The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 157 My youth is a bit difficult 19

Chen Yi's voice was cut out of the live broadcast.

I'm sorry Xiaoyi, our radio station is a public media and must be responsible to the listeners. Before verifying what you just said, we can only interrupt the contact between you and the host. I hope you can understand.

That director is pretty good.

Do you have anything else to say? I can record it for you first. As long as I verify the truth of what you said, I will ask my colleagues from the Social News Department to help you and help you next. Okay?

Tao Ran heard the director sigh softly.

Our program team will try our best to help. The director lowered his voice, and Tao Ran could hear her distress.

Sister Director, what I said is true. I can take responsibility for everything I just said. Sister Director, I know you are under pressure, but if you can, I beg you to help me. I even jumped off the building, but It's still useless. I really tried my best. I just ran out of the ward with a lot of effort, and now I'm calling for help from a public phone.

No one can help me. You are the media I trust most. I can only turn to you for help now. You can see my phone number, and you can check it to see if it’s from the hospital. I...I really don’t want to die...wuwuwu...

Tao Ran didn't know that the radio station had already cut a song into the live broadcast, and the two hosts had taken off their microphones and ran to the outside studio. When they heard what she said, the male host was silent and the female host was red-eyed.

Although it has not been completely confirmed, they subconsciously feel that classmate Xiaoyi is not lying... After all, it is a human life. What Xiaoyi said is critical. If it is true, but they are missed because of fear, how can they feel so proud? go?

And they've checked that call, and it's indeed from the hospital.

Ignoring the flashing phone lights on the operating table for the time being, the three of them each took out their mobile phones. One contacted a familiar reporter to inquire, one opened a group group on the stage to inquire, and the third called a well-connected person. old friend...

Tao Ran didn't believe that in this situation, who else could completely cover up the matter.

Even though not many people listen to radio these days, the city they live in is still a second-tier city with a total population of several million, and the traffic station is the favorite channel of local drivers, so through the airwaves, her story has undoubtedly begun to spread. . She believed that there would always be some kind people willing to help her...

Indeed, except for a few people from the radio program team, there are actually quite a few people who have troubles in their hearts and want to do something.

Some drivers stopped their cars and called 110 directly; some called the People's Hospital to ask if there was Xiaoyi in the tenth ward of the inpatient department; some called the city police station to ask how the matter of Xiaoyi was handled... …

Some listeners of the program are calling the radio station to inquire about the follow-up; some people are starting to ask their children in No. 1 Middle School whether this is really the case; and some parents who have already heard about this from the children who have been silenced but have been burdened with it are starting to reflect again and think about it. Does it count as encouraging evil forces if you help cover it up yourself?

Online, the official website of the Communications Station was crowded with too many people. The audio source of tonight's program has been intercepted in large quantities, and some people have begun to post it on Weibo and tag a number of important domestic official media.

Some people who were touched edited Xiaoyi's radio voice and prepared to publish it online; well-informed reporters have also begun to take action. There is enough material here, and you can make a topic by picking just one item. Some of them went to the police station, some to the hospital...

When Chen Yi was unconscious, the police station's interrogation continued.

But no matter how she was asked, Ma Xiuzhu denied all the accusations.

Where's the evidence?

Did she say she was a victim of domestic violence? Where is the evidence? Who saw it? Who heard it? What about the hospital certificate?

That she paid to kill someone? Where is the evidence? Can't you even admit it to the three scoundrels?

Want to convict her based on nothing but one person's words?

She is not afraid! Don’t be afraid of lawsuits!

So even though Chen Jian had allowed her mother and daughter to be taken to the police station without caring about them at all, Ma Xiuzhu was not very panicked.

Stepdaughters are naturally hostile to their stepmothers. What Chen Yi said is unbelievable! Moreover, the child has always been withdrawn. All relatives, friends, teachers and classmates know this. You can check this. Such a child, she She already has mental problems, how can she believe what she says?

Not only did Ma Xiuzhu deny everything, but Zhou Qingqing also overturned the previous statement.

Regarding her previous statement in public that she lent Wang Shu more than a thousand yuan, she also completely changed her story:

Actually, I am also a victim. I didn't borrow the money willingly, but they forced me to give it! They often do this, and they do it every day when they take away the money and belongings of my classmates. Uncle police, you guys go to school and give it to me. Just ask.

Today they stopped me and told me that if I didn't pay them, they would take photos of me like they did my sister. As soon as I was scared, I took out more than a thousand yuan to buy a massager for my grandma, hoping to ask Wang Shu to let my sister and I go. Probably because my sister saw that scene, she misunderstood and thought that everything was instigated by me.

How could I do that? She and I have always had a very good relationship, as all the teachers and classmates can testify! Every time when she is bullied, I am the only one who stands up to her! If you don’t believe it, just ask and find out!

Zhou Qingqing just brushed it off.

Then why did you lie earlier and say you lent the money to Wang Shu?

I...I'm not like my sister. I'm afraid of Wang Shu's revenge, so I didn't tell the truth.

This lie was told by Ma Xiuzhu and Zhou Qingqing.

My daughter is having a great life and her youthful years, how can there be any blemishes? How could he be involved with the gangster who might be going in at any time?

And only in this way can they completely cut off their suspicion of persecuting Chen Yi.

Therefore, Ma Xiuzhu almost died when she heard her daughter was forced to talk nonsense in the afternoon.

After being taken to the police station, she found an opportunity to tell her daughter that she must say it again. Not only could she not be said to have lent money to Wang Shu, but she also had to use the money to make the ruffians show mercy for her sister. If it doesn't work, just say that the gangsters are blackmailing her, and she gave the money because she was afraid...

As soon as Zhou Qingqing said this, Wang Shu and others jumped.

how? In the end, did all the blame really fall back on them? Did they add another crime of extortion?

Zhou Qingqing, you'd better think of your answer! Wang Shu gritted his teeth.

Zhou Qingqing was under great pressure and cried loudly. She imitated Chen Yi's behavior in the afternoon, pretending to be frightened and helpless due to persecution, holding her head and shaking.

Ma Xiuzhu's mind was spinning quickly and she held her daughter in her arms distressedly: Poor child! Why didn't you tell your mother earlier? No wonder you have become so thin recently because you can't eat or sleep. So, this is what you have been doing recently. Is that why you always take money from your mother? Do they often blackmail you? Do they beat you? Comrade police, I want to sue them too! Sue them for extorting and bullying my children!

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