. Don't tell me to watch a joke!

It was obvious that the two of them heard the knock on the door and thought Chen Jian was back, so they deliberately told Chen Jian.

The two of them were exposed and their eyes widened in anger.

Zou Na stretched her neck to take a look, but no, she only saw the arrogant Chen Yi, but no trace of Chen Jian.

She felt angry instantly.

Who is acting! Don't talk nonsense!

Then you are probably deaf and didn't hear me opening the door?

You—— Zou Na huffed.

Chen Jian has refused to show up since yesterday. Ma Xiuzhu and her daughter are unsure of what to do and plan to use their son as a breakthrough in the hope that he will give up the investigation.

Chen Jian has always been a precious son and will definitely be soft-hearted.

When the time comes, everyone will try to persuade him, and his anger will be gone.

So, they started teaching Xiao Chao this rhetoric last night, and practiced it for a long time this morning.

Chen Jian didn't reply yesterday. He must be back today to change clothes. As soon as they heard the door knock, the two of them quickly started acting.

After all, Chen Yi fell from a high altitude, so Zou Na never thought that she would be discharged from the hospital so early.

Now the drama she was performing was not only seen by others, but also exposed in front of her face. Zou Na felt embarrassed and suddenly turned black.

She ran to the door and took a peek. The door was empty, but Chen Jian was really missing.

You came back on your own?

Yeah, are you anxious to find him to act?

Tao Ran smiled. But I don't think the one just now was very good. How about you two re-imagine it and try another one? I can give you a reference to see if it can impress my dad.

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